My main problem as a writer is that I don’t write because “I have a story to tell”. I write because there are worlds I want to visit, ideas I want to explore, people I want to meet, conversations I want to hear, emotions that I want to express, and impossibilities I want to make real.
Which means that I still need a fucking plot.
125K notes · View notes
ALSO! do you know how many fuckers have fucking cheated on their partners? A fuck load. You know this right? It’s not some great, mystical feat. He didn’t fuck a unicorn. Unlike Katherine the Great. I’m sorry that was a bad history joke. Or, I think it was funny. You’d get it if you weren’t an idiot. Are you an idiot? Oh right, you are. We covered this in my last one of these, didn’t we? I thought me did. Well, let me restate this. You’re an idiot.  you’re  welcome. Have a nice fucking day. 
Slutshaming women is not ok Slutshaming Alexander Hamilton is totally ok Tumblr logic
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Don’t know if anyone remembers this, but Alexander Hamilton was a real person. A pretty amazing person, if you ask me. And, that’s was one bloody time and then there was the whole mess with he Reynolds Pamphlet…He made a mistake, he owned up to it, didn’t try to make too many excuses(’it was an accident!’ ‘i swear, it just happened!’ ‘It all happened so fast!’ ‘i swear I didn’t mean it!’ ‘i love you!’ Etc).   Do you want me to rant about John Laurens right now? I will, that way you won’t be able to use him against my argument. Which would be idiocy and I hope you aren’t an idiot. 
Slutshaming women is not ok Slutshaming Alexander Hamilton is totally ok Tumblr logic
497K notes · View notes
Not reply what they were asking, but Turn. Not only is it the Drarry fic, but it’s sort of like that.  https://archiveofourown.org/works/879852/chapters/1692695  I love the narcissistic snake trope. 
your blog really is a godsend! i’m looking for a fic where harry was under a curse (?) and basically it was an alternate universe where neville was the chosen one and he and draco were friends. it was basically harry’s entire life up to having kids and then he woke up from the curse and wasn’t with draco. i’m pretty sure they also went ice skating at some point after harry woke up from the curse. sorry it’s not much! thank you, have a great day :)
I’ve seen this similar theme before? My terrible memory is blank so I hope my lovely followers can help you :)
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“like blowing bubbles”
That’s gay. 
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do magical kids get yearbooks??? this was such a great excuse to draw 16 portraits
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I do not agree that’s it’s canon, it’s not. However. I do like the idea and am trying or incorporate it into my fic. 
Black Hermione.
Reblog if you agree.
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I’m curious...
reblog if what jkr says is no longer canon to you 
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obsessed with the idea of vampire snow white
266 notes · View notes
How I Plan...
Building a story or series from the ground up with the help of templates!
This is how I approach planning. It covers what I do up to the point of opening a blank document and typing the first word.
Despite the tags this isn’t going to be ‘how to’ or advice based because who am I to tell you how to plan a story? This is only an option:) I engourage you to steal liberally but also question whether or not this method will work for you. If you don’t vibe with something, throw it out!
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*you don’t have to answer these questions in order.
Genre/Sub-genres: Picking a genre can help you find ideas/tropes faster. If you’ve written or read a book before you probably know the types of stories you like.
Age Category: This can help you find themes for you story. I like to sepate genre and cataegory since you can have a young adult or an adult romance.
Point Of View: Pick who will tell the story. Will there be more than one?
Tense: First, second or third person? Past or present?
Formatting: How will the story be split up? Through chapters or parts. I also like to put whether or not I’ll have a playlist, any quotes or epigraphs, prologues or epilogues, anything like that.
Tone: Will your story be serious, light hearted, sad, satirical...etc
Atmosphere/Color palette: I like to use this for when I’m writing description. Using specificities to elevate your writing can bring a world together and make it feel real.
Overall Concept: As vague as you’d like it to be! I usually give a few sentences.
Comparison Titles: I love to use comparison titles in the beginning when nothing has been solidified. It helps me know what came before me while still generating lots of inspiration.
Series Title: I usually base it off the first books title or a significant thing that links all the stories together.
Number of stories you want: I don’t always know how many stories will be in a series but it’s good to have a rough esimate of how many you’d like to write.
Number of stories realistically achievable: But we all know that sometimes an idea just isn’t sustainable for a 10 book series but works rather well as a trilogy instead.
Story that will kick off the series: All of your stories should fit a purpose in the series but this book will take the roll as a set-up (not to be confused as ‘filler’) for the rest of your series. It’s just something to have in mind when planning. This way you can plant twists and foreshadowing for the rest of the books.
Story that will close out the series: This story has big shoes to fill since you’ve probably been amping everything up to an explosive finish but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if it’s bigger and better than what came before, it only matters if it’s a satisfying close to the whole series.
Summarize each story
Story # 1 summary ...you get the idea
Timeline: I like to know what year the series starts and when it will end. It might sound complicated but it’s so helpful. You don’t want a character to be pregnant or something for three books if the the stories have spanned more than nine months.
Spin-offs: You might find that you’ve got some ideas that don’t quite fit in with the others but they have some common elements. A spin-off is a cool way to explore those other ideas.
Naming conventions: I like to name my individual stories similar things to keep a theme. Example: J. R. Wards Black Dagger Brotherhood series has book titles with the word ‘Lover’ in them. There’s also naming conventions like the ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas that go “A Court of Blank and Blank”
Town/City/Village Name:
Area Description:
Common Weather:
Popular Figures:
Popular Locations:
Historical Background and Events:
What might the town be hiding to the average passer-by?
*You can definitely add more questions depending on your story. I write mostly within our world but I do like to create fictional towns.
Full Name:
Personality Traits:
Zodiac Sign:
Theme Song:
Daily Life:
* Again, you can add any more questions you’d like to. These are just the ones I like to use to get going. Some of them are super vague, so in Daily Life I’ll put their living arrangement, transportation, pets or anything like that. I also add loads of stuff in their Description such as sexuality, how they dress, tattoos or scars, etc.
*this is for anything like a fictional club, cult, company, evil organization or something like that.
Current Leader:
Current Operation:
Biggest Threat:
Biggest Allies:
Council Members (include roles):
Other Members (include roles):
Working Title: Sometimes I use something concrete but if I need to get it out of the way I’ll put something like Project Black.
Estimated Length: Word or chapter count you’d like to achieve.
Order: Which book in the series is it?
Premise: I like to refer to this as the summary’s skeleton.
Story Summary:
Story Theme Song: This is just for fun but sometimes it really helps me capture what the whole story might be. I can also use it when I’m low on inspiration.
* I’d recommend googling an explanation of story beats or purchasing Blake Snyder or Jessica Brody’s book on Save The Cat beat sheet. But on the other hand, you don’t have to use a beat sheet at all. And if at any point during planning you feel like you’re ready to write then go for it!
Opening Image: An image that catapults your audience into the look and feel of your story
Theme Stated: Typically the theme of the story is communicated by someone fairly early on. This is dialogue spoken to the protagonist that he doesn’t quite grasp yet.
Set-Up: Show the protagonist in their “old world.” Let the audience know what the status quo is for them, then hint at the adventure that follows. This is also a time to introduce secondary characters.
Catalyst: Sometimes called the “inciting incident,” the catalyst is the event that disrupts your protagonist’s status quo. But they’re not ready to make the choice that catapults them into the story just yet.
Debate: This is where the protagonist has doubts about setting out on their perilous journey.
Break into Two: Inevitably, your protagonist will overcome their doubt and make a choice to set out on their adventure. This is the choice that sets the plot in motion. Your beat sheet will be filled with obstacles and twists resulting from making this choice from here on out.
B Story: A subplot ensues. Some would say that this is usually a romantic subplot.
Fun and Games: Plot structure requires a stretch where your protagonist wields their new power, and does cool stuff with it. I’ve also heard this referred to as the Promise of The Premise. So in Hunger Games by Susanne Collins this would be Katniss actually fighting in the games.
Midpoint: At some point, your protagonist will either get what they’re after... or not. But there will be consequences either way.
Bad Guys Close In: After your protagonist gets what they want, or not, there will be consequences. These forces will tighten their grasp, and throw the protagonist off balance.
All Is Lost: The dire circumstances your protagonist endures will lead to an inevitable loss. Which can be anything but it most commonly a character death.
Dark Night of the Soul: At this point of the Save the Cat beat sheet template, your protagonist has lost hope.
Break into Three: In plot structure, this is where your protagonist claws around in the darkness, only to find or remember something useful.
Finale: Treat the finale as the Act 3 summary. The Save the Cat beat sheet template is at its end, so it’s time for the protagonist to take on their foes. Armed with new tools and self-discoveries, the protagonist often synthesizes what they've learned (in Act 2) with values they've always had (Act 1).
Final Image: Along with the opening image, the final image creates the bookend that encapsulates the journey. This is the last thing the audience is left with.
*Closing thoughts: I have never used just a beat sheet because they don’t resonate with me for every story. I always add stuff or take away. I think there is a special beat missing between the Finale and Final image and that is where the characters slow down, take a breath and reflect on everything they’ve experienced. I also think Romance is the hardest genre to use the beat sheet with but I do a hybrid of the Beat Sheet from Save The Cat Writes A Novel! By Jessica Brody and Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes for the most part.
I hope this was helpful in some way or another! DM me or reply with any questions or for clarification. I have many more posts I’d like to create (on my process) but if you have any ideas or topics I should make posts on let me know.
Good luck and happy writing!
2K notes · View notes
How I Plan...
Building a story or series from the ground up with the help of templates!
This is how I approach planning. It covers what I do up to the point of opening a blank document and typing the first word.
Despite the tags this isn’t going to be ‘how to’ or advice based because who am I to tell you how to plan a story? This is only an option:) I engourage you to steal liberally but also question whether or not this method will work for you. If you don’t vibe with something, throw it out!
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*you don’t have to answer these questions in order.
Genre/Sub-genres: Picking a genre can help you find ideas/tropes faster. If you’ve written or read a book before you probably know the types of stories you like.
Age Category: This can help you find themes for you story. I like to sepate genre and cataegory since you can have a young adult or an adult romance.
Point Of View: Pick who will tell the story. Will there be more than one?
Tense: First, second or third person? Past or present?
Formatting: How will the story be split up? Through chapters or parts. I also like to put whether or not I’ll have a playlist, any quotes or epigraphs, prologues or epilogues, anything like that.
Tone: Will your story be serious, light hearted, sad, satirical...etc
Atmosphere/Color palette: I like to use this for when I’m writing description. Using specificities to elevate your writing can bring a world together and make it feel real.
Overall Concept: As vague as you’d like it to be! I usually give a few sentences.
Comparison Titles: I love to use comparison titles in the beginning when nothing has been solidified. It helps me know what came before me while still generating lots of inspiration.
Series Title: I usually base it off the first books title or a significant thing that links all the stories together.
Number of stories you want: I don’t always know how many stories will be in a series but it’s good to have a rough esimate of how many you’d like to write.
Number of stories realistically achievable: But we all know that sometimes an idea just isn’t sustainable for a 10 book series but works rather well as a trilogy instead.
Story that will kick off the series: All of your stories should fit a purpose in the series but this book will take the roll as a set-up (not to be confused as ‘filler’) for the rest of your series. It’s just something to have in mind when planning. This way you can plant twists and foreshadowing for the rest of the books.
Story that will close out the series: This story has big shoes to fill since you’ve probably been amping everything up to an explosive finish but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter if it’s bigger and better than what came before, it only matters if it’s a satisfying close to the whole series.
Summarize each story
Story # 1 summary ...you get the idea
Timeline: I like to know what year the series starts and when it will end. It might sound complicated but it’s so helpful. You don’t want a character to be pregnant or something for three books if the the stories have spanned more than nine months.
Spin-offs: You might find that you’ve got some ideas that don’t quite fit in with the others but they have some common elements. A spin-off is a cool way to explore those other ideas.
Naming conventions: I like to name my individual stories similar things to keep a theme. Example: J. R. Wards Black Dagger Brotherhood series has book titles with the word ‘Lover’ in them. There’s also naming conventions like the ACOTAR series by Sarah J. Maas that go “A Court of Blank and Blank”
Town/City/Village Name:
Area Description:
Common Weather:
Popular Figures:
Popular Locations:
Historical Background and Events:
What might the town be hiding to the average passer-by?
*You can definitely add more questions depending on your story. I write mostly within our world but I do like to create fictional towns.
Full Name:
Personality Traits:
Zodiac Sign:
Theme Song:
Daily Life:
* Again, you can add any more questions you’d like to. These are just the ones I like to use to get going. Some of them are super vague, so in Daily Life I’ll put their living arrangement, transportation, pets or anything like that. I also add loads of stuff in their Description such as sexuality, how they dress, tattoos or scars, etc.
*this is for anything like a fictional club, cult, company, evil organization or something like that.
Current Leader:
Current Operation:
Biggest Threat:
Biggest Allies:
Council Members (include roles):
Other Members (include roles):
Working Title: Sometimes I use something concrete but if I need to get it out of the way I’ll put something like Project Black.
Estimated Length: Word or chapter count you’d like to achieve.
Order: Which book in the series is it?
Premise: I like to refer to this as the summary’s skeleton.
Story Summary:
Story Theme Song: This is just for fun but sometimes it really helps me capture what the whole story might be. I can also use it when I’m low on inspiration.
* I’d recommend googling an explanation of story beats or purchasing Blake Snyder or Jessica Brody’s book on Save The Cat beat sheet. But on the other hand, you don’t have to use a beat sheet at all. And if at any point during planning you feel like you’re ready to write then go for it!
Opening Image: An image that catapults your audience into the look and feel of your story
Theme Stated: Typically the theme of the story is communicated by someone fairly early on. This is dialogue spoken to the protagonist that he doesn’t quite grasp yet.
Set-Up: Show the protagonist in their “old world.” Let the audience know what the status quo is for them, then hint at the adventure that follows. This is also a time to introduce secondary characters.
Catalyst: Sometimes called the “inciting incident,” the catalyst is the event that disrupts your protagonist’s status quo. But they’re not ready to make the choice that catapults them into the story just yet.
Debate: This is where the protagonist has doubts about setting out on their perilous journey.
Break into Two: Inevitably, your protagonist will overcome their doubt and make a choice to set out on their adventure. This is the choice that sets the plot in motion. Your beat sheet will be filled with obstacles and twists resulting from making this choice from here on out.
B Story: A subplot ensues. Some would say that this is usually a romantic subplot.
Fun and Games: Plot structure requires a stretch where your protagonist wields their new power, and does cool stuff with it. I’ve also heard this referred to as the Promise of The Premise. So in Hunger Games by Susanne Collins this would be Katniss actually fighting in the games.
Midpoint: At some point, your protagonist will either get what they’re after... or not. But there will be consequences either way.
Bad Guys Close In: After your protagonist gets what they want, or not, there will be consequences. These forces will tighten their grasp, and throw the protagonist off balance.
All Is Lost: The dire circumstances your protagonist endures will lead to an inevitable loss. Which can be anything but it most commonly a character death.
Dark Night of the Soul: At this point of the Save the Cat beat sheet template, your protagonist has lost hope.
Break into Three: In plot structure, this is where your protagonist claws around in the darkness, only to find or remember something useful.
Finale: Treat the finale as the Act 3 summary. The Save the Cat beat sheet template is at its end, so it’s time for the protagonist to take on their foes. Armed with new tools and self-discoveries, the protagonist often synthesizes what they've learned (in Act 2) with values they've always had (Act 1).
Final Image: Along with the opening image, the final image creates the bookend that encapsulates the journey. This is the last thing the audience is left with.
*Closing thoughts: I have never used just a beat sheet because they don’t resonate with me for every story. I always add stuff or take away. I think there is a special beat missing between the Finale and Final image and that is where the characters slow down, take a breath and reflect on everything they’ve experienced. I also think Romance is the hardest genre to use the beat sheet with but I do a hybrid of the Beat Sheet from Save The Cat Writes A Novel! By Jessica Brody and Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes for the most part.
I hope this was helpful in some way or another! DM me or reply with any questions or for clarification. I have many more posts I’d like to create (on my process) but if you have any ideas or topics I should make posts on let me know.
Good luck and happy writing!
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How to write about Grief:
There is no right or wrong way to experience grief. Just as there is no right or wrong way to write it. Everyone is different, each set of circumstances are different. 
The point of this post is to show you how different people react in different ways, and give points on how you might write that, depending on your character and story.
Reactions to Grief
Numbness: Your character may go into auto-pilot and be unable to process the events that have unfolded.
Anger: This can be aimed at other people, at a Higher Being, or at nothing in particular.
Unsteady: Your characters may be unsteady. For example, unable to stop their voice from shaking or they may find it difficult to stand.
Focusing on Others: Your character may disregard their own feelings because they are so overwhelmed and instead concentrate on someone else’s well-being. 
Seek out routines: Amid upheavals, your character may seek comfort in tasks that are familiar and “safe,” such as working, cleaning, making their bed, making absurd amounts of tea or taking a morning walk.
Pretending that Everything Is Okay: Grief is viewed as an emotion that should cease or be concealed once the funeral is over. So people mention the news in an offhand comment, then talk and laugh as if all is right with the world.
Denial: Some people deny the reality of death and convince themselves that the news is a joke or can’t be true.
Reactions from people surrounding your character:
People may avoid your character as they do not know what to say or simply can’t find the right words.
Some may even go as far as to cross the street when they notice your character approaching.
Even people that the character has known for years may act strange or standoff-ish, simply because they don’t know what to say.
On the other side of that, some people may be overly helpful and friendly.
It is not uncommon for estranged friends, family or others to suddenly reappear in a person’s life after they have experienced grief. 
Either because those people want to offer their support and love  or because they’re being nosy and they want to be kept up to date on the “drama”.
Most people will move on from the event fairly quickly if they weren’t emotionally invested. 
Some people may even get annoyed at your character for still being upset weeks or months later.
When talking about the person they have lost:
Your character may recall a memory or tell a story about their loved one, these are possible reactions. (I have encountered all of them.)
Your character may being to cry or get upset at the thought of the person they have lost. 
The person they are talking to may become awkward and avert eye contact when your character brings up the person they have lost. 
Others may ask or tell your character to stop talking about the person they have lost. They may roll their eyes, cough awkwardly, or cut off your character mid sentences so that they can change the subject.
Some people may ask inappropriate questions about the circumstances in which the character’s loved one passed away. Depending on the personality of your character then may react differently. 
Other things to note:
Grief is not constrained by time. 
One of the main problems with grief in fiction is that a character is typically heartbroken for a couple scenes and then happy again. But grief does not evaporate because the world needs saving. 
Allow your character to wrestle with their grief. 
Your character may feel guilty. Your character may feel a twinge of guilt when they laugh or have a good time with someone else; when they do something to remind them that they’re alive, and their loved one isn’t. 
Grief is a game changer. A previously outgoing character may withdraw and isolate themselves. Some people may take grief and/or bereavement as a sign that life is too short; they may make big decisions in an attempt to make themselves feel better and grow away from their pain.
Sometimes grief can help you find your purpose.
At first grief can be all consuming. It hurts and you can’t really control it. It may seem unrelenting. Eventually the grief will become easier to deal with, your character may find the days to be better, but that doesn’t mean that when the grief hits it doesn’t hurt any less.
For most people, grief never really goes away. “Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they used to be.”
It is rare that a person will ever give a long speech about their feelings, a lot of people struggle to even find the words. But that’s okay. Show the reader how your character feels, rather than just telling them.
Don’t pause the plot to deal with the aspect of grief. This could overwhelm the readers and drag the pace down. In reality, life doesn’t just stop due to grief, the world keeps spinning and things still need to be done. Use the character’s grief as a backdrop for the story’s events.  
Yes, grief affects the character’s day-to-day life, goals, and relationships. But it shouldn’t drive readers away or stagnate the story. Instead, should engage readers and produce empathy that keeps them turning pages.
You don’t need to tell your readers that everything will be fine. You don’t need to provide all of the answers.
“Skirting grief and treating it lightly is easy. But by realistically portraying it through a variety of responses and its lasting effects on the character’s life, readers will form a connection with your characters.“
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Beautiful words but WHAT IS THAT PEN? I WANT THAT PEN!
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Did some writing today :) these are not my words ! The author is unknown (yes, i researched and came up with nothing) so I’m not trying to take away from their work!
I need to start journaling again 🌙🌞
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That must be the one I’m thinking of, thank you. 
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165K notes · View notes
I feel like I should just add on to this with a not-really-related fact that someone is going to have to clarify. I read a long time ago(during a time when I had the want to actually do stuff instead of just sleep, blow off online school, almost ignore my homework, eat ice cream and watch tele while saying “fuck you” to the world) that, somewhere not in the states, they stopped treating addiction like a crime and more like something that needed to be helped, like a mental disorder or something. If you had a certain amount, then you would meet with two people, I don’t remember what they were. A social worker and a lawyer, maybe. This is why I need someone to fill in the ever present blanks. The drug rate or whatever dropped astoundingly.
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I’m white. I know that. I don’t pretend I’m not. But gods do I hate that teacher right now. She’s not saying that at she doesn’t like the fact that you like fucking pineapples on your pizza, she’s saying that your ‘opinion’ literally goes against her entire fucking existence.
GO 👏 THE 👏 FUCK 👏 OFF. Also, the American educational system is trash. I applaud this child’s parents for giving her a voice and standing up against bias authority.
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So You Want Your OC to be Jewish
So you’re writing a story and you want to make a Jewish character—great! I’m here to help. I always want more Jewish representation but I want good Jewish representation, so this is my attempt to make a guide to making a Jewish character. What are my credentials? I’m Jewish and have been my whole life. Obligatory disclaimer that this is by no means comprehensive, I don’t know everything, all Jews are different, and this is based on my experiences as an American Jew so I have no idea, what, if any, of this applies to non-American Jews. 
If there’s anything you want me to make a post going more into detail about or if there’s anything I didn’t mention but you want to know please ask me! I hope this is helpful :) Warning, this is long.
Keep reading
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❤ Give love! Spread love!  ❤
Go and tell your favorite artist something nice about their art! Go-go-go!
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