angelvibezluv · 1 year
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
Hellow everyone, hope you’re doing well🤍🍃today I will be announcing my leave. I’ve been planning this for a while now so this isn’t a recent feeling don’t worry. I felt like it wouldn’t be fair for me to just leave without saying goodbye so here it is
I love the fact that we are always expanding our knowledge on astrology. Sharing our ideas and our creativity. It’s so beautiful to me and I’m so glad I found a place like this. Where I can express myself freely. But now I think this is my time. Its been fun. Enjoyed being here for a year and a half ? I remember I made my first post around March of 2020 it’s been a long journey since. I’ve learned so much!!! Anyway I know this may seem random but I will be leaving this blog behind. I feel it’s distracting me. I had so many things going on in my life for the past few months, but I managed to push through. I’m glad kept pushing myself because I’m in a good place now. Things do get better, don’t ever forget that.
Even though this place has given me so much insight and reassurance, if I’m being honest I don’t have the best self control and I tend to overindulge, Lilith in Taurus am I right. Ok ok in all seriousness I have to focus on myself and what I want to do.
It was such a pleasure to meet so many amazing and talented people. I love all of your blogs so much. Also for supporting me, making me smile, sharing your findings, your knowledge, commenting, and being so kind. You are all so unique and I see everyone in a very special way. All of you are magical and powerful beings never forget that. Keep being uniquely you. This is goodbye, maybe for now, who knows. It’s nice to feel like you have family outside of your own. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. You are doing just fine. Loves you all, keep spreading love and kindness. Have a great summer!
- Love Angel aka Taé💜
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
Great astrologers/astro blogs
Theses are some of my favourite that I can think of at the moment. There is so much more. Everyone is amazing. Check out their master list
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
The Moon’s Moon 🌕✨✨
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The moon persona chart is not your whole self but it is apart of it, it is who you are emotionally and how you may perceive your mother. The moon sign of your moon persona chart is the deepest and the purest part of you actually are. It is your deep emotional complexes and your subconscious, what has emotionally wounded you and what will emotionally lift you. It is the ocean that exists within all of us.
MOON PERSONA ARIES MOON: Everything that is tangible and that is true in life must be experienced through your hands or through touch. It is how you have learned, through being able to become physically connected to the earth you have grown. However, expanding externally is not a substitute for internal expansion with time. You may have been an independent child, one that grew all on their own, but what part of you has really grown? Your body may be an adult or mature but your heart may still be a child, absolved from nurturing and the comforting reassurememt of a home. No matter how much you feel that you can make it alone, you need to learn to allow yourself to be taken care of in order for you to emotionally grow. You can outrun the external child on your own but you cannot outrun the internal child without help, rest for a while and allow others to be like your mother.
MOON PERSONA TAURUS MOON: You cannot fill the spaces that you lack with things that will roll off of your back. Money, collections, any and all objects, they cannot and will not ever be a suitable filler for emotional holes. You have to learn how to go. Of objects. Of grudges. Maybe of yourself if you have become toxic. Connect to yourself and your body, to yourself and your creativity, discover what you find beautiful and find it in yourself. Security is not being confident in other’s view of you it is being confident in your view of yourself. No matter how lavish and emotionally put together you seem on the outside, even if others envy you and your lifestyle, it will never make you happy. And I mean a soul deep, glowing, I’ve been waiting for this my whole life kind of happy, not just feeling validated by the compliments of others. Learn that you are more valuable than anything on this earth, more valuable than diamonds, gold, anything that is given a material worth. And treat yourself like it. Do not let the past cling to you and rid you of your luster. Distinguish between a friend and a weed. Learn how to make yourself glow. Absolve. Nourish. Grow.
MOON PERSONA GEMINI MOON: Your mind cannot comprehend the root of life itself. Your emotions, your tenderness, where you go when you’re hurt, no matter how hard you try to intelllectualize thoughts understanding them this way will slip through your hands like sand. To understand emotions you have to let them breathe on their own, you cannot pin down a feeling as soon as it has bloomed, trying to rationalize something raw and something foreign. I am not telling you to wallow in your emotions I am only telling you that you must accept them, sometimes you cannot explain the way that you feel and that’s ok. I understand why you switch from person to person from emotion to emotion from thought to thought. You make a home in things that you do not know. Because in your mind the more that you encounter things that are unknown the more that you grow, facts, books, words written by people from all around the world, it fills something inside you that cannot be explained by you, me, or anyone else. Maybe newness is all that you know. It is okay to take root in places that you already know, to allow yourself to grow with things that you find familiar and not things that are unknown.
MOON PERSONA CANCER MOON: Your home is your shell and your shell is your home. To make yourself comfortable you hold onto things that make you feel warm; faded childhood memories, objects that remind you of something or someone beautiful, things that only continue to persist in your heart. You are the protector of everything kind and everything true, there is and always will be something familiar about you. However, the past is only there to remind you, not to define you. You cannot let past experiences and emotions become you, you have to grow from and let go of things that only exist as memories. Above all you have to learn to make the present a home. You cannot exist in a time that is long gone forever, you must learn that the present can comfort and nurture you as much as the past can, you just have to be willing to cherish homes that exist right now. However, you also cannot let your home become you, the only place that you feel comfortable to be yourself and the place that you feel most secure. You can make a home out of you. If you carry security and self love within yourself the outside world won’t be as scary anymore because you have become your own “home”, your own source of comfort and affection. Remember home. Leave home. Become home. Don’t go back at all.
MOON PERSONA LEO MOON: What is the point in being validated by others? Is motivation that does not come from youreself really motivation? If they do not value you they will come to value you in time. Just make sure that the person that they value believes in them self and that they are kind. No matter how hard you try there will always be others that do not see your luster, your appeal, your shine. To exist without other’s praise may be a difficult reality to attain but I promise that you are already enough by yourself. Do not feel as if you have to eclipse your former selves in order to be noticed, that you have to grow and grow and grow to impress each new person that comes into your life. In the end you will gain nothing from the opinions of others. If the opinion of yourself isn’t kind others cannot change that, you must motivate and validate yourself from within. People are not always nice and opinions are not always just and truthful, so take time to evaluate where you are and how far you’ve come, everything that you have invested into yourself. Rest within yourself for a little while. Remind yourself that you cannot make a home out of the public. And that the public cannot make a home out of you. Above everything else you must remember that you are enough with just yourself.
MOON PERSONA VIRGO MOON: You are allowed to feel without justification and without rationalization. Routines and order will not save you from yourself. Emotions left to fester will not allow you to grow. Emotions that build up inside will reveal themselves at night, when you are alone with your mind and your heart and no one to confide in. Learn to take care of your emotions in your day to day life, you are allowed to express how you feel in broad daylight, you can be tender when the sun is still high in the sky. I urge you to let your emotions exist on your own, to let the feelings from your heart flow, to exist in sadness, in happiness, in love, for as long as you need and as long as your heart needs. Do not push how you feel away in favor of work, you deserve better than making yourself someone that is ignored by even yourself. I am not telling you to pity yourself I am telling you to cherish and love yourself as much as you cherish and love others, you are the most important part of your life, because without you where would those that rely on you go? Your mental health and your physical health go hand in hand, don’t forget to take time to relax and to take care of yourself, both outside and inside.
MOON PERSONA LIBRA MOON: Peace can be sought after but it can never be attained, the unpredictably that is earth as a whole cannot be tamed and it cannot be controlled. You are only made to exist, not to be perfect, and there is beauty in the way that some things as out of your control. There is beauty in the midst of adversity. Things are often birthed from chaos and ruin, it is the natural order of the world. And no one will ever be able to change that. Nature isn’t perfect. Humans are not perfect. This earth is not perfect. You are not perfect. And that’s fine! Nature is fine! Humans are fine! (Ok well maybe not all of us) Earth is fine! And you are fine too! Why? Because nothing in life requires for you to be perfect. You do not have to lose yourself in pleasing others and making balance out of confrontations and struggles, there is beauty in the way that things move without perfection. You do not have to prove your worth because you have always been enough, you do not have to please others because pleasing others was never your job, you do not have to perfect things because perfection isn’t something that can be attained, you and everything else cannot escape the unsteady foundations of time. If you want inner peace you must learn that peace is not something that is always balanced but it is something that always starts with loving yourself.
MOON PERSONA SCORPIO MOON: You do not have to constantly reinvent yourself to prevent others from knowing where your wounds are. You cannot always hide your heart and in time something will give and something will rise to the surface, you just have to be ready for it. I promise that there are people in this world that would never hurt you, people that would not take your emotions and use them for their own benefit. Emotions kept within will break down and decay, decay within you will create decay outside of you and the urge to reform will be present again. And the cycle continues. Self destruction and self transformation are not the same, from one you will never be able to rebuild from the ashes and the other you never burned who you were down in the first place. Rapid changes and dodging deep questions will not save you. Long kept secrets and words carried to the grave will not save you. Never trusting another and always being suspicious of those around you will not save you. Anything that involves isolating yourself has never truly saved you and never will. Do not draw power from secrets and being closed off in the eyes of others, draw power from knowing that you are safe in your own home and that it is okay to let your emotions flow on their own.
MOON PERSONA SAGITTARIUS MOON: Life is only proven to exist within this earth, expand too far and you will surely be burned by the sun. Run from others and they will run from you too. Leave and you will eventually leave yourself. Life is wonderful, unable to be defined by words, but there is always a point where life stops. There is point where everyone stops. And there is a point where you must stop too. Where are your roots? Is your home a place or have you made your home the entirety of the earth? I encourage freedom, expansion, growth, but sometimes you need to learn to have a place, a person, a thing, that you are able to claim as your home. Do not run from things that have hurt you. Do not run from homes that have abandoned you. Do not run from people that did not nurture you. Do not run from your emotions. Do not run from yourself. You can only outrun so many things in your life and sometimes situations are too fast to escape. It is ok to settle in one place, I promise that they will not hurt you, that the earth will never become stale on its own. There is something intricate and beautiful about everywhere on this earth, and it takes a lifetime to explore a place that you find ethereal. Take root. Take time. Above all, learn that everything will catch up with you in time.
MOON PERSONA CAPRICORN MOON: No matter how long and hard you search you will never find your purpose in the world. Your true purpose has always resided in yourself, and I know that it may seem frightening but only you have control of yourself. Listen to your heart. Your mind. Your soul. Anything within you that you can almost feel move. They are all telling you where you are and where you need to go, you just need to be quiet enough inside to hear what you have always had to say about yourself. And achieving something is not everything, failure is growth and growth is failure, you will remain stagnant if you do not fail while achieving your goals. And you do not need other’s validations, other’s opinions, praise for everything that you’ve done and are doing. You are your own validation, your own motivation, your own appreciation. You only have to learn to embrace this. Work is not everything and everything is not work, relaxation is key to a healthy mind and a healthy heart. Take time to take care of yourself, to rethink, reenergize, and recharge before you hit a wall. Reflect back on everything you’ve accomplished by yourself and learn to truly appreciate how far you’ve come on your own.
MOON PERSONA AQUARIUS MOON: Do not drown in emotions until you are consumed by numbness. Do not drown in numbness until you are consumed by the inability to process your emotions. Emotional balance is a key thing, overrationalize your emotions be they will spill over. Overreact to your emotions and they will spill over. Above all their is a strong need for unity between your heart and your mind, one cannot exist without the other so it is better to learn how to allow them to exist harmoniously together. If you do not know what your place in society is give it time and don’t ponder it for too long, if you feel like you know your place in society know that it is always possible to be wrong. There is a heart within that has been longing to break free. There is mind within you that has been longing to rest freely. Do not overthink things and do not isolate yourself from a part of yourself, who you are emotionally. In order to grow you must shine light on everything within, not just the parts of yourself that you would prefer to show to society and the world. Hold things in and you will surely explode, learn how to let your mind, your heart, and everything else flow all on their own.
MOON PERSONA PISCES MOON: Your emotions are of the ocean. Rising and lowering with the tides, becoming unhinged and reckless at night, and the only person that can drown you is you and no one else. However, your ocean is not just of your emotions it is of every emotion that has ever been felt on this earth, you are born knowing how it feels to go through any and everything that has occurred within the timespan of earth. It is why you are able to heal so tenderly, so purely, through the moon you have already existed as another and another and another and another. You already know someone else’s struggle. Others will confide in you because they will always see a part of you within themselves. But be careful to not get lost in others. If you find your mind wandering for far too long and escapism becoming your reality and who you are learn that it is time to stop. It is ok to take a break from other people’s emotions as long as you are able to take care of yourself and distinguish between emotions that you have picked up and emotions that are actually yours. You do not have to give yourself until there is nothing left, save enough of yourself for yourself and no one else.
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
*me, flirting* so which songs are you going to permanently associate with me?
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
If you're feeling that someone is sending you bad energy then dm me, doesn't matter how loved they're in this tarot/astro community,if you feel please dm me, even if you're getting some negative energy from me just tell it to me. And we can find out why is this. And the person whose blog will be mentioned more than 4 times will get into negative list or whatever is it
Every information will be confidential. You can totally trust me, I never let things out.
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
[🍓] - I've wanted to do one for a while now and I decided why not now?
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The giveaway will end on 1st of July and one winner will be announced.
The prize will be a reading of the winner's choice ♡
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
*me, flirting* so which songs are you going to permanently associate with me?
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
Hello Angel 😇 what affect does Jupiter retrograde have on our lives?
I'm somewhat concerned...
Hello ઇ♡ଓ So Jupiter retrograde will bring our attention inward. Our focus will be brought towards whatever wasnt serving you before. We will be able to reflect on our spiritual growth, morals, faith and beliefs.
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
Please check the masterlist before asking about your big 3…I have whole descriptions there
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
-rising signs as I know them🌿
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Aries rising: That type who says things, offensive lot of time, without realising it. Their words cut. The fighter. The one who fights for whatever feels worth it. The one who will cry when no-one sees. Tries to catch attention, sometimes they are not trying at all. They are the people who laugh at silly jokes or laugh at literally everything. Hot headed tho. Ready to smass anyone if it's needed. Sadly people may hate on them without reason. But they're one of the most loyal and reliable creatures out there.
Taurus rising: They observe everything that happens. Notice every single detail but don't say anything. Also notice every difference at people character, acts, vibes. Fun to be around. Weird type of beauty. Realistic expectations but deep down inside they believe that magic always happens, they believe they can do the impossible. Appear as a cold person but they are not once you know them. They can't open up easily to others. Shy. Really calm and they can relax others too.
Gemini rising: Impulsive. Act before they think sometimes. Anxiety for everything. Knows everything for everyone. Cries a lot but they prefer to keep it for themselves. Talkative and usually smile a lot. Worries about every subject. Likes to be the center of attention. Looks like dolls, with cute characteristics. Dreamers. One of their dreams is to travel as much as they can. Can lie to get out of a trouble. Unfortunately they can lie about everything without reason. That's why people tend to not rely on them. Witty as well.
Cancer rising: They love to stay home. That's the aura and vibes they give tho, they feel like home. Likely to have one cozy place at their house only for them. They like blankets too. Warm hearths full of love. Motherly way of love. They love children and animals so much. But can be possessive with their loved ones, because of their fear if their loved ones find someone better. It's sad that they can't feel enough no matter what. Low self-esteem.
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Leo rising: Act like lions. Not afraid to be alone and fight for everything they want. Ambitious but get frustrated easily. Enthusiasm. Can be selfish and self-centered. Looks royal. Fiery way of love. They give everything but rarely get back what they have given. Also they remind me of gold. Very beautiful, expensive and bright. But not all people gonna see their worth. Don't take it that personally. I have observed that usually are tall people.
Virgo rising: An extrovert introvert. Can communicate with the others, even if they met them two minutes like they know them all their life. Can be in every friend group but still be an introvert. They keep things for themselves and just listen the other during a discussion. As a Mercurian kid are very intelligent and curious to learn more. Can be freak about their health. Discretion, courtesy and modesty.
Libra rising: People who always have a smile at their face. Very protective especially with their friends or partner. Charming Venusian. Once they care about you never stop. They try to balance everything at their life, sometimes try to balance others life too. There are times when they are quite determined and dynamic and other times their insecurities bring them to the need for support from those close to them. They can be impulsive and unambitious as well.
Scorpio rising: Mysterious, dark aura above you. Really intense eyes. They have developed intuition and great magnetism. They have a rich imagination and they like that it has to do with mystery, metaphysics and spirituality. They are distinguished for their great endurance, determination and perseverance. Many difficulties through their life, especially at childhood. Can be clingy and possessive because of their super intense way to love.
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Sagittarius rising: Childish humour. Generally they act like kids or teenagers. Carefree and lack of fear. Bold. They manage to overcome all the obstacles and difficulties of life simply with a smile and in a good mood. Very generous. They have open spiritual horizons and easily adapt to situations, changing perceptions and ideas when they discover the new that overthrows the old. They do not remain static and have no obsessions. But lack of patience does not allow them to reach their goals
Capricorn rising: Dominant personality. They are restrained in the manifestation of emotions, they express their feelings only when they feel intimacy, confidence and security. They are very critical of others but especially of themselves. Cold and distant around anyone who don't know. Warm hearted and giving around people they trust. They remind me of ice. Unbreakable if you don't know how to manage them and you don't have patience. They melt with everyone who finally got to know them and had the patience.
Aquarius rising: A popular loner. They belong everywhere and nowhere. Very different from the ordinary. They like it tho. Very beautiful and mysterious also. They are a spirit of contradiction and controversy, and a revolutionary many times for no reason. They are ready to offer their help and support to anyone who needs it. They support people even if they made mistakes, made bad choices. They try to change the society and make it with more justice, fun. Can be really egocentric and they have high standards, sometimes impossible.
Pisces rising: A psychic, a healer. They are a sensitive and compassionate person. They feel joy and satisfaction to offer their help generously to their fellow human beings and they can even sacrifice their personal desires to give support around them. They have a rich imagination, they are a dreamer and many times they create in their imagination a dream world of their own which is very far from reality. They give up their weapons easily, they do not have much self-confidence and they do not have the perseverance to fight to achieve what they want.
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
Hi! My Venus & Mars placements are in Scorpio, both in the FIFTH HOUSE. I'm sort of new to astrology and need help interpreting? Please help!
Hi lovely ofc I can <3
Scorpio Venus in 5th
You may be very selective with who you give your love to and you’re not very easiest to please. But you are a very commited and loyal partner. Charming, flirtatious, affectionate and quite playful. I feel you have a very glamorous sense of style. Glitzy but sophisticated. Also you could very protective of your loved ones. You’d do anything for them especially if someone hurt them. Very big in vengeance. You want to get to know the depths of whoever you find interest in. You may like to ask very deep and personal questions to get to know them. You desire a strong emotional connection. You probably enjoy being around children or people with youthful energy. With lots of love for music and art. But you may like to keep your creations private or may be hesitant to share them with others.
Scorpio Mars in 5th
You are very passionate and you put a lot of energy towards your hobbies and creative endeavours. I feel you always do what makes you happy rather than trying to please others. Resilient with a lot of self control. You’re always search for something that will bring you enjoyment. Something you can dive deep into and investigate. I feel when you begin a piece of art you commit to it and work on it until it’s perfected. I feel you’re a natural leader. You take control when needed. Very bold and charismatic.
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
Masterlist ☁︎·̩͙✧
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astrology observations
astrology observations 2
what you need to know
their first impressions of you
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
hey does anyone know how to track an anon ask? someone is sending d3ath and r*p3 threats to my friend now and we need to figure this shit out so any help would be great. it is highly appreciated. thank you ♡♡
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
hey does anyone know how to track an anon ask? someone is sending d3ath and r*p3 threats to my friend now and we need to figure this shit out so any help would be great. it is highly appreciated. thank you ♡♡
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