angelusreprcbi · 3 years
I’ve moved Luci over HERE to my multimuse
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angelusreprcbi · 3 years
I’ve moved Luci over HERE to my multimuse
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angelusreprcbi · 3 years
I’ve moved Luci over HERE to my multimuse
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
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“What if I decided to pay a visit to my daughter’s little hotel project and stay there for at least a month to see how she’s doing and how this project is running?”
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
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“Why do Exterminations always have to be so exhausting?”
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
Hi I’m Hartley and this is my Lucifer blog. He’s fandomless for the most part, but I do have verses for my portrayal in different fandoms that contain a Lucifer. He loves cats, still loves his brothers up in Heaven, and he’s just glad to be free of his Father’s rules and regulations.
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
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“They wouldn’t dare go near the Hotel if I’m here.” He seems so sure of that.
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
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Cuddly plague doctor alert!
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
how is “””pretty boy””” supposed to be an insult i’m the prettiest goddamn boy in town
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
these  are  some  of  my  favourite  quotes  i  found  on   pinterest   ,   that  are  either  on  boards  of  mine  or  i’ve  seen  on  friends  their  boards.   feel  free  to  change  pronouns  if  needed.
❛   i  haven’t  met  all  of  me  yet.   ❜ ❛   you  can  forgive  yourself  now.   ❜ ❛   can’t  you  just  leave  me  alone.   ❜ ❛   you’re  really  cute   &   that’s  not  even  the  best  part  about  you.   ❜ ❛   i  wanted  him / her  to  kiss  me.   ❜ ❛   so  ,  good  news  - -   i  saw  a  dog  today.   ❜ ❛   she  didn’t  deserve  death.   i  did  -  i do.   ❜ ❛   i  wish  i  could  just  protect  you  from  everything.   ❜ ❛   you  feel  like  home.   ❜ ❛   i  look  at  you   &   i  just  love  you   &   it  terrifies  me.   it  terrifies  me  what  i  would  do  for  you   ❜ ❛   i’d  probably  still  adore  you  with  your  hands  around  my  neck.   ❜ ❛   no  one  would  hurt  you  again   ,   or  i’d  kill  them.   ❜ ❛   maybe  he  deserves  a  second  chance.   ❜ ❛   people  say  that  i  am  heartless.   ❜ ❛   i  would  destroy  myself  to  fix  you.   ❜ ❛   do  i  disgust  you  ?   ❜ ❛   i  am  not  a  stranger  to  the  dark.   ❜ ❛   i  would  destroy  myself  to  fix  you.   ❜ ❛   what  a  plot  twist  you  were.   ❜ ❛   i  really  just  want  to  lay  with  you   &   hold  you  so  tight   &   make  sure  nothing  bad  happens  to  you  ever  again.   ❜ ❛   you  don’t  know  what  you  got  till  it’s  gone.   ❜ ❛   i’ll  stop  wearing  black   ,   when  they  make  a  darker  colour.   ❜ ❛   i’m  depressed.   i  need  a  cookie.   ❜ ❛   am  i  supposed  to  feel  something  ?.   ❜ ❛   i  wanna  get  in  the  bed   ,   go  to  sleep   &   pretend  this  day  never  happened.   ❜ ❛   i  think  he / she’s  very  lonely.   lonelier  than  he / she  lets  on.   maybe  lonelier  than  he / she  even  realizes.   ❜ ❛   you  are  not  your  father.   ❜ ❛   he / she  is  not  a  villain.  he / she  is  just  a  boy / girl.   ❜ ❛   i  think  i’m  going  to  kiss  you.   ❜ ❛   don’t  give  up  on  me.   ❜ ❛   you  are  enough.   a  thousand  times  enough.   ❜ ❛   do  it  because  they  said  you  couldn’t.   ❜ ❛   you.   it’s  always  you.   ❜ ❛   i  thought  you  were  dead.   ❜
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
send me a # to learn an unusual hc about my muse!
bonus points if you ask me to randomize it !
what’s your muse’s favorite album of all time / favorite artist?
how do they listen to their music? ipod, mp3, computer, cd, records, etc?
do they take baths or showers? do they prefer one over the other?
do they wear their hair down when they sleep, or tied up / braided?
how many blankets / pillows do they like to have on their bed?
what do they normally dream about? nightmares or nonsense?
do they wake up groggy or alert? do they like mornings?
what do they sleep in? pj’s, normal clothes, nothing?
what do they smell like? do they use perfume or cologne?
what shampoo scent do they like the best and why?
bar soap or liquid? do they like loofahs?
do they prefer sleeping alone or with someone else?
do they like the room cold or hot when they sleep?
do they stay up too late? do they like staying up?
do they know how to drive? do they like to drive?
do they prefer taxis / buses / subways, etc? or none of the above?
do they have pets? what kind? dogs, cats, etc?
do they prefer cats or dogs? or neither?
what are their phobias? do they have any at all?
what do they hate being teased about? are they teased often?
did they have any fears growing up that they’ve since conquered?
do they have a fear they want to conquer, but haven’t yet?
how do they show fear? sweating, shaking, blankness, anger, etc?
do they have a short temper? what’s most likely to set it off?
do they get scared easily? does loud noises, shouting, etc, scare them?
what are they most passionate about? what could they debate about for hours?
what do they never, ever want to speak of, ever?
do they have kids? do they want kids? if so, how many?
is there something they’d like to change about themselves physically?
is there something about their personality they want to change?
do they have good fashion sense? or do they just wear whatever?
do they critique others easily? do they judge from afar?
are they too hard on themselves over the little things?
are they the jealous type? what are they most likely to be jealous of?
are they possessive over their things? or over other people? both?
would they rather be alone or in a relationship?
what do they think about polyamorous relationships? would they do it?
do they have parents / parental figures? do they have a good relationship with them?
do they have siblings? if so, how many? do they like them?
do they have a big family or a small family? no family?
where would they want to live if they could live anywhere? why?
are they happy in their current living situation? why or why not?
do they like living alone or with another person / other people?
did they go to college, or are they attending? did / do they like it?
what’s their dream job / profession? do they have one?
if they could control one thing in the world, what would it be?
do they like tv shows or movies? or neither?
do they have social media? do they like it or hate it? obsess over it?
do they have a creative outlet? if so, what is it?
where do they see themselves in 2 / 5 / 10 years?
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
a collection of muse headcanon questions inspired by the major arcana of the tarot  /  send the corresponding number(s) for headcanons surrounding the given prompts !
00.  the fool  :  what are your muse’s thoughts on new beginnings ? does it frighten them or  excite them ? 01.  the magician  :  how does your muse feel about fate ? do they believe they can change their own destiny ? 02.  the high priestess  :  how does your muse make decisions ? do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart / their logic ? 03.  the empress  :  does your muse have parental / nurturing figures in their life ? how do they impact them ? 04.  the emperor  :  how much respect does your muse have for authority ? why is this ? 05.  the hierophant  :  what are your muse’s morals / ethics ? do they follow their moral code strictly ? 06.  the lovers  :  how important are relationships to your muse ? do they value having a significant other ? 07.  the chariot  :  how much does your muse care about winning ? are they a sore loser ? 08.  strength  :  how does your muse use their energy ? do they tend to work towards their goals steadily or in bursts ? 09.  the hermit  :  how introspective is your muse ? how often do they self - reflect ? 10.  the wheel of fortune  :  how well / badly does your muse take setbacks on their goals ? 11.  justice  :  does your muse find it easy to be impartial in emotional situations ? 12.  the hanged man  :  how open is your muse to new opportunities ? do they constantly look for them or do they simply take whatever comes their way ? 13.  death  :  is there anything in your muse’s life that they should be letting go of ? 14.  temperance  :  does your muse make plans ? how impulsive are they ? has this gotten them into good / bad situations and how have they dealt with them? 15.  the devil  :  is your muse addicted to any substances ? is there anything that could possibly make them quit ? 16.  the tower  :  what event drastically changed your muse’s life ? do they resent that event or are they glad of it ? 17.  the star  :  what does your muse take inner comfort in knowing ? what guides your muse ? 18.  the moon  :  what does your muse long for ? is it a realistic desire ? 19.  the sun  :  in general, how optimistic is your muse ? does your muse appreciate the small things in life ? 20.  judgement  :  is your muse forgiving of themselves ? how about of others who wrong them ? 21.  the world  :  is there one thing in life that your muse must accomplish ? what will they do when they complete that goal ?
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
⊱send me a fandom and i’ll tell you...⊰
am i familiar with it?
do i like the fandom itself?
who’s my favorite character?
if i had to choose, who would i roleplay? 
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
                        i survived because i had to 
                                     there was nothing    ||  B R A V E  ||    about it 
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
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                                                    PART TWO.
feel free to change pronouns / wording !
“ can i buy you a drink ? ”  
“ comfort, the enemy of progress. ”  
“ live a little crazy. ”  
“ well i hate to tell you but it just won’t happen. ”  
“ can’t you see i’m doing fine ? ”  
“ is this really how you like to spend your days ? ”  
“ i wasn’t born this morning. ”  
“ nothing draws a crowd quite like a crowd. ”  
“ that went well. ”  
“ i believe those are the words of a scandal. ”  
“ your reputation proceeds you. ”  
“ can’t let this moment end. ”  
“ take my hand. ”  
“ will you share this with me ? ”  
“ but it’ll never be enough. ”  
“ i believe i told you that free champagne is a recipe for disaster. ”  
“ a man’s station is limited only by his imagination. ”  
“ it’s hard to understand wealth and privilege when you’re born into it. ”  
“ i sometimes don’t feel like i belong here. ”  
“ i am not a stranger to the dark. ”  
“ i’ve learned to be ashamed of all my scars. ”  
“ i am brave. ”  
“ i am who i’m meant to be. ”  
“ i make no apologies, this is me. ”  
“ there’s nothing i’m not worthy of. ”  
“ ain’t that a sight for sore eyes. ”  
“ couldn’t even say hello. ”  
“ i wasn’t sure you’d come if i asked. ”  
“ have you no shame ? ”  
“ you forget your place. ”  
“ they’re small minded people. ”  
“ why do you care what they think ? ”  
“ you know i want you. ”  
“ i know you want me. ”  
“ you’re here in my heart. ”  
“ no one can say what we get to be. ”  
“ you think it’s easy. ”  
“ how can you say you’ll be mine ? ”  
“ everything keeps us apart. ”  
“ just give me all of you. ”  
“ you don’t need everyone to love you. just a few, good people. ”  
“ some people long for a life that is simple and planned. ”  
“ some people won’t sail the sea ‘cause they’re safer on land. ”  
“ i’d follow you to the great unknown. ”  
“ will you catch me if i should fall ? ”  
“ i’ve become a distraction. ”  
“ when you’re careless with other people, you bring ruin upon yourself. ”  
“ i’m gonna have to ask you to leave. ”  
“ i missed you. ”  
“ i’m not in love with her. ”  
“ i’m going home. ”  
“ figured you’d end up here, feeling sorry for yourself. ”  
“ a man learns who is there for him. ”
“ those are someone else’s dreams. ”  
“ the crazy speed of always needing more. ”  
“ you warned me, and i wouldn’t listen. ”
“ you brought joy into my life. ”
                                                 PART ONE HERE. 
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angelusreprcbi · 4 years
Ok but imagine a meeting of Lucifer’s from all across the multiverse. Supernatural, Good Omens, Lucifer, my interpretation, Devilman, CAoS, etc.
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