andreamedallada27 · 3 years
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To be perfectly honest, If the pandemic did not happen: I would still be the same close-minded 15 years old Andrea. I would still be someone who lacks empathy for others, someone who plays the blind eye when it comes to others, and overall: someone who do not like something she can not understand. I agree with the quotation “Broadening your perspective can be life enhancing”, because the second I become open-minded was the moment I was genuinely happy.
I adopted the Socratic method for my debates but little did I know it could also help me enhance myself by questioning more to learn more. I am glad I question almost everything as I know that way I could learn more from other people. I can take my perspectives on LGBTQ+ community, years apart as an example. A few years ago, I was this religious girl who bases her perspective on the bible; I was against same sex marriage even though I have friends who are members of the LGBTQ+ Community. But when I started questioning the bible, I was introduced to new knowledges about them, their sides, their sufferings caused by people like me who deprived them of basic human rights. Me questioning everything made me broaden my perspective and made me self-reflect about how I've been so close-minded I'm hurting people around me for a God that even I am not sure truly exists. I was not happy.
Having myself understand the LGBTQ+ Community also means questioning myself for the things I've done towards them, but then again: contemplating on the past will not do both sides any good so I decided to just enhance my life by becoming a better version of myself. And right now, the 2021 version of Andrea Medallada is fighting for equality to end discrimination and to attain rights the LGBTQ+ Community deserves. I might look like a hypocrite to others for doing so but I am now not afraid of changing my stand on things when presented brand-new informations.
These events might have been one of the highlights of my life. I was able to enhance myself, be empathetic to others, be more open-minded, and even now likes to know more about certain things I can not understand. I’m glad.
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andreamedallada27 · 3 years
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andreamedallada27 · 3 years
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andreamedallada27 · 3 years
“No animal should die and suffer in the name of beauty.”—Save Ralph
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andreamedallada27 · 3 years
𝙄𝙛 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙣𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙨 𝘾𝙖𝙣 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠.
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“No animal should die and suffer in the name of beauty.” Eliminating animal testing should be our goal, as animals are not just samples to show our human privileges; they should be treated with respect and dignity, the way deserve.
What we've seen just now is a stop motion mockumentary animated short film written and directed by Spencer Susser about an interview with Ralph, a rabbit who details his life as an animal testing subject. He is interviewed about his "job," that then he explains that as a result of the chemicals used on his body, he can't see through one of his eyes or hear through one of his ears, and he has a burn on his spine, It hurts all the time: exposing the brutal truth of animal cruelty inside the cosmetics industry. This film shows how: Given the availability of more modern, humane, and effective alternatives, rabbits still are tortured and are frequent victims of animal experimenters.
The use of such rabbits in biomedical and commodity testing is a well-known and long-standing practice. More than 161,000 of them are abused in U.S. laboratories every year due to the notorious Draize eye irritancy test, wherein personal care products, household cleaning products, and their ingredients were being applied to their eyes up to two weeks without any painkillers: frequently resulting redness, swelling, discharge, skin lesions, bleeding internally, or blindness. These abused animals deserve to be treated in accordance with their worth. It is time for us to finally take recognize of the rabbits and advocate for them.
The human-rabbit relationship is a complex one. On one level, these furry and appealing animals are almost universally beloved as symbols of harmlessness, innocence, and cuteness but if they had the ability to talk instead of just scream in painfulness, they would say: “I should be the poster child for animal rights. I am slaughtered for my fur. I am slaughtered for my meat. I am factory farmed in rabbit mills. I am tortured by vivisectors in their ‘labs.’ I am the third most commonly ‘euthanized’ companion animal. I am hunted and snared. I am the object of blood sports. I am often cruelly abused. I am given as a live animal prize. I languish in pet stores. Why aren’t I?” —Poster from RabbitWise, Inc.,
#SaveRalph is wake-up call for us to realize that animals are still being tortured for cosmetics, and right now is the moment for everyone to band together to ban it in a global level. They have rights, and it is never justified to mistreat and violate them unjustly just because they cannot sue us.
How to Help?
Donate to or get involved with https://www.hsi.org/
Learn about the House Rabbit Society and donate to its Emergency Fund
Buy only cruelty-free cosmetics and cleaning products: read labels and make sure that the product and none of the ingredients used to make the product were tested on animals.
Do not contribute to charities that test on animals.
Animals can’t speak for themselves. Lend them your voice.
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