angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
“Rika! It’s a pleasure to be in your presence, Rolan,” Rika said. (Did they not give her name up front? Oh, well – it was hardly the end of the world.)
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“Let’s see… Oh! What could I get you to drink, Rolan? We have beer, wine, spirits… Plenty of things! We also have sparkling juice if you aren’t one for alcohol.”
“Rika... That’s a truly nice name!” It seemed the small talk made him feel more at ease.
The following question made him think for a moment there. He could drink and he was good with alcohol, but he had to wonder whether or not he would want to walk home tipsy at night. With a small nod of his head, more to himself than anything, he spoke up.
“I think juice would be more than enough! If you have apple flavour one that would be ideal.”
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
Upon arriving to the actual city, Gilbert became frightened. He didn’t know anyone here and the place itself was unnerving, only adding to his worry. Honestly, a bunch of thoughts was already forming in the back of his mind.
And it was then, as he walked and thought, that he noticed an unfamiliar voice getting closer and closer. Looking in it’s direction, a blond(?) and tall young man stood before him. He was a stranger but… He looked harmless and the worry in his tone just told GIlbert he had no bad intention.
“Uhm.. Yes”
A sigh of relief couldn’t be helped, just hearing this made his heart feel lighter. Now, the next step in helping the boy would be..
“Well, where were you intenting to go? If you don’t mind telling me, of course.”
He would gladly escort the boy and protect him on the way, but it was on the younger one to decide. If he felt unsafe with Rolan then he would simply give him directions, that’s no problem. But he would certainly be worried in that case.
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
Doubts swirling around you like a live wire. The current so strong. It’s chasing you back to back. It wants to eat you alive. It wants to inhale you in. It wants to feed you to the wolves.
and that’s how you know, whatever you are pursuing is worth it. don’t fear doubts. fear giving up. // @abillionlittlethoughts (via abillionlittlethoughts)
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
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Is that...? No way..
Why on Earth is a CHILD walking around Sector 3 all alone?!
“Excuse me!” He found himself calling out to the raven haired child without much thought as he walked closer. His instinct to help was far too great to just let him walk away. 
“This place isn’t safe, is there a chance you got lost?”
He hoped the answer was a yes because the very thought of a child like the one before him being housed in this Sector made every bit of him feel worried and uneasy.
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
To say he was nervous would be a severe understatement, He heard that the place would be a good one to relax and have fun but this was nothing like what he imagined.
The host he got was nice however, so he felt somewhat relaxed. Somewhat.
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“I never saw a dragon but I’ll believe your words miss.” Honestly, he seemed like a lost puppy at that moment, but he soon pulled himself together. “My name is Rolan, it’s a pleasure to be in your care for now, miss..?”
He left the small pause as if asking the woman for her name there.
@angelicxknight liked for a starter!
There were all sorts of people in Hive City, Rika had learned in her time behind its walls. She’d seen strange things and stranger citizens, so the fact that a knight in shining armor had come to Club Euphoria shouldn’t have surprised her. But it did – maybe it was just the armor part, though.
“So,” she said, just barely leaning forward.
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“Tell me about yourself. You can keep the armor on, but try not to be so guarded. I’m not a dragon, I won’t bite!”
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
A little reference for my RP partners!
Rolan might be technically a knight, but in his world the ranking system of his army goes by chess figures.
Therefore he is no knight in the shining armour, despite having the honour of one.
Thank you and have a good day.
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
         Back in Russia, Viktor welcomed all and any who accorded Makkachin the love and attention she surely deserved. Hive City was a different story entirely. Here, tension was ripe, inciting him to be w a r y of those whom approached his companion lest they wished harm upon her. Determining for now that the other male looked innocuous enough, he knelt besides the bouncy poodle protectively, forging an amicable grin upon ghost-pale lips.
❝ Yes, she’s a Poodle. ❞
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❝ Her name’s Makkachin. ❞
“A Poodle?” He looked puzzeled for a second before recalling something. “Oh, only wealthy people had those back in my home world. It must be a luxorious kind then.”
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He couldn’t help but feel just slightly uncomfortable being the one standing up while the one knelt, even if he had a reason for it. Blame it on old habits, but he ended up kneeling as well to be on the eye level with the two.
“I am sure you’re taking great care of Makkachin, sir! She seems healthy and happy even in a place like this. Call me silly but I somehow find it hard not to trust someone who manages to not only take good care of themselves but also their fluffy friend in a weird place like the Hive.”
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
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“Is.. Is that so? Well, I must apologise then! I am at my guard recently when I go into dark places like this. The ghetto, as you people call it, forced the habit into my head. I assure you I would rather not fight either...”
He listened to the other man and judging by the way he spoke, he knew his way around. Maybe he should take the opportunity. 
“I was looking for this sector’s housing building actually. I am trying to learn the route to each sector’s one shall there ever be a need for me to visit someone in one of them..” A slightly nervous smile appeared on his face then. “And I seem to have lost my map so... I got stuck here.”
Okay, now he was SURE he was lost. And judging by the dark alleyways, he wasn’t in the friendliest neighbourhood either.
Quietly, he moved around, trying to make as little noise as possible. He wouldn’t like being forced to fight but he still kept his guard up. And so, when he heard the sound of a metal bin being stepped over, as he turned around he almost drew his sword.
The person he saw seemed… Nice? He wouldn’t know but he definitely had a bit of a cold and yet calming personality.
“Who are you? If you have bad intentions, as much as I would rather not fight I will defend myself.”
Even if his words were stated in a more light tone, he was serious. Underestimating others is a mistake he dares not to make, so if they wanted a fight, he’ll fight back.
As unpleasant as it may be.
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
Iounn: How old are you?
"Uhh... Around 20 in human age, I believe!"
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
Go in my askbox, and give my muse an RPG-style command!
[Examine ___ ] [Equip ___ ] [Talk to ___ ]
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! ( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ (((( ;゚Д゚)))
キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! : What does your muse do when very excited?
He shows his excitement very vividly through laughing and general cheerfulness. He can barely stand in one place when excited.
( ´Д`)ノ(´・Ω・`) ナデナデ: Does your muse pat others on the head? If not, do they get pat on their head?
He pats small children on the head sometimes but he much prefers receiving them, especially from Phantom. It is my personal filthy headcanon that Rolan sometimes gets head pats as praise when he does well.
(((( ;゚Д゚))): What is your muse terrified of?
Death. That is one thing he is scared of the most. Whether it be his or the death of someone dear to him, loss is a terrifying thing to him.
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
Send me a face for a headcanon about my muse!
(`・ω・´) : What does your muse completely gush over?
_| ̄|○ : What situation would your muse give up in?
(`-´)> : Who does your muse honor the most?
(´;ω;`): What brings your muse into a state of
ヽ(´ー`)ノ : What calms your muse down?
ヽ(`Д´)ノ : What irritates your muse the most?
(#゚Д゚) : What does your muse do if they're angry?
( ´Д`) : Is your muse loud in bed?
( ゚Д゚) : What does your muse do when surprised?
┐('~`;)┌ : When your muse can't answer something, what
do they do?
(´∀`) : What could your muse care less about?
( ´_ゝ`) : Who or what is your muse most indifferent
Σ(゜д゜;) : Is your muse easily scared?
( ゚ヮ゚) : When is your muse happiest?
キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!! : What does your muse do when
very excited?
⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ : Does your muse like to cuddle?
( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ: Does your muse pat others on the
head? If not, do they get pat on their head?
(((( ;゚Д゚))): What is your muse terrified of?
Σ(゚Д゚): What would your muse be most shocked to obtain?
( ゚д゚): What amazes your muse?
(´ー`)y-~~ : Does your muse do any drugs? Smoke?
( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) : How often does your muse drink?
ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ: How friendly is your muse around new people?
('A`) : What does your muse do when they're alone?
(´-`).。oO( ... ) : What does your muse think about a lot?
(゚Д゚;≡;゚Д゚): Is your muse impatient?
( ´д)ヒソ(´Д`)ヒソ(Д` ): Does your muse enjoy gossiping?
(・∀・)つ⑩ : Does your muse enjoy saving or spending money? Or are they indifferent?
(゚д゚): When your muse didn't expect something, what do they do?
(゚⊿゚) : Is your muse in denial a lot?
(・∀・) : Does your muse like to tease people?
(・A・) : What does your muse consider to be bad?
(゚∀゚) : If your muse was a drug, what kind would they be?
( つ Д `) : When your muse is sad, what do they do?
♪┏(・o・)┛♪ : Can your muse dance well?
d(*⌒▽⌒*)b : What makes your muse the happiest they could ever be?
(╬ ಠ益ಠ): What infuriates your muse to the point they may kill whatever it is?
(≧ロ≦): Is your muse a screamer in bed?
(ΘεΘ;): How much of a tsundere is your muse?
(‐^▽^‐): What does your muse's laugh sound like?
┌(;`~,)┐ : What discombobulates your muse?
ε=ε=ε=┌(;*´Д`)ノ : How does your muse run?
ヽ(´▽`)/ : What does your muse look like when happy?
ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ : Is your muse violent when angry?
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
“Yeah I got t-that–” Sasuke strained as they lifted the piece of rubble. He might have been a shinobi, but he wasn’t built for heavy lifting like this. Still, he refused to drop the object. It was life or death for the woman below them.
Thankfully with Rolan’s help they were able to move the piece of rubble to the side and set it down off of the woman. No one broke any fingers either! After setting the rubble down, Sasuke stood back and wiped sweat off his cheek with the back of his hand. “Can you move?” He asked the woman.
She attempted to sit up on her knees, but fell back down due to the pain she was in. “N-no…it hurts too much..I..” She started to sob, relieved she was freed, but upset the use of her legs was out of commission at the moment.
Sasuke looked to Rolan again. “You wouldn’t happen to have …healing powers would you?” The boy was aware that all sorts of people lived in this city, so he figured he would ask before he attempted to carry the woman to a hospital or something.
Rolan was fine for the most part, mostly focusing his attention on the harmed woman. He has seen this very pathetic and sad display many times and that.. That was a reason more to want to help.
Quietly, he came closer, picking the woman up in his arms, careful not to press into any of the still aching wounds her legs had. “I have nothing of the sort but I will carry her to safety.”
The determined tone was visible in his voice as his eyes locked with those of the younger boy. “I will take her to the clear place not too far from here and then come back. If it’s not troublesome for you, you should look for others who need help. I’ll aid you there and later we can call for help transporting them all to the hospital.”
A bit far fetched and far from ideal, but that was the most efficient way he could think of.
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
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It ended up way more chibi like than my usual style but here it is!
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
Send one and I'll draw my muse in...
👙 - Swim wear
👘 - Clothing from their culture
👠 - High heels
💃 - A dance outfit
👰 - Wedding gown/suit
🦊 - A fursuit
🏉 - Football jersey
🚓 - A police uniform
👔 - Casual Friday wear
🎃 - A Halloween costume
🗑 - A trash can
👾 - Cosplay
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
bragi, freya, rhiannon
BRAGI: What kind of music do you listen to?
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“I do have a soft spot for cheerful music people often play at inns but I like the lullaby type of melody too!”
FREYA: Have you ever been in love?
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“Well, to say I have been would be a lie since you can still say I am in love currently. Though I suppose that means the answer is yes?”
RHIANNON: Have you ever been betrayed? 
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“Betrayed..? I.. I don’t believe so. The Chess Pieces are quite cruel to one another but we would never betray our comrades.”
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angelicxknight-blog · 7 years
Sasuke kept a gentle hold on the woman’s hand as he nodded to Rolan. “Yes, but her legs are trapped, so we need to be careful.” He stood and joined Rolan in grabbing the rubble. It shifted slightly, causing the woman to let out a pained whimper.
“If it is too heavy for the both of us I’ll have to find more people to help..” Sasuke muttered, adjusting his grip slightly. “On my count. 1…2…3…lift!” He had no idea how strong this stranger would be, but he was hoping their combined efforts would be enough to free the poor woman immediately.
“Understood!” Rolan may have been a lot weaker than usual but with the two of them, lifting the rubble shouldn’t be too hard with the two of them doing it together.
A small nod was given to the muttered statement before he pulled up the heavy piece of stone on the given sign. It was rather heavy but they did manage to lift it off the woman’s hurt legs. “B-be careful while putting this down, you could break a finger.” He warned before he started carefully moving aside so they could set the rubble down.
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