This blog is officially archived! Berlin has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ). Some threads will be continued; others will not!
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This blog is officially archived! Berlin has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ). Some threads will be continued; others will not!
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This blog is officially archived! Berlin has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ). Some threads will be continued; others will not!
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This blog is officially archived! Berlin has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ). Some threads will be continued; others will not!
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This blog is officially archived! Berlin has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ). Some threads will be continued; others will not!
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This blog is officially archived! Berlin has been moved to my multi ( @multimuse-rp ). Some threads will be continued; others will not!
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Taking a break!
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It was the first time they’d kissed, and yet Berlin had thought of it more times than he could count. He’d been waiting for the right moment. You had to take things slowly in relationships or they’d be over in the blink of an eye. Then again, he didn’t have much time left anyway. The fact that she wasn’t immediately pushing him away seemed like a good sign, and he smiled into the kiss, moving his hands to her neck to pull her in closer. Eventually, though, he pulled away, opening his eyes and looking directly at her, awaiting her reaction.
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@andresdefonollosa​ asked :     ✗
Send ✗ for my muses reaction to being grabbed by the front of their shirt/collar and kissed hard on the mouth
Gabriella’s protests were muffled as Berlin smashed his lips harshly to hers: silencing any such words from escaping her. Her doe-eyes widened in absolute shock, her heart racing rapidly and cheeks turning a bright pink as she found herself caught off guard completely by such a response from him. It was the last thing she expected from him, yet the way he often teased her softly from his lingering touches alone made Gabriella realise that perhaps she’d been a little bit naive than she realised. Her shocked gasp caused her lips to part and with that, also allowed him entrance into her mouth. She let out a small sound that resembled that of a sweet moan as they kissed, her small hands pressing against Berlin’s chest and grabbing ahold of his red suit: unsure to push away or pull closer.
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“Everything will be fine. Tranquila.” Berlin offered the other a calm smile before he stood up to pour himself a glass of wine. “Don’t you trust me?”
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“Everything will be fine. Tranquila.” Berlin offered the other a calm smile before he stood up to pour himself a glass of wine. “Don’t you trust me?”
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content warning for themes of violence, gore, death,  horror and general dark themes as stated in title. obviously these can be used for any context but i figured i’d provide some content for spooky season. ♡
“  did you really think you could hide from me?  ”
“  no one is coming to save you.  ”
“  now,  i’m gonna have to kill you.  but i won’t let it hurt.  i promise you that much.  ”
“  what?  crying already?  ”
“  keep your goddamn mouth shut!  ”
“  oh,  don’t look at me like that.  surely you’re used to being hurt by now.  i always pick the damaged ones.  ”
“  damn—  you’re a really fucking fast runner you know that?  ”
“  it’s so cute that you think you’re going to survive.  ”
“  you can scream all you want.  no one will hear you.  ”
“  i’ve been planning this for so long.  ”
“  oh yes,  i remember now.  i had so much fun killing that one.  ”
“  i really wish you hadn’t said that...  ” 
“  well shit.  i didn’t want you to see this—  blood really isn’t my color.  ”
“  i’m warning you to walk away now.  forget you saw this.  ”
“  if i see you again,  i’ll take your eyes.  ”
“  don’t give up now,  i’m just getting started.  ”
“  i was hoping you’d put up a fight.  ”
“  stop squirming— it will hurt less.  ”
“  you’re not getting out of this.  ”
“  i’m afraid it has to be this way.  ”
“  it was always going to end like this.  just accept your fate.  ”
“  i really don’t like having to do this.  please don’t make it harder.  ”
“  just let go,  feel the life draining away. it’ll be peaceful.  ”
“  shh it’ll all be over soon.  ”
“  oh,  you’re going to be a fun one to take apart.  ”
[ INTIMIDATE ]  for one muse to use gentleness in a threatening manner  (  stroking their face or hair etc  ). 
[  CRUEL ]  for one muse to threaten the other by putting a hand around their throat without fully choking them. 
[ TRAPPED ]  for one muse to wake up bound to chair. 
[ GROUP ] for both our muses to wake up,  bound and about to be tortured. 
[ KNIFE ] for one muse to stab the other.
[ BULLET ] for one muse to shoot the other. 
[ CRACK ] for one muse to break the other’s bone  (  feel free to specify location  ). 
[ BRUISE ] for one muse to punch the other.  
[ CAUGHT ] for one muse to discover the other in the act of killing someone. 
[ LATE ] for one muse to discover the other after they just killed someone. 
[ QUIET ] for one muse to menacingly put a finger over their mouth to indicate the other to hush. 
[ WHISPER ] for one muse to put their finger over the others mouth while intimidating them.
“  why are you doing this to me?  ”
“  what the fuck do you want from me?!  ”
“  i swear to god i’ll shoot!  ”
“  what the fuck is wrong with you?  ”
“  i’ll do whatever you want,  it doesn’t have to be like this.  ”
“  why are you like this?  what happened to you?  ”
“  please—  help me—  ”
“  i think i’m dying—  fuck i’m gonna die…  ”
“  i can’t keep running.  ”
“  please, stop—  ”  
“  go to hell you fucking bastard!  ”
“  i won’t cry for you.  ”
“  hurt me all you want,  i won’t let you break me.  ”
“  go fuck yourself.  ”
“  oh,  i don’t think you’re misunderstood.  i just think you’re a little bitch who only gets off when they’re hurting people.  ”
“  newsflash asshole,  we’re all fucked up.  you don’t see me going around killing anyone over it.  ”
“  what did you do? what the hell did you just do?  ”
“  you said you wouldn’t do this anymore.  ”
“  enough! just.  stop.  ”
“  okay,  you’re really starting to freak me out this isn’t funny anymore.  ”
“  just leave me alone! ” 
“  we have to keep running—  ”
“  get the fuck outta here,  it’s not safe!  ”
“  we can’t hide here forever.  ”
“  who’s after you?  ”
“  don’t leave me here!  ”
[ DEFEND ] for one muse to fight back against the other. 
[ LOGIC ] for one muse to try and reason with an antagonist. 
[ FLEE ] for one muse to witness the other do something violent and immediately run away. 
[ LIVE ] for one muse to be injured by an antagonist and barely survive. 
[ HELP ] for one muse to stumble upon the other after getting attacked. 
[ SURVIVE ] for one muse to have to leave the other behind to run from an antagonist. 
[ GRIEF ] for one muse to watch the other get hurt/killed. 
[ PURSUIT ] for one muse to chase the other. 
[ SURPRISE ] for one muse to grab the other from behind,  hand over their mouth but with the intent to help them hide. 
[ COLLIDE ] for one muse to run into the other’s arms after fleeing from an attacker. 
[ AID ] for one muse to find the other in shock,  hiding from something or someone. 
[ RESCUE ] for one muse to just narrowly get saved by the other. 
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He noticed the tremble in her voice. She was still afraid of him. That was good. The day she stopped fearing him was the day she became a threat, and he couldn’t have that happen. Not now, and not ever. “Yes, you are,” he whispered quietly, a smile spreading across his face as he moved his hands to her waist, pulling her even closer but still letting her head rest in his chest. Let her think she had the advantage; why not? “Cariña, you are mine. Do you understand? I’m never going to let you go.”
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@andresdefonollosa​​ asked :       “You’re mine, and mine alone.”
Oh, Gabriella felt very much like a prey in that moment. She never thought she could feel like such a way by another human. And yet, here she was: cornered against the wall by Berlin, his body so close to hers she felt as though she could feel his hot breath brushing against her as he whispered directly in her ear. “I’m not– … I’m not yours.” Gabriella was quick to reply back, her tone as frightful as it was trying to remain strong, “I’ll never be.” Her face was hidden partly in his chest at the closeness their bodies stood. It gave Gabriella the advantage to hide her nervous expression as she further continued to defy him,“No matter how you think otherwise.”
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Who was it that had called him a leader in the first place? El Profesor, the true leader of the heist. The one who’d organized all of this. If Denver knew they were brothers, he’d surely have more respect, wouldn’t he? Letting out an annoyed sigh, Berlin looked up at the boy from where he sat. “Why were you trying to talk her out of an abortion? I heard you, you moron.” Maybe it was that, or maybe it had all been a test that Berlin knew Denver would fail but hoped he wouldn’t. “I didn’t kill her because I doubted you. I didn’t think you were fully committed. I mean, all those stupid jokes you made in class?” He scoffed lightly. “You never took this seriously, and your lack of motivation proves it.” He slowly stood up, advancing towards Denver. “And don’t you dare speak to me like that again.”
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▐⠀ ✘⠀⠀𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒 .⠀You’re out of control!⠀𝒇𝒕.⠀@andresdefonollosa,⠀𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈́𝐍 .
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⠀⠀❝ And what are you, a leader? Ya, líder mis cojones. ❞ The last couple of hours had been a stressful blur. An attack was perpetrated by one of the hostages, and execution had been Berlín's extreme punishment for it. To set an example, he said, reassert their faltering authority, choosing Denver for the tricky task. And he tried to do it, he really did, was throughly committed to the plan, to following certain rules. However, he was no murderer. Hell, not even close to it. Bar fights, busted teeth, broken ribs; that was his thing, not executing people in cold fucking blood. Besides, since when the hell was killing hostages part of the plan? Never, the Professor's stance on that particular matter had always been firm and clear: no matter how crazy shit gets in there, keeping the hostages alive was key. Essential, the big difference between being publicly seen as heroes, real-life Robin Hoods, and mere terrorists. Yet, Berlín was just giving zero fucks about it. So really, who was the erratic one here? Whole body tensed, Denver's grip on the gun aimed at the other grows tighter, pure fire coursing through the veins. ❝ Why didn't you kill her back there? Because it's easier to have someone else do the dirty work, ¿eh, flipao? Porque eres un puto cobarde, no un líder. ❞ And those hostages out there wanting to rebel were probably the least of their problems right now. ❝ So you can shove your orders and your stupid speeches up your ass. ❞
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Threatening the hostages was always enjoyable. Berlin loved seeing them flinch, seeing them shudder when he so much as looked at them. But it wasn’t just for fun — it was part of the plan, too. The hostages had to fear them, and he had to keep that fear going at any cost. Then again, it wasn’t hard with this one.
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He chuckled lightly at her response. “Never?” He looked directly into her eyes. “So if you somehow got ahold of my gun, you wouldn’t shoot me?” He hesitated, then reached into the pocket of his jumpsuit, pulling out a small handgun. It was a fake, but she didn’t need to know that. He held it out to her, flashing her a grin. “Let’s test it out. Let’s see if you’re a hypocrite.” Mind games were the best way to pass the time in here
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Killing is necessary, according to the sadist meandering about in front of her. It’s far from reassurance, something entirely glib present in his tone that makes her stomach churn. But they wouldn’t kill anyone . . . would they? How are any of them supposed to stay sane if that’s a possibility? Hadn’t he promised? Hadn’t he reassured them moments into this that they wouldn’t touch them? Now, it felt like ALL BETS WERE OFF.
Muscles on the girl’s pale neck tighten and flinch at his words, gaze quickly averted from his visage. ❝  You’re insane,  ❞ she manages, copper ringlets twitching as she shakes her head, ❝  It’s never necessary.  ❞
@andresdefonollosa      whispered     ⟶      i don’t actually enjoy killing.  it’s messy.  the blood gets everywhere.  it’s just necessary sometimes.
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@innocenceburied asked: " i said, put it down! "
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If he was in a better mood, or if he’d gotten more sleep, Berlin would’ve chuckled and made some teasing comment about how young and weak Rio was compared to the rest of them. But he was exhausted, and the painkillers were starting to wear off. Rio should’ve known better than to challenge his authority. Berlin resisted the urge to pull the trigger and instead took a step forward, his eyes narrowing. “Do you need a reminder of who’s in charge here, boy?” he hissed, eyes flashing with anger. “You’re lucky I didn’t throw you out with that bitch girlfriend of yours. She doesn’t even love you, you know. You’re just a boy toy to her. She’s way out of your league.”
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Who wants memesssss
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Who wants memesssss
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