andreapeipe-blog · 9 years
This was 2015!
Hi everyone, 
it has become a bit quiet on my blog in the past year but life just seemed to pass by so quickly this year and even though I planned to post something several times, I never did in the end. So it is the last day of 2015 and here I am with my review of the past year. 2015 was a year of changes. It was good year but also full of worry, changes, wonderful moments, love and turbulent times. I met lots of wonderful new people and had some personal changes towards the end of the year. I am VERY excited for 2016 and cannot wait for the new year to start!
In January, I met my friend Michi from Michael Färber Photography for the first time and we had a killer shooting with our model Jessica on the coldest day of the year when it snowed from morning to evening. I got some really great photos (one of which, "The fluorescent light of day" turned out to be one of my most successful images so far!) but as a result of the terrible cold, I got super sick and even had to be in the hospital for almost a week. The way we suffer for art...
In February I met my friend Anne from Anne Puhlmann Photography for a quick shooting but it was too cold to stay outside for long and we decided to rather have hot chocolate! 
February was also the start of my project "The Dreamers" which shows people in nature carrying around their dreams in water-filled balloons in which a water creature swims which connects somehow to them. Almost everything you see in the photo is real (except for the fish or other water creatures because that would be cruel) and I always talk to the model about which water creature they have a connection with. The model for my first photo "Dreams of a better life" was my former intern and good friend Andrés Sichel who you might remember from last year. 
In March, I had another shooting with Andrés - something I had wanted to do for a long time already! He put make-up on himself and turned himself into a very cool skeleton! I was so impressed at his skills! The rest of the month was spent with editing photos from shootings I had before. 
In April, lots of great things happened!! Meetups, a huge art far and not to forget my gold medal...
A whole bunch of us (photographers as well as models) met in Stuttgart for a few hours of shooting and fun together! I got to meet lots of new people but also see some people again who I love dearly! It was a great day with lots of wonderful photos as a result! 
At the meetup in Stuttgart I also met the wonderful and sweet Ponny from Seelenkind for the first time and we had another shooting still in April then. She is a really kind soul and great model and I am very sad that she moved to Hamburg in autumn. During the shooting, I took my second photo in my tree series and also my second photo for my project "The Dreamers"!
In April, I was furthermore contacted that my photo "The fluorescent light of day" had won one of the precious "Gold Medals of Excellence" at the world famous photo art contest Trierenberg Super Circuit! I was beyond excited to be one of the winners! 
The end of April and beginning of May was also the time for the well-known Urban Art Fair STROKE where I was exhibiting together with my artist colleagues Brigitte Yoshiko Pruchnow and Michaela Wühr. The fair was 5 days long and extremely busy! Thousands of people visited, talked to us and bought postcards and prints. It was super fun (and super stressful) and I had the best time! I was also lovingly supported by my boyfriend and my friends Lisa from LMK and her boyfriend Marius! 
While preparing for the STROKE 2015, I was contacted by the Süddeutsche Zeitung as one of a few artists exhibiting and asked to create a photo for them just for that occasion. It was very last minute and I found a model who was kind enough to model for me the next day. Alina was great but I wish there had been less sun on that day because I prefer to shoot on a cloudy day. Still, I am happy with the photos. 
While Lisa was still here, I also asked her to model for me using my new prism! 
Two weeks after the STROKE Art Fair took place, I exhibited at another art fair - the ARTMUC 2015. It was also for a few days and lots of visitors came by, sometimes recognising me from the STROKE a couple of weeks before. 
The rest of the month I spent with my boyfriend in Portugal where we had the best time! A well deserved break was much needed after the stress of two busy art fairs! 
June came and so did Lisa from LMK! She only managed to be here for 22 hours in total but we took so many great photos in that short time! I am so grateful for her as a friend and model! We spent the first day in a park area outside of Munich and the second day at and in Starnberg lake.
In July I met up with Lindsey for a shooting. I had asked her during the STROKE (where she was a visitor) if she would like to model for me some time and she said yes. 
Later in July I went to Saxony for the big meetup of photographers and models! I met so many wonderful people there and found lots of new great models! We spent four days there in a house at the beginning of a national park and I just had the best time! Among the people there were the photographers and models Mondmädchen, Esprit Confus, Elisabeth Mochner, Imaginarie, Mathilda Renoir, Greatbigwhale, Kettenkarussell, Ronja Malou, Paula Ohmann, Sturmideenkind, Atemlos Träumen, Marilla Muriel, Vulpeculhar, Seelenkind and several more! 
I took lots of different photos there - several nudes among other things - and really liked finding a new field in photography which I enjoyed a lot! I still have so many photos from that meetup to edit which I will post in 2016 then. 
In August, I went to visit my friend Moritz from Moritz Aust Photography. I spent a few days there and Lisa from LMK also came by most of the time. We took photos together, experimented and took a day trip to Bamberg together. Since it was a very hot week, it was difficult to take photos during the day and I battled with the sun. I still have a few photos from that time to edit as well. 
Later in August Seelenkind and me organised a meetup in Munich to which lots of models and photographers came. Among them were Michael Färber Photography, Korbinian Vogt, Cate Red, Michelle September Photography, Lisa Anselm, Sandra Singh, Spiegellicht, Mimik Photography, Joann Janin. We spent the day shooting in different locations around town and then had a wonderful BBQ by the river organised by Seelenkind and her boyfriend. It was such a lovely day with so many great friends and new people! Again, I still have got a ton of photos from that day!!
In September several exhibitions took place - the yearly art exhibition in Bad Wörishofen where I already exhibited last year, the Art Week in Bad Wörishofen and the exhibition Pygmalion which took place in the APR rooms in a great location in Munich.   
I also had a very cool shooting with the very talented Jasmin Quan. We spent a few hours together in Munich and decided to shoot again and more elaborate some time but have not found time so far to repeat it. 
October came and with it the Gala Night of the Trierenberg Supercircuit! It took place in Linz, Austria and I went there with my boyfriend to collect my Gold Medal of Excellence! It was a fantastic night, much cooler than I could have imagined! Before the show, I had to fetch my medal and then I had to go on stage to answer a question about my art in front of all these people. There were so many great photos which they showed during the show on stage and all the winners had to go on stage. There were photographers from all over the world - from South Africa, Australia, Italy, China... it was a really great night! After the show there was a wonderful buffet and you had a chance to talk to the other photographers. One of our table neighbours and winners of the same medal as mine was the lovely Bella von Einsiedel who was there with her partner Anja. Together, they are BellAnjaPhotography. We got on so well and it was such a pleasure to get to know them! In addition to the gala night, here was also a huge exhibition of some of the winning photos and other photos chosen by the jury - 3 of my photos was exhibited which made me very happy!
I also had a really great shooting with Daniel Riedl and Cate Red in that month. Daniel asked me to take photos of a model wearing a wig he had made. We discussed what we could do and where and I suggested Cate as a model. It was a really great experience to work together with those two! The first setup was his idea and the second one mine.
My former intern and friend Andrés Sichel also came back to Munich for a short time and even though we unfortunately didn't see each other often, we had one shooting together where he assisted me and did the hair and make-up of the model. It was a really fun shooting with him and my awesome model Lena who drove for a few hours to model for me that day! I have not edited all photos from that day yet but love the ones I posted so far! 
At the end of the month, I exhibited at another art fair - the STROKE Ltd. in Munich! I shared a wall with my artist colleagues Brigitte Yoshiko Pruchnow and Michaela Wühr again but this time we also shared our concept. We created three group pieces which had a topic and color scheme each. One of us was alsways the creator of the middle piece and then the other two artists had to come up with fitting side pieces to complement the middle piece. I had my images printed on wood for the first time and the reaction was VERY positive! People loved it, esp. with the square one. My images are the first middle, second left and third right by the way. 
Most of November was spent in South Africa with my boyfriend and his family. Family time was much needed and most enjoyed. And something really wonderful happened as well while we were there - we got engaged!! We will get married in 2016 - not quite sure if in Germany or in South Africa or both yet!
In December I was super happy to have the spontaneous opportunity to meet Rob Woodcox who was in Munich for 2 days! Laura Zalenga organised it and there were 8 of us who met up to hang out, explore Munich and its Christmas markets, check out Nymphenburg castle and have burgers. It was such a fun time!
A few days later I left Munich for a meetup of meetup fun in Leipzig! I spent the night on the way at my photographer friend Lia from Liancary and then early the next morning we continued to Leipzig together. Our group took photos in Leipzig on Saturday and then in a studio on Sunday. I have not managed to edit more than the one photo from that meetup but I have a few left still. It was so great to see Esprit Confus, Mondmädchen, Jott, Vulpeculahr, Paula Ohmann, Mathilda Renoir, Hanna K. and Andreas again and get to meet Nora Scholz Photography, Victor Hamke, Martin Neuhof, Marwin, Lara Anouk and several others! 
So, this was my 2015. How was yours like? What did you create or experience? Let me know, I would love to hear from you!
Love, Andrea
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andreapeipe-blog · 9 years
Lisbon & Sesimbra - a vacation in Portugal
Hi everyone, 
It's been a while and I wanted to give you a little update of what I have been up to lately! 
After participating in two huge art fairs here in Munich in April and May - the STROKE and the ARTMUC -  I was ready for a proper vacation so my boyfriend and me went to Portugal! We fell so in love with the country even though we have not seen so much yet. We stayed in Lisbon for a few days and then in Sesimbra - which is about 45 minutes away. 
If you want to get a little impression of what it was like there, I hope you enjoy these photos!
All the best,  Andrea :)
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andreapeipe-blog · 9 years
Winner of a Gold medal of Excellence at the Trierenberg Super Circuit photo art competition 2015
Hi everyone,
On April 17, I received an email announcing that my photo "The fluorescent light of day" is one of the winners of a "Gold Medal of Excellence" in the 2015 TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT photo art competition!
In the last two decades, the TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT has attracted hundreds of thousands of pictures from almost all countries around the world. It is by far the largest annual salon of photography on the globe. The aim of this competition is to find the very best photographs of different styles, techniques and genres. The TRIEREN-BERG SUPER CIRCUIT has established as an international benchmark of perfect photography.
A twelve-member international jury from Germany, Austria, Ireland, Australia, China, Qatar, Poland, Spain and the Netherlands (divided into 4 salons) selected the best photos from over a hundred thousand entries from all over the world. I was thrilled to see that 12 of the 16 photos submitted by me were shortlisted by the jury!
My photo "The fluorescent light of day" and at least one other photo by me will be show in the high-quality three hundred-page catalogue art book containing 1000 photos of the best works received in the competition. I am super excited to attend the "Gala of Photography Art" (Gala der Fotokunst) on 12 October at the Design Center in Linz, Austria and see my photo exhibited together with all the other winners of the competition!
All the best, Andrea
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
Whoever turned this into black & white... this is NOT supposed to be in black in white! (in fact, I basically never use black & white in my photos because I don't like it very much). This is how the photo actually looks like: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pucki/16236692791/
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Holding on (by Andrea Peipe)
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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by Lisa-Marie Kaspar
Lisa-Marie’s world is both magical and powerful. The inspiration for her portraits comes from books, dreams, people and nature itself. Lisa-Marie feels moved by natural landscapes like a dry field with withering flowers or the seaside.
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
This was 2014
2014 was a year of excitement, of loss and love and of finding new friends. It was a year of support, of learning and growing and of finally having a full frame camera to shoot with. 
In January, I started a 52 weeks project (again...) which I stopped after 22 photos because I just did not have the energy or creativity at this point of the year. But I am still very glad I did it for a while because it kick-started my creativity at the beginning of the year and I am very happy with the images I produced in those weeks. 
In February I visited my great friend Moritz and met Lisa for the first time (surprisingly because it sure feels like we've known each other for YEARS! Hello kindred spirit <3). While I was there, I started my "The simple beauty" series. 
I also started my series "One with nature" because the nature where Moritz lives is also incredibly inspiring to me. 
These days were among the most productive of the entire year and I created so many images that I love dearly. 
And while I was there, I also took several photos for my 52 weeks project. I always miss having wide spaces like fields and the like in Munich so I always take many photos when I visit Moritz. And yes, I love my white dress! ;)
In March, I travelled to Frankfurt for ONE day to meet some really cool photographer friends for a few hours. Somehow, I still have not edited most photos from this day so here is to doing that in 2015! 
I also met Anne for the first time in March. Anne is in absolute sweetheart and I am so glad to have her here in Munich. We went to the Botanical Gardens in Munich and explored the beautiful plants and butterflies (there was a butterfly event at the time) and just generally had a great time. 
In April, Kristian and Michael came to Munich from the States on their Europe trip and we spent two days together. On the first day, Laura was also with us, the second day we walked around town without her because she was at university. We explored churches, parks, ate ice cream and took photos. Those two are really special and sweet and I hope to see them again some time!
Moritz also visited me here in Munich a few days later in April and we took lots of photos! We went to a lake, to the Botanical Gardens and walked around Munich, eating ice cream, taking photos of crows and laughing our heads of. 
And then everything came to a halt when my mum passed away in the last days of April. I lost all drive and energy and most of all, my creativity. It was a dark and very painful period of my life and I still miss her every day. I created this image "Gone too soon" as a tribute to her. The Falcon animal totem represents visionary power, wisdom, and guardianship which are all things she truly possessed. 
I didn't really take many photos in the following months because I felt like I had nothing to give. I was not myself. In May, I nevertheless participated in the ARTMUC art fair in Munich. I had a good enough time with lots of visitors and 3 photos sold but it was hard as hell when the parents of other artists came by. 
In June, I went to Bournemouth in the UK for a week to find myself again. I visited my friend Stephanie who is also a photographer and we spent most of our time cycling along the beach front, taking photos and drinking coffee. It was what I needed and I felt if not better than at least more like myself again afterwards. 
In June, I also took part in a collaboration of 24 creative photographers from Germany who interpreted the song "Hopeless Wanderer" by Mumford and Sons in their own way, one line per person. My line was "But I was sure we could see a new start" and this is my interpretation. I dedicated it to my mother. 
The entire project can be found here. 
In July, Moritz offered me to visit him to get my mind set on other things again. It was a glorious summer week and while we of course took photos, we also spent a lot of time just talking, having iced coffee, playing with the cat and going running. I truly have the best friends. <3
Ethan came from the States and visited Munich in July which was super exciting!! He is seriously one the nicest people ever and we had the best time exploring Nymphenburg Castle and Munich for two days! I miss him lots and hope to see him again on a meetup or visiting the States one day. 
In August, I discovered my immense love for underwater photography! I only had two chances to try it before it got too cold but my models Anne and Lisa were incredible and I honestly had the best time. Lisa came all the way from Würzburg just to model for me in the water! I seriously cannot wait for it to be summer again!!
I spent most of the next month in South Africa with my boyfriend and his kids visiting his family and even though I had planned a few shootings, I ended up only taking private photos and spending quality family time and taking a break. Sometimes this is exactly what you need and what will help you create again in the long run. 
In September, I took in my first intern. From being a complete stranger, Andrés not only become a real asset but also a very good friend. Having him here work with me 40 hours a week pushed me immensely and we created lots and lots of props together over the next few weeks. His arrival also marked the beginning of my current series "My Secret Garden". The first image "The Autumn King" also had him as model in it. Most of the props we built in that time and the photoshoots we had together have not been published yet so you will see them this year!
In October I had two exhibitions. The first one was my second solo exhibition which took place for 6 weeks in the Galerie eigenArt and was also part of Kunst in Sendling. I literally spoke to hundreds of people at my exhibition and held several little guided tours and it was the most rewarding feeling speaking to people and finding out what they liked or disliked and which was their favourite image. 
The other exhibition was a group exhibition at the Lackiererei together with other talented photographers like Laura and Anne. 
In October, Evan came from the States and visited Munich! It's really awesome if you finally meet somebody you have known online for a long time! We didn't have much time to take photos but went to the Octoberfest and around Munich instead. I managed to take two portraits of him anyways. Evan is a very sweet and incredibly funny person and I wish he lived closer!
In November, I went to the most wonderful meetup with 13 incredibly lovely other photographers. We stayed in this awesome old house on the grounds of a castle a few hours from Munich. Basically, we took photos from morning to night. We were blessed with one day of fog and all these wonderful people became really good friends! We are planning to meet again this year. All the photos I took there have the same character for me because I went there unprepared and without knowing most of them which is why the series is called "The Quiet Series". 
In December, I took in my second intern Alicia who is currently helping me once a week to build props and the like. I used the rest of the month to edit photos from the past few shoot and to prepare shootings for 2015. 
If I look back at 2014, it was a crazy year. So much happened and I feel that I grew so much in one year, personally and creatively. Thank you so much for your ongoing support, for your messages, your comments, your likes and favourites. Thank you to everyone who reads this blog and follows me. You all mean so much to me!!!
Here's to a great year 2015!
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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You call me out upon the waters © Andrea Peipe
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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For all the lovers {Explored} by Andrea Peipe on Flickr (with permission)                                  (Larger)
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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The force of the wind ~ Andrea Peipe
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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Gentle Soul by Andrea Peipe on Flickr.
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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The sea won’t rest till I’m home (by Andrea Peipe)
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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The Garden of Sleepers by Andrea Peipe on Flickr.
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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The window to another world by Andrea Peipe on Flickr.
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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Her work will introduce you to a new world each time. Andrea, A 33 year old Photographer from Germany likes to travel and explore new locations to photograph. Her use of natural light, and even natural props will make you realize how natural her work is. I hope you have a good read!
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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Andrea Peipe: -The painters hands -Trapped in a crazy world
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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Andrea Peipe 
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andreapeipe-blog · 10 years
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Woman in white dress by Andrea Peipe
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