andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
You of all people haven't managed to keep yourself entertained?
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It’s far too boring and quiet.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
I'm sorry, I can't year you, your head's too far up your arse.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
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everybody’s looking for something
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
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Andromeda’s ‘new friend’
Taken by Teddy Tonks
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
Arrival {Self Para}
Druella Black was a proud woman, and in no way is she ashamed of this trait. She knew who she was and she knew her status and reputation. Yet it was becoming more and more difficult to make sure that her reputation was never a problem, or that it was never questioned, and it was all because of the whispers about her youngest daughter's actions. It was bad enough that her daughter was spending time romantically with a Mudblood - well, so she'd heard - but it was even worse that she had to hear this from the bloody Carrows. It seemed that more people than she was comfortable with knew about Andromeda's doings before she even had the slightest idea. That was infuriating. Infuriating enough to cause her to pull Andromeda out of school and talk to her herself. Andromeda had known immediately why her mother had demanded she leave for a period of time, and knew that "family business" was only half the truth. It was family business alright, but not the kind that Professor Dumbledore was told it was. She knew exactly what she was in for. And she knew it wouldn't be pretty. That's exactly why she did what she did. Why she told Ted they needed to "take a break from each other". That conversation with Alaric had not left her mind, and she'd truly begun to get scared not for her life, but for Ted's. Because she knew that proud, pureblooded wizards would not see reason, and she didn't want to risk it. She wished she could have told this to Ted, that she could have explained it, but she knew it would have been just as successful as telling Bella or Cissy she'd never been dating him in the first place. And Druella had made her anger painfully clear the second they stepped into their home. As soon as they stepped into the house, Andromeda knew it had begun. When the door had closed and she turned to ask her mother what was going on, she froze in her tracks. Never before had she seen her mother look so angry. It was almost murderous. Her face was red, and her hands were shaking. Andromeda hardly even realized what her mother had been doing until one shaking, open palm came down hard across her face. Andromeda stumbled backwards, cradling her face in her hands in shock. "Mum-" she started quietly, but Druella wouldn't have it. "Silence," she hissed, and Andromeda did exactly what she was told. It had only been the beginning. Druella screamed at her daughter, accusing her of doing her very best to ruin the family name, the family's bloodline. Andromeda tried to argue in the beginning; she begged her mum to see reason. But, just as she'd predicted, her mother wouldn't hear a word of it. "Ungrateful!" Druella had shrieked, and Andromeda curled back once more. She knew she wasn't going to win this battle. But despite all of this - her mother's punishments and demeaning accusations - she never lowered herself to doing anything she wouldn't have before. She never said 'mudblood', nor did she ever say anything that would imply muggleborns or half-bloods were any lowlier than purebloods. She simply stopped arguing.  But she wished with all her heart that she could have really stood up for what she believed in. The most Andie could bring herself to do during the two weeks in which Druella did everything she could to put her daughter back on the right track was write a letter that she'd deliver to Ted when she got back to school. Although Druella wasn't completely convinced that she had been one hundred percent successful, she knew she'd at least put the fear of God into her daughter.
After two weeks of awkward dinners with both her parents (her dad had been mad, yes, but nowhere near as infuriated as her mum, it seemed), bruises, and mental scars, Andromeda was finally to be released back to school. And, in all honesty, she'd never been more grateful to be going back to Hogwarts grounds. Professor Slughorn escorted her and her parents into the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts, where Andromeda was to collect the homework she'd missed and her parents and Dumbledore could discuss any questions or concerns. Of course, her parents had nothing to say to Dumbledore, and Dumbledore's only question had been if "everything went alright". Druella had answered with a very stern "Fine", and Cygnus and Andromeda said absolutely nothing. Andromeda stood with her back straight, her head down, and her hands locked behind her.
When all was finished, Cygnus and Druella left the room, and Andromeda trailed a few feet behind. "Miss Black," Dumbledore said quietly, and Andromeda looked over her shoulder in surprise, while her parents continued on. "Yes?" she asked, turning to face the headmaster. "Is there anything you need to talk about?" he asked, raising his eyebrows, and she immediately knew he was aware that the "family business" was far more than it had been made out to be. Andromeda stayed silent for a moment, thinking how nice it would be to talk about everything that had happened. "Andromeda," Cygnus' voice rang from down the hallway just as she'd opened her mouth to speak, and she closed it once more. "No," she answered quietly and with a smile. "But thank you," she added, and turned to follow her parents, closing the door behind her and toying with the note in her pocket.
Ted, I really don't know where to begin. I have so much to say to you, and I'm really afraid that after my abrupt leaving, you won't want to hear it. And I wouldn't blame you, really. But I really hope you'll read this letter through, because I need to know that you know everything. Two weeks ago, we met in the library, and I told you that I chose you over my family. That I chose you over my blood status. That was one of the most important moments of my life, and I really did mean every word that I said. And even now, I stand by what I said. Even if you have moved on from me, found a girl you deserve far more, I wanted you to know that I would still choose you over them. I would choose you again and again because you're living breathing proof that blood status does not signify who the better person is. You're better than all of us. And after all of that, I . . . did something I wish I hadn't, but I hope that you can understand why I had. I didn't want to leave you, Ted. Really, I didn't. But it wasn't for nothing. The family I come from, the people they associate with . . . they attack first, and ask questions later. And that would be to me. I don't even want to think about what they'd do to you. I couldn't bear the thought. I know that sounds like an excuse, but I really, really hope you know that I'm telling the truth when I say that I really tried to choose the safer path for both of us.
But, the thing is, I can't bring myself to push you out of my mind. I really did love you, Ted. I did. Don't ever think that I didn't, or that I don't. Because, despite everything, you helped me. You showed me a different world than what I was used to. You were sweet, and thoughtful, and caring. You showed me what I was missing out on.
And I still choose you. Even if you've moved on, I choose what you taught me over what my family raised me around, over what they showed me was right.
I hope that's the side of me you can remember in the future. Don't remember me as the Andromeda who left you, or who ever doubted you. I hope you remember me as your Andie, the one who talked to you about Muggle Mythology, and the one who loved you more than anyone in the world. If I were to die tomorrow, that's all I'd want you to remember. Your Andie.
Love, always,
Andromeda B.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
Andromeda’s frustration was rising. Alaric’s cockiness was getting the better of him and her, and she wanted nothing more than to wipe it right from his personality. She opened her mouth to talk when the defensive curse left his lips and his wand, and her own wand flew from her hands. She let out a small cry of surprise, and prepared to dive behind a tree in fear of another curse in her direction, when she realized that maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t going to fight her, but to talk. At least somewhat civilly. His words hit home. Andromeda suddenly felt a little sick at the thought, because she knew it could very well be a possibility. If she were to marry Ted, she’d be putting him in the danger of a wrathful family of Blacks or any other psychopathic wizard who hated muggleborns, half bloods, and bloodtraitors alike. Was that not selfish of her? But she wouldn’t let this show. She couldn’t let him now how scared she was of that very thought. “Oh?” Andromeda asked, taking a small step back towards her wand. She desperately wished she’d walked right by the lake, that she hadn’t gone to inspect the movement she saw. At his final sentence, Andromeda stopped in her tracks. Not his words? Then whose? Surely not . . . She’d heard whispers and rumors of a Dark Lord rising – after all, how could she not in the household she lived in? – but . . . Surely he couldn’t be talking about that Dark Lord? But if he was . . . what was she condemning herself and Ted to? “What are you talking about?” she demanded, although she knew she was in no position to be making such demands, small and wandless. “Whose words are they?”
Just average.
He smiled “Because..” Then completely randomly he screamed “Expelliamus!” And a flash of blue lightening left his wand. He needed to disarm her and as soon as she was disarmed he too would retire his wand “Because, you’re going to die if you marry him..” He said as he looked up into the cloudy night sky “You’ll pay the price and so will he..” He then continued “Not my words either..” He concluded.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
"So I've been told," Andromeda said quietly, and stumbled backwards when Alaric pushed her away. No. She was not going to be pushed around anymore, let alone by another pro-pureblood git. "I will do nothing politely with you," she said angrily. "Clearly you had no polite intentions around me."
Andromeda's hands were shaking now, and she couldn't believe that just moments ago she'd been thinking about a new life. "Wh . . . Who said . . . I'm only fifteen, I'm not thinking about marriage!" she blubbered a bit, her eyebrows creasing. "What are you playing at, Avery? Why would you cross this bridge, start this conversation?"
Just average.
He laughed as he thudded against the greenhouse wall “You’re very good at making unwise decisions..” He pushed her away and drew his wand “Now my love, if you wish to duel me, then we shall do it politely..” He smirked a little, Avery was a very talented magician, he knew what he was doing “Do you really think I care, who you marry..” He laughed “You’re a Black, it’s not in your blood…” he said starring directly.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
Andromeda's hands curled into angry fists, and she felt the temperature rising in her neck. "It's not your place to advise, Alaric," she said sternly, feeling a little sick.
Was it a wise decision? Choosing one boy over the entire family? 'But you're not choosing one boy, Andromeda. You're choosing freedom. An independent state of mind. A way of living that you prefer. Ted's just a part of that.'
Andromeda's mouth fell open when Alaric spun on his heel and began walking up the hill. Creature? Was he about to say creature? "Avery!" She spat, taking her wand from it's small hip casing and pushing the taller Slytherin against the Greenhouse wall and putting the tip of her wand at his throat. "Finish that sentence, Avery, please," she threatened quietly. She didn't care if the boy was larger, stronger. She was blinded by anger - as if she wasn't on edge about this entire situation already, the last thing she needed was for him to provoke her into deeper concern and anger.
Just average.
He laughed a little “I’m not deciding am I?” He said moving a little closer tilting his head to one side and slowly stating “Merely advising…” He straightened his head. He had never really spoked to Andromeda, but immediately he could tell what she was like. She hated what her siblings and their friends were “Marrying that creat..” He halted midway in the last word. He then turned on his heel and proceeded up the hill.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
Andromeda jumped when she heard a voice, spinning on her heel and nearly losing her balance had it not been for the tree she was holding onto. "Merlin, Avery," she said with a slight laugh. She couldn't say she was particularly fond of Avery, but she never took the time to get to know him well. "You scared the hell out of me." She stepped up off the slope onto flat ground, and slowly cocked her head at his question. "Do they know what?" she asked slowly, although a sneaking feeling in her gut told her she knew exactly what he was talking about.
When Avery continued, Andromeda's mouth hardened into a straight line, and her back straightened. "Indeed they wouldn't," she stated. "But then again, neither is mum, or dad, or gran or grandpa." She ruffled her hand through the back of her hair, keeping it off of her neck in the abnormally warm weather. Her eyes narrowed. "How dare you?" she asked. "Who are you to decide what's a wise decision and what isn't in my life?" 
Just average.
A tall figure approached the young lady from behind the wall “Well Andromeda..” He said seriously, he had knew of her endeavours with the Mudblood, she was a traitor to him “So tell me, does Bella or Cissy know?” He questioned “Because I Imagine that if they did, they’d not be too pleased..” He looked at her seriously, he was a very good reader of people and he could read her like a book “It wouldn’t be a wise decision, would it now?” He questioned.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
Andromeda had spent the whole of the afternoon walking and thinking. There wasn't much else she could have done - thinking about what had happened earlier that afternoon. With Ted. God, she wanted to talk to Sirius. She needed to talk to Sirius. He was braver than her, cleverer, and had a best friend he could stay with during holidays. If Andromeda was going to pick Ted over her family, if she was going to follow through with that, she'd need to find a place to live. 
After all, she was only fifteen, nearly sixteen.
Merlin, she was only fifteen! Fifteen, and making decisions that would change the rest of her life! Perhaps they were rushing into things, perhaps she was being naive . . .
No. She couldn't think like that now. Andromeda had made her decision, and what she loved the most about it was that it had been entirely her own. Nobody had told her what to do. She'd been given a very clear option from both ends.
Andromeda caught sight of a quick movement down by the lake, and her eyes narrowed. "Hello?" she called, taking a few steps forward, wondering if perhaps the movement had been a trick of the light. "Is there anybody out here?" she asked, putting her hand on a tree to steady herself on the steep hill. Hm . . . Perhaps I'm seeing things . . .
Just average.
@Andromeda Black Avery walked down the cold and seemingly solitary hallway which led to the grounds, he wasn’t intending to meet anyone, nor was he intending on holding a conversation with anyone not even one of his closest most trusted friend Antonin Dolohov. Like the hallway he had just passed he to was very solitary, it was a rarity to ever see his tall, dark and handsome figure patrol the school. His comfort area was indeed the Slytherin common room. He walked down towards the steep hill towards the Herbology classrooms, Which over looked the lake. He ventured to the lake and lowered his head and spied his reflection in the water. He just stared at his reflection for a good amount of time until he heard footsteps he quickly hid behind the the classroom wall and kept himself low.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
At that precise moment, Andromeda felt that she'd hardly ever been happier. It was a tender moment, and she could have stayed in it forever. She felt a small tear roll down her cheek, and she smiled into his shoulder. "I love you too," she whispered, and knew it was true. She really loved Ted Tonks. She unfolded her arms from around his neck and placed them on either of his shoulders. "I'm sorry for every bad thing that's happened," she said. "And every bad thing that might have yet to happen."
Andromeda smiled softly, and let out a soft laugh. "The ever-optimistic Ted Tonks," she said, shaking her head. "Next you'll ask if I think Rodolphus will ever sober up." She put her hand on his cheek, and let out a slow breath. "I won't ever regret this," she promised, leaning forward and kissing his lips softly.
She'd made the choice. She knew it was a big choice - a life changing choice - and she knew, also, that she did not regret the choice. But one thing was sure: she wanted to talk to Sirius. She felt that was the most important choice she could have made, a choice Sirius had made long ago. She needed first hand help and guidance. 
The Big Decision || Ted/Andie
Ted wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in to his lap to hold her close. He put his nose on her neck and nuzzled her softly. “Oh Dromida” he held her and kissed her cheek gently. “I love you Dromida” he whispered softly as he kissed her cheek again. “I’ll protect you and I’ll hold you and … I’ll be your family Drom” he whispered softly as he rubbed her back.
With a small sigh Ted looked at her. “I’m so sorry I am the reason you’ll lose your family but I wont for a moment regret being with you. I love you.” Ted said as he gave her a smile, taking her hands. “Maybe your  family wont … care as much as you think?” he offered weakly.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
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Andromeda Black after some Slytherin, including Lucius and Bellatrix, tortured a second year muggleborn.
“Talk to me. You’re my sister. You can’t be mad at Lucius or Bellatrix, they’re our family.”
“Leave me alone, Narcissa.”
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
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Andromeda and Teddy Tonks, for the first time.
“I never believed that I would get married someday.”
“Well, here we are, Misses Tonks.”
“I love you.”
“I know.”
“Oh, hush, Teddie.”
circa 1981
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
Andromeda smiled and placed a hand on Ted's shoulder. "I am happy," she said quietly. "Here. Now. With you." She took a deep breath and shook her head. "And it scares me a little," she said slowly. "I mean, the moral of every story is that family is the most important thing in the world, right? Yet I'm here with you, even though I know they wouldn't like it. And the scary part is that I just . . . I don't care."
Andromeda shook her head and laughed shortly. "I wouldn't rather be anywhere. Not home. Not with Bella or Cissy or anyone anywhere." She stood and moved around the table, taking a seat next to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. 
Three words was all it would take to choose. Just three small yet big words, and Andromeda was going to lose someone she loved forever, and she knew that. But she also knew that happiness came at a great price.
"I choose you," she whispered.
The Big Decision || Ted/Andie
Ted listened to Andie silently, trying to weigh her words. He felt like crap. Like he was dragging her away from her family. Then she said her last lines. He smiled softly and leaned forward, gently rubbing her cheek. “Oh Dromida” he whispered as he kissed her cheek. “I … I really just want you to be happy” he whispered as he took her hand and held it.
“If you’ll let me I’ll be with you forever. I’ll protect you and hold you …” Ted whispered slowly as he kissed her hand. “But I only want you to be with me if you can be completely happy with me” he muttered slowly.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
If you're defending that Tonks guy you are nothing but a traitor. You best stop defending him. You could have a good, hot, pureblood like me ... instead you choose a DISGUSTING piece of SCUM like him.
You're a filthy, racist piece of trash, do you know that? Ted is thousands of times better than you'll ever be - even the air he breathes is cleaner than yours.
I suggest you leave me alone.
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andromedas-b-blog · 12 years
That Tonks guy is a disgusting mudblood. You should date me instead.
Don't call him a Mudblood! And if you think talking about him like that will make me want to date you, who are coward enough to hide behind anon, you are sorely mistaken.
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