ang3lfuck 1 year
What the shit is up y'all
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ang3lfuck 2 years
I am thankful I'm not the only person who has dealt with UTF shenanigans but please stop asking me questions about him I will not answer because it is not worth my time, I work full time and I devote my free time to not think about the scum men in my life anymore but I did want to expose him so yeah fuck him and that is the end of it
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ang3lfuck 2 years
Hi, I'm really sorry to bring this up out of the blue and remind you of something horrible but i saw your post about UTF1127 and his abuse toward you and I couldn't help but be extremely triggered because i have gone through the same experience with him. I'm sorry, i just had to know i wasn't crazy or the only one. I'm his ex, Emilie. The things he says about women being mean to him is false. He's the aggressor. He's done this apology thing with me a million times. Best thing to do is ignore
Hi Emilie! I know tons about you. We've even been in the same google chats together, while you guys were together. The only difference is I didn't see him as more than a friend.
I'm so sorry to see what he put you through, but thank you for throwing an apple at him in that one video because he fucking deserved it and it made me laugh.
I realize now that this loser is not worth any breath at all, but from what I already know you have dealt with so much more than I have. This dude will never learn.
Thank you for reaching out, and if you would like to know more about what happened I'll be happy to tell you. I've already had several people message me on different platforms. People cannot keep supporting this low life.
I hope you are doing a lot better today. <3
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ang3lfuck 2 years
*sends this Tik Tok to all my friends/coworkers with no context*
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ang3lfuck 2 years
Also I got this for my bday
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ang3lfuck 2 years
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Me and my boyfriend are matchin
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ang3lfuck 3 years
Classic Undertakerfreak1127 making girls feel like shit about themselves then trying to ask for their forgiveness, for the 4th time now on the 3rd Facebook account he has made just to contact me. Don't fucking support this guy.
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ang3lfuck 3 years
Ive had a deathly cold that wasn't covid, been in the ER twice this month for a gastral infection and now I have a sprained ankle all within the last month and I'll be honest with you guys I really don't want to be alive right now lol
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ang3lfuck 3 years
what if kirby wore lipstick
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ang3lfuck 3 years
people who are nice to me in online games even though i suck: i owe u my life
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ang3lfuck 3 years
a man: hey
me: that鈥檚 enough
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ang3lfuck 3 years
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ang3lfuck 3 years
i do not ghost purposely i just have no idea what to say ever
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ang3lfuck 3 years
i鈥檓 a clove of garlic and God is crushing me under a knife so i add flavour to the soup
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ang3lfuck 3 years
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ang3lfuck 3 years
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when ur too sensitive for this cruel world
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ang3lfuck 3 years
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