andrcmedamarshall · 16 days
"Absolutely not. I would just tell you that you look even more ridiculous than usual," she threw in a half-hearted dig, watching him flop down on the waiting area's couch. "Now what have you done? Why do you need de-asshole-ification?" Andie asked, putting aside what she was sorting through and giving her attention to her friend. "I thought we talked about this and you knew better than to be a douche."
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"Tell me Meda, If I got 'I'm sorry' or 'I'm an idiot' or even 'I fucked up' tattoo on my person, would that make you more inclined to forgive me?" He asked as he flopped down into the couch that was in the shop. "That's what you could help with. Making me look like less of an arsehole."
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andrcmedamarshall · 16 days
"Well it certainly wouldn't hurt," she replied with a twinge of amusement when he suggested booking a tattoo to get her attention. Andie nodded, "Yeah sure, it'll be my treat." She honestly didn't mind at all. "You might've been there before but there's this place I've been meaning to go back to. They had good food there," she mused. "You ready to go?"
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"You can't say you are surprised." They had known one another long enough. "I wouldn't say that it is thanks to me." Leo shook his head at that, knowing that the male wouldn't have survived if Andie hadn't acted as fast as she did. "You know, I feel like my significance in your life is being underappreciated at that comment." He said with a snort of amusement. "So what you are saying, is if I want to get your attention I have to book in for a tattoo?" Leo asked with a grin. "But yeah, I could go for food. You buying?"
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andrcmedamarshall · 16 days
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CRYSTAL REED as Sofia Falcone in Gotham 4.11 ‘Queen Takes Knight’
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andrcmedamarshall · 20 days
"While that's a shame to hear, there's plenty of other tattoo parlors for you to choose from if you're not comfortable here," Andie continued to play out as though he were a random customer. She pulled her lips into a forced smile at him before busying herself with further paper shuffling. "Perhaps you can return another time where you feel more reassured."
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"So you're still annoyed with me? You're going to act like you don't know me and like I'm just another regular customer, really?" Nathaniel spoke as he leaned right across from her on the countertop. "There is no way I'm letting you near me with a needle right now."
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andrcmedamarshall · 20 days
"Coffee? Coffee always helps," she replied with a soft chuckle. Andie was touched however that the other wanted to come by to see her studio however. "Well feel free to roam as you'd like. Just don't touch anything in the back. Especially if it's sharp," she made a point to note, even if she knew that Briar knew better. "And if you've got any questions, I'll see what I can do."
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"Well you talk so much about this shop, I thought I ought to come and see what all of the fuss has been about. See you in action as it were..." Briar spoke as she saw the woman appear from the back of the shop. "Plus, I brought coffee if that helps at all."
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andrcmedamarshall · 20 days
"I'll take that as a compliment," she smiled softly. Andromeda was not someone who sought out being social with strangers. Of course she had to do a lot of it in her job, but not all clients were talkative and sometime she could just do her work in peace. However when she was engaged in conversation with someone and it interested her, she always gave her full attention. "Hah well, potentially. I would argue you don't know me well enough for that but it's sweet you already have that impression of me however."
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"No, you are apparently fairly easy to talk to though." It was, in part, the way she treated him. He didn't feel like he needed to hide anything. Rowan felt strangely secure in her presence. At the compliment, Rowan felt his face heat a little. It was nice to know he was a good friend, a part of him wondered about it from time to time. "I believe that the same could be said for you, couldn't it?"
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andrcmedamarshall · 24 days
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"You here for a touch up? Or just browsing?" Andie asked when she came back to the front of the shop after sorting out some books. "Normally we require prior bookings at The Black Serpent but I suppose I've got time for a walk-in," she considered with a shrug, flipping through her log book at the front and seeing she had time at the moment. "What can I help with?"
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andrcmedamarshall · 2 months
"You know him too well," she snorted lightly in reply to that. "But yeah, he's doing just fine. Thanks to you," Andie confirmed a little more clearly, appreciation hanging on her words. "I mean I text you every now and again. You're sounding like a grandmother desperately wanting to reconnect," she teased. "Summer's usually pretty busy for me at the parlor so I guess I just beeline work and home and vice versa these past few days. I have time now though, grams, want to grab a bite or something?"
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"Hey kid, I haven't seen you or your brother around recently. I assume he's still plotting mass destruction as ever?" Leo teased with a grin as he came across Andie. "I'm a little offended you haven't actually checked in with me lately."
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andrcmedamarshall · 2 months
"I mean I don't know anybody who enjoys being disappointed or betrayed in any way, do you?" she countered when Briar asked if she cared. However she knew the nature of the blonde's question was more than that and she nodded lightly, "But of course. Although I find it hard to imagine that you'd ever disappoint. Especially not intentionally."
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"Do you care if I disappoint you?" Briar put to Andie curiously. Their conversations thus far had been a mixture of both knowledge and a dance it seemed. Briar almost felt like she was toeing a line though she couldn't quite trust whether she was reading it right. It was rare she was uncertain about anything in her life, but perhaps that was why she was so intrigued by the others company. "Though in answer, I heavily dislike the idea of disappointment. Both giving and receiving."
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andrcmedamarshall · 2 months
"Not in detail?" Andie arched an eyebrow at that. "Well, you've been talking to me a whole lot. Sounds like I should be considering that an honor," she added playfully. "That's nice then. They're lucky to have an anchoring and comforting energy like you in their lives if what you say is true."
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"Sort of, I guess?" Rowan spoke with a questioning tone to his words. "It kind of depends. Usually I don't speak too much to people I don't know. At least not in detail." He admitted, which was why he was surprised at himself with how open he was being with this woman. "But my friends... well I suppose you could say I am with them. Which I suppose actually confirms your last statement."
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andrcmedamarshall · 2 months
"You're very sweet and complimentary. Are you like that with everyone? I feel like you are," she laughed softly in reply. Andie did appreciate it all however, it seemed he took great care in observing and analyzing those around him in a way that seemed to come from a pure desire to understand his surroundings. "Definitely, I'd agree with that," Andie nodded her head. "Sounds you can relate there."
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"Like I said, you don't seem to be someone who would be lacking in the offers of friendship. Your personality appears to ensure that." But he also happened to be the type of person who really paid attention to others. It was interesting really though, because in other area's, Rowan could be entirely oblivious. "I think it's good to be like that though. It makes you know that the people you choose are really ones you can trust."
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andrcmedamarshall · 2 months
"That's not usually my style so it seems we should be fine then," Andie replied when the blonde had said she didn't take disappointment well. "But I'll avoid it where I can. And what about you? You're not going to disappoint me, are you?"
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Well one thing Briar knew, was that she wasn't disappointed with this version of Andie, and she didn't wish for a different version. "I am rather flattered that you seem to care about whether or not you disappoint me. But I don't take disappointment well, no. So I would say it would be best to avoid it where possible." She agreed with a little smile on her lips.
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andrcmedamarshall · 3 months
"Yes, of course. Take your time," she nodded appreciatively. "Thank you so much," Andie added before using the time to just nosy around the shop and look at what else there was on offer.
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"Okay, will do," Jordi replied. "Give me like five to ten minutes and I'll bunch those lilies up for you?"
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andrcmedamarshall · 3 months
"I suppose we may never know the answer to that," the brunette shrugged with a little grin playing on her own lips in response. "I have this feeling that it would be ill advised to disappoint you," Andie commented with a chuckle when playfully challenged by the blonde, "Would that be a fair assumption to make?"
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"Is that how you view it? What makes you think I don't like the version I got far more than the one I thought I might meet?" Briar put to the woman with a cheeky smile on her lips. "Eh, I never said I don't have a softer side, I just choose carefully the people I decide to show it to. You're not going to disappoint me now are you?" She challenged playfully.
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andrcmedamarshall · 3 months
"That obvious?" Andie replied, humor to her tone. It was sweet of him to say that however, considering Rowan didn't know her that well nor that long but he was able to pick certain things up about her character. "But yeah, I like to be picky when it comes to that. And I think it's fair enough. Why should I waste my time with people who aren't worth it, you know?"
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"Well I appreciate that though it deserves any attention it gets honestly." And he couldn't be selfish and take that away from them. "Not many friends? I'm assuming that's a choice considering you don't seem to be the type to be lacking for offers in that department." She was pleasant to be around and seemed to be able to make talk with anyone.
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andrcmedamarshall · 3 months
"You wouldn't be the first and I'm sure you won't be the last," she said in response to Briar admitting to being wrong in her judgment. "Never took you for a someone who'd settle," Andie teased when the blonde had said that they'd never know now. "Like this one, hmm? Careful, there. You're starting to sound like you're going soft on me."
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"Perhaps a little." Briar admitted with a smile. "But it seems I judged you wrongly and too fast." She could at least admit when she was wrong. Briar felt like it wasn't anything too insulting but who was to say how another took her words. "We'll never know now. This is the you I've gotten to know and I like this one."
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andrcmedamarshall · 3 months
"I promise not to go around boasting about it," Andie assured when he'd said that the place having more notoriety would mean he'd be able to frequent it less. "Besides, lucky for you I don't have all that many friends any ways," she added playfully. And that was by choice. She liked keeping her circle small and trusted which given their exchanges thus far, Rowan seemed to have a similar mindset in regards to the people he surrounded himself with.
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"It is interesting to see that we have somewhat similar tastes in some things." He'd felt like they probably had things in common when he'd met her. Something about the way she held herself. Though he shook her head at her question. "Not at all. This place deserves more notoriety though it would mean I wouldn't be able to visit so often. And I wouldn't have taken you here if I was bothered about you knowing it."
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