angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
Ewan ko pero masaya na ako sa ganito. 😃
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
sometimes i get disappointed because i never really had those really cool teenage moments such as going to tons of parties, getting a new car for your birthday, being asked out or winning any awards, being asked to prom in a cute way or being popular and having lots of people like you or anything, spending the weeks in the city and going to concerts all the time. i’m just here, chillin
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
I hope that someday, somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight, and that’s all they do. They don’t pull away. They don’t look at your face. They don’t try to kiss you. All they do is wrap you up in their arms, without an ounce of selfishness in it.
Jenna, Waitress (via hplyrikz)
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
To the sweetest couple I know, Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Tatay and Inay! 💛❤💕 #ToInfinityAndBeyond
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
To the sweetest couple I know, Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Tatay and Inay! 💛❤💕 #ToInfinityAndBeyond
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
To the sweetest couple I know, Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Tatay and Inay! 💛❤💕 #ToInfinityAndBeyond
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
I want to listen to your favorite songs and see how you smile at your favorite lyric. I want to watch you eat something sour to see the kind of silly face you’ll make. I want to hear you laugh at something stupid I’ve said. I want to see you trace the room with your eyes. I want to hear how your heartbeats when scared. I want to know your favorite piece of art and every detail to it. I want to learn from your mistakes. I want to see how you act when you think no one is watching. I want to dance around your room. I want to watch you make a hard decision. I want to feel you fall in love with me.
I Need To (via frncshmrck)
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear that the two of you, on some level belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you’re in love or you’re partners in crime. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstances, and they help you feel alive. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but it definitely makes me believe in something.
(via bl-ossomed)
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
The 3 C’s of life: choices, chances and changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.
(via psychofactz)
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
People born in 1997 are turning 18 now do you know how scary that is
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
I want to be wanted. I want to be a first choice, not a back up. I want someone to actually miss me for once. I want to matter to someone enough for them to not want to be without me. I want all this despite knowing I really really don’t deserve it. I don’t deserve to matter that much to anyone.
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth.
(via psychofactz)
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
Not every sorry deserves an ‘it’s okay’ in return.
(via violet-te)
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
I. You are my definition of perfection: the way you look at me sends shivers down my spine. The thought of kissing you does so much worse. II. I wish you were beside me. I have always loved the rain – but never the thunder and lightning that accompany it. I want a pair of arms around my waist; a faint breath against my neck; a racing heartbeat that matches mine. I want to be reminded that everything is okay. That I am safe. That this is real. III. “You’re fucking beautiful.” Three words that my body cannot handle. Tell me again. Do not stop – even if I ask you to. Any combination of words would sound just as lovely, if they were to leave your lips. IV. Your lips. That’s all I can think about at this moment. Your lips against mine; nothing exists but us. Immersed in a moment we’ve both dreamed of for too long. Consumed in the desire that has built itself up to this point. Kiss me – I promise to kiss you back. V. I want to crawl inside your heart. Make a home for myself amongst the pieces of girls who left you behind. Burrow myself deep beneath the secrets you hold close. I want to belong to you. VI. I’m thinking about your hands now: how it feels to thread my fingers through yours, kiss your knuckles until they stop bleeding. You don’t need to fight anymore. The battle is over. You are in control of your feelings. And we are happy. VII. When were you last happy, my dear? I don’t remember ever being this content. And though I may be sad about the way I look, or how well I may or may not do in our upcoming exams – it doesn’t matter. I am so, so happy; it’s all because of you. VIII. My parents tell me I have an answer for everything; that I don’t know how to stay quiet, and ignore what doesn’t involve me. You are the only person who is able to render me speechless, and I don’t know how you do it – but my mind blanks, my voice is engulfed by thoughts of you, the words struggle to break free. I can’t help what you do to me. IX. The number 9 is amongst my least favourite, but I have lost my train of thought. Because you are you. And you are exactly what I didn’t know I was missing until I found you – that lost puzzle piece hidden between wooden floorboards as a child; that letter from a loved one that was shoved in amidst the birthday cards and broken dreams; that box with your favourite bracelet, which you tried so desperately to replace. I’m not making sense, and this is how I know you’ve got me.
L.G. A Letter To The Boy Who Is Everything (via introv-erted)
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angiyakingmutya-blog · 10 years
the sound of teenage girls laughing near you when you’re by yourself is literally the most terrifying thing a person can experience
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