angelicxrequiem · 6 years
Yes pls
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
Munday Meme Extraordinaire Send me a symbol and I’ll answer ooc 
☕  - Do you prefer coffee or tea? Perhaps neither, or both? 
☠ - Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse? 
☺ - Post a picture of yourself or describe what you look like! 
⚽ - Are you active? 
⛄ - Do you have a favourite holiday? 
♫ - Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, what kind of music, if no, why not? 
☤ - Have you ever had to go to the emergency room? Why? 
♪ - Do you play any instruments? 
⚖ - Opinions on the fandom your muse blong to? 
♿ - Is there anything about your body you’d like to change if given the chance? 
✂ - Do you hate people easily? 
✼ - Do you think the character/characters you role play as reflect who you are? 
⚄ - Do you play videogames? Have a favourite? 
✵ - Are there any other fandoms you’d like to approach? 
⚜ - If you role play more then one muse, do you have a favourite? 
⛔ - In real life, are you friendly? 
⨁ - Do you hold grudges, or easily let things go? 
♥ - Besides fictional characters, is there someone you love? 
♾ - Which timezone are you in? 
W - What do you do for a living?
♡ - OTP for your muse? 
⚔ - NOTP with your muse? 
☰ - Fun random fact about the mun! 
☘ - Wildcard! Ask the mun anything you’re interested in finding out. 
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
I feel like drawing some JoshNeku or just Josh in general. If anyone has prompts, either send an ask or just message me
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
                             нε нα∂ вεαυтιғυℓ εүεs, тнε кιη∂ үσυ cσυℓ∂ gεт ℓσsт ιη 
       αη∂ ι gυεss ι ∂ι∂
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
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                    mini starter call™ 
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
"It wasn't all a game." Joshua averted his gaze, "Killing you was a formality both times. It was nothing personal, and I suppose over the years of watching the game, some of the finer points of... delicacy were lost on me." He had seen more people die than he could begin to count, and as much as he would like to believe the whole thing was impersonal, he still sometimes had nightmares of shooting Neku.
They seemed to be laying things bare, and he was thankful that they were alone. He didn't think he could take this as seriously as he should if anyone else was present. He even had reservations about telling Neku in the first place. He has been betrayed by everyone else so far, he didn't want Neku to turn on him.
"... Dear, in the second week I wasn't lying to you about anything. I witheld the truth, but I never once lied. I was bound by the rules Megumi came up with to limit my power and influence, so even partnering with you and nudging you in the right direction? That was a stretch... And I wasn't planning on becomming so attached to you." Or vice versa. He had doubts about Neky prior to the second week, but afterwards he had the utmost faith in his proxy.
Joshua gave a faint smile, "It may surprise you, but I didn't plan to throw you behind me like that. It was in the heat of the moment. My only concern was keeping you alive." Yes he thought about the implications, but that was when he was speaking to him after he had already pushed him.
The Long Game had been a ride for him, too. Though in a completely different way than Neku, he was certain. "My omniscience is curbed in this form.. so none of what happened was preplanned as you seem to think."
It takes Joshua a moment to register exactly what Neku said, and for that moment the demigod stared. “The way I understood it you hated me since we met.” He said, a very faint frown growing on his features. 

This news upset him in a couple ways, for one he hated reading situations wrong considering he is rarely ever wrong, two he had intentionally been more obnoxious than usual that week because he figured Neku already hated him, and three the whole situation could have been handled differently had Neku just told him. He had made it abundantly clear that he wasn’t good with people.
( cont. )
It is indeed true that Neku hated him at first, but Joshua surely has no idea that after going through a week playing the Reaper’s Game with him, his view on him had changed.
But nevertheless, he’s still disappointed at what Joshua had done to him. He dedicated his third game for him as well and is ready to take the risk for him only to know that he has been used for his little game. But even if he wouldn’t forgive him, he doesn’t hate him at all. Joshua has it wrong. His trust for Joshua had served as a foundation for his consideration for him. After all, he spared Shibuya. He’s glad that the composer did so or else, he wouldn’t get any more chance to expand his world. But then again, things will be a little different now having Neku keeping that grudge at him.
Like the Composer said, it is tad too late to let him know that. But he still wanted to let the Composer know that as for it is something that he should know. He wanted to let it out ever since he found out that all the three weeks that he fought for his and other’s second chances at life was all just for the Composer’s little game.
Neku stared at the blonde as he listened to his response. He then closed his eyes for a short moment before he started to say his reply.
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“ I’m not expecting you to say anything or do something about it. I just wanted to let you know that even if it’s too late. This has been making my chest feel tight and I thought this should be taken out of my system. ” 
He tilted his head down, hoping to hide the tears dwelling from the corners of his eyes.
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“ It’s… kind of funny that I feel this way. This has been a really weird thing. But knowing that I was just a proxy of your little game and you playing with my feelings also is just so upsetting… and it hurts. I have considered you to be a good person and a friend after the second week of the long game. From that point onwards, I dedicated my third game for you as well. ”
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
“I would have done anything for you, but you’ve ruined all of that.” (nekuphones is up for an angst. nekuphones missed doing angst)
It takes Joshua a moment to register exactly what Neku said, and for that moment the demigod stared. "The way I understood it you hated me since we met." He said, a very faint frown growing on his features. This news upset him in a couple ways, for one he hated reading situations wrong considering he is rarely ever wrong, two he had intentionally been more obnoxious than usual that week because he figured Neku already hated him, and three the whole situation could have been handled differently had Neku just told him. He had made it abundantly clear that he wasn't good with people. Perhaps he meant after he had saved him from Sho's attack, but he hadn't even been in the same version of the world at that point. How was he to know the aftermath of that? Sure he'd had an inkling that it would clear the suspicion around him, but to bring about devotion? That hadn't entered his mind.Joshua placed the half written composition to one side, deeming this little... issue with Neku more important than his pet hobby. "What would you like me to say, dear? It is a tad too late to tell me I could have done things differently, as I didn't know until now." The Composer tented his fingers, lips pursed in a line, "And If I recall you already said you would never forgive me. Why should I justify my actions if you aren't going to care regardless." He would have done things differently had he known, anyway, but the Long Game would never have ended nicely for either of them. Too much was dependant on lies.@nekuphones ((this is the right one, right? I have a nekuphones and a neku-phones ;v;))
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
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small inbox call for interested parties 
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
⨳ — MOANA;
send one for my muse's reaction!
“In the beginning there was only ocean…” “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Thank you, [name]. That’s enough.” “As long as we stay on our very safe island… we’ll be fine.“ “The legends are true. Someone will have to go.“ “There you are, [name]. What are you doing? You scared me.” “What? I wanna’s go back.“ “There comes a day when you’re gonna look around and realize happiness is where you are.” “Consider the coconut.” “In time you’ll learn just as I did. You must find happiness right where you are.” “I like to dance with the water. The undertow and the waves. The water is mischievous. Ha! I like how it misbehaves.” “You are your father’s daughter. Stubbornness and pride. Mind what he says but remember, you may hear a voice inside, and if the voice starts to whisper to follow the farthest star… [Name] that voice inside is who you are.” “Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface.” “Sometimes… who we wish we were, what we wish we could do… it’s just not meant to be.“ “See the line where the sky meets the sea, it calls me. No one knows how far it goes.” “I can lead with pride, I can make us strong, I’ll be satisfied if I play along but the voice inside sings a different song.” “See the light as it shines on the sea, it’s blinding but no one knows how deep it goes and it seems like it’s calling out to me.” “Why aren’t you trying to talk me out of it?” “If there’s something you want to tell me, just tell me!” “Is there something you wanna tell me? Is there something you want to hear?“ “I can’t leave you.“ “There is nowhere you could go that I won’t be with you.” “When you use a bird to write with… it’s called tweeting.“ “You are not my hero.“ “Okay, okay. I see what’s happening. You’re face to face with greatness, and it’s strange. You don’t even know how you feel. It’s adorable.” “Well it’s nice to see that humans never change.” “Let me out! You lying, slimy son of a…“ “Oh, come on! What is your problem? Are you afraid of it?“ “No! No. (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) I’m not afraid.” “That is not a heart. It is a curse.“ “Stop that. I will smite you! You wanna get smote? Smotten?“ “Listen, that thing doesn’t give you power to create life… it’s a homing beacon of death. If you don’t put it away, bad things are gonna come for it.” “You’d be a hero. That’s what you’re all about, right?“ “Okay, first, I’m not a princess.“ “You’re measuring the stars, not giving the sky a high-five.” “Enjoy your beauty rest?“ “Muscle up, buttercup. We’re here.“ “We’re going to the realm of monsters?“ “If you start singing, I’m gonna throw up.” “I just had to know… how you became so… crabulous?“ “Are you just trying to get me to talk about myself? Because if you are… I will gladly do so.” “I made myself a work of art.” “Did you like the song?” “Listen… I appreciate what you did down there.“ “I’m sorry. I’m trying to be sincere for once, and it feels like you’re distracted.” “You don’t wanna talk, don’t talk. You wanna throw me off the boat… throw me off. You wanna tell me I don’t know what I’m doing… I know I don’t.“ “That is literally the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” “I’m not killing myself so you can prove you’re something you’re not!” “Why did you bring me here? I’m not the right person. Choose someone else. Please.“ “It’s not your fault. I never should have put so much on your shoulders. If you are ready to go home… I will be with you.“ “Why do you hesitate?“ “Sometimes the world seems against you. The journey may leave a scar, but scars can heal and reveal just where you are.” “The people you love will change you, the things you have learned will guide you, and nothing on earth can silence the quiet voice still inside you. And when that voice starts to whisper [Name], you’ve come so far… [Name], listen. Do you know who you are?” “[Name]! You came back.” “They have stolen the heart from inside you, but this does not define you. This is not who you are. You know who you are. Who you truly are.” “Look, what I did was… wrong. I have no excuse. I’m sorry.“
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
                      All your acting, your thin disguise                        All your 𝓹𝒆𝓻𝒇𝒆𝓬𝓽𝓵𝔂 delivered lines                                They don’t fool me
                                                         You’ve been lonely too long
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
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                                      SMALL STARTER CALL
            OUT.      this is a SMALL STARTER CALL. please give this post a LIKE and I will                       make a small starter for you. Neku needs some love again. I miss him.
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
Joshua hummed in consideration, "Maybe not yet." He decided on saying, "And I wasn't necessarily referring to you, dear." He happened to remember quite vividly how Sanae had betrayed him. It still stung from time to time, though he never let on how he felt about the matter.
Looking over at Neku Joshua smiled a bit, "That and the way you hold yourself makes it obvious when things bother you." It was only a light bit of teasing since Joshua wasn't much feeling it. The composer had stopped trying to figure out why he came over here to this odd timeline whenever he was feeling off, but it was just one of those times.
"Forgiving is not forgetting" ((Angelicxrequiem; Helloo)
“Who’s said I’ve done either?”
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
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            「 So, considering these kind of Promos seem to get around faster than others,                  could you please LIKE and/or REBLOG this post if you’re interested in inter-                  acting with a Neku Sakuraba blog from The World Ends With You/King-                  dom Hearts that is based Post-Game/Post-DDD with various other kinds of                  AUs. Any and all help is appreciated and I really want to get some new RP                  partners for my moody, sassy, artistic son who’s still just trying to get used                  to be open. 」
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
((He's totally not floating above Neku right now.))
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            OUT.      where’s all my Josh’s at? I need me some Joshua.
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
Betrayal & Regret Sentence Starters
“I told you not to get too close to me.” “From the day we met, I knew I’d hurt you eventually.” “I wish you never had trusted me.” “I told you to leave, but you didn’t. I gave you the chance!” “We were never friends. I’m so sorry.” “I did something terrible.” “It was inevitable, but I regretted it every step of the way.” “I’m mainly sorry that somewhere along the way, I started to care about you.” “I guess this is a lesson in not trusting people, right?” “How long?…Since the beginning.” “I wish I could just make a wish and become a better person.” “None if it was real, but I wish it was.” “Do you think I liked hurting you?” “I hurt people. It’s all I’m good at.” “I did it because I had to, not because I ever wanted to.” “I -did- care about you, I just had no other choice.” “You should have walked away when you had the chance.” “If we had never met, it would have saved us both some grief.” “I know it hurts, but I’m still glad we had the chance to know each other.” “Hurting you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” “I didn’t want it to be like this, but I had no control!” “I guess I’ve just never been a trustworthy person.” “I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t want to forgive me either.” “So? Aren’t you going to say something?” “If I tell you what I did, we’ll probably never see one another again.”
“When were you going to tell me about this?” “Why me? Of all people, why me?” “You planned this all from the beginning?” “I wanted so badly to think you were different.” “How could you lead me along like that?” “None of what we had was ever real, was it?” “So, our friendship didn’t mean anything to you?” “I would have done anything for you, but you’ve ruined all of that.” “All of the things I sacrificed for you didn’t mean a thing?” “I wish I had known when we met that you were such a vile person.” “If I could go back, I would just walk away.” “I forgive you, but I’m not going to forget what you did.” “No. I don’t accept your apology.” “After all your lies, how do I know you mean it when you say you’re sorry?” “I hope you realized what you did was cruel.” “I still care about you.” “Just tell me that your feelings towards me were genuine.” “What on earth is worth betraying someone who loves you?” “If you want to regain my trust, you have to earn it.” “Don’t just say you’re sorry. Show me that you’re sorry.”
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
Sleep Deprivation Sentence Starters
Requested by Anonymous
“When was the last time you slept?” 
“What? Sorry, I’m having trouble focusing…” 
“…What was I doing?” 
“What are you doing?” 
“Did you see that? No?” 
“I haven’t slept in almost __ days.” 
“You look absolutely terrible.” 
“I’m so exhausted I don’t feel tired anymore.” 
“I don’t think I can stand up without things spinning.” 
“You need to go to bed.” 
“I can’t sleep.” 
“You aren’t making any sense.” 
🏨+ Add your own!
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angelicxrequiem · 6 years
Send my muse anons pretending to be someone they care about. The twist: make these anons as heartbreaking, disappointing, or anger-inducing as possible.
Pretend to give them bad news, pretend to break up with them, pretend to make an upsetting confession - as long as it hurts, it’s fair game.
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