anghros · 3 months
See this sad and hurt face? 🥺
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This boy knew from the beginning He Tian was someone he shouldn't mess with. He knew He Tian was strong and had dangerous allies.
And he wants me to believe he settled down and genuinely changed his point of view about Mo because, let's see, He Tian did exactly what was expected from him the whole time? A beating, one She Li didn't even feel, and a rejection was enough to change his ways?
Bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit.
I don't trust him. He's obsessed, he wouldn't let this go this easily.
PS: Probably, He Tian's family had a little talk with She Li's family and he's being forced to leave? Hope so, that's the only way (that doesn't involve corpses) I see this man disappearing for at least a while.
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anghros · 4 months
I need you all to admit that ZZX has excellent taste and style 💅
Everytime he cuts his hair he gets even more handsome 🔥
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Ah, for this boy I give my life ❤️
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anghros · 4 months
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing Fanfic ❤️
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One step at the time, slowly, he started to distance himself from them. Xie Lian seemed more relaxed as he did so, but Feng Xin didn't like it. "Qing-er." Another shiver accompanied the deep voice, making the omega's legs tremble. "Don't go." Breathless, fighting the feeling that he needed to obey and be good for Feng Xin, Mu Qing forced his body out of the pit, hands covering his ears to stop hearing his name being shouted through the night.
Heart Crippled by the Vein, by Anghros.
Summary: When a ghost uses their last strength to curse Feng Xin, Mu Qing is forced to look inside himself and the parts of him he ignored all his life.
A fanfic where Mu Qing is opening up, Feng Xin is cursed, Xie Lian is an excellent friend, Hua Cheng it's only here for his gege and Pei Ming is... Well, Pei Ming.
Tags: Feng Xin/Mu Qing, FengQing, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Feng Xin, Omega Mu Qing, Cursed Feng Xin, Sexual Content
Status: Completed! 8 chapters
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anghros · 9 months
As someone who writes fanfic and have been on multiple fandoms... That's not exclusive to TGCF, but you can notice it easier in there because it's a pretty young fandom from a (apparently) non-sexual series. Ship wars always existed, but then that evolved into demonizing non-canon ships and, somehow, we ended up in this weird puritan era where being a shipper is suddenly equivalent to being a criminal...
But, if I can put my 2 cents in this matter, it's better if you don't care about such opinions and enjoy what you like. If someone bothers you about things like ships or anything else, block them. If they go as far as committing a real crime (doxxing, threats, stalking, etc.) against you, report them to the authorities.
Ps: I am a multishipper, my last fanfic was a foursome with HuaLian and FengQing, with Hua Cheng being a bottom... There is other people who enjoys the same things we do, so why give the haters so much attention? ❤️ Stay safe!
Why is the tgcf fandom so afraid of multishipping and/or polyships??? It's so perplexing to me, I've never encountered a fandom that's so averse to the concept of mixing and matching characters for new ships before. I promise you that Hua Cheng won't personally teleport behind you and kill you for shipping Xie Lian with someone else!
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anghros · 9 months
Looks funny, but it's actually sad:
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Jian Yi and He Tian are making up stuff to look ridiculous, to lighten up the mood as soon as someone asks about their struggles.
Jian Yi didn't explain what really happened to him after his kidnap in high school (was he kidnapped or was that made up too?). He Tian made a joke about the situation with his family and immediately changed the subject, not explaining things.
They don't want to involve anyone else in their messes and that hurts because... In the end, they just want to have a normal life, with the people they hold dear ♥️
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anghros · 1 year
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing Fanfic ❤️
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"My dear Hua Cheng shouldn't bow to no one. Not even to me." His cold touch lingered in the warm skin of the god and something in his voice indicated he was smiling behind the crying mask. A weak stream of spiritual energy flowed from the ghost's fingertip, and it was so tender his own energy couldn't reject it, absorbing all of it.
A Fate Worst Than Death (or not), by Anghros.
Sumary: Hua Cheng was convinced by Jun Wu to stay in Heavens after his ascension, considering the fact that the Emperor were looking for Xie Lian as a motive. It would be easier to get stronger and find his God with Heaven's assets.
It wasn't. 800 years passed by and even after growing to be the second most powerful Martial God in Heavens, Hua Cheng felt miserable and annoyed at the same time. He couldn't find Xie Lian and was forced to work with those useless trash that surrounded him.
To make it all even worse to him, a Ghost King suddenly seems to become attached to his person. And against all odds, Hua Cheng is not disgusted by it.
Tags: Mainly Hualian - Hua Cheng God - Xie Lian Calamity - AU: Canon Divergence - Mature Content
Status: Completed! 24 chapters
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anghros · 3 years
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anghros · 3 years
zzx’s protective instincts are so
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anghros · 3 years
Zhan Zheng Xi is a Protector
And that's obvious not only in this chapter.
He adapts rapidly to the situations, doing whatever he can to help and protect the ones that are important to him.
He's protecting Jian Yi since they are children and now he is protecting He Tian and Mo Guan Shan too. Helping them. Worrying about them. Being at their sides.
A silent and gentle protector ❤️
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Yes, Zhan Zheng Xi is my favorite character from 19 Days, how did you know? XD
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anghros · 3 years
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anghros · 3 years
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happy birthday Xichen!!! here’s a little bitta what you deserved 💚💙💛
also 3zun definitely have some sort of ~ hairpieces off before hanky-panky ~ rule after someone gets stabbed by Xichen’s spiky silver one…
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anghros · 3 years
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Мальчики т_т
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anghros · 3 years
Lover's tears hurt the most
Caps 142 and 370
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So different situations, so different panels...
But the pain, oh, the pain is the same 😭
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anghros · 3 years
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Hurt/Comfort tags on ao3 gonna ate this sht.
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anghros · 3 years
I don't really care where is that kiss.
All I know and care about is how this kiss is sweet and how it makes Mo Guan Shan simply relax and allow himself being conforted.
MGS was beaten up badly, but he's not afraid of HT's touches and confort. He was worried in being seen in that situation, yes, because he is not used to that. But as soon as he sees HT's tears, he understand that he is safe here. He is finally safe, with someone he trust.
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anghros · 3 years
I don't if I'm crying for how those mf hurted our Mo...
Or if I'm crying for all the tenderness, pain and love we can feel there.
OldXian is an outstanding artist: even without knowing what they are saying, we understand all the emotions involved.
OldXian, waiting for you has always worth it ❤️❤️
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anghros · 3 years
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From Old Xian Twitter 😭😭😭
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