angela-spasic · 1 year
I changed something on the phone in the settings so that I could install the game "the healing", so my entire blog was deleted, so I had to activate it again love yaaa❤️❤️❤️😊😊😁
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angela-spasic · 1 year
this is my first story, I hope you'll at least enjoy it, it's not perfect, but at least I wrote it from the bottom of my heart, love yaaa❤️❤️😊😊😊
❤️Mixed feelings❤️
It's been a year since we found hannah that day I will never forget all that effort, annoying threatening calls ahhh I can't get it out of my head thank god everyone is fine I left my hometown to help my friends find Hannah more specifically now I live in Duskwood I have my job which I love a lot tour guide it took me a long time to recover from everything of course Jessy, Lilly, Dan, Thomas and even Hannah helped me with that. But back to the mine story I don't know why but I don't remember what happened there Alan told me that he found me passed out deep in the forest someone pulled me out before that but how I passed out and why I don't know Alan also told me that he saw a lot of blood in mine that worried me a lot. I was sitting and trying to remember but my thoughts interrupted Jessy "What's wrong with you"
MC:ahhhh nothing nothing just tired
Jessy: she looked at me suspiciously ok if that's the case you need a rest let's go to Aurora
Mc: Ok why not I really need some relaxation Jessy: ok see you at the souvenir shop at 7pm
Me: Ok Jessy see you she just smiled and left…
At three o'clock in the afternoon I came home from work I went to take a shower after the shower I sat on the bed and started thinking again what happened to Jake and richy who took me out.....come on stop thinking about it's time to get ready, I'm not one of those people who wears short skirts and high heels, I opened the closet and took a tight shirt with short sleeves, jeans and sneakers, I put on a little inconspicuous make-up and tied my long thick dark brown hair in a ponytail and I went out and met Cleo who gave me a big hug
Cleo: how are you? I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you when it was the hardest, you know my mother is sick
Me: I know, don't worry, everything is fine now, it's just....I miss him....I don't know where he is, how come he didn't call me, I lowered my head, tears came to my eyes, Cleo hugged me, I started to cry a lot and through the tears, I I told her, you are the only one who knows my feelings, I didn't tell anyone, not even Jessy
Jessy: Ahhhhh what is happening here why are you crying MC What you couldn't tell me
Me: Nothing, I'm just going to wash myself and come back
I entered the house, I washed myself and put on my make-up again, I left and together with Jessy I went to the Aurora bar.
We entered the bar, which was breathtakingly beautiful, on the left side was a dark pink booth, on the right side was the podium where the music was playing, and decorative red, blue, white and green light bulbs hung from the ceiling. I walked around the bar, Jessy was behind me she waited for Fill to come, I couldn't take my eyes off how beautifully everything was arranged from every corner
MC: Here I come, sorry, the bar is really beautiful, I wanted to look around
Jessy: So you like how my brother arranged everything she winked at me😉
Fill: So you gave me the pleasure of meeting the prettiest and smartest girl in Duskwood right Jessy???
Jessy: Hehe that's right she saved Hannah from the mine with the help of that creepy hacker
MC: I blushed and said with a smile, I just helped my friends, nothing special, I don't want to talk about it, let's have something to drink
Fill: For beauty only the best drink he winked
Jessy is smiling and giggling I just rolled my eyes and told her: don't get your silly hopes that there will be something between me and Fill we stayed until 10:30 pm when I looked at the clock I told Jessy that I have to go because I get up early tomorrow for work, I said goodbye to Jessy and Fill, of course I just held out my hand to Fill ,I didn't want to let him touch me, I still have my principles, I left the bar not far from there, my car was parked while I was passing between I don't know how many cars my attention caught some figure standing near my car it was a man for sure, he certainly had a sweatshirt and a hood over the head, I froze in fear and surprise that it might be Jake
(MC thoughts) no no it's not possible you're imagining that means he's following me all the time
The whole time I was looking at the floor when I looked again in the direction of my car the figure disappeared I felt relief I got in the car and went home immediately I instinctively locked the door I went into the room and put on my pajamas and lay down I was very scared and surprised at the same time I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 23:00 pm
(MC thinks to herself) it's time to sleep, calm down, everything will be fine, don't be nervous, I took a breath.
I woke up, I literally jumped out of bed, I opened the curtains through which the sun was peeking...that wonderful sun that tickled my cheeks to wake me up, it was already hot since early morning, since it's summer, I looked at the clock 7:00 in the morning
(MC): okay I have time to get ready and take a shower to look perfect
after showering, I discreetly put on my make-up and put on a blouse, a skirt and sneakers, I took my purse and went to work, there were two colleagues standing at the door of the agency as I approached, they were talking more and more quietly as if they are hiding something when I approached a few meters from them I suspiciously looked at both of them ahhh by nature I have a problem to trust people somehow I gathered my strength and through a sigh I asked them "did something happen"??? My colleague grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to the door and pointed to the girl with her finger" Do you see that girl sitting there??
(MC): Yes, I see her
Colleague: She came five minutes ago and she was only looking for you when she came she came in furiously she literally wanted to break down the door“Are you ok MC??
(MC): Yes, but I wonder why she came angry, I said confused
Colleague: It's not like you're afraid of her, she started giggling
(MC): Do you know who you're talking to, I could throw her out the window, but I'm a lady, I don't do such things
I went inside I glared at that girl and nodded for her to come when she entered the office right from the door she told me she wanted to talk to me she just sat down and bowed her head haughtily I told her to calm down first I approached from the other side the table and sat down, she looked around nervously, then she turned to me, and she says , “I know you won't like what I'm going to tell you... I already understood that something is wrong, I started to shake, "okay, tell me what you have and go, I don't have time, I have work to do" I said
Girl: First let me introduce myself my name is Emma her voice started to shake I...I'm Jake's girlfriend we've been together for a year now if you hadn't come into his life everything would be different he keeps mentioning your name he only talks about you when we have sex he says your name at that moment my phone rang…….I CAN'T DESCRIBE THAT MOMENT IT WAS LIKE SOMEONE POURED ME WITH COLD WATER MY FEELINGS MIXED "you were right MC Jake is not for you he doesn't deserve you I thought in myself
Girl: MC MC!!!!! Your phone is ringing
I jumped off the chair and grabbed the phone "Jake" I just hung up and went back to the table and put my hands on my thighs and turned on the recording I slid the phone down where no one could reach it but close enough to hear the conversation
(MC): You say you're Jake's girlfriend right??
Girl: She just laughed sarcastically and repeated "Yes I am and we've been together for a year and we love each other and you should get away from him," she shouted, "you're bothering us, you're ruining our relationship, and another piece of news for you, I'm pregnant."
I slowly got up from the chair like a real lady and told her "I have nothing to do with him, I just helped him find his sister Hannah and that's it, now get out of here and don't ever come back
The girl just turned and left
in the meantime, I held back tears, I didn't want to show Emma that I was weak😩
(MC): 11 9 12 8 5 18 18 9 7 8 20 14 15 23 (SECRET CODE)😏😅
Jacob: understood
(MC): excellent
Jake: MC!!!!
Jake: What's going on, why aren't you answering my calls?
(MC): I have no more reason to contact you, you will understand why I am sending you a recording that will interest you.
30 minutes later
Jake: I'm coming to talk, I'll explain everything to you!!!!
(MC): No!!!!!! Don't you dare come...it's good that we haven't started a relationship yet and that I found this out in time.... I don't want to be with you how could I even think of being with a guy like you what did you think I wouldn't find out!!!!!!!
I clicked on the block button, I didn't even want to hear his answer because I wasn't even interested
When I went home it was already dark walking down the street alone I felt like someone was watching me "don't think nonsense I thought to myself" as I was getting closer to the house someone grabbed me from behind he literally grabbed my arms so I couldn't defend myself "where did you go girl”, we were supposed to talk today" I tried to defend myself by punching him but he lifted me up and carried me to the door of my house, when he put me down I had my back turned to him he pressed me towards the door and lifted both my hands up and held his hands over my "let me go now" I said he smiled and turned me to him and gently lowered my hands "I'm sorry for everything I've done but that won't stop me from fighting for you I LOVE YOU and no other man can have you remember that" he said through a million tears streaming down his face.
At that moment I was so furious that I didn't realize that my hand had already hit a very hard slap, I turned around and entered the house and immediately locked the door I leaned against the door and remembered the good times I spent here when I was just a tourist a year ago.
A year earlier
I decided to go to Duskwood anything can happen I had a very bad feeling threatening calls will not stop me from going there I was not afraid of anything I am a brave girl who had a very difficult childhood I experienced torture during my childhood and growing up (that's not a lie). While I was sitting in the transport, I was already starting to get nervous. There were still twenty minutes left until Duskwood, when I arrived it was already very late, I looked at the clock on my phone at eight o'clock in the evening, I called a taxi to take me to the nearest hotel as if to spite there was only one hotel in that city and the one where Lilly worked. I know she was insolent and rude towards me, she publicly accused me of kidnapping and even murder, what could be worse than that, on top of all that, her "followers are me" contacted and accused of something I didn't do. Okay MC pull yourself together I thought to myself.
When I entered the hotel, a woman in her forties greeted me and said: room for one, I just nodded my head and smiled, I paid for two days of stay, I entered the room exhausted, took a shower and went to bed, I didn't have the strength to call anyone, I was alone I wanted to fall asleep and forget everything at least for a moment.
When I woke up, the sun was already high in the sky, I looked at the time and saw that I had time to wake up a bit. I took the phone and told Jessy that I arrived late last night and that I didn't have time to call her, she was just short answered "Welcome to Duskwood today we're going to that house you already know...she didn't continue what she wanted to say but I knew very well that richy's disappearance hit her a lot she had feelings for him I guess the same as me but unfortunately for me I wasn't sure if i have feelings for him or jake.
My priority is to find Hannah nothing else I got up packed my few things that I took out last night and took and texted Jessy to send me the exact location of that house. Not even a minute passed, she sent me the location and explained the way to go, since that house is completely hidden and there is only one way to go, I called a taxi and after five minutes I regretted taking a taxi, not only did he not know the way to go but he didn't even know that he had reached the street near the forest, I cursed him out loud the whole time he was driving, the taxi driver got so nervous that he started sweating and started driving fast, I navigated him where to go. When I got to the very the corner of the road that leads to that house, a forest around me and only one dark road, as I said before, I'm not afraid of anything, but literally. I took the phone out of my pocket and turned on the lamp, luckily, the iPhone has a good function. Walking through the forest, the crawling of various animals, the flight of night birds, the howling of an owl, yellow eyes in the distance, uhhh creepy.
I quickened my pace in case I wasn't attacked by an animal, as I quickened my pace I heard familiar voices nearby, I started to approach the house and called Jessy who was sitting outside by the fire, she was very worried that I hadn't arrived yet, she looked in my direction and saw that I had come, that I still fulfilled the promise I made to her, that I would do everything to bring back her friend and Richy. From a distance, I heard her shout to the others, "Here is the MC, she has come, she really has come" the whole time I stood and watched the scene before me, the others got out except for Dan who was in a wheelchair, I ran towards them and hugged them all in a group. After half an hour of conversation in the living room, they asked me everything they could, and I told them everything about myself.
My phone vibrated multiple times “three messages” jake two messages and unknown number one message. My face changed every color and every emotion was visible on my face luckily no one noticed, everyone celebrated my arrival and joked with each other. I got up from the chair and went to the upper floor. I opened Jake's messages first, the first one was:
“Didn't you promise me you wouldn't go to Duskwood? It's too dangerous there, we haven't caught MWF yet. Please come back as soon as possible or I'll have to come.
I just answered him: Jake, I have everything under control, don't worry, don't put yourself in danger, the police are chasing you, please don't do something stupid, they'll catch you.
From the bottom of my soul, I was afraid that something would happen to him, I went around the room and waited for him to answer me, but he did not answer that message. The next message was from an unknown sender "Come to the mine and Hannah and richy are free."
That message worried me, I was afraid that it might not be a trap, what if he doesn't free them, but on the contrary, kills them. I went downstairs to the living room where everyone was gathered, when they turned and saw me, they all changed their expressions, I approached table and told them that I got a message saying that Hannah and Richy will be freed if I go to the mine. Everyone's mouths were open in disbelief of what was happening, then I continued: "I want to do this I will bring them both alive nobody won't stop me".
Jessy: No!!!! You absolutely do not belong in the hands of some madman, Dan interrupted and shouted
I absolutely agree with Jessy you can't risk your life we ​​will come up with a plan please trust me.
Thomas: MC I'm begging you to accept his request and go there this way you can save Hannah and Richy.
Lilly, Jessy, Cleo, Dan: Tomas!!!!!!!!
Jessy: How can you ask her for something like that!!!!
Dan: How dare you!?
Cleo: Thomas please stop.
Thomas: please go, I'm begging you.
MC: Enough!!!!!!!! I shouted.
Shut up, everyone,I'll bring them both alive. I furiously took the phone and sent a message.
MC: I accept your suggestion,let's get this over with.
Unknown: offline.
I sighed deeply, drank some water and headed to the mine. While I was already walking alone through the forest for the second time, not knowing what awaited me, before I set off I installed a map that leads to the mine.A kilometer and a half to the mine, fantastic, I thought to myself as I approached the hidden at the entrance, I looked around in case someone wasn't following me....I sighed deeply and entered that "MWF hideout" it was quite dark, I lit the way and started to walk slowly and cautiously. My sigh was getting heavier and heavier with each step, I felt as if someone was pressing me around the neck. Walking through the cold, dark and wet corridors of the tunnel, I felt as if every corner of these corridors was a witness to the many sufferings and screams of the victims of the 800 people who perished here. Approaching the end of the corridor which was obviously lit I realized that I had come to the place where I would see the true face of the bastard who threatened me and ruined all of our lives,the face that tormented Hannah and Richy.As I approached I gripped my phone so tightly I accidentally let go my favorite song.
a man…not a man the monster that kidnapped two people turned to me with a mask on his head.
Oh, hush, my dear, it's been a difficult year
And terrors don't prey on him
Innocent victims
Trust me, darling, trust me darling
It's been a loveless year
I'm a man of three fears
Integrity, faith and
Crocodile tears
Trust me, darling, trust me, darling
So look me in the eyes
Tell me what you see
Perfect paradise
Tearing at the seams
I wish I could escape
I don't wanna fake it
Wish I could erase it
Make your heart believe... Richy this is... I said through a sigh this is impossible, you lied to us all the time, all the time you pretended that you didn't care..
I APPEAR TO BE A BAD LIAR, the only person who dared to come forward and show feelings is you.
"I'm sorry MC for everything, I didn't want to hurt anyone. He said
MC: Richy it can't be! how could you betray us like this!?
Richy: I didn't want it to be like this, I swear to, I swear!!!!
I ran to him and hugged him tightly, after all, he is my friend whom I knew and with whom I spent a lot of time and in some special way fell in love, even if I didn't want to admit it to myself.
I pulled back a little and started questioning Richy why he did all this. He looked me straight in the eyes for a long time and at one point he put his lips on mine, I didn't push him away from me if you ask me why I don't know, I can't even explain to myself, he brought his head close to my ear and whispered"I'M A BAD LIAR (giggle). In the next moment he pointed to his jacket on the floor and I realized that he was signaling me to sit down. I listened carefully to every word he said every detail about Hannah's kidnapping. He couldn't stand it he grabbed my hands and held them in his. We sat for a long time and talked until at one point I heard footsteps on my right, when I looked I saw Jake himself standing furiously next to us with his hands clenched into fists as if he was going to beat someone up at any moment.He shouted in a menacing voice "Just touch her one more time and I'll break your arms and legs!!"
Richy, who is already visibly provoked, jumped up from where he was sitting and stood in front of Jake: "Come on, I challenge you, do something if you have balls".
At that moment, I was all sweating knowing where this was going, I got up and stood between them for a second, I managed to separate them, but the next moment was the worst, Jake pushed me behind him with his hand, he held his hand straight as if to prevent anyone from coming to me. The two of them glared at each other... in the next moment Jake punched Richy with his fist and that's when the chaos started,i ran towards them assuming that one or the other would end up dead I stood between them for the second time and felt someone pushed me away unintentionally as I fell backwards I hit my head on something, a stone, I don't know, from that moment on I don't remember what happened.
Alan was rubbing his hand nervously all the time, and for the hour and a half I was sitting in the police station, my thoughts were everywhere.
"That's what happened MC" Alan said
MC: "What happened after you found out about all this".
"Listen all the information I got, I got it from Richy. Richy has to pay a for what he did, do I have to tell you what he did?
"Uhhhhhh I understand everything but he's not as guilty as Hannah is..." I said
"Yeah, she's going to pay the as well for murder...I just wonder what your boyfriend would say about all this? He wouldn't be happy if his girlfriend wanted to put his half-sister in jail."
I rolled my eyes and told him shyly "Well, we're not in a relationship yet, not officially" I blushed
Alan: Richy has to go to jail by law you know that.
MC: Is it possible to do anything without going to prison?
Alan: You can testify in court, the murder happened 10 years ago, maybe I can still help you, but you know that I can get fired for this.
MC: Please Alan help me I'll do everything you say I just don't want Richy to go to jail.
Alan: Go home, I'll handle this, maybe I'll call you to testify. It's been five days since I haven't heard a word from Alan, I started to panic, I got ready and left because I couldn't sit and wait for news from Alan anymore, I wanted him to tell me to my face what the situation was.When I arrived at the office Alan was sitting with his arms crossed and thoughtful, I came closer and asked him what was wrong, he answered that there was a new case, some murder, I don't know, I didn't even listen to him because I wasn't interested, I only asked him to give me information about the testimony.
Alan: “Today is the testimony, otherwise I wanted to call you, it starts in an hour and a half”,he laughed.
There was silence in the courtroom, there were the judge, Hannah, Jessy and me. The trial lasted for a very long time I could barely stand I hate trials and prisons that's why I never wanted to visit Fill. At that moment the judge interrupted my thoughts when he said that Richy was not guilty and that he was free. My happiness never ends,knowing that I helped a friend who was always there for me and every time I needed help he was always there for me. He slowly approached me and hugged me "Thank you for everything"
MC: let's get out of here as soon as possible, I don't want to stay here for even a second.
Day after day passed Richy brought a bouquet of flowers every day and if I told him not to do that he didn't give up. I never liked gifts, I don't know why. Richy wants to be as close to me as possible but it's not his fault it's me I didn't want to be in a relationship because I didn't want to hurt him the first thing I was afraid of was that Jake wouldn't make a problem I don't think it's an excuse but deep down I had that fear myself, the second thing I was afraid of was what people would say about me, I'm not one of those "easy" girls, nor will I ever be.
Richy: Don't be stubborn at least try a relationship with me. The only thing you do is work and hanging out with Jessy.
I rolled my eyes and told him, "Richy, I don't get into relationships that easily, I don't want to hurt you or...
Richy: Jake….that's what you meant, you obviously care about him! he shouted
MC: maybe you are right
Richy: As obvious as it is that you want to be in a relationship with someone you don't even know, he stormed out and slammed the door, I understand him wanting to be in a relationship with me, but I don't want him to get hurt. I'll try to talk to him when he calms down.
A month later, Lily told me that Jake called her, that's honestly a bit strange to me, he didn't call me first, but Lilly. She also told me that Jake wanted to finally meet me, of course I'm glad about that. Unfortunately, since Jake's mother is passed away, he decided to secure an apartment for himself, if you're wondering how I know that... well, the bird Lilly told me.
Lilly, Hannah, Jessy and I were occupied with preparing the house and cooking (psss I didn't cook)😂😜 on the way we listened to music and danced... fun, right? Everything was as it should be, the table was set and we were nicely dressed. at that moment someone knocked on the door, Lilly quickly ran to the door and opened it, at that moment I got up and went to the door, there stood a tall, black-haired, sea-colored boy, nothing like Lilly, while Hannah and he looked a lot like twins .Lilly shook me at that moment, I wasn't even aware that I was standing at the door and looking at Lilly and Jake. With the music and talking, the time passed quickly, Jake looked at me from time to time, I honestly wasn't comfortable, but I felt special like never before in my life. At one point, Jake got up and said he had to go, he told us while eating that the police are still chasing him, he needs to finish a hacking job, in short he helps the police with murders by entering data into the computer. My biggest the joy is that he will finally be free, at least he won't end up in prison. When he started to go to the door, he grabbed my waist, pulled me to him and kissed me, I just smiled, everyone was looking at us, but I didn't care anymore what others would say or think.
If someone had told me that I was going to experience this, I wouldn't have believed him, sitting on the floor and crying, I thought about what I did wrong to God, is it possible that I experienced this kind of betrayal. I waited for a fucking year for him to come back from the mission with the police, it was some kind of murder. at least that's what he told me... I have no idea what other mission lasts a year, only if the killer is some mastermind. A lie, everything is a lie from the beginning to the very end, everything was a lie. He slept with that girl, they loved each other, that's why he didn't come. Lies, lies, I'm angry with myself for everything. But I'll solve this problem by myself without anyone's help.
I packed my things and got on the plane with the fact that I work in an agency, I knew every flight. Running away is the only plan I have, the only plan I had was to hide from him and this shame.
Greece is another country besides the one where I was born, which I love very much. It will be nice there, at least I won't think about anything, (I thought to myself). Thinking that I would manage to escape, alas, I didn't, a black BMW car parked in front of me, two guys got out of the car and quickly came to my car, opened the door and pulled me out of the car, at that moment I felt that one of them grabbed me and put a cloth on my nose the next moment I remember being in a dark room full of boxes. I was tied to the bed, I tried to get up a little, but I couldn't, as if someone was draining my strength. My legs and hands were also tied, all I could think of was how to escape from here, how to get out of this situation, in at that moment, I heard footsteps approaching the room where I was and a familiar voice, I knew that damn voice well....Jake, it's not like he kidnapped me. The door opened wide and the man standing behind me was the man I I knew him for a year, he is a man whom I somehow fell in love with and who, believe it or not, I waited for a year, I rejected Richy because of him, I was patient, I told myself I'll wait, it doesn't matter, but after everything that happened to me, one thing is certain, I don't want to be with him. Now the most important thing is to get my head out alive to go far away from here...
At that moment, my thoughts were interrupted by Jake, who covered my mouth and whispered: "Now you'll see what it means to run away from me."At that moment he grabbed my pants and tore them off. I pulled myself up a little and pressed my ass against the bed so he couldn't take me off. I was scared. I didn't want to be raped. I didn't want him to touch me. I got scared and started to panic. I knew what was the best method to defend myself, I pulled those ropes around my arms and legs, I did everything just to free myself, unfortunately Jake managed to take control of me and threw himself with all his weight on me, I scratched him as much as I could , I pulled just to defend myself from him. While he was on me with all his weight, he lowered his shoulders towards my face, then it was my chance to try to push him away from me, I lunged forward a little and bit his shoulder, Jake just gasped and he grabbed me by one hand and pressed me down to the bed and put his right hand over my mouth and said: "Try to do this one more time and you'll see who I am" he said furiously. I answered him in a threatening tone, "You will see who I am if you just try to do something to me, violent sex is not the solution to this problem, let me go home, I don't want to be with you, understand for once!!!!".
Jake and I were very close to each other, I could feel him breathing, as he was above me, he was looking straight into my eyes, his look was sad, he just said to me "I don't want to lose you at the cost of my life, I love you" in that at one moment I felt his hand slide down and he tore my panties at high speed, I felt very uncomfortable, I didn't know what to do to defend myself but I wasn't going to give up. In the next moment I felt that he entered me, I screamed with rage not because of pain or because of anything else, I didn't have any pain during sex, he was gentle, he told me to calm down but I didn't want to, he grabbed me by the waist and pressed his body against mine.
After sex, he stood up and said: "I know what you did with Emma, ​​I know that you killed her, I know everything you do for your criminal activities, selling drugs, catching girls for prostitution, none of that matters..Emma meant nothing to me, she an ordinary slut.
He sat on the bed next to me, I knew that one day he would find out about everything, I wasn't completely surprised, but that he hurt me because of Emma, ​​it hurt me even more, "what did you expect MC, they were together for a year" I thought to myself...
"Why are you silent now if you think this is all because of Emma, ​​it's not...we were once together, it's true, we had sexual relations, but we never had unprotected sex...
"I don't care," I shouted, "I don't want to listen to anything." The truth is I killed Emma I was blind with jealousy if I was smarter I would have let her be with you I should have gotten away from everything I said through tears.
Go away go away!!!!! Do you really think that I wouldn't look for you, do you really think that I would let you run away from me" he said with a smile.
"Damn you!!!, you ruined my life and now you want us to be together, never!!! "I said through tears.
Three days have passed since I was tied up, I didn't eat or drink anything, I didn't want to on purpose. Jake begged me to eat and I refused.
"You have to eat something, you can't be hungry," he said
"I don't want to eat" I said
Sitting on the bed, since I was tied, Jake lowered me to a sitting position to eat, I took that opportunity and grabbed a porcelain plate and hit him on the head with all my strength and took a rope and tied him, I didn't want him to follow me.. I ran to the door and came across on each side of the long hallway there were rooms like in some hotel I walked slowly and looked on each side there was a big mirror in one of the rooms I went in and looked at myself my pants and shirt were torn I went back to the room where I was , and took out a sweatshirt from the closet, put it on and when I got to the door, I heard mumbling behind me...
"Release me now or you will be locked up here forever".
"Dream on prince" I said proudly
Walking through the corridor I felt some relief but on the other hand I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get out, luckily for me I managed to find my way out, there were two guys in black suits standing at the front door so I had to find another way out, each the window was blocked except for one that was completely broken. When I got out, I immediately looked in which direction to run because sooner or later someone will free Jake. The yard is huge, it surrounds the house about 5 hectares "whose house is this" I thought in myself, one path only led to the exit, that's the only main path I can take, but the problem is how to avoid the guards, crouching next to the window, I thought about how to pass without being noticed. Running is not the solution, but fuck it as soon as I get out of here I will get home sooner. I didn't even know where I was and I hope to get there as soon as possible. I quickly ran towards that road and hid behind a tree. From a distance I heard voices shouting "Find her". Standing so scared behind the tree I was thinking what is my next step, I have to get out of here as soon as possible or they will find me, I waited for the first opportunity for the guards to leave so I could continue. When I started running again, I heard Jake shout, find her and bring her to me. I didn't even turn around, I ran as fast as I could, at one point when I was already quite far away I heard a car behind me, I stopped and turned around and saw that a woman was driving. I felt a great relief, I asked her to drive me to the first town, she just nodded her head and motioned for me to get in, during the drive she asked me where I was from, strangely, but I opened up and told her everything
Woman: You know, little one, I wouldn't give that man even a lock of my hair
I just looked at her and smiled
"I didn't even want to, I decided I didn't want to be with him, he betrayed me, he hurt me, I can't forgive him just like that. There is a boy who wanted to be with me, but I turned him down, this is probably karma."
Woman: There is always an opportunity for a new chance, try if you want to be with him, it will be easier to get over this situation. Just be sure to tell him what happened to you, because if you don't tell him, he will say... Jake, is that the boy's name?" Yes" Jake, I said so
"They will say that you willingly slept with him and if that is not the case", said the woman
I know I'm very scared, the two of them had a fight in the mine, but if I get into a relationship with Richy, there will be a big problem, Jake will kill him.
A little while later, I couldn't believe that not only did she bring me to my city, but also right in front of my house, I thanked her and walked quickly to the door, my hands were shaking from nervousness, I couldn't even unlock the door when I went inside and took my mobile phone, holding the phone in my hand, my hands began to shake even more, I pressed Alan's number and called him.
Alan: MC where are you!? I was looking for you..you were gone for days are you ok?
MC: Alan we have to see each other now I have to talk to you!
Alan: Okay, I'll wait for you in the office
I quickly put down the phone and ran outside, got into the car and headed for the police station, it didn't take me long to get there, as I was driving very fast.
"Alan we need to talk seriously"
Alan: Calm down, first tell me what happened, why do you look like that, all your clothes are torn
Out of nervousness and anger, I started walking around the office left and right and finally spoke
"Something very bad has happened" I cried in agony, sat down and put my hands over my head
"Jake raped me," I said hoarsely and through tears
Alan: “Jake did what to you!? "That son of a bitch won't survive if I just get hold of him"
At that moment, Alan ran out and called someone on the phone, I didn't hear anything, I totally lost track of time and space.
A whole month passed and I didn't see anyone in particular except Cleo, Jessy, Hannah sometimes and Richy, they always tried to cheer me up, of course I didn't neglect my work.
It's been a hellish month since Alan chased Jake. I haven't received any news for a month. At that moment, lying on the bed, my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pain in my stomach. I bent my knees and calmed down a bit. I hated myself for everything, I shouldn't have let Jake come to me, but how could I know he had a girlfriend, stop thinking that otherwise I won't be in a relationship with him. I jumped out of bed to calm my nervousness and went for a walk in at that moment my phone rang..
Jacob: We have to see each other urgently, we have a problem.
"What's the problem, you're scaring me, wait, don't tell me anything yet, I'll be right back."
New message
Jacob: I shouldn't have told you, but when you come you'll understand why I called you.
In a different town on a completely different side from Duskwood is our secret hideout of buildings that are modernly furnished nothing like run down buildings that you would imagine to be used for all sorts of things. In my building that my father built in the style of a hotel to let out rooms as I work as a tourist guide, I used that building for other purposes, where girls who were visibly high on drugs were brought in to "receive and hand over goods". I know these things are wrong but they chose their own path" some did some didn't have a choice" if you think MC is bad yes she is bad because she learned to be dangerous.
Every corridor is full, almost all the girls were standing in front of their room waiting for their customers. When they saw me, they all bowed their heads, and I, like a queen dressed in black, with loose wavy hair, raised my head, walked past them.
In the lower part of the hotel, more precisely in the basement, there was a huge room where people who owed me money and people who had done their task wrongly that I gave them "punishment “as I like to say".
Jacob and I headed straight for the basement where I was met with an unpleasant surprise>Emma<. Unable to escape she was tied to a chair with a rope. She will pay for everything she did.
"What does this mean Jacob, why is this girl not dead, what excuse are you going to make so I don't kill you!" I said, with a quick movement I turned towards him, grabbed his neck with my hand and pressed him against the wall "Don't play with fire" I whispered in his ear.
Jacob: I I...listen to me first then do whatever you want please please please he said through tears. You know I have never betrayed you please let me explain.
"You have five minutes," I said
I didn't want to kill her for several reasons. The first reason is adtgf
"What are you talking about? Speak loud and clear, you don't have much time," I shouted.
Jacob: She is not pregnant with Jake, she lied and the father of her baby is David Smith, I examined everything in detail, DNA test confirmed..
"Stop, stop, slowly tell me everything from the beginning".
"Two years ago, before Emma got into a relationship with Jake, she knew that David, her boyfriend at the time, had cheated on her with someone else.. "Get to the point, I'm not interested in her relationship, it's not about this bitch, it's about Jake."
Jacob: When they broke up she got pregnant with David because she knew she wouldn't have any financial support from him, she threw that child at Jake, of course Jake suspected that the child was his. I made this bitch talk and she told me that they didn't had unprotected sex. This bitch here slept with her ex and got pregnant she thought she was going to get him back but he just took advantage and left her. He left with that girl he cheated with.. he whispered in my ear jokingly.You know our people work hard to get various information, we have people listening for us, we have cameras, drones, no information can escape us, said Jacob proudly. The next thing I found out is that Jake wanted to take revenge on you for the kiss with Richy in the mine as he said "He didn't know he was going to lose you" listen to this recording and everything will be clear to you.
Jacob: Now you're going to tell everything nicely from beginning to end why you hurt MC? the only person I love so much how dare you.
I turned to Jacob shocked"You have feelings for me" I said with my mouth half open.
I couldn't believe my ears what I just heard but when I think about it better I was with him instead of waiting for Jake for a year. The difference between Jacob and Jake is that Jacob fights for what he wants, I never noticed before that he has feelings for me, he showed me countless times, I thought that bouquets, chocolates, and other small gifts were just a sign of attention, respect, but that's not the case. While I was waiting for Jake, something else was better waiting for me, only I was blind that I can see that. Jacob is tall with brown hair, green eyes and dimples on his cheek, he really looks breathtaking. I turned to the table and leaned on it with my hands and played the tape.
Jake: Hahahaha you can love her as much as you want MC only loves one and that's me.
I fast forwarded the tape a bit
"Emma is my biggest mistake in my life, I wanted to take revenge on MC because of that damn bastard who kissed her, jealousy boiled in me." After I found out that Emma was pregnant, then I was totally lost, I didn't know what to do, I wanted to to leave her but... but that was over even before I found out she was pregnant. The thing that hit me the most was that the MC found out about Emma, ​​now she will look at me like the biggest piece of trash..(crying)..end of the tape.
"What are you planning next"? I asked
Jacob: I suggest you set her free.
He grabbed my arm and dragged me into another room.
Jacob: The best solution is to bring them together, take them to her house and let them fight among themselves, it's better for you. Jake will run to you like a puppy, but you will choose what is best for you, and that is a man who will respect you, keep you like a queen out of this criminal world, just you and me. I am not jealous of Jake or Richy, they are just two mistakes in your life, you weren't sure who you loved. You didn't love either of them, you were lonely and you thought you loved both of them, you were confused, think a little.
Jacob's words hit me but I'm not ready to face that situation now, revenge first and then everything else.
I turned around and went home. With loud music in the car, after a long time I felt some relief, of course I got my revenge on Emma, ​​she got beaten up a bit by my friends, I'm a bit naughty by nature hehehe.😈😈😈
When I was approaching my house, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as if someone was stabbing me with a knife. I got out of the car and immediately vomited. I remembered the scene when Jake raped me, so I suspected that I might not be pregnant. On the left side, a little further from my car was a pharmacy, I slowly walked towards the pharmacy because the pain was very tight when I entered the pharmacy, I said in a low voice: "Give me a pregnancy test" the pharmacist just looked at me and said $4.68, I paid and slowly left. I entered the house and the first thing I wanted to do was take a warm bath." The bath really helps to ease the pain, I said to myself with a smile."
With music and wine and headphones in my ears, I enjoyed a bubble bath, after that I put on my pajamas and went to bed.
In the morning at 10:30 I stretched and lay on the bed completely relaxed. I didn't go to work that day because there is someone to replace me, the agency is mine so I can take at least one day off, I turned to my bedside table and saw test. Curiosity was stronger than me, I took a pregnancy test and went to check.
Five minutes later, sitting in the tub and holding the test, I watched two lines appear, I didn't know whether to be happy or cry out loud. I put the test in a small bag and threw it in the bin.
"What should I do now" I asked myself holding both hands over my head, if I have an abortion there is a possibility that I will never be able to have children again, and if I give birth I will be tied to Jake for the rest of my life.
The best thing I can do is give myself a break and think.
I prepared some breakfast and ate, after that I got dressed and went for a walk.
When I entered a large park that was surrounded by a forest, suddenly someone grabbed my hand and put his hand over my mouth. I didn't see who it was at that moment, but when he pushed me against a tree, I saw that it was Jake, whose eyes were red and full of tears.
Jake: MC please forgive me for everything I've done to you, I'm begging you, I regret it a lot..(tears)... I'm sorry for everything, give me at least one chance to be together, you'll see that I'll be much better, I'll never disappoint you. I'll do it whatever you want, if is necessary we will get married.
MC: Do you really think I'm going to fall for that story, the old MC doesn't exist anymore! WE don't exist!
Jake(crying) please please give me a chance I can't live without you(sob).
MC: I never want to see you again.period
Jake: Now I'm free, I'm not being chased by the police anymore, I made an agreement that from now on I work for them, I handle all the documents, he smiled.
MC: Can you hear yourself, what you're saying, first you tell me to be together, then you tell me about some work, I don't care about you, your work or your love life. I don't want anything to do with you.
I continued to walk through the park through tears, there were several people with children enjoying playing. I sat down on a bench and at that moment my phone rang.
"Hello, who is that?" I asked confused
"I will take revenge on you for everything you did to me, damned bitch".
"Emma, ​​it's you hahahahaha, I'd really like to see how you're going to take revenge on me. You don't have the power to take revenge on me. I ended the call and put the phone back in my pocket. Jake was standing behind me and heard my conversation, I just glared at him and turned my back to him, but he approached me and whispered:
"I will solve this problem, you will not intervene this time" at that moment he took out the gun that was standing from behind under my shirt and disappeared.
"Aghhh damn you Jake!!!" I shouted
I wanted this revenge to be mine, to finish with that bitch. I got into the car furiously and called Emma.
"What happened, you are afraid to come."
"We have to find another place. Jake comes to you with a not so nice plan for you. "You will wait for me where I will tell you".
I didn't have enough time to go to Jacob to get the gun, I didn't want to get my hands dirty with blood, but anyway I stayed with the knife in my pocket.
"The knife will do the job but it will be a little bloody" I thought to myself.
Emma was standing in front of the warehouse and was waiting for me, thinking that this would only end with a conversation, but I didn't come to talk, but to kill her.
"You finally appeared, I just don't understand why you saved my life".
I was standing in front of her and in my sleeve was the solution to my problem. I pulled out a knife from my sleeve and stabbed it in Emma's neck without a sense of guilt, without any remorse, maybe I'm a monster but in the criminal world everyone gets punished.
Her body fell in front of me, a pool of blood spilled on the concrete, I turned and left. If you are wondering if the police will arrest her(MC).they won't because all the police officers are in their positions. They know very well who she is and they also know who their boss is, no one can stand up to her. Emma's body will rot somewhere in the ground and never be found. they won't know what happened.
Eight months later…
"Your delivery went well, congratulations, you gave birth to a beautiful girl."
Jake found out from Lilly that I gave birth, but I don't know how he found out that the child was his.
In the corridor, I heard loud footsteps and saw someone carrying a bouquet of flowers.
"Why did you come here? Nobody called you”. I said
Jake: I brought you roses I know you love them I didn't come to ask you to forgive me I heard you are in a relationship with Jacob I just want to make a deal about the baby when I can see her? What will it be called?
I motioned for him to sit next to me.
"How about the name Madison, Elizabeth, Aurora, Chiara, Alice, Alessia"
"All the names are beautiful. "Which one would you choose?" he asked with a smile
"Aurora!!!!" I shouted happily
Jake leaned over and hugged me. He accepted the fact that I was in a relationship with someone else and that if I was happy, he would be too, at least that's what he told me.
At that moment, Jessy and Richy came in. They have been together for seven months and found comfort in each other. Lilly and Dan have been dating for a long time and they are about to get married.
Jacob and I have planned to give each other a chance to see how far this relationship will go, hopefully a good one. Just a little Aurora to grow up and hopefully she will have a brother or sister.
A few weeks later…
Jacob and I got ready to go to the celebration, Lilly told us that Aurora's birth must be celebrated.
"Jacob!!! Are you ready" I shouted happily.
"I'm going dear just five more minutes"
While waiting for Jacob to come down, I dressed Aurora in a white dress and put a white ribbon with a big flower on her hair and white shoes.
While I was dressing her, Jacob came up behind me and hugged me.
When we arrived at Lilly's place, she took Aurora with her and kissed her, then she came up to us and pulled us in. Everyone was there, Hannah and Tomas, Jessy and Richy, Lilly and Dan and only one person who doesn't have a partner, and that's Jake. I felt sorry for him but I couldn't get over his betrayal. But he always tried to be positive. We all laughed and joked. Jake felt guilty that we weren't together, but he accepted the fact that it had to be that way.
Aurora spent every day with her real father. Every day he took her to the park, cuddled her, told her stories and lulled her to sleep. Everything ended well in the end.
When Lilly, Jessy, and Hannah went into labor, they all cheered me on, but the presence of one person meant a lot to me, and that was Jake, so I still decided to give him the opportunity to be together. Every day I spend with him meant like air to me, every day he made me beautiful, even when I couldn't get up at night, he got up to feed Aurora and put her to sleep again. I couldn't even imagine a different life than this.
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