andromedananarchy · 5 years
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Chaos vision
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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by  N Kayurova
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
Animal Necromancy- Bone and Spirit Work
When the word ‘Necromancy’ pops up, a very specific image pops into the mind. It is always having to do with human bones and spirits. While that is the most popular application for necromancy, it goes far beyond that. Its use spans into working with all dead things, both human and non-human.  One of the most applicable necromantic methods in modern times is animal necromancy. The ability to work with animal dead is useful one for a witch to have. I’ve often been posed with the question: “I’ve found some animal bones, but what can I do with them?”  The first thing to consider is sanitation and legality. Is it legal for you to own these bones? Do you know what animal they came from? In certain states, it is illegal to own the pelts, feathers, bones, antlers, etc of certain animals. Always double check your local laws.  Sanitation wise, you should pick up your bones with bags and gloves. If they are only bone with no flesh left, rinse them with water and soak them in peroxide for about three days depending on the size of the bones.  If they have flesh left, your best bet is to bury it in a burlap bag. It gives minimal damage to the bones and will clean them completely. It is also the slowest process. It can take several months. When they are simply bone, you can do the peroxide treatment to them.  Cold water maceration and simmering is an option, but it is rather unpleasant and smelly. I don’t recommend it, especially if you live with other people.  Now, after all that, you’re left with clean, legal bones.   First thing to do is introduce yourself. Let the spirit know who and what you are. Get to know the spirit residing in the bones. The spirit may not be as potent in a femur in comparison to a skull. The skull is the spirit’s house.  You may find that the spirit is quite upset and riled up. If it was shot, hit by a vehicle, or killed by a person, it may be less than welcoming to you. If this is the case, you have to soothe it. Burn tobacco for it. Give it pomegranates and apples. Give it food (not always the food we would eat).  If it cannot be soothed, and you’ll know if it can’t, then you have two options. One is to put the bones back where you found them. Leave them there and forget you ever touched them. The other is to remove the spirit from the bones. As you would banish a spirit from a house, you would banish the spirit from the bone. It is to remove all power left in the bone and leave it nothing more than a length of calcium. It can, however, be inhabited by another spirit of the same kind of animal. Assuming the spirit was able to be soothed, you will continue working with it.  The next thing to do is ask the spirit if it is willing to do work with you. Never assume this. If it isn’t, take a step back to what I just mentioned. If it is, it’s a good idea to find out what kind of job it’d be best for doing. Small skulls could be turned into ritual adornment, while big skulls could be used to make ‘watch dogs’ disguised as decoration. If you live in rural areas, you’ve seen the bull skulls hung above barn doors. Little do those farmers know that long ago, those skulls were likely hung as a way of protection or apotropaic magic. Sometimes the spirit will make it known how it wishes to be used.  You can also use the skull of an animal to house your familiar. If you purge the spirit out of the bone, your familiar can inhabit it. Or, conversely, you can adopt the spirit of that animal to be a sort of familiar. I’ve even seen cases where a witch’s familiar came this way.  There is also the case of reddening the bones. To redden the bones is to give them breath, strength, and life again. You stain the bones red as blood. Many witches use red ochre when doing this, but I’ve also heard of using red wine, rowan berries, and even beets. This isn’t an absolutely necessary thing to do, but it can give extra power to the skull and spirit you’re working with.  Someone asked specifically about using a bluejay to go to Hell/the Underworld. In the States, it isn’t legal to own any parts of many native birds. However, it is possible to work with the spirit of an animal without owning the remains. What you need is a vessel. This can be a special jar, bottle, statue, or even a clear quartz. You’ll have to find the body or bone of the animal, place to vessel near it, and coax the spirit in. Once you have it, you can work with it.  And how would you get the bluejay to take you to Hell? You lay down with the vessel, shut your eyes, and go flying with the spirit.  What other kind of work can be done with animal spirits? It all depends on the animal. A horse’s skull can be of great use to a witch, if they’re familiar with German witchery. They can be used to fly, to cross the hedge, and to severely curse an enemy’s land. A bird can keep a watchful eye and assist with flight. A fox can hex, steal, and spy. A bull will protect and attack those who threaten you. You can make the skull of a toad into a ring or the spine of a snake into a necklace for ritual. They will help give you power in your workings. Buck skulls can help in accessing the Wild Powers. The skull of a buck and ram are highly prized by traditional witches. It can give connection to the Man in Black.  Skulls are also a symbol of death in general. Even an empty one can be used to great effect in any necromantic working, including ones involving human spirits. It can be a key to the door between worlds. If it is the skull of a fox, toad, rabbit, or other messenger animal, it will do very well for amping up general necromantic workings.  These are the basics and beginnings to animal necromancy. It’s a good starting place for those interested in the oft tossed aside topic. Necromancy, however, deserves a word of caution perhaps more than other areas of witchery. The spirits can take vengeance on you if you mistreat them. It is best to comply with whatever spirit you’re attempting to make a relationship with. Do not be mistaken, they can be forced, but it will earn you a poor reputation and a vengeful ghost. 
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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Daily Reminder!
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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Cosmic witch mood board -Pastel
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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Federico Beccari
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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กุมภาพันธ์ 2562: ไมโกะ Koaki (โอกิยะ Kaden) จากเขต Miyagawacho ในจังหวัด Kyoto
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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The North Remembers (color version)
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andromedananarchy · 5 years
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#43 Hecate, Titaness of Ghosts, Witchcraft and Necromancy.
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