andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 5 years
That is really lucky.  And wonderful.  Pack is…it is the most important thing; it is family.  I don’t know where I would be without my pack, and without my family of course– Cole– and she is pack, too.  Having people like that is really important.  And I am so glad you have that, too.  Did it help when all of you talked?
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He is.  He is really, really strong.  I just wish…I wish there was more we could do.
It is.  A bit.  I think there’s always going to be pain, and fear.  We just get better at living with it.
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Rollin mentioned something about Natalie being able to help him the other day.  Maybe she can.
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 5 years
A little bit… Have you?
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I think you are right about that.  I feel awful.  For everyone, but…especially for him.  I wish I knew how to help.
A bit.  I’m lucky in that I have Finn, Rose, and Rollin.  They know everything about me, and vice versa.
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I’m sure you’ll find a way to help.  And he’s a strong one, to have survived as long as he did in those conditions.  He’ll be alright.
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 5 years
I’m…okay, actually.  I still have a lot of nightmares, but…I guess maybe the things I saw when the djinn had me under it’s spell were things I have been afraid of for a long time, that I needed to confront to realize…that I don’t have to be afraid of them anymore.  Although I would definitely have rather confronted them in any other way…
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But I know that it was not nearly as bad for me as it was for a lot of other people.  Including Noah…have you gotten to meet him?  I know he has been pretty reserved since everything, and I don’t blame him at all…
It was a rough experience for all of us.  Have you talked to anyone?  I know that’s easier said than done, but it does help.  Even if it’s just....one person.
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Briefly, in passing.  I’d say if anyone had the worst of it.  It was him.
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 5 years
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in which andrew wolfe is an actual puppy: a gifset
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 5 years
You are welcome to stay if you want to, but you don’t have to!  But I am glad I ran into you.  I was just wondering…how are you?  After…well, everything that happened?
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I can stick around.  I don’t have any place I need to be.
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I’m doing alright.  How are you doing?
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 5 years
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—Oh!  Um, hi.  I’m sorry!  I was just…I was coming to train, um…I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to interrupt.
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Ah, it’s alright.  I was just finishing up here, actually.  Unless you’d like the company?
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 5 years
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 5 years
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 5 years
ooc: sup fam! andrew underwent intense cosmetic surgery and now looks like charlie hunnam. you’re welcome.
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 6 years
allie--argent replied to your post
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 6 years
Andrew had rolled his eyes affectionately when Rose had used the dream root, and made a point not to take his yet. He caught Rose as she fell to the floor, careful to lay her down gently before he sat himself against the wall and placed two drops into his eyes.
It was cold, always so cold. The condemned warehouse had no heating, and more broken windows than not. It was the dead of winter. He couldn’t remember how long this had been going on, but fading in and out of awareness he could see his entire pack. A dull pain was emanating from his left hand, and as he tried to twist his hands to relieve it, he cried out. Suddenly he was on the floor, weak and holding his mangled hand to his chest. God, it hurt so much.
The young boy looked around with his bright blue eyes, barely strong enough to stand on his feet. When did everything start to smell so bad, smell like death? He turned quickly at a faint sound, and stumbled, dizziness overcoming him. “Who’s there?” He cried out weakly, barely able to talk. There it was again, but it was behind him this time. He tried to get up but suddenly there was something grabbing him, dragging him back to where the monster had him tied up. He fought as much as he could, claws coming out from his right hand and slicing the arm of the beast. It dropped him and he fell in his left hand again, but this time he ignored the pain as he tried to stumble away.
He had to get out, or he was going to die. Like the rest of his pack. The rest of his pack. He turned then, the beast no longer there, and saw the bodies of his pack. All strung up like he had been, but dead. He knew they were. He could feel it.
“Noooooo!” He roared out, pain etched in his features as his fangs dropped and his eyes turned blood red instead of the beautiful golden they had once been. “Aggghhhhhhh!” There was nothing but pain.
The warehouse was as cold and dark as the cave, and immediately, Rose realized where they were: the djinn’s previous lair; where it had kept Finn’s pack beforehand.  Her heart ached, and the rage she felt subsided briefly to something else, something more raw and painful, as she surveyed her surroundings.  “Come on,”  She whispered to Andrew, leading him deeper into the cold building.  
She heard Finn’s roars, and ran towards the sound.  She could hear his screams as she approached him, and she ran to him, dropping to her knees before him.  “Finn!  Finn, can you hear me?  Please hear me.  Finn…I know I’m no one to you yet, but…you are everything to me.  It’s Rose.  Andrew is here with me, too.  We are here to help you.  Finn, it’s a djinn that did this.  It has you trapped in a nightmare even now.  You escape this, Finn, and you came to warn another pack about this thing.  It took us again, but we are breaking free.  We are getting out!  I can get you out of here, and I can get you out of it’s reach.  We can save everyone this time.  Please, let us help you.”
Andrew stood back as he watched Rose race up to Finn and fall to her knees. Finn was so young, barely ten from the looks of things. It was no wonder the three of them had bonded the way they did. Andrew had only been 13 when the hunters came for his pack, when Olivia had been killed as he tried to protect her. He stepped forward when Rose mentioned him, and he crouched down. “Finn, we need you to remember us.” He said softly, hand resting on Rose’s shoulder to offer her some small comfort.
“You can win this time.” He started. “The monster that did this, it has us now. But most of us have been able to break through the nightmares. And we need you to break out of this too, we can’t fight this thing without you.”
three’s company | andrew, rose + finn
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 6 years
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 6 years
three’s company | andrew, rose + finn
Andrew had helped a few of the others get their pack mates down as he searched the cave for his two pack members, Rose and Finn. He knew the others could handle waking their friends up, but he wanted to be the one to helps his own pack. Especially Finn, he might need both of them to wake him from whatever horrors the djinn was forcing him to endure. 
Stiles had found Rose before Andrew did, but that didn’t particularly bother him. She was awake and he could feel the rage seething from her, he felt it too. They need to find Finn. Luckily, their enhanced senses made maneuvering through the cavern easier than it was for the human members, and it wasn’t long before the two of them stumbled upon their missing pack mate, quite literally.
They made quick work of laying Finn on the ground, and then Andrew looked up at the redheaded wolf. “I think you and I both know what we need to be prepared for when we get in his head.” He said, trying to be careful in his words. He knew Rose and Finn were the closest of them, and that there were unspoken feelings between the two. “You can’t lose it in there, Rose. Finn needs us calm, and strong.”
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 6 years
Lucy nodded shakily, following Andrew’s gaze to the guns on the floor.  She accepted his hand and stood, following him to the guns.  She took a deep breath, reaching for the gun he held out to her.  “We will be,”  She agreed softly.  “It’ll be okay, Andrew.  I know this is awful, but…it doesn’t hurt one bit.  And you wake up right away.  I hate that we have to do this, but…it will be over really soon.”
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Andrew closed his eyes as Lucy closed her’s, and he forced himself to put a barrel of the gun to his temple. Regardless of whether or not this would hurt, it was still heavy, something that would weigh their souls. God, he hoped he got to rip this djinn to pieces once they got everyone out. 
He pulled the trigger.
He gasped, waking to Lucy hovering over him with concern in her eyes. “I’m okay.” He said, shifting so he could stand. His arms were sore, presumably from being tied up for an undetermined amount of time. “Thank you, Lucy.” He said, taking her hand and squeezing. “Are you alright?”
Safe and Sound || Lucy & Andrew
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 6 years
“Andrew,” Lucy smiled tearfully when he seemed to recognize her, and as he became the real Andrew, the one she knew today, before her eyes.  Before she could say anything else, he was leaning closer and kissing her softly.  Lucy gasped a little against his lips, before gently kissing him back.  Her heart fluttered, and she felt light and airy suddenly.
“You’re okay,” She whispered in relief, leaning back slightly and staring into his eyes.  Despite everything, a smile was on her lips.  But she also knew they had to rescue Andrew from his dream.  “We should, um…we should wake up.  We have to save the others, too,”  She said, nodding slightly and still feeling a bit dazed.  She was definitely going to have a lot to tell Rory about when all of  this was over.
The smile on Andrew’s face feel a bit when Lucy said they had to wake up. Because he understood that there was only one way to do that, and God, he didn’t want Lucy to have to go through something like this. But he knew, regardless of what anyone thought of her, that she was strong enough to handle it. He thought briefly, she just might be the strongest of them all.
“There’s those, over there.” He said, as he stood up and gestured to the guns that lay on the floor. Probably a residual of the dream/memory he’d just escaped. He held out a hand to help Lucy onto her feet, before crossing over to the two pistols and picking them up. “We’ll be okay.” He offered gently with a nod as he handed one to her. “I don’t know how you guys keep doing it, but you’ll all be okay.”
Safe and Sound || Lucy & Andrew
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 6 years
Lucy followed Andrew’s gaze to the little girl, and she gasped when she saw the blood.  “No!”  She cried out in horror, despite knowing it was a dream.  She had pushed the hunter away in time, hadn’t she?  Then again, this was not her dream; it was Andrew’s, and it was more than a dream, it was a memory.  She felt sick realizing what this hunter had done.  Had he wanted to torture Andrew even more before killing him, by first hurting his little sister?  The cruelty broke her heart, as did the knowledge that this was what Andrew had been through.
“Andrew,” She whispered, moving closer.  “Please, listen to me.  None of this is really happening right now.  I know that…I know that it did.  I know that this is what happened to your family.  And I’m so sorry.  I am so, so sorry.  But you make it out of here alive.  You aren’t really here right now.  You are in Beacon Hills with me.  I’m your friend.  And you are with your other friends, too.  A djinn attacked you, it attacked all of us.  And it is making us live through our worst nightmares in our dreams.  But I can help you wake up out of this.  And we can help everyone else who is still in danger.”  Lucy wiped a tear away from her cheek and held her hand out to Andrew.  “Will you let me help you?”
Andrew couldn’t make sense of what this new wolf was saying, but there was a voice in the back of his head that said to trust her. It sounded like his father, but it couldn’t have been. Because his father was dead, his pack was dead. His little sister had died in his arms the night the hunters came for them. Someone had grabbed him and pulled him away, someone had saved him. Told him to run as fast as he could and never look back. He had left them. His pack. Deep in the woods he had felt a strange power rush through him and his eyes shift to red as he cried out in rage. His pack was gone.
With a gasp, Andrew pulled from his memories and looked at the girl before him. Lucy. Beautiful, sweet, caring, wonderful Lucy. With a tearful smiled he lifted a hand to Lucy’s face. She was here, she had saved him. Brave, beautiful Lucy. 
“Lucy.” He breathed out, and before he could stop himself, he pressed his lips to her’s softly.
Safe and Sound || Lucy & Andrew
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andrew-wolfe-blog1 · 6 years
Lucy once again found herself coming to in a warzone.  She could hear gunshots and roars of anger, but she could also hear screaming and crying in pain.  Her heart thudded in her chest as she looked around her, eyes eventually falling on a young boy huddled in the corner, trying to protect a little girl.  Although he was clearly younger, he was unmistakably Andrew.  She gasped as a hunter loomed over them, pointing a gun at the little girl.  In a flash, Lucy rushed over, shoving the hunter with all of her strength and throwing him into a wall.  Kneeling down in front of the two children, her eyes filled with tears as she spoke.
“Andrew?  It’s me, Lucy.  Do you remember me?”  She felt the tears slip down her cheeks as she realized saying it wasn’t real wouldn’t be entirely true this time.  Maybe this wasn’t currently happening, but something about this scene told her this was not just a nightmare: it was a memory.  Maybe it wasn’t happening now, but it was real in the sense that it had happened.  That knowledge broke Lucy’s heart.
Andrew gazed up in amazement at the blonde woman who had just saved him and his little sister from the hunter. He didn’t know who she was, but he could tell from her scent that she was a wolf like they were. And she was beautiful.
He frowned a bit when she knelt before them, asking if he remembered her. Who was Lucy? Was she a friend of his mom’s? She looked like someone his mom would be friends with. She shook his head carefully, pulling his little sister closer to him. But his attention shifted quickly from the blonde in front of him to the girl in his arms. “Olivia?” He asked, as he shifted his stance. She was bleeding, why was she bleeding? Had he hurt her? He couldn’t tell, her head was resting against his chest, but he couldn’t hear her breathing, he could hear her heartbeat. Tears began to fall as he tried to lay her down to check. There, in the center of her head was a bullet hole. 
Safe and Sound || Lucy & Andrew
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