emmalienecosplay · 9 years
Hello, fellow young adult Canadian! First off, lots of love! Second, I love your fem!Kirk cosplay, and I'm looking to do one myself next year! So, out of curiousity, why is your fem!Kirk ginger? Thanks! -A
I matched the wig with the female Kirk in the comics!  It’s styled the same way as hers as well :)
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
I've been taught to hate it. It was ingrained in my head since I was a child that being homosexual was an affront to God and that we all go to hell and that it's a choice. This sure doesn't feel like a choice to me. I'm trying to get past this but it's not easy and I know my parents will be devastated when/if they find out. I'm supposed to be their perfect little girl after all.
It's hard to get past things you've been taught since birth, but in my beliefs God loves you so long as you have love for Him and all of humanity in your heart.  Perhaps right now you should just focus on what makes you happy, and your own personal healthy relationships.  The people who love you the most will stay in your life, and some people are meant to leave.
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
I was the one who asked you for advise I can't seem to reply to the other post. I don't know what to say exactly. You seem so happy and content with who you are. I'm a lesbian I accept that but how do I stop hating myself for it? I've tried so many different things.
I don't think you can reply to the other post because you're on anon.  I don't mind if you just send me more asks, it doesn't bugger anything up XD  Um, I'm not sure?  I've never seen being bi as a big deal, I've never understood why people make such a big deal over sexual attraction.  I didn't even come out or anything, I never felt the need to.  Again, I just date whomever I like at any given time.
Maybe if you stop seeing it as a super big deal?  It's a part of you that you can't exactly change, so may as well just roll with it.  Why do you hate yourself for it, if you don't mind my asking?
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
I'm in high school and trying to come to terms with being a lesbian. It's not easy though do you have any advise? I'm not pretty like you :(
I'm not really sure how to help, I've always kind of just dated whomever I'm interested in, whether it be guy or girl.  I've never had any problems connected to it.  What's the advice you need exactly?
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
Being single should do you some good.
I'm pretty content atm, so ja ja :3
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
I can't believe people think me and Jessu are dating, like damn, everyone just makes assumptions.  I get asked it all the time and it's like, last time I checked, you didn't have to be dating someone to be awesome friends with them.
I think Jessu is rad, but we ain't dating and never will <3
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
You and Jessu aren't a thing?
wtf, nope, we're just best friends XD
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
Are you still single?
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
You are so beautiful.
Thank you~
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
Will you ever get braces to fix your teeth?
Naw b, I'm weirdly fond of my gap. 
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
Did Paingu leave you because you are immature?
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
would you ever do a terry richardson shoot?
ew nope
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
yo its anna sup
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
What's your opinion of male cosplay? Isn't it better when girls do it?
I've seen some pretty excellent male cosplayers before.  I just like anyone who does a good job
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
Go on anon and tell me something you're too afraid to say off anon.
Because I’m bored and slightly curious.
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
Where did you get your wig for your female Kirk and how did you style it?
Ebay, and I paid my hairdresser friend to do it
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emmalienecosplay · 10 years
What kind of wig do you use for your female Kirk cosplay?
A... straight one? o:
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