andiestonks · 6 years
WHO: @tcnked​ WHEN: september 12th, 9:23pm WHERE: the tonks’ residence
        she  would  never  be  used  to  this   ━━━   to  that  S  I  N  K  I  N  G  feeling  in  her  chest  as  she  read  of  the  news  of  yet  another  death  ,   yet  another  life  snuffed  out  before  its  time  .   but  perhaps  more  importantly  ,   she  would  never  be  used  to  that  nagging  feeling  ,   that  hissing  little  voice  in  the  back  of  her  head  that  voiced  the  thoughts  of  her  most  deepest  fears  .   what  if  ?   what  if  the  man  that  held  the  wand  ,   the  echoing  laugh  of  the  murderer  behind  a  flashing  green  light  ,   had  been  someone  she  knew  ?   a  friend  .  family  .   &  though  part  of  her  knew  this  was  not  such  a  far-fetched  thought  ,   every  other  inch  of  her wished to  beg  to  differ  .   the  only  thing  she  could  do  was  ignore  it    ━━━   this  was  not  her  battle  .   this  was  not  her  war  to  win  .   this  was  not  her  price  to  pay  .   or  so  she  believed  .   pouring  herself  yet  another  glass  of  the  intoxicating  red  wine  ,   she  tried  for  half  a  smile  as  she  met  her  husband  in  bed  ,   tapping  their  glasses  together  in  a  half-hearted  toast  as  she  nestled  back  against  the  bed  frame  .     ❛   i  finally  got  her  to  sleep  .   although  there  might  have  been  a  promise  that  her  beloved  daddy  would  take  her  to  the  candy  store  tomorrow  .    ❜
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andiestonks · 6 years
you did the only thing you could. i hope you understand that.
            she  tucked  a  strand  of  her  behind  her  ear  ,   fiddled  with  the  tea  cups  on  the  table  top  before  bringing  her  gaze  back  up  to  the  redhead  .     ❛    ━━━    perhaps  .   but  that  doesn’t  necessarily  mean  it  was  the  right  thing  to  do  .    ❜     &  that  was  what  andromeda  did  ,   wasn’t  it   ?    what  she  was  known  for  .   making  rash  decisions  only  to  question  them  later  .   it  was  a  trademark  .   and  she  H  A  T  E  D  it  .
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andiestonks · 6 years
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andiestonks · 6 years
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andiestonks · 6 years
BREAKING BAD | STARTERS send a prompt or send ✉ for a random starter. triggers apply.
the thing is, if you just do stuff and nothing happens, what’s it all mean? 
and i’m sorry, but that doesn’t make you a bad person. it makes you a human being. 
it’s like what they say: man plans and god laughs.
hang tough. you’re in the home stretch.  
that’s right. now say my name.
kicking the hell out of yourself doesn’t give meaning to anything. 
but i want you to know that you can be open with me. don’t hold anything back, okay?
someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family.
i got people who depend on me. 
it’s all about accepting who you really are.
you did the only thing you could. i hope you understand that.
there’s blood on my hands, too.
it may be awhile before i get home. i love you.
right from the start, it’s a death sentence.
nice try, asshole.
so from here on out, this can go hard or easy. so what’s it gonna be?
remembering you that way wouldn’t be so bad.   
we love you, and this is your house as much as it is ours.
is this a good or bad thing?
i don’t sleep at night anymore. i freeze, i freeze up. my chest gets all tight, i can’t breathe. just…i panic.
i’ll be asking myself that for the rest of my life.
you know, it gets easier. i promise you that it does.
what the hell is wrong with you? i’m really asking.  
you don’t give a shit about me. 
i deserve whatever happens.
just a couple of days ago, you told me that a man held a gun to your head.
you know, i really think that would be good for you.     
you’re on thin ice, you little shithead.
tell me one more time to calm down! come on!
if that’s true �� if you don’t know who i am – then maybe your best course would be to tread lightly.  
i have nothing. no one. alright? it’s all gone.
if i had to put it in a word, i’d guess loyalty.
you need me to write it down for you?
the past is the past. nothing can change what we’ve done.   
just admit it. admit what you did. 
and a man, a man provides. and he does it even when he’s not appreciated or respected or even loved. he simply bears up and he does it. because he’s a man.
you know what i think? i think you accidentally told the truth.
shut the fuck up and let me die in peace.   
you kill me, you have nothing.
hell of a last couple of weeks. makes a man wonder exactly where he stands.
but until then, who’s in charge? me. that’s how i live my life.
i need you to help prevent an all-out war.   
just drop the whole concerned dad thing and tell me the truth.
you are tying up loose ends, and i don’t want to be one of them.
i’ve done a terrible thing. but i’ve done it for a good reason.   
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andiestonks · 6 years
✦ * ·  ˚ ⌜ gemma chan, tri, eighteen, aest, she/her ⌟ was that ANDROMEDA TONKS ?  i heard the TWENTY-EIGHT year old is working as A HEALER now. not surprising, seeing as how they are INDEPENDENT and EMPATHETIC, although some say they can be BLUNT and OLD-FASHIONED. maybe that’s why SHE is rumoured to be NEUTRAL. here’s hoping they have what it takes to survive the war.
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links: stats page & pinterest
andromeda was born and raised to be the epitome of a perfect pureblood little girl. her sweet, feminine looks and sharp, razor tongue complimented each other so precisely that she quickly became the favourite child. she was the leading image to promote the good name of the black family and was nearly always the centre of attention at every pureblood party.
and tbh, she was into it. growing up spoiled af meant she learned to crave attention, to crave praise, and she would stop at nothing to please her parents. of course, she wasn’t always perfect, she was still a child, [ ABUSE TW: but any time she stepped even a toe out of line, she was met with punishment at the end of her fathers belt. END TW ] therefore, she never did step out - and she didn’t want to. she liked to be adored, praised, doted on, and it gave her an intense sense of superiority tbh.
so basically she was the perfect little girl up until she started at hogwarts. and then... well, things started to change.
you see, the thing is, andromeda had never before in her life met anyone with muggle blood, and therefore had no idea who it was she was hating - she’d always just followed in her parents and sister’s footsteps. but when she started at hogwarts, andie met plenty of boys and girls who claimed to be muggleborn or halfblood and...  they weren’t that bad?? and she started to get super confused and wondering why the hell it was she was supposed to hate them so much? and i mean, plenty of them were even better at magic then her, so her entire ideals began to shift 
[ ABUSE TW: but christmas break of her first year, when she went back home and started questioning everything that she once believed in, her father beat her so heavily she was left with a scar across her shoulder. END TW ] after that, she kept her mouth shut.
but it was clear from here on out that andie was no longer the perfect little black child. she was labelled a rebel, she refused to attend the parties her mother begged her to [ ABUSE TW: and she received beating after beating to try and whip her back into shape. END TW ] still, however, she remained strong in her beliefs - she didn’t understand why muggles were beneath them and she would no longer stand for prejudice.
still, however, she was just a young girl. still at hogwarts and still living with her family, she found it incredibly difficult to detach herself from the lifestyle which she grew up in. not only that but she still adored her family, still loved her friends, and she wasn’t so sure she was brave enough to face them on the opposite side of the battlefield.
things changed when in her sixth year she fell in love with a boy called ted tonks. though things might have shifted before they completely changed from here on out, and it quickly became apparent that andie would do anything to be with this boy. even if that meant leaving her beloved sisters and her childhood friends.
with not even a penny to her name, andromeda ran away from home after graduation after admitting to her parents that she had fallen in love with a muggleborn.
both broke and both too young to even understand what they had done, ted and andie stayed with ted’s parents for a while as they worked at bars and restaurants and cafes to try and get some money to find their own place.
and by the time andie was 19, they did it!
they were married young and fell pregnant with nymphadora not so long after. at the age of 21, andromeda gave birth to nymphadora, and while she should’ve been over the moon, things were never going to be so easy.
it wasn’t too long after giving birth that andromeda was diagnosed with post-natal depression. she was hardly able to look after her own little girl yet alone herself. in the tough times when she felt so utterly alone, she found herself turning to alcohol as a way to relieve stress, and she has not been able to ween her way off it since. 
although it’s obviously not post-natal, andromeda still suffers from depression and a form of ptsd. growing up in the home she did and leaving at such a young age, it was hard for andie to not feel hopeless, and she still suffers hard from it to this day. (but will she see anyone about it?? nope.)
a year after dora was born, andromeda enrolled in the healer’s program for a more steady income and for something that she was familiar with (she’d always been known to be a bit of a fretting mum at hogwarts tbh). she’s now a fully trained healer and works specifically with spell damage.
can someone say mum friend?????
very protective over those she considers friends/family. has been known to just take people under her wing and treat them as her own, especially people who have had similarly crap upbringing’s. she knows what it’s like to grow up in a toxic home and really just wants to prove that there are nice people out there who will look after you and love you and just wow i love her
those left over bits from when she was a true pureblood bitch lmao
l isten, it’s impossible really to just completely detach yourself from that with which you grew up believing. she’s been known to still be quite snappy and demanding at times, as well as quick to judge and sometimes manipulative. 
she’s trying her best to be a better person i swear pls give her a chance
*coughs* alcoholic *coughs*
the side of her that spends night after night huddled in the dark corners of seedy bars, downing drink after drink without a care in the world bc she just hates the world tbh and yeah it’s just?? easier.
idk she’s just a mess pls love her
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andiestonks · 6 years
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andiestonks · 6 years
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