andreaysturiz 7 years
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andreaysturiz 7 years
For you
I鈥檝e been wanting to tell you this, It鈥檚 not your fault that I feel this way, don鈥檛 think I could ever blame you for what Im becoming, but one thing I can tell you for sure It鈥檚 that I need you, I need to feel safe again, I need to feel your love, I need your support, all I need and all I would ever do is you, by my side holding my hand and telling me It鈥檚 gonna be fine.聽
Don鈥檛 get me wrong, I know for sure it would, but you have to understand that someone as fragil as myself needs that kind of reasurement, and you out of most people know it; I know Im ranting to complete strangers about the way I see things, but if I don鈥檛... Oh, if I don麓t, it would be the end of me.
So charish me, love me like you once did, hold me in your arms like there鈥檚 no tomorrow and don鈥檛 let me go... You won鈥檛 need to keep me from going outside, I won鈥檛 run away, but please, don鈥檛 let my soul go, because that鈥檚 all I I got left.聽
Yours always,
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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more text messages here
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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dangerous addiction to your lips馃槏
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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andreaysturiz 8 years
Insomnio de casualidades.
Amor, una casualidad Bella hora que encendi贸 la chispa Sin谩psis de neuronas nuestro amor, me cuestiono hermoso accidente o m茅rito del destino? 聽 Amor, una casualidad que tus ojos caf茅 con su potencia magn茅tica atraigan cada cent铆metro de mi poco a poco lentamente, hacia ti
Amor, una casualidad que la locura nos invada similar e inexacta guiandonos lentamente, en el tren directo hasta el para siempre
Amor, una casualidad el v铆vido sufrimiento que atormenta mis noches poco a poco, d铆a tras d铆a es devorado lentamente por el calor de tus abrazos
Amor, una casualidad cu谩ndo te conviertes en mi pasado no te miento, me da miedo escuchar de ti, lo que una vez me hiri贸 hasta que recuerdo que hasta sufriendo contigo, ser茅 feliz.
Amor, una casualidad S贸lo te pido una cosa No detengas tus labios, que dan calma Tus abrazos, que protegen Tu mirada, mi horizonte y por siempre te amar茅.
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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Peter Tatsis
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andreaysturiz 8 years
Healing doesn鈥檛 mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls my life.
Akshay Dubey (via quotemadness)
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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deep texts here
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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more text messages here
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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deep texts here
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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relatable text posts?
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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sexual texts on your dash?
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andreaysturiz 8 years
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