anddigniteyourbones · 4 years
Fundamentalist Christians really grind my gears.
I don't know why I find myself so fascinated by the Duggars, Bates, Plaths etc. The Duggars have puzzled me since I originally first saw them on TLC their show was titled 17 Kids and Counting.
They act like they are all about living their lives in accordance with the Lord. That they live by God's plan and they believe in and espouse what God truly wants for us as a society.
I grew up in a very religious family. These fundies would consider me a pagan and all that bc I was raised Catholic, but all Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. I don't believe in God, heaven, hell, the devil, angels, none of it. Regardless, decades of church every Sunday, being forced to go on religious retreats, home religion, literally leaving my public school during the school day to attend religion at our church, being confirmed in the church blah blah blah... I'm very familiar with the message of Christ. None of the Fundies act very Christlike.
There's a whole lot of intolerance coming from these people who say that God teaches them to love everyone. There's a whole lot of judgement coming these people who are taught by Jesus "judge not, last ye be judged". And what happened to "love one another as I have loved you". Can't forget "he who is without sin cast the first stone"? Truthfully, they make me sick when they spew their hate and judgement while wrapping it in some saccharine, sanctimonious bullshit about loving the sinner, not the sin.
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anddigniteyourbones · 5 years
Fear and Loathing in ...well, all of America.
I'm tired and sad and distracted but I need to type some of this out.
It scares me so much that basically half of America can support Donald Trump. For so, so many reasons. I don't want to get into every egregious, offensive thing he's said or done because I'll be here all night. Let's just say our president is a liar. He's a racist. He is ignorant. He's a narcissist. He has no intellectual curiosity. He is a danger to our country. And half of America worships his every move.
Everything Trump does is the right. Even when it's so clearly not. People cheer him on in his awfulness. He's managed to convince his base that even when the facts are staring them in the face, if he says it's not true, it's not true. We're talking about a guy who has lied over ten thousand times to the public since he began holding the highest office in the land. Think about that. You know the saying don't piss on me and tell me it's raining? Trump has been pissing on us for two and a half years and these people think it's been raining the whole time.
Think about how dangerous a power that is to wield. He's been able to convince half the population that, as Rudy Giuliani so eloquently put it, "truth isn't truth". Facts don't matter anymore.
The press, the Free press, is the enemy of the people. Can you fucking believe that? One of the things that makes America so great is freedom of speech. Journalists have been "discredited" mocked, SHOT and KILLED, all in the name of Trump. It makes me sick, it scares me to end. What is happening to us? Can we ever come back from this?
When I try to understand how people I love could support this despicable liar, I imagine how a conversation would go with me calmly explaining why he's destroying our democracy from the inside out, it goes something like this...
" I would never expect a Republican to just abandon their belief and support a Democrat for president. I know I wouldn't if it was the other way around. But this goes beyond our political parties. He is mentally unfit for the job. Can you imagine if Obama acted like Trump? He would have been impeached thirty times over -" but my diatribe gets muddled there. Because I realize that I'm acting like we all, together as people who love our country, can to ban together to vote him out and go back to civility.
That won't happen. A return to civility that is. I can't cut Republicans any slack. Even if it's just in my own head. Look at how these Republican politicians act. Supporting and excusing ever thing he says, every move he makes. They go along with these horrific attacks on the media. They are raging hypocrites in every way possible for them to be. Over and over and over they cosign on this insanity. They take every horrific act with a smile and a derisive snowflake comment as they look the other way and these politicians do it because power matters more than truth. It matters more than honor, truth, respect, true patriotism, and especially more than our democracy.
There are many never Trump or no longer Trump republicans on Twitter who speak their mind and people do see it. That sort of thing means jack shit when politicians act like everything is fine. When they act like Trump is the only answer to our problems, their voters believe it and the voters go mad. The things I see people say on Twitter...it's frightening. The politicians have fed into the cult of personality and there is no going back now. There's so much anger and hate. There's no common ground anymore. You're one or the other.
I choose to be a proud Democrat. I believe in basic, human rights for EVERYONE. I believe healthcare is a right. I believe it's my right to decide to what I want to do with my body. I believe that gun control is important and we need to do more etc etc you get the picture. There's some of my stereotypical Dem beliefs/ values. I'm chock full of 'em.
Republicans tossed conservative values the moment they elected a man who has been accused of sexual harassment/sexual assault by over twenty women, who bragged about grabbing women by their vaginas, who is a thrice married known adulterer. Family values? I think not. Republicans have become the party of Trump.
Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore
#resisit #trump #democrats #progressive #obama
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anddigniteyourbones · 5 years
I don't know how to use Tumblr anymore and I'm also the absolute worst at remember to turn my phone screen off. I always log onto here or Facebook or Instagram and see I've liked pics or posted nonsense comments somehow. Just did that on a pro Trump blog I was reading-solely to laugh at. I need some good laughs today..
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anddigniteyourbones · 5 years
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anddigniteyourbones · 5 years
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Barack and Michelle Obama - [1989]
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anddigniteyourbones · 5 years
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anddigniteyourbones · 5 years
If you want to get an abortion because birth control failed, I support you.
If you want to get an abortion because you were raped, I support you.
If you want to get an abortion because you didn’t use protection, I support you.
If you want to get an abortion because you aren’t ready to be a parent, I support you.
If you want to get an abortion because it’s a life or death situation, I support you.
If you want to get an abortion for whatever reason, I support you.
Your body, your choice.
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anddigniteyourbones · 5 years
Abortion. The word itself does not quite roll off the tongue. Even as a grown adult woman, it still feels like I'm saying a swear word or something. I honestly don't even like typing it. The subject has been on my mind so I'm going to have to get over that for a few paragraphs.
My abortion was, to put it mildly, not a good time. Even so, I felt relief after. I was 18, had just been ghosted by the guy I had been sleeping with (to this day I can't call him my ex boyfriend bc I know he would not call me his ex girlfriend), I couldn't even drive yet, I was just simply too young and unprepared. I was sad. I was hurt. I was also definitely relieved. I was angry.
It made me angry when people around me found out bc I knew what they were thinking. They all knew I was playing with fire to begin with and knew better. I don't know. Obviously, I could have pretty easily used birth control. People do things even when they know better all the time. I actually thought I loved this guy.
It made me angry that I was marked by this awful act that followed me around like a cloud and branded me like a Scarlet letter. I was one of the many girls who knew better than to let his fire consume me and I wasn't even the only one who got an abortion. That made me angry, too. It just made me look even more pathetic. I just wanted to tell everyone to fuck off but instead I kept about my life, barely concealing the anger that was practically splitting my sides.
I was filled with resentment. I wanted him to have to feel a sliver of what I felt. I wanted there to be answer wrapped up in a bow that would help me move on and lift this heavy weight from my heart. That never really happened. Really awful, traumatic things happen all the time and there's no answer for it. It happened to me. I had to accept that it happened to me, just me, not us and it was for the best.
When I think about what would have happened if I hadn't gotten an abortion, I literally start to feel sick. It would have ruined my life. Is that callous? Maybe it is. Even in sadness and hurt, my anger always kept me from wistful thoughts of a baby and a happy life and that was actually good for me. Once I was able to let go of my anger, I was able to let go of the actual abortion. I am grateful I was able to make that choice for myself. With everything that's happening now, it appears I was also lucky.
I feel so much for the desperate girls, the desperate women who will do desperate things. Don't their lives matter too? Anyways, I could go on forever. Maybe someday soon I'll revisit this. It's just been on my mind so much lately.
#abortion #myabortion #procoice
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anddigniteyourbones · 6 years
I watch a lot of progressive news channels on YouTube and thankfully because of them I adjusted my expectations of the Mueller report some time ago. It was nice to think that Trump could be held publicly accountable but really looking at the situation and what happens in politics these days, it was naive to think Mueller was our knight in shining armor. That said, the memo from Barr is so. damn. Frustrating. For one thing, seriously Barr release the whole report. The house voted something like 432 to 0 to release it. Get on it. If Trump's good to go, it shouldn't matter. Trump said he's down. And Republicans, the report literally says it's not an exoneration. It's preposterous to cone out and say that the report fully exonerates him. That is a blatant lie. I don't know why I expect facts to matter anymore but fuck you all. This is seriously the worst case scenario for my psyche.
I'm so tired of all the partisan fighting. By not recommending charges or exonerating Trump, Republicans will continue to run with this narrative of full exoneration and Democrats will demand to see the full report to draw their own conclusions and they will run with that narrative until they get their hands on the report and disseminate it to the public. Who the fuck knows when or if that will ever fucking happen. I just want it to be over and I know it's never going to be. Say we get rid of Trump in 2020, his insane base have been emboldened. They are not going anywhere. They will find a new neo con liar to make their fuhrer and here we go again. We will continue to be driven far in opposite directions.
Plus the Avenatti sideshow today? What an ass.
I feel a little like I did on 11.9.16. I haven't allowed myself to really relive that night because it was truly one of the worst of my life and I seriously feel like I have some minor PTSD. I felt so hopeless last night just like I did then and it kept me up til 4am. Crossing my fingers I get some sleep tonight.
I need some good news. I can't even watch the new episodes of arrested development bc they brought Trump and his wall into the plot. Stupid.
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anddigniteyourbones · 6 years
After two years, I continue to be blown away that 40% of America thinks Trump is basically God. He's a genius, the savior of the free world. His 3D chess mastery will solve all of our problems. He's above reproach. One negative observation, one nanosecond of disagreement and you're a libtard. You're a special snowflake.
How can they support this man so blindly? He's not mentally fit to be president. He's ETHICALLY COMPROMISED. He has zero respect for anyone. If Obama acted this way, he would have been impeached ten times over. That's what really kills me. Republicans in Congress will make up any excuse for you Trump, they've excused every catastrophe since Trump's been elected. They are nasty hypocrites with no conscience. McConnell, Ryan and the rest of them know Trump's dead wrong about practically everything. They know he's dangerous. They KNOW how fucked up this all is but it's party over country, or should I say Trump over country, all day everyday. Trump's rabid supporters eat up all these defenses. When Republicans in government praise him to the public after every catastrophe, it perpetuates to the base that Trump can do no wrong, that he's a VICTIM. It's so, so, frightening.
This man is breaking down our country, our democracy and our dignity every moment that he holds office. I want to believe, I have to believe, that America will come through this. I am so tired of the anger, hate and fear that grips me constantly.
I keep coming back Obama's 2008 campaign where he ran on hope and change. I need to hold on to that hope in these moments of despair. Say it with me, "YES we CAN"!
I believe we can, and we will.
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anddigniteyourbones · 7 years
Our president is a liar, duh.
I read many an article suggesting that if you are part of the Resistance, you should boycott watching the State of The Union. Not just in protest, but because Trump only seems to understand things like ratings.
I wouldn't have e watched regardless. I smiled when I read that his SOTU got 8 million less viewers than Obama's first SOTU but I didn't have high hopes that Trump would acknowledge that. Remember the whole ignaguaration size debacle?I was not surprised to read Trump came out and said his was the most watched EVER. It didn't make me any less outraged, though.
The thing is, I'm so fucking sick of being outraged. I can't turn that switch off, there's no way my outrage will fade to apathy, I'm just so sick of him. It's just another blatant lie. The president lies about his ratings because there's no one who will stop him and he's a huge fucking baby who can't take a blow to his ego. Does he really believe that? Did someone tell him that just to assuage his ego and pacify him?
He's disgusting, his enablers around his are disgusting, and most of all, his party, all whom refuse to take any real stand against him is disgusting.
How much longer are we going to have to deal with him for? Hopefully, not too long
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anddigniteyourbones · 7 years
Peace Of Mind
I am so sick of politics. I am so sick of Trump and all the trappings that came with him. This is all absolutely insane and it's getting worse everyday. Can you imagine if Obama did any of this? The Republicans would crucify him and they'd take so much joy from it. Remember, these are people who bashed Obama on Fox for two days because he wore a taupe suit. The raging double standards they have makes me want to pull my hair out.
How can Sarah Sanders get up on the podium almost daily and lie through her damn teeth? Everytime a reporter pushes back at her bullshit, she attacks them. She's dirisive, mocking, indignant, immature...while I think it's a perfect face for the Trump administration, she's disgusting.
How can Sean Hannity get on TV every night and push these CRAZY conspiracies? Does he really believe what comes out of his mouth? He's lying, he's connnecting dots that don't exist, he's putting out a counter narrative that's beyond inflammatory. He's one of the worst of these assholes.
Trump brought all of this on himself. He fired Comey and went on national TV and said he did it because of the Russia investigation. Hmmm. I can't begin to try to go into all of the horrible, idiotic things he's done to make all of this worse for himself. This investigation is being run by a registered Republican but apparently it's the Democrats running all this bc they have an agenda to oust Trump bc they can't get over losing the election. Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME??? Seems like the only person who can't get over the election is TRUMP as he's the one constantly referencing it and going in on Hilary Clinton every five minutes. He's an evil human being with a black heart and no soul and watching his undoing will give me a peace of mind I haven't felt in over two years.
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