andiesmu-archive · 5 years
ZOEY: Not one of those options sounds appealing.
ZOEY: Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying no to the last one, it's just too soon to think that way, you know?
ROMAN: The first three are none options as far as I’m concerned. Neither of you are allowed to die. But just saying those aren’t the /only/ options.
ROMAN: I mean, other than you two having sex, is there really that much difference in your relationship now than there was when you were just friends?
ROMAN: Because if so that last option was probably going to be a thing anyways. So maybe just try to remember that he was always going to be in your life forever.
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
REGAN: That must be it.
REGAN: That depends. Is it sweet or tacky if I say love sick?
ADDIE: I want to say tacky but here I am making heart eyes at my phone.
ADDIE: I’ll be home in an hour, I called a friend and asked them to take the rest of my shift.
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
ZOEY: And they are?
ROMAN: You die. He dies. You both die together. Or you stay together forever but don’t actually get married.
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
ARIEL: I just got so sad when I read that first text. But then I read on and, oh my gosh, you are SO right.
ARIEL: We really are awesome, aren't we? ☺️😍
TONI: Of course we are. We’re T&A.
TONI: Besides, haven’t you learned by now that the internet is full of desperate trolls!?
TONI: I have a surprise for you by the way.
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
REGAN: She'd work her way up the ladder with me if she'd allow us to call her anything but Cornelia. Aren't we supposed to be the ones in charge here?
REGAN: Mm, as much as I would love to see you pull off the shaven hair look, that sounds dangerous.
REGAN: I wouldn't be sad about you leaving work early, though. Maybe you could tell them your fiancée is sick and needs your help.
ADDIE: See, I guess I just have a thing for girls with light hair and stubborn personalities.
ADDIE: Is she actually sick?
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
ZOEY: Okay, fine. I guess I can't argue with any of that.
ZOEY: Nothing. Noah just got in my head the other day with all of this BS about how Don and I are either gonna break up or we're going to get married.
ZOEY: And I guess he's right or whatever, but I didn't need it putting out there so plainly right now, you know? I just want to enjoy it.
ROMAN: If it helps there are four other options I can think of?
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
ZOEY: Okay, on a scale from 1-10, how helpful do you think that is? I mean really?
ROMAN: On a scale of 1-10 how often do I opt for being nice and helpful over being honest?
ROMAN: Besides you didn’t ask for help, you made a statement, I agreed. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I would think supporting you would be helpful. What’s wrong?
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
REGAN: [ https://66.media.tumblr.com/4e2694e8e00e1f74265a99acd3f7e73c/tumblr_ovb6uxlalK1uqq3uro1_400.jpg ]
REGAN: Cornelia forced me to send this.
REGAN: Something about her missing you, I don't know.
ADDIE: Cornelia might just be my second favorite girl ever.
ADDIE: Let me just light my hair on fire, pretend it was a work related incident and come home early. Sound good?
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
ARIEL: Do you think I'm needy?
ARIEL: I got a question on my IG live asking "why are you so co-dependent with Toni?" and I just??
TONI: Yes.
TONI: Why wouldn’t we be codependent. We’re fucking awesome???
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
ZOEY: This whole relationship thing is bullshit.
ROMAN: I could have told you that.
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
@andiesmu / denalia motta
There was no such thing as a clean break, not when there was a child involved. Not that Emmi even wanted to cut all ties with Dena, but it would’ve definitely made things easier if she could. It had been two days since handover day, therefore two days that Sara had been without her stuffed otter, though she’d only just realized she’d left him at Dena’s house, and had been throwing herself around the place dramatically, talking about how she wasn’t going to be able to sleep without him, and how he was definitely missing her. With Sara in the midst of a meltdown, the simplest thing had been for Emmi to text her ex-wife and ask her to bring the otter over, and was in the middle of trying to console their heartbroken daughter when she heard the doorbell. The fact that Dena didn’t just walk in made Emmi’s heart ache, but she understood, and picked up their daughter from the floor, holding her against her as she went to answer the door. “Look, mom’s here with Otis,” she explained, rocking the six year old gently and motioning to Dena.
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Hard was an understatement for how things were between her and her ex-wife. She hated that she even had to refer to Em as her ex-wife. She’d loved her for so many years, and now they were broken. Yet, as Emmi’s name flashed on her screen, her heart skipped a beat as she looked to read the message. She knew there would be no way to calm Sara now that she realized she didn’t have Otis, so she made her way to the little girl’s room, grabbed the stuffed animal and headed to her Ex’s house. Dena did her absolute best to pull a smile on her face as she saw the door opening, holding the stuffed otter up for her daughter to see. “It’s a a good thing your mommy texted, Otis couldn’t stop talking about how much he missed you the whole way here!” She said to her daughter, giving her a grin as she wiped her tears away, and then placing a soft kiss on her cheek. “Momma, you should stay for dinner!” Sara said happily, not waiting for either mother to give any indication of Dena staying for a bit. 
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
@andiesmu / vera weston
“You know there are actually people here in Chicago that are probably related to us?” Chloe frowned as she held open the door to The Hippie Cavern for her sister to enter first. “Mom keeps trying to update me, and I just don’t even know if I want to hear it at this point. It’s too much.” Their family was crazy enough, without the addition of their father apparently impregnating a bunch of unsuspecting women twenty years ago and it coming back all of a sudden to bite them all on the ass now. It was a lot, and it was something Chloe was still trying to let sink in, and nobody could understand the way she was feeling like her sister could, considering she was in the same boat. Her gaze fell on the woman standing behind the counter, voice lowering some as she looked up at her sister. “She could totally be related to us. How messed up is that?”
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The whole situation made Vera uneasy. She just didn’t like that someone she trusted had done something so...unbelievable. She didn’t trust easy, and this whole thing was rocking her pretty hard. Vera nodded along as Chloe spoke, mostly just taking in what she was saying. Vera placed a protective arm over Chloe’s shoulders and lead her towards the back room. “Come on,” She said gently, “Let’s at least get some hookah into ourselves before we dive too deeply into the possible siblings all around us thing.” She said with a soft smile, finding them a secluded spot and sitting down. “I mean, you and I both know that blood doesn’t always mean family, maybe it won’t be that big of a deal, you  know? Maybe these people will never even be a part of our lives.”
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
Kristy’s smile widened at the mental image of their two daughters. Brad was also adorable with the baby, but considering he was only five, he didn’t show the same interest as his older sister. “I already called Mercy from the car to explain the situation. She and Jessica are happy to keep Rain and Brad overnight while we settle Evie back in, which I think is probably a smart idea? I want all of our babies under one roof again, but I think with the procedure today, and getting Evie settled, it makes sense to bring them home tomorrow.” They had a lot of adjustments to make, though Kristy wasn’t concerned; they hadn’t gotten used to Evie being away from them, anyway. “I think so, too. I’ll go over there later once Evie’s down and talk to her. I want you to rest for the rest of the day, okay?” She glanced up at her wife, shaking her head. “No, you take the baby, I’ll fix her bottle.” Kristy paused, leaning in to press her lips gently to the other woman’s, and offered her a small smile as she pulled back. “You know I worry. Here, take our daughter.” She held the baby out carefully. “I asked Abi about her schedule, she didn’t seem to even know what I was talking about. So I think the sooner Evie is back on our schedule, the better.”
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It was just like her wife to think of everything, so she wasn’t really surprised to hear that she’d already called her sister, but she was grateful for it. Of course she missed Brad and Rain, even if they’d seen them that morning, but it would be good to have a more lowkey night. “You’re absolutely right.” She agreed, relaxing was what she needed right now. “We could invite them over here if you’d like, I’m sure they’d like to see Evie, and be glad to see her back home.” She suggested, though really she’d listened to whatever Kristy wanted. They’d done one last procedure because Hadley had wanted, and she wanted her wife to worry as little as possible. She’d offered to make the bottle, because she wanted Kristy to have some more time holding Evie, since she’d gotten to hog her the whole time Kristy was bringing Abi home, but she absolutely couldn’t resist having that baby back in her arms. Hadley sighed, the exhaustion from everything the teen had said earlier hitting her. There were quite a few things she wanted to say about her, but bit her tongue. She was still Evie’s birth mother, and she had brought her back to them after all, and she didn’t feel the need to fill her first day back home with negative energy. “I’m sure she’ll settle in very quickly.” 
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
@andiesmu / louisa lopez
Darla had plenty of tricks up her sleeve by now, ways to stop herself from being caught out. She’d learned people’s tells, too. So, when the woman she’d been following for the last couple blocks seemed to speed up, as if she knew she was being followed, Darla realized it was time to do some damage control. “Hey, wait up!” She called out to her, “I need your help!” Jogging to catch up with her, she finally slowed once she’d reached her side, offering her a small, almost sheepish smile. “I’m sorry, I know we don’t know each other. I think someone is following me.” Darla glanced back over her shoulder. “Or they were. I think they left, but I’m a little freaked out. Is it okay if I walk with you?”
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Louisa was not exactly an intimidating person, she was pretty small, and quiet, she knew she looked like an easy target. However, growing up first in Blackwater and then Chicago, she had learned to take care of herself pretty well. So as she heard footsteps following her, she didn’t care that it was another woman, she started to pick up speed. Lou let out an exasperated sigh as the very same woman called out to her. Turning to look at her, she studied her face for a few seconds, before looking beyond her to a rather empty street. “Yeah, sure.” Lou nodded, though she didn’t know how true what she said was, but at least it was easier to watch what she was doing with the other beside her. “I’m Louisa.” She said, shifting the stack of books she had in her arms, to one and holding her free hand out to the other woman. “Where are you headed?”
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
When Regan had turned into a housewife, she really didn’t know, but she was more than happy to hum to herself as she moved around her kitchen, cooking dinner for she and her fiancée. She knew Addie would be home anytime soon, though it still made her jump when she heard how loudly the other woman called her name, and quickly turned down the heat beneath the pasta, hurrying out to the hallway. “What? What happened?” She asked, a little panicky. Her gaze soon fell on the dog in Addie’s arms, brows knitting. “Clover?” She edged a little closer, instinctively reaching out to pet the dog on the head. It definitely didn’t seem shy, and rubbed its face against her palm. Regan tried to hold back her smile, though it was definitely fighting its way onto her lips. “Wait, she?” She shook her head, looking up at her fiancée. “I’m confused. What’s going on here?”
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Maybe it was slightly mean to purposely put Regan on edge, but something about her panicky voice was hot, and Addie liked to get a rise out of her future wife. Addie held the dog up a bit higher, letting her get a better look at Regan. “No.” She said gently, “Someone left her in a box at the station, and asked that we try to find a home for her, because they couldn’t take care of her anymore. As soon as I saw her, I just couldn’t help but claim her. She looks just like Clover, it was too much of a coincidence.” She sighed, shrugging a shoulder, and then placing the dog down so she could smell around the house. “The box said her name is Cornelia, but we can probably change it.”
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andiesmu-archive · 5 years
“I didn’t get you anything because I had to, I got it because I wanted to,” Stella shrugged, the glare from the other girl causing her to grin in response. Her focus was obviously on the road, but she kept glancing over toward Tal, waiting for her to pull her gifts from the bag. She could feel her cheek heating up slightly under the kiss, but responded with a smirk, nodding her head. “I won’t pretend like I didn’t take how accessible it would be into account when I got it.” She winked over at the other girl. “But I also thought it was very you, you know? Go ahead, open the others.”
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Tal let a deep laugh bubble out of her at Stella’s response, it was so easy to laugh with Stella. They were best friends, and they hooked up, and everything with her was comfortable, easy, fun. She was incredibly grateful to have someone so wonderful in her life, and the fact that now she was showering her with presents, well, she certainly wasn’t going to complain about that. She pulled the journal out next, and instantly started to flip through the pages, smelling them as she did. New notebooks, journals, pens, any kind of office supply always made Tal incredibly happy. She pulled out the bracelet next, letting out a small squeal at how pretty it was and instantly slipping it on, and then finally the jewelry box. She let her thumb graze over the C on top, smiling down at it as she did, it was exactly her style, and as she opened it up, so were the earrings inside. “Oh Stel!” She said happily, “I absolutely love it all, you give the best gifts, I don’t know how you do it!”
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