angexic · 7 years
date a queer who doesn’t identify as “lgbt”
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angexic · 7 years
yall mind if i
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angexic · 7 years
im here for dumbass idiot lesbians who still own stuffed animals solidarity
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angexic · 7 years
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angexic · 7 years
tagged by: @takujaes
I JUST NOTICED I WAS TAGGED IN THIS WHOOPS Rules: Using only song titles from one artist/band cleverly answer the questions and then tag ten people.
artist/band: myah alanna (i think she has a youtube channel ? idk)
what is your gender: moio
how do you feel: circus freak
if you could go anywhere: expedition 
fave mode of transportation: mirror (none make sense)
your best friend: U. :D
fave time of day: lights out
if ur life was a tv show: lessons (idk tbh)
relationship status: love shots
idk who to tag so if u wanna saw i tagged u go ahead ig...
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angexic · 7 years
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all my children and all my parents in ODAAT
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angexic · 7 years
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angexic · 7 years
two straight men: sit next to each other
y'all demons: omg :3 i ship it!!!
two gay girls: flirt, hold hands, etc.
y'all: …
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angexic · 7 years
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HEY would anyone mind promoing me i know i have like 2 posts but id like some…. followers
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angexic · 7 years
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first post! a redraw of a cute screencap
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angexic · 7 years
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A compilation of stuff I know about drawing Asian faces and Asian culture! I feel like many “How-To-Draw” tutorials often default to European faces and are not really helpful when drawing people of other races. So I thought I’d put this together in case anyone is interested! Feel free to share this guide and shoot me questions if you have any! I’m by no means an expert, I just know a few things from drawing experience and from my own cultural background. 
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angexic · 7 years
i love you my angel
skghaehga;tufkjgaejkrhgkljhfksjldfhaklhfgkjrgakjlfghakjfhgalgkjdfgjkfshg i love you? i love you? i love you? but seriously i. love you.. so much
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angexic · 7 years
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A selection of French votive lamps
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angexic · 7 years
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angexic · 7 years
Life hack
Got something you need to do at a certain time every day (e.g., take meds)?  Start giving your cat a treat right before you do it.  You may have trouble remembering, but your cat absolutely will not.  
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angexic · 7 years
I know this probably isn’t the platform where I’ll reach the most parents, but I think that if we viewed a child’s ‘failures’ as failures on other people’s part to help, kids would be so much better off.
I saw a mother brag about how she took her twelve year old’s phone away for four months until their grades came up… but got angry when people asked what OTHER methods she used to help the child.
Was she sitting down and helping the child with their homework? Was she asking if there was something going on in the child’s school life that was making things harder? Trying to help her study? Actually teaching the child to self-regulate and prioritize tasks? Helping the child keep up with due dates and taking them to study groups?
No, nothing. Just punishing the kid for not doing well, without anything else. Of course the mom was real defensive, even though no one was even judging her—it was other parents interested and seeing if the mom had tips and tricks to make it work! And then it came out that the child had been being bullied in school, leading to their grades slipping. Nothing to do with the phone to begin with.
But the mother saw the child’s grades as simply a reflection of some character flaw, instead of approaching it from a perspective of ‘what can I do to help this child do better?’
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angexic · 7 years
And hey I personally fucking hate how terfs have tried to mutate lesbian culture on this site. The other day I saw someone talking about how whenever they see a blog with the lesbian pride flag in the icon, they’re uneasy or hesitant to interact/follow because of this awful trend of trans exclusionary radfems pushing wlw pride as a front for hatred, a way to boast they’re a “real lesbian, unlike all those nasty str8 women who date trans women”. It’s such an awful tactic because whenever they repost something sapphic, something about loving women, something that should be so good and wholesome and proud, that you should never have to question whether the intentions of it are cruel, they’re doing it spitefully, they’re not saying “i love loving women” they’re saying “i only respect those who I deem to be REAL women” and they’re turning pride into a discreet statement of hate. Lesbian culture and spaces are for all lesbians, and the fact that someone showing “too much pride” is now cause for suspicion is disgusting! But make no mistake, this isn’t the fault of anyone but terfs. This isn’t lesbians and trans women being lesbophobic, I agree that it’s absolutely terrible for lesbians to see wlw pride and immediately feel suspicious, but it’s not their fault, it is the fault of the people who are trying to slip into these communities and spread their poison by putting up a front of love and pride.
Stop taking a community based on love and pride and affection and trying to turn it into your platform for hate. These wlw communities are not for you. You cannot say you love women and then turn around and dedicate your entire online presence to hating women.
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