fallstuck · 9 years
Tsol mostly keeps to himself. He’s one who prefers to be alone and is actually fairly sensitive, despite seeming somewhat colder towards others due to his aversion to social contact. He’s a killer, but only because it makes him feel better and makes him feel as if he has a purpose- to protect his District from outsiders. The first thing that is mentioned that he killed was a kitten- cut and gutted it. Raevin asks him about it, and for a second he feels guilty for killing the helpless thing, before Raevin admits that she does the same thing and likes it, too. He feels a kinship to Raevin that makes their relationship something between moiraillegiance and matespritship, though it never truly blossoms into either. They simply stay close.
Tsol is a very caring person, but battles himself constantly. Most of it is his schizophrenia, as well as his low self-esteem and the pure hatred he has towards himself. Somewhat sadistic and very masochistic, he has a habit of self-mutilation (mostly on his legs, very rarely on his arms), which leads to some repurcussions later.
Lori is one who is as antisocial as Crutch, and only cares about very few people. She’s pessimistic, and puts herself and others down often. She gravitates towards those who think that the Districts are for the better and that some things are better of not changed. Built on the power of understanding and clarity, she’s always making sure that her opinion is noticed and acknowledged before listening to others, something that a lot of people don’t like.
Being geared towards homogenous mixtures, she’s a lesbian, and is attracted to Serate and Lisa. The attraction makes her soften up and explain herself in a non-forceful way around them- so that they know about her paranoia, insecurity and lower self-esteem.
Zeus is a prick. There is no hope for him.
Zeus is the kind of character who seems nice for a little- and then you get to know him, and he’s just an asshole all the way through. He turns things around on others, attacking them and manipulating them constantly. Even his closest friends are afraid to leave because they know that he’ll just get them some way or another- he’s done it before. He uses his father as an excuse and as a threat, given that he is the leader of his District. Zeus acts tough, is a rebel, and doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Smart, narcissistic, malevolent, aggressive, arrogant, and offensive.
Opal is a lot like Respra. Kind, thoughtful, generous, hospitable. She cares deeply for everyone and emphasizes a lot on teamwork and cooperation, and wants everyone to be heard and be equal. Being an Errol player, she fantasizes often and has her head in the clouds- not quite believing in a false reality, but believing that things could change easily and that life isn’t as hard as others believe it is. Opal is another optimistic person, very light and bubbly, tomboyish, and confident, but has the same traits that Respra has- she can be easily put down and is a bit bi-polar. Luckily, she doesn’t let it get to her, and hides it a lot. Only people like Serate and Sara can tell when she’s down because of their emotion analyzing abilities (empathy).
Being a Rekkin player, Lisa knows what she is doing and is very conscious of actions and events. Sadly, like Kirren, she isn’t very good at relaying her knowledge in important ways, and doesn’t always fully understand the consequences of others’ and her own actions. Blind to what is right in front of her, once again we have another player who perceives everything differently than others do. Lisa is also colorblind, unable to tell the difference between some colors and in some ways not even able to see some colors (certain shades of red and blue) as they are, making her vision partially black and white, an odd mix of color and monochrome. Bubbly, joyous, playful and animated, she’s a good friend and is very good at cheering others up, even though she can’t always tell what’s wrong with others.
Alex is another happy, optimistic person who’s nice to be around. She has an affinity for nature and animals, and doesn’t like to hurt them. If it were up to her, she’d prefer to let animals roam freely in the Districts, and loves taking care of them when she finds them. She also acts this way towards people- a “mother nature” type who accepts anyone and everyone, no matter what. When she finds out that Tsol kills helpless animals all the time, she just shrugs it off, saying, “Well, everyone has fun in their own way, huh? :3” She’s a very loving person, caring deeply about her friends and family. She’s not very sensitive, in a manner of speaking- she’s also strong emotionally, and only cries when Nate dies- which is a very subtle thing. Nothing really gets to her, and, for the most part, she’s always smiling and happy.
Jess is someone who is extremely manipulative, using Tony to get whatever she wants. She is narcissistic and mostly just cares about herself. She knows things about others that often no one else does (except players of Light, Water and Remembrance), and uses that to her advantage. Hateful and mean, she degrades a lot of people and is part of Zeus’ clique. Another one to avoid, she isn’t much of a team player and does not get along with others very well. Poor Tony…
A light player, she is able to notice things about other players that those people don’t even realize themselves. She has shipping walls like Serate (shit, gotta mention that now…), and charts that keep track of certain aspects of the players (like the ones that she uses to predict others’ Aspects, haha.). She works with Lisa as well, and is another techy kind of person, one who uses data and analyses a lot. Also, since she is a Light player, she works well with Alex given that certain things thrive in light. She actually has a crush on Alex, one that mostly is kept to herself- and to Serate, because of her Light powers.
Adorable little Nate! His speech issues carry on into his quirk, often misspelling things. He’s somewhat slow- but has potential. The only reason why he isn’t so smart is because he wasn’t put into school until he was seven, so right now he only has a second grade education. Alex teaches him a lot, and he learns fast. He learned to play guitar from Alex, actually.
He’s kiddish, of course, and bubbly and loving. He’s very sensitive to change, however, and becoming a District’s leader at only age ten is just the start of the issues. Things go downhill from there, what with Zeus trying to push him around and then making him basically go crazy. He learns fast, and becomes a very angry child quickly.
Earth player, very grounded into reality, and extremely attached to Jess. I’ll explain character relationships more in-depth eventually… Anyways, he’s strong, but not silent. He talks often, though mostly with Jess unless he has to talk to others or really feels the need to. He knows he’s being manipulated by Jess, but he can’t get over her, and thus he stays with her. He has a somewhat shy personality and is paranoid up until he begins Skira, when he doesn’t have to worry about dying in the Districts. He gets somewhat cocky then, showing his confidence- which leads him to end up dying after reaching his Denizen.
Kota is one who is a bit of an antagonizer without really trying. He’s curious and likes to know everything about people, a real observer and an analyzer. He’s also one who wanted to be in the military, mostly because the Mars District is best known for its military force, and because he wanted to make his (long-been deceased) father proud of him- his father, Dave Strider. Kota also becomes angry at the world for taking away his chances, and eventually joins Zeus. He becomes the secondary antagonist- meaning he can be put interchangeably with Zeus for a little. Of course, he also helps out the team a lot, working with Lisa and Kirren as much as he could (mostly because of his curiosity), which eventually led to his accidental death when he fell off the ladder (;n; why kota why).  He’s also a very cold person, preferring to be alone and can be pretty blunt, sometimes even extremely rude without even noticing.
Deus is a very dark, morbid person who is only a little better than Tsol and Raevin. He lives in his games, needing a form of delusion to keep him going. He hates the way that the world works- hence why it was his idea to take over the districts. Other than that, he’s a very technical person and a major Grammar Nazi, who’ll stop at nothing to make sure that he can completely understand you so that he can correct you. He’s actually not annoying about it at all, not even when he corrects Nate every post (which Nate actually appreciates). Deus also sees himself as a freak, and tends to stay farther away from people because of that. Alex is really the only one he enjoys being around, which will be explained later I guess.
Deus is also a natural leader, and is most mature because of his age.
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fallstuck · 9 years
Something I made and posted to SoundCloud at some point I think. Made with Audiosauna. :3
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fallstuck · 9 years
If this story has a main theme song, this is probably going to be it. :/
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fallstuck · 9 years
Some Random Planet bits
Well, here I guess I'm going to explain some of the Troll planets. I've decided that right now, my main focus are the Trolls. I have no clue why, either. :/ I just use them more than the Humans (maybe it's because I hate my own kind so much...)
Anyhow, let's go in Hemospectric order, shall we?
Planet One: Land of Tyrants and Monsters
Her first planet, one of Dessika's technical moons, is the Land of Tyrants and Monsters. Her Bloodline lives there: Kryyst Astrah and the Strikkat. It's covered in monsters called Kizzen and Coatls, which Raevin captures and uses to feed her Lusus, a Dragon. :3
The Kizzen look something like this: 
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Coatls are: 
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There you go.
Anyhow, her planet is pretty save environmentally. If there's one thing her bloodline is good at, it's taking care of where they reside. They don't care much for anywhere else. The planet is covered in life. However, that's only because they kill the natural creatures there and leave them around to fertilize the ground. You'll see lots of bones and whatnot laying about, mostly Kizzen, but some are Coatl. You'll be able to tel the difference, but Raevin will still explain them.
Planet Two: Land of Bones and Absence
Littered about are bones from the Kizzen and the Coatls, long dead by now. Hewr world's consorts killed them off, of course- It's not one of those dead/void session things. 
((Eeeeeeeeeeeeee srry guysssssss))
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fallstuck · 9 years
Extended Hemospectrum
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Well, I have their caste roles organized here as well. These are most of the possible colors for blood. There are more, but most of them are nearly extinct by now, or are completely insignificant. :3 So, the same rules apply for all the colors, because this timeline is different from the HomeStuck one. The FallStuck versions of Tavros and such have slightly different shades of blood and are going on/are already insane, and the FallStuck Gamzee is the same and is fairly normal, with low inhibitions. Fairly simple.
In FallStuck, I don’t think I have actually shown any of these Alternate HomeStuck characters, but I have an image of them. I suppose I should draw them, huh?
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fallstuck · 10 years
Troll Character Personalities!
Well, I said to myself that I wouldn't do this... But... I guess I will...
Here, guys, be happy I'm giving you some of the info. SPOILER ALERTS!!!
Raevin is a mostly cold-hearted killer with sexual attractions to those who seem weak but are much stronger than they look (IE- Crutch, Jekkyl and Kirren). She also has a habit of killing what she pities. However, she does feel deeper emotion and enjoys Siiren’s company (despite him being a cocky, ignorant, annoying, immature hipster most of the time) and does so because she felt she could change him. That didn’t work, but by then she’d gotten so used to him that they just ended up being moirails. She hates the Hemospectrum, and planned to get rid of it when she assumed power over Dessika. She never got that chance and regretted it. She feels regret over killing her best friends as well.
Crutch is somewhat antisocial and reclusive, but has feelings towards others that he’s not afraid to admit. He feels bad for Lionus because Lionus gets the bad end for things all the time and also accidentally hurts his Lusus often, which, of course, upsets Lionus every time he does so. Crutch is also the kind of person who will do anything for a friend, saving their life or otherwise, even if that means him dying as well- even if it’s in the form of a BlackRom with a murderer. <o~O> (Gotta love his smilies.) He is kind to others, as well as polite unless he is annoyed, and is always up for a challenge, even one that might kill him.
Tierra is one who respects traditional beliefs. She sees cannibalism and vampirism as terrible things that she must rid the world of- her Blood Trolls (I’ll explain those later) taught her that. She pities those of lower blood and respects those with higher blood, as well as follows closely to the Homespectrum. She also respects her duties as a guardian of royalty- which I’ll get to later. (Yes, I promise I will, I’m not just saying that.) She’s always had dreams of flyng like the Humans’ “Angels”.
Respra is a childish, fun-loving creature who also respects responsibility and proper placement. She takes her job as a SkyGuard very seriously, and wishes that one day she will be like her Blood Troll Aerren. She doesn’t care about the Hemospectrum much but does care somewhat about the Classes Trolls are put into. For example, she cares about the Slaves and the Excluded, but in a way where she pities them extremely versus hating them. She’s kind and generous, but can be easily depressed (as with her planet), by a triggering event or scene. She also reminisces often, unlike most of the other Trolls who prefer to leave the past behind them. She even cries over some of the things she does. She’s curious at heart, too, and tomboyish.
Kirren is another one of childish nature, she’s really nice… and a little slow. She doesn’t often see things that are hidden “in plain sight”, like relationships (literal and metaphorical), clues, connections, and what-not. She is very vague most times because of her slowness and naivete. She reminds me a lot of Jade, except without so much smarts. She is really curious, though, and is good at learning things when she wants/needs to. She loves Tierra and her friends, but is too afraid to die for them, deciding to help in other ways of course.
She is Far Sighted. (see what I did dere?)
Lionus is picked on a lot because he loves the environment so much. He;s often accused of beastiality, as well as told that he’s stupid for ever thinking that the environment could look any better than it does now (which it doesn’t look very good at all.). He takes it. He is probably one of the most emotionally strong Trolls there is- however, it’s not necessarily a defense mechanism, or just a passive view on things, but rather, he’s very unattached from most of the world except for things that involve nature.
He actually has an allergy to some types of blood, which I will explain later. Funny? No, he hates the FUDG[- out of it. Like most, he feels that everyone should be equal, and the fact that he can’t be around/ touch certain blood types makes him hurt. Being the lowest of the middle class, he sees himself as the one to bring together the “d>rkb/oods”, and often tries to fix issues between them.
A pacifist at heart, he does what he can to mentally and passive-aggressively harm someone before doing it directly.
Finally, he carries some traits of a Blood character.
Siiren seems a little slow, but he's a lot smarter than you’d think. Hen helped reconstruct the game from bits of code, restoring it to its full beauty; he was the first to make a map of all of Dessika’s transportalizers, as well as discover most of them; and finally, he’s the Code Lord/ Hack Master.
He’s also good (VERY GOOD) with rendering spatial things. This aides him well when it comes to him using his Stars to kill something (as well as when he has his hands on one of Deus’ pistols). He is also good (as you can tell by his maps) at navigation and placement rendering. Of course, his useful obsession with symmetry helps him do this.
Besides that, Siiren is also someone who cares a lot about his friends. He emphasizes a lot in relationships because he believes that they are what will strengthen the group and help them to win the game. He also believes in honor and dignity. He doesn’t let out many of his embarrassing emotions except when he’s about to die, confessing it to Raevin and crying a little. He’s a sad character, too, because his immature, ignorant personality annoys everyone to the point of most not wanting to be around him.
Moving on, the attitudes are a defense mecahanism, one that’s meant as an overly optimistic, enthusiastic approach to every day when he knows he’s going to be enslaved soon. His blood color is in the Slave section of the Hemospectrum, and there’s a certain age you have to be to be enslaved (the same age in Human years for you to become a target- It’s 13 years for them, 6.5 sweeps or whatever for the Trolls.) And he just had his epic Half-Sweep party (such a partier.), meaning he’s officially at that age now. So he’s basically just waiting for the Sentinels to come take him to his owner to be enslaved. (More on Slavery soooon.)
When in the game, he’s just so used to acting that way that he continues. However, it lets up a little, given that he doesn’t need to be so afraid anymore, and given the nature of Skira. Which I still have to explain. MOVING ON.
Serate is the one character that I really started doing this for because I needed to find a good Denizen for her. Luckily, I got it, WHOOP but only after thinking a little on things. (It’s Odin if you haven’t noticed. I wonder why all the major Norse gods have 4 letter names… ;)) )
Serate is a really smart, fast, optomistic person who just happens to be paranoid and cannibalistic. She’s another one to follow things her Blood Trolls have been doing for a very long time, and she sees it as a culture, as a way of life, to be cannibalistic, just as it’s a way of life to be a Dessikator. She doesn’t want to change, because she feels (and she is very right) that it’s okay for her to be like this. Not only that, but she has a hard time digesting other forms of food, because they don’t digest as easily. (You’d think that’s weird, given the level of iron in a Troll’s blood. :/ I don’t make the rules- well, I kind of do- but she’s special, like her family.)
Personality wise, she has a tendency to talk a lot on a subject that she needs or wants someone to understand, sometimes lecturing, but not nearly to the extent of Kankri’s lecturing, and she rarely, and I mean RARELY ever chastises someone without them really needing it. (She gets on Siiren’s case a couple times, nothing too horrible.) She likes to ask questions and receive answers to clarify things, as well as to make sure that the listener understands every word. She’s one of those who also answers questions with questions in a nonconfusing way that is nearly completely unique for her (and maybe her Blood Troll the Vescatur.), but it doesn’t get nearly as far as Kirren’s Q and A sessions. She also completely or tries to completely understand the other’s point of view. (She’s so nice like that!)
However, she uses it as fuel sometimes. In a debate, she uses the answers of the other person to throw them off guard so that she can take advantage and win, or at least get the other person to get it. She also takes things to heart.
She doesn’t like the Hemospectrum at all and hates the Hunters/Slayers because they hate her way of life, and avoids most Dessikators (only exceptions are really Jekkyl and Raevin) because they love her blood. She also is very sensitive about her teeth, and is made fun of for them sometimes.
Um, I can explain her more later when I do more Aspect+Player work, because a lot is mentioned about her actually when I give her Aspect a description.
Phonix is a laid back kind of person, mostly because he has to be. However, he’s a hard worker and a strong fighter, and his natural gravitation towards fire is the basis of that. He makes tools out of the strongest, hardest metal on Dessika- called Vulcium, after Vulcan, because it is said that anyone who handles it without killing themselves or hurting themselves severely is said to be the son or daughter of Vulcan himself- for SkyGuard and the Armies.
Personality wise, he doesn’t like the Hemospectrum or any reference to it except for ones against it, or ones about specific blood colors and the Caste system. He doesn’t mind cannibals or Dessikators, but they do “cr33p th3 sh1t 0^t 0f m3, 4nd m0st p30pl3 1 kn0w n0 0ff3ns3 0r 4nyth1ng”.
He doesn’t care much about a lot of others, however, he does care for those that are closest to him. He also has anxiety issues and problems with change, but that’s explained more in his Aspect.
Phonix loves a good challenge, as well as a good debate, and him and Serate often have discussions over the world, their lives, and some science-related topic or another. He can also take the heat and dish it out when he has to, or even when he just feels like it.
Reggig is a good character who’s normally shy, quiet, and strong. He’s a hard worker and a tough guy, and he’s a good thinker. Inside his quiet mind, he often ponders over things that have to do with “What if?” statements, but often dismisses them with blunt statements about reality. (Being a Eskah Player, he’s very grounded into reality.) He broods over things often as well, biding his time. He never really shows much emotion unless it’s something extreme, like anger or happiness. Other than that, he seems mostly apathetic and emotionless, because he’s “-/-M()()-|-H” like that. (Still have to change his quirk, I’m researching a little. Sorta.)
He has a deep hatred for the world that he keeps mostly inside of himself, to the best of his abilities. He loathes how he is trated or simply having Black Blood. However, he believes a little that he deserves it, but he thinks his punishment is unfair.
Anyways, he sees routine and regular things as a blessing because of his inner chaos and everchanging, racing thoughts, though he hates to admit he enjoys it. He also has sympathy for those like him- the Slaves and the Excluded Castes. He mostly hates and dislikes everyone else, except maybe Raevin because she’s as messed up as him, and because of her generosity in saying, “I’d gIvE Up my mOthErfUckIng prEsIdEncy tO yOU If yOU’d chAngE thIngs fOr thE bEttEr wIth It”. Surprisingly, he’s not power-hungry. He doesn’t want it because he doesn’t that many lives in his hands- he’s afraid to make mistakes. He’s also very accepting of his roles and responsibilities, in the game especially, when he has to accept them.
Invone Insake is his other personality. If switched around a little, then you get “Invoke Insane”, which is meant to be a little funny play-on-words-type thing. He’s pretty messed up. Think Chaos Raevin + Jekkyl. So, yeahhhh. Anyways, he does the weird letters numbers thing that I originally had for Jekkyl. Gotta love him. He’s also ten times meaner than Jekkyl or Raevin, and is basically just a huge douche.
Brycel is very depressed. Like, all the time depressed. This is because of the fact that her life is shit and no one cares much except her small circle of friends, and anyone who really shows it is Jekkyl. Brycel also struggles with her problems that relate to her blood color, and the fact that her Blood Trolls as well as herself believe that she deserves the top rung of the Hemospectrum, because all colors branch from white anyways. She’s very cold and angry at a lot of things, and she has the issues of being schizoid as well… and somewhat schizophrenic (Though not nearly as bad as Jekkyl).
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fallstuck · 10 years
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Okay. Here we go.
As you can see, these are the 5 basic Caste groups that there are in the story. 
The Purple group is royalty.
The Blue group is guards and security, as well as warriors.
The Green group are Troll Services (like DHS! XD)
The Orange group is slavery and labor
The Grey group is the Exile/ Excluded, also called the Isolated.
All the bloods have the job of watching over and messing with the Humans, via a really complicated internet-type system, similar to how the Trolls messed with the Humans in HomeStuck... kinda. Anyhow...
Let's start with Royalty:
The Deep Purple is the darkest. Their job is to keep an eye on all of the lower bloods. However, they've kind of shrugged off on that job and obviously haven't been sticking to it very well. Luckily, that's okay. Well, really it isn't, but the place was going to be driven into the ground either way, so it doesn't matter much.
Deep Purple bloods are characterized mostly by their love of killing anything and everything and thinking it's okay. Given that they're at the top of the Hemospectrum, it's "okay" for them to do. They have double standards as their middle names (metaphorically of course) and are mean to anyone and everyone- with the exception of Raevin. Raevin is the only one that is actually kind to the lowerbloods. Except her Blood Troll (Mother figure in this case) Krisst Astrah in some cases, which, Krisst only cared for the lowerbloods that helped her.
Most of them take pleasure in manipulating others, and that is what they are known for. Their group, the equivalent of the Subjugglators, are called the Strikkats, which the actual word is Stricat, meaning corrupted in Latin.
Purple Blood:
The Purple Bloods take it upon themselves to make up for the lack of authority that the Deep Purples have. They tend to choose someone of lower blood to keep an eye on, and they keep them in check to the best of their ability. In Crutch's case, he takes care of Lionus. They also, as sea dwellers, take care of the ocean, which they don't mind doing. Most of them are also Tricutioners, they use their tridents for execution. :P It's kind of kewl but very simple.
Skybloods are, surprisingly, not part of Skyguard, for the most part. Well, they kind of are, but not. Only some of them are. For the most part, this blood caste is for hunting and destroying Dessikators, cannibals and Strikkats. That's mostly all they ever do. They respect every inch of the Hemospectrum and will do anything for the Deep Purple bloods because they practically worship the ground they walk on, no matter what. They are very serious and some consider themselves the ones to bring together the Midbloods and the Highbloods.
They are often guardians for the highbloods as well.
ONTO THE MIDBLOODS/ The Blues and Greens: Security first:
Blueblood: They make up the vast majority of the Sky Guards, as they love to dream of flight and everything like that. They are perfect Aviaradicators, and Skysearchers. They have amazing eyesight and aviary navigation skills. Amazing. Yes.
They also, surprisingly, have horses as the average Lusus. Weird, right? Yeah, usually a pegasus or an alicorn. It's cool.
Now the services ones:
Mintblood: Mint bloods tend to use their precognitive abilities to keep track of prophecies, destinies, and records. By records, it just means normal things: stock, population, etc. Simple as that. They aren't too great, but their purpose as recordkeepers are important to the place.
Ivyblood: These are just the ones that take care of most of the environment. They clean up after others and are constantly inventing new things to get rid of the pollution. They also take care of the dead bodies, which are piling up by the hundreds every month or so. Good thing is, the planet is pretty overpopulated anyways, so... yeah. 
A small band of them take care of births and things like that as well.
Yellowblood/Mustardblood: Also called Goldblood to be nice, Yellowbloods take care of a lot of the mental labor, as well as a vast majority of the coding that goes into making programs that the Trolls use. They are also in charge of breeding some types of insects- some have bees, but Siiren has butterflies instead. They're a very special breed of butterflies that also produce a special kind of substance called Mind Dust, which is basically the dust from their wings. It's reminiscent to Pixie Dust. It causes the user to hallucinate somewhat, but also increases the strength of the user tenfold. They all have telekinetic abilities and often have a thing for symmetry.
Redblood: Candy Red Blood is the kind that is so rare that every single Dessikator wants it. Ugh. It's terrible.
Anyways, Redbloods have a tendency to lecture similar to Kankri's, though not NEARLY as often or as long. They're nicer when they do it, too. For the most part, Redbloods simply run, hide, and run again when they have to because, well, they have to. However, they are known to be incredibly dangerous, even more dangerous than the Dessikators. Reason? They are all cannibalistic. They actually can't really eat any other food either, which sucks for them.
Burgundybloods: Fire oriented and punk-rocky, they're rebellious and have a bad temper. They are often used for work with flames, which involves smelting and using metals to make things. They are incredibly resillient to heat and light, and are often called shadow droppers, as they are born and bred to do work far into the hours of the morning.
Stonebloods: Stone bloods are the best workers as they are very grounded into the reality of what they are doing. They do all the heavy lifting for others, as well as some of the cleaning involve with pre destruction of a Hive. They are strong and sturdy and actually enjoy what they are doing, as it is "better than being blank".
Blackbloods: Blackbloods are isolated because they have a higher tendency to do crimes. They are also more prone to having mental disorders like manic depression, dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia and a variety of frightening philias. They used to just be put into Loonyblocks, but that became to much trouble and they just stuck them on one of Dessika's moons. It's a sad story.
Whitebloods: White bloods once again are more prone to mental disorders, though aren't nearly to the degree of the black blooded. They have issues with schizoid feelings and narcissism.
Going down on the Hemospectrum, the blood gets thicker, and the Trolls have a higher risk of having mental disorders. They also have tougher skin, eyes, and bodies.
Going up on the hemospectrum, they have much better sensory perception, more specifically they feel more pain as opposed to pleasure, and the opposite is true going down. 
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fallstuck · 10 years
ONE QUICK THING: A summary of FallStuck
Eh, so yeah. Basically here it is:
FallStuck is a story about 12 Humans and 12 Trolls (as well as their respective family members, which sounds odd for a HomeStuck story but it's complicated) that are stuck in a somewhat post-apocalyptic/going-on-apocalyptic storyline. To begin with: You start with the Trolls for once in the story, however, let's start with the Humans' world.
The vast majority of the population was wiped out by World War III. Luckily, by then they had perfect bunkers for many places, and thus Humanity lived underground until the war was over. It's been years since anything like that ever happened, however, radiation left over in "The Outside" has kept the leftover Humans in cozy little Districts, named after the 12 Roman Gods and the Saturn/Kronos (I like this spelling better). Each District has a special leader, and there are 13 of them.
In 12 of the 13 Districts, there is a Quad Annual Exodus. Every four years, people who are of a certain age, and anyone caught out past the Curfew Hour, is killed at a public execution. Not only that, but those who do not contribute too much to society are killed as well. Starting at age 13 Humans become legible for the Exodus, however, anyone, even a 5 year old, caught out after curfew during the year of the Exodus is killed. Lovely, right?
The reason for the Exodus is to keep population levels at a minimum so they don't have to waste so many of their precious resources, and so that  they don't go over the allotted space for each District.
No one is allowed outside of the District gates that lead to the Outside, unless it is a formal school field trip or they are otherwise authorized to do so.
The Kids' goal is to take over each District and stop the Exodus, and they spend the end of the first chapter doing so. Before that, it's just mostly explaining the main characters of the 12 and the history of what's going on, but it means a lot for the average plot-searcher (or whatever you want to call them plot freaks heheh). 
Now, the whole thing about this is that 1.) There hasn't been a Scratch game. 2.) The Kids from HomeStuck survived their session and were a part of the new universe. 3.) Finally, the Kids who lived kept their Sburb given powers and were able to use them to a certain extent. You'll find that as a twist in one of the characters in the story.
Besides that, some things to remember are that, in this version of HomeStuck's Sburb/Sgrub, as well as HomeStuck, each character shows signs of what Aspect they will have beforehand, as well as can use it without reaching God Tier during the game. It simply becomes more powerful when they become God Tier and goes into the Battle Field prototyping. Only 8 characters total (4 Humans, 4 Trolls, 4 for Chaus [Derse] and 4 for Ceres [Prospit]) Prototype the Battle Field, or reach God Tier. However, every player has a Dream Self to aid them in the game, but only the 8 are destined to reach God Tier and begin the new universe. The Game is called Skira for the Humans and Trolls, by the way.
Well, same thing, sort of. They are stuck in a very prejudiced, going-on-apocalyptic universe and everything's HUGELY out of whack. They start playing Skira in the second chapter... sorta... and there's not too much beforehand for them, except some focus on Raevin, Siiren and Jekkyl, and some stuff about them.
Now, I'll explain the Caste system and Blood in another post, most likely the next one, but not now.
So it explains a little about Blood and Castes and stuff at first, but most of that comes later.
So, history wise, there's a completely new set of blood colors with more blood colors actually possible than the 12 that HomeStuck has, though only 12 are in the main story. Here's the Hemospectrum I have for the 12 Trolls, the top is the highest, the bottom id the lowest. (As per usual anyways): 
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So these are the 12 main colors of the Hemospectrum for FallStuck. However, I'm going to make a bigger one that includes all possible shades of blood, as well as the extra symbols for the major Trolls of those blood colors (those Trolls most likely aren't going to be in the story, though they may pop up when the alternate timeline/dimension stuff happens haha). There you go.
The Trolls' main planet, called Dessika, is home to most of those blood colors, the only exceptions are 4 of them: Deep Purple (The Top one), Black, White, and Candy Red (Right beneath Yellow). Purple has its own moon/planet, called the Land of Tyrants and Monsters by the kid Trolls to be funny, but is actually called Vacuitas. Black and White share a planet/moon, which hasn't been named because of the history of those blood colors. Red lives on a slightly hidden planet/moon often called Redstone, though its actual name is Alia Tellur. See, they ended up on those moons/planets because, once again, of their history. The White and Black bloods needed to be isolated, the Deep Purples are royalty and apparently deserved it, and the Reds needed to be isolated as well, but only because of how the other Trolls hunted them for their blood.
In Dessika, nearly everyone is a Dessikator, or a Rainbow Drinker. Dessikators are not only connected to one blood caste simply because it's a way to survive for many of the Trolls, given the lack of resources they have after so many years of treating their planet/s terribly. However, hunting them is related to one singular blood caste, and that will be explained when I explain them. :P
Well, anyways, the Trolls start playing the game, and then soon after so do the Humans, and BAM. It begins.
In the story, there are 14 different Aspects, and son fanon (huehuehue) myth titles that I added in. The Aspects are as follows: Time and Space (which are required for any session in my opinion), Unbre and Solna/ Darkness and Light, Chaos, Pyrox and Equis/ Fire and Water, Froz/Ice, Eskah/Earth, Errol/Air, Nokka/Nature, Rekkin/Remembrance (complicated, basically precognitive abilities sorta), Vessik/Mind (telekinesis), and Strik/Storm. Each one has its technical qualities (what you can do with each one) and its deeper qualities (which are what each one looks like in a person, as in, how you can tell they will have/have that aspect personality wise). I'll explain those later as well.
Trolls, in order of Blood color (Matching the Hemospectrum up top) and associated species type (waterdwelling, etc.):
Raevin Astrah, landdweller
Crutch Torren, Sea Dweller
Tierra Solste, often called a Cloud/Sky Dweller
Respra Astrik, often called a Cloud/Sky Dweller
Kirren Reshir, Land Dweller
Lionus Leaven, Land Dweller
Siiren Ashren, Land Dweller
Serate Vescat, Land Dweller
Phonix Igneas, Land Dweller
Reggig Gemnol, Land Dweller
Jekkyl Osiris, Sky/Land Dweller (complicated)
Brycel Trinov, Land Dweller
Now, here:
Sky Dwellers tend to live in Hives based high up in the clouds, often on stone that is magnetized so that it "floats". Jekkyl is the only exception, as he pupated wings, and thus is considered a Sky Dweller. There are other Sea and Sky Dwellers, but only these ones are in the main game.
HUMANS in order of respective aspects in comparison to the Trolls' aspects:
Tsol Nettogrof
Lori Wasser
Zeus Gamma
Opal Wyvern
Lisa Sicht
Alex Kamara
Jess Citenik
Sara Gelben
Nate Kamara
Tony Emer
Deus Stricat
Kota Froliz
Just know that, if you place the 2 lists side by side, when two names line up next to each other they have the same aspect.
So there we go. Next post: Blood and Castes
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fallstuck · 10 years
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Well, okay, this is it so far. I plan on asking for suggestions to the story, suggestions for a lot of other things, blah blah blah, and feedback of course. While I'm at it, what kind of things should be in it? I've got the whole thing planned out, beginning to end, but I need some other stuff in there, and little bitty references are fun. Not to mention that other people should help decide what goes in it.
Credit for HomeStuck and HomeStuck style anything- ANDREW MOTHERFUCKING HUSSIE. (That's his official [heheh] middle name in my book).
Credit for the help so far: My little brothers. I hate them. But they are quite useful. :3
And don't ask about the flowers. I just love drawing them. :/
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