andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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Just a few of the headlines from another amazing year! Happy Birthday to this man who forever continues to inspire 🖤
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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get to know ⇢ stephen strange  “ pain’s         an old              friend. ”
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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Met Gala by melodia012
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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Height by @quaae6
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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I saw a lot of this theories on Facebook and BOIII
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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Working vaca in Cannes 
Photographs by Greg Williams 
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
Strange adventures, Iron will
Endgame spoilers go away! (and come back later please..)
Story setting: This story is set on an alternate universe, where Tony doesn’t die. Steve is the one who did the final snap but due to his super soldier syrum he was able to live and passed on his shield to Sam. He now trains and teaches newcomers in S.H.I.E.L.D.‎
Summary: Dr. Strange and his apprentice go on missions together until one day they need the help of Tony Stark.
Additional info: The universe where endgame happened exists somewhere in the multiverse. Several other characters will be in this story like Spiderman, Shuri, Black Panther etc.
The Beginning
*Mixed voices on the background*
“Are you okay? Can you hear me? Miss? Miss?”
Metro - General Hospital
“Out of the way! Out of the way! Female, with a severe damaged spine! Get the operation room ready!” a voice of a nurse sounded throughout the hospital hall as he was running with 2 paramedics with a stretcher that had a victim of a car crash.
“With such damages she will be lucky to survive but probably won’t be able to walk.” a young trainnie said that tagged along once he heard the seriousness of the situation.
“I’ll be the judge of that! Let me see the X - Rays.” the voice of a familiar doctor sounded.
“They are right here Doctor!”
“The damage is too much, survival rate is low.” the doctor examined the X - Rays.
‘Doctor Stephen Strange. A renowned doctor in his field. Neurosurgeon. A good one. No. The best. He picks his patients so that his reputation won’t be stained by death. A person that believes he can control life and death. He could save her. But she has 0 chances of walking again. She could die in the middle of the surgery. He won’t take the chance. Won’t rick to ruin his reputation.’ these were the thoughts of the young trainnie. He deaply felt sorry for the girl. 'Another neurosurgeon would come at any moment. Maybe he can save her.’
“Is the operation room ready? She won’t last long!”
“Wh- what?” the trainnie said suprised.
Dr. Strange just stared at him and said: “ There is a dying person in front of us. What, what? We save lives! Get the right people for this! Or I’m starting on my own!”
“So you are going to operate her?” a nurse said.
“Of course. She will survive and walk again.” the doctor said with confidence.
The operation room is now ready. The doctor is operating. Do not disturb.
32 hours later
“The patient survived. It’s unknown if she will be able to walk agai-”
“She will!” the doctor said cutting off the nurse. “I’m the one who did the operation. I know.”
But within that confidence there was a tiny bit of worry.
'What if she doesn’t?’
1 week later
“Ugh… we… we..are.. mm…i….”
*voice in the back*
“She’s waking up! Get the doctor!”
'What happened? Last thing I remember… Last thing I remember… Last thing I remember…’
“She pass out for now. But she will wake up again.” Doctor Strange said. “Thanks for informing me.”
“It’s nothing. It’s been a week since the incidence. Nobody is looking for her. No ID. She looks like she came from another world.” the nurse in charge of checking her said. “She’s a John Doe”
“Keep informing me about her condition.”
“Why do you care so much about her? You always come before you leave. Do you know her?”
“No. It just that I feel that is my responsibility as a doctor to see that she gets better.” He replied
The next day
“we…. are… i…?….”
“Metro - General Hospital”
The girl turned her head to the side. Faintly, she saw a silhouette of person.
“That’s what you wanted to know, right?”
“I-” the girl tried to talk but was cut by the pain she felt.
“Talking is something I don’t really recommend. But I’m pretty sure you have lots of questions. Firstly, we should introduce ourselves. My name is Doctor Stephen Strange. I’m the one who operated you. What about you? Do you remember your name?”
The girl took her time. In the darkness, she could find her name. She turned her head to the other side with a sad look on her face.
“I see.”
“What now?” the girl said with a weak voice.
“Now, you’re going to get some rest and then, you will be part of a program where you will do certain exercises to help you get on your feet again.”
Strange was happy that his patient lived and the girl stayed quiet processing the situation. They both stayed quiet, enjoying each others company.
“Well, I’ll be on my way then. I will come tomorrow. Get some rest.” the doctor said and took his leave.
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End of Prologue
To be continued in Chapter 1: First Mission
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
I’m rewatching The Winter Soldier, and I was thinking about this scene
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Which totally hints that Stephen isn’t Magic Dr Strange, yet. (I know it had been confirmed, but I need this for the following part of my consideration). I’m saying this because he and Bruce are the only people of which he says the name and considering that Bruce is already the Hulk, it’s easy to understand that “in the future” refers to Stephen. Now, the point is another one:
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Now, for how he tells the algorithm works, it couldn’t predict Stephen’s accident and/or his future as Sorcerer. I think that Stephen would have been a threat to Hydra and subsequentially a superhero either he crashed or not, either he met magic or not. Maybe he could have been a different person, maybe it would have happened later, but I think that this is his destiny. 
Because, at the end of the day, what Zola’s algorithm does is to use a lot of stuff from their past to understand their future characters. In Endgame, The Ancient One tells Bruce she already knows Stephen will become Sorcerer Supreme, which, of course, Zola’s algorithm couldn’t predict, and she knows that because she looked into the futures as she said to Stephen during her final scene, but basically, Stephen was meant to be a hero since forever and I don’t even know, what kind of hero he could be was something that Hydra couldn’t tell, but the simple fact that they are mentioning him there, when he still was a doctor, saying that he can be a future threat means that they already knew how powerful he is. And this made my day!
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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Okay but can we agree that Tony is now just a ghost hanging around Stephen’s house and fucking with his stuff
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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tony Stark &  Morgan Stark (+(?) 
English  It is a sentence using a translation site, I’m sorry if the grammar is wrong. 
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
Endgame: A Moment of Appreciation for Doctor Strange’s Character Continuity
Minor-y spoiler-y, but not too bad. Major warning for my brand of sense of humour and my inability to choose between American and British spellings.
Anyway, I was appreciating @ririsasy’s Every Doctor Strange Appearance in Endgame and the analysis there when I noticed something I hadn’t before in the Great Purple Vortexes of Awesome (that’s their official name in the comics, probably).
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Source: @ririsasy
Take a close look at the spell. We can’t really get a HD look at this spell yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to interpret the pixels to the best of our ability. It would be putting the ‘obsessed fan’ title at risk.
At the beginning of what the audience sees of the spell, Doctor Strange floats into frame. All Outriders within his target area are floating within purple beams of light before quickly being followed by these bright tendrils coming from the ground.
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Within a couple seconds, these white light tendrils have fully elongated and grabbed onto the Outrider above them.
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And finally, when Doctor Strange lands, the Outriders are pulled downward to the ground. What I had not noticed before while watching the film in theatres is that the Outriders are not slammed into the ground to kill them. Instead they’re being pulled into some sort of portal to who-knows-where. I would assume another dimension where they can’t harm others.
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That rumbling after? Those are portals closing and the ground fixing itself.
And by the time the portals are closed, it’s as if the ground was never disturbed in the first place.
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What does this mean? It means throughout the entire Infinity War, including the battle in Endgame with plenty of Outrider fodder to toss around, we as an audience never actually see Doctor Strange kill on-screen.
That’s Great. So What?
For those of you who live fulfilling lives outside of fandom don’t remember, in Doctor Strange’s origin movie, he ends up killing a man in self-defense.
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This used to be a person’s astral body. And this is why you don’t stick forks into sockets.
After checking on his enemy and finding that, yep, he killed him, Doctor Strange is pretty upset about it. And he has no interest in ever repeating that again to the point that, at first, he rejects the Ancient One’s initial offering of becoming Master of the New York Sanctum.
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Source: theavengerscast on Instagram
Somehow, against all odds in his position as a Master of the Mystic Arts, every action we have seen from him on-screen follows this mantra. The most damaging spell he ever uses against Thanos in Infinity War was this lightning-bolt thing (some fan theories think it might be the Bolts of Balthakk, but I like to call them the Sweet Lightning Lava Bolts). Considering Thanos was crushed by a boulder the size of a building at the beginning of the fight on Titan, I am not too worried about Thanos’s health here.
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Endgame follows this trend with the scene identified above and his role in the latter part of the fight on being a protector for the whole field by keeping floodwaters back after severe damage to the surrounding landscape.
This character continuity is awesome. His mantra of “Do No Harm” has developed into a key part of Doctor Strange’s personality in the MCU and makes him very unique in that regard.
One of my greatest hopes for future appearances of Doctor Strange under various directors is that this remains a core part of his personality. While he understands the necessity of self-defense, because he has so many tools in his multi-dimensional toolbelt to deal with his enemies in other ways, I hope he continues to use his creativity and abilities to save others (and the universe) without killing and with as little physical harm as he can viably get away with. I hope that, should he be in a corner where major physical harm and/or killing is the only way out, he still continues to display regret at the outcome in some manner. I also hope that, should he ever be in a team situation where someone asks him to kill an intelligent being, he outright says ‘no’.
In the end, it was a great thing to realize in such a small section of onscreen time and it makes me very excited to see where Doctor Strange goes in Phase 4.
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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Look closely at strange’s face and all his whole gesture toward tony here, how reluctan and shaky his hand was to give that sign for Tony, but Tony looked at him so desperately, when there was no hope anymore, after he fell, all his friends fell and failed to defeat Thanos, asking him with his eyes “how could we win this? You said we will win, but we are losing here, look at us, what should we do? What can I do to win?”
and Strange knew in that moment, he could never escape what he had saw to win this war and look at the way he hold his breath and the tremor on his face when he did something he didn’t want to do, maybe he didn’t do it the first time, send Tony’s stark toward his fate and then they failed to defeat Thanos.
And he had seen that the only way for them to win was for Tony himself to take the gauntlet because he has the strongest will to defeat Thanos. He was the one who was able to snap Thanos and his armies to dust.
What if this outcome is the first one or amongst the earliest possibilities Strange had seen from his 14,000,605 visions? He might have desperately try to see for another solution? willing to go through that much period of time searching for a way out so Tony stark could live? But there was no other way and that’s why he was so regretful and in grieve in this scene.
All I could see in his eyes was “Tony, I am so sorry but there was no other way”
He said there was no other way, not that’s the only way, it means, he indeed had found this way to win over Thanos earlier but he refused it and searched and searched for another one where Tony stark didn’t have to die but failed to find another solution.
I believe if he could have more times in Titan before the time stone snapped him out of it because he used is so excessively in such a short time and Thanos also already so close on his way to Titan to take the stone, he would have searched for more.
I think marvel succeed in writing such a tragic love story between these two characters.
How heavy the weight of the world they have to carry on their shoulders and I think they both understand each other burden, only sadness there, from one Hero to another.
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
Endgame: A Moment of Appreciation for Doctor Strange’s Character Continuity
Minor-y spoiler-y, but not too bad. Major warning for my brand of sense of humour and my inability to choose between American and British spellings.
Anyway, I was appreciating @ririsasy’s Every Doctor Strange Appearance in Endgame and the analysis there when I noticed something I hadn’t before in the Great Purple Vortexes of Awesome (that’s their official name in the comics, probably).
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Source: @ririsasy
Take a close look at the spell. We can’t really get a HD look at this spell yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try to interpret the pixels to the best of our ability. It would be putting the ‘obsessed fan’ title at risk.
At the beginning of what the audience sees of the spell, Doctor Strange floats into frame. All Outriders within his target area are floating within purple beams of light before quickly being followed by these bright tendrils coming from the ground.
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Within a couple seconds, these white light tendrils have fully elongated and grabbed onto the Outrider above them.
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And finally, when Doctor Strange lands, the Outriders are pulled downward to the ground. What I had not noticed before while watching the film in theatres is that the Outriders are not slammed into the ground to kill them. Instead they’re being pulled into some sort of portal to who-knows-where. I would assume another dimension where they can’t harm others.
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That rumbling after? Those are portals closing and the ground fixing itself.
And by the time the portals are closed, it’s as if the ground was never disturbed in the first place.
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What does this mean? It means throughout the entire Infinity War, including the battle in Endgame with plenty of Outrider fodder to toss around, we as an audience never actually see Doctor Strange kill on-screen.
That’s Great. So What?
For those of you who live fulfilling lives outside of fandom don’t remember, in Doctor Strange’s origin movie, he ends up killing a man in self-defense.
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This used to be a person’s astral body. And this is why you don’t stick forks into sockets.
After checking on his enemy and finding that, yep, he killed him, Doctor Strange is pretty upset about it. And he has no interest in ever repeating that again to the point that, at first, he rejects the Ancient One’s initial offering of becoming Master of the New York Sanctum.
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Source: theavengerscast on Instagram
Somehow, against all odds in his position as a Master of the Mystic Arts, every action we have seen from him on-screen follows this mantra. The most damaging spell he ever uses against Thanos in Infinity War was this lightning-bolt thing (some fan theories think it might be the Bolts of Balthakk, but I like to call them the Sweet Lightning Lava Bolts). Considering Thanos was crushed by a boulder the size of a building at the beginning of the fight on Titan, I am not too worried about Thanos’s health here.
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Endgame follows this trend with the scene identified above and his role in the latter part of the fight on being a protector for the whole field by keeping floodwaters back after severe damage to the surrounding landscape.
This character continuity is awesome. His mantra of “Do No Harm” has developed into a key part of Doctor Strange’s personality in the MCU and makes him very unique in that regard.
One of my greatest hopes for future appearances of Doctor Strange under various directors is that this remains a core part of his personality. While he understands the necessity of self-defense, because he has so many tools in his multi-dimensional toolbelt to deal with his enemies in other ways, I hope he continues to use his creativity and abilities to save others (and the universe) without killing and with as little physical harm as he can viably get away with. I hope that, should he be in a corner where major physical harm and/or killing is the only way out, he still continues to display regret at the outcome in some manner. I also hope that, should he ever be in a team situation where someone asks him to kill an intelligent being, he outright says ‘no’.
In the end, it was a great thing to realize in such a small section of onscreen time and it makes me very excited to see where Doctor Strange goes in Phase 4.
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
Stephen Strange is very sweet
And gentle, and polite.
Many people kept this “he’s arrogant and annoying ” first impression of him during his movie where he was at his worse, judged him and forgot to what his growth, acting just like arrogant Stephen himself. During his movie, he’s either angry, sad and frustrated most of the time, when he’s not scared and lost, but if you pay attention to his eyes, his voice, his worry, you’ll see how sweet, sensible and sweet he is. HE CRIED AT LEAST 3 TIMES IN THE MOVIE.
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In Ragnarok we see Thor and Stephen competing in “I’m the alpha” style and that had its relevance. In IW we saw Tony attacking Stephen all the time (I don’t blame him, he was scared and angry) and even Stephen’ “douchebag” sounded sweet, next time we see them arguing is because Tony was ordering Stephen around (again, Tony had his reasons) and then they had this little argument, both exchanged some glares and sass, but again, their discussion was more like a DEBATE than anything else and let’s not forget that Stephen had the power to force Tony and Peter back to Earth. He also didnt abandon them and was very worried about Peter.
In other words, Stephen’s development is brilliant, he isn’t rude to people for no reason, actually, he’s quite a gentleman if you think about it and if you judge Stephen just like a terrible arrogant annoying person you either:
Didnt watch his movie(s)
Didnt pay attention
You’re a hater
You’re arrogant like he used to be
You’re “meh” a d shallow towars most things
You take first impressions too seriously
You still didn’t get Stephen’s hero journey idea.
Don’t take this personally if you dislike Strange, you have all the right, I took a lot of time to understand Tony’s journey myself, and Thor’s too.
In IW, Tony is being a dick to Stephen almost all the time, and even so Stephen jokes with him, tries to call his attention and even flirted with his. He never tried to harm Tony, the opposite actually.
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And even if Stephen still has a long way to go when it comes to growth and modesty, just like Tony, he has his reasons to disagree, be sassy and try to control the situation around him, just consider he’s VERY INTELLIGENT (not like Tony, Tony’s a genius) and consider his background (complicated father, family tragedy, loss of everything he had…) and remeber all his sacrifices to save the world (Dormammu, all the outcomes he spent YEARS examining and living, quitting his own personal life goals and love interests to keep the world safer), consider how the other masters understimated him and the constant pain he feels and the huge responsibility on his shoulders.
If you don’t feel a drop of empathy for this character, it’s just weird. You really don’t have to like him, empathy is something totally different.
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
All Doctor strange’s scenes in endgame
1. He magnificently arrived with his usual elegant self with the rest of Team Titan
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His grand entrance just scream sass
2. Stephen and wong little conversation that actually has a significant meaning.
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This conversation between Wong and Stephen confirmed that Stephen Strange got a big role behind the scenes that we couldn’t get the chance to see on the big screen and he is doing a hell hard job in quite a short time.
Stephen and everyone else takes a little bit longer to arrive because they just got re-dusted and most of the living creatures in the universe didn’t have the luxury to actually know what’s going on.
Stephen is the one who has full picture about where the battle will take place because he has seen it all, imagine him going around telling the news and the plan to help the Avengers defeating Thanos and asking for the rest of his mystic arts family through the universe to help with the portal, he had so many tasks to do and he has to do it fast because he knows how much the avengers need everyone to help them and also fulfilling his prophecy, the one he had seen to happen.
3. Fighting Thanos’ armies like a boss
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Even though it was short, but his fighting style is always a feast to see, the range of magic that he knew and he knows the way to wield it to his advantage, we stan, one capable man.
this scene is followed with Tony stark coming his way, confronting him about 1 in 14,000,605 possibilities he told Tony on Titan, even on this scene Stephen already look quite sad when he told Tony “if I told you what happened, it won’t happen”.
4. Holding the flood up by himself like a true sorcerer supreme that he is, the master of mystic arts!
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This scene is so iconic because it’s just so badass to fight against the nature, I know why marvel put him in this position, if he join the fight with the rest of the main avengers, he might steal their thunder with his skill and he wasn’t the main hero here, so they gave him something to handle and we won’t be wondering why Doctor strange didn’t just like help them more or something.
5. Keeping eyes on the main battle between Thanos and the avengers.
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It must be hard for him to see them fail, loosing over and over again, he must have secretly wish it doesn’t have to come to the same end he already saw.
When there was no hope anymore, Tony look at his way, Stephen looks like he is holding back his tears when raised his index finger, telling Tony to seize the moment, now or never, he knows Tony’s stark fate that he must do the inevitable in order for them to win this fight.
6. His attendance at Tony stark’s memorial
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He stand at the front row, close to Tony’s family and closest friends, looking thinner than his usual bulkier self in his suit. Tired and grieving, win the war but feeling more like the lost side.
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andreylimitless ¡ 5 years
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here’s some Doctor Strange icons i made from recent Doctor Strange comics!
like or reblog if saved or if you just like them uwu
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