anglophobelit · 6 months
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anglophobelit · 6 months
this ramadan we pray for peace and aid for the people of palestine. this ramadan we remember the previous ramadans, where thousands of palestinians were massacred. this ramadan we honour palestine, and may we see a free palestine next ramadan
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anglophobelit · 6 months
these are your best years, you’re young and full of energy” 
me after lunch:
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anglophobelit · 6 months
i wanted to show everyone my favorite tiktok
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anglophobelit · 6 months
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Link to tweet
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anglophobelit · 6 months
“[R]ecognition slips easily into a surveillance maneuver”: “What if misrecognition – or ‘ghosting’ […] – facilitates resistance?” […]
Opacity, multiplicity, and refraction unsettle many […]. Here I must reveal myself as someone who loves deviance and mischief. […] The word furtive delights me. A quick [online] search for synonyms yields other poetically inspiring words: secretive, surreptitious, clandestine, covert, conspiratorial, oblique, and shifty. […] We must fold these small acts of love and creativity and play (and laughter and irreverence and whimsy) into other resistant projects against white supremacy […].
To cite Kevin Quashie in his beautifully titled The Sovereignty of Quiet, “The outer world cannot be avoided or ignored, but one does not have to yield to its vagaries. One can be quiet.” One can also be loud […].
In 1980, as Audre Lorde warned us: “The need for unity is often misnamed as a need for homogeneity.”[…] My […] project continues my exploration of colonialism’s damages, and especially the ambivalent ones. I […] chart a study of the aesthetics and poetics of the so-called boonies or hills in the extended Caribbean, by which I mean to include great swaths of the eastern United States. […] [A] boonies imaginary is also an anagram of what race has come to mean in the Americas. In various trans-American imaginaries, the boonies are raced as nonproductive land inhabited by people who are not fully part of the Western episteme. I contend that to imagine the hills or the boonies is to imagine portals into other ways of inhabiting this planet.
Caribbean(ist) people are familiar with el monte, the hills, or les mornes.
El monte is always just around the corner, encroaching, sprouting persistently like fungi amid the rubble of hurricane disasters or abandoned plantation and industrial sites. In the United States, the hills have been virtually ghosted from most US imaginaries, remaining tellingly in the space of horror films and folklore.
The hills, like much of our hemisphere, are sites of damage containing the residual energy of violence, or what Anne McClintock calls the “places of irresolution.” I forage through these spaces of psychic disturbance with curiosity. I turn over rocks and push thorny vines to the side to find wet dirt, small creatures, and, perhaps, delightful hidden treasures such as mushrooms. I open my hands so that these and other surprises “jump into [them] with all the pleasures of the unasked for and the unexpected” […].
Remaining open to these gifts of the nonhuman natural world might provide a key into how we must be if we are to live in a more radically equitable planet. A planet that decenters the human. What can we make possible when we make room for the unexpected in the midst of ruin. […]
[L]et us be foragers nurturing “landscapes – with their multiple residents and visitors – rather than a single species.” How much ruddier might we be against the multiheaded hydra of white supremacy as “a world of mutually-flourishing companions” instead of “a single species” forcibly homogenized and easily destroyed?
Text by: Dixa Ramirez D’Oleo. “Mushrooms and Mischief: On Questions of Blackness.” Small Axe. July 2019. [Some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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anglophobelit · 6 months
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Me whenever someone has something negative to say about fanfiction and its impact on the quality of books currently being published
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anglophobelit · 6 months
fanfiction convinced a generation of writers that they could write whatever they wanted with total immunity which is why so many of you are not actually writers... you're simply court jesters.
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anglophobelit · 6 months
hi so, good news! im settling in really well at my job and am getting more hours, but for the next few weeks my hours are still low and im averaging around $250 a week (and bills are 1k a month) which leaves me with very little, if anything. id really appreciate it if yall could throw a dollar my way just so i can more consistently help support our household and not stress as much. thank yew 😁✌🏽
pa/pal and v-nmo: klarthur
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anglophobelit · 6 months
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anglophobelit · 6 months
Mutual aid for funeral travel!!
Hey, so! My dad's brother, my uncle Leon, passed last Friday (March 1st, 2024) and we need to get up to Maryland for the funeral. We're gonna need money to rent a car to get up there, money for a hotel room to stay in, as well as expenses while we're there in Maryland. I'll keep y'all updated on when exactly the funeral is, I'm just going off what my dad is telling is me right now with what information is coming down from his family up north.
All in all, it's gonna be about $1,500, if that's possible.
$0/$1,500 (march 10)
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anglophobelit · 6 months
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anglophobelit · 6 months
Before covid people would to reply to random images with the word "praxis." now i hit people with my car and dont even stop. i dont even stop
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anglophobelit · 6 months
ms word ms excel and ms powerpoint are all snooty disagreeable ladies who wont speak to me due to my meager dowry but then i meet their beautiful sister ms paint whos clumsy but charming and we fall in beautiful love. and i become mr paint
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anglophobelit · 6 months
urgent! emergency!
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my disabled sister is not doing well rn and neither am i also the og post is pretty dead rn
tldr version of the original post:my sister recently got news from her doctor that her reflexes have gotten worse,which means she will one day probably become paralyzed unless something is done(also her chronic pain is now severe).she needs to do exams + pt+ new meds etc we are looking at a bill close to 800€ tho honestly I dont know what's going to happen if somethings will be covered by insurance or not.also long covid is still fucking with me so yeah I'm don't think I will ever find work at this point,Im asking for 1200€ just to be safe i again I don't know what to expect with this,the extra money is in case we do need to pay for new exams,bills etc
260/1200€ MARCH 13
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anglophobelit · 6 months
"Revolutionary suicide does not mean that I and my comrades have a death wish; it means just the opposite. We have such a strong desire to live with hope and human dignity that existence without them is impossible. When reactionary forces crush us, we must move against these forces, even at the risk of death." -Huey P. Newton "A society that drives its members to desperate solutions is a non- viable society, a society that needs to be replaced." -Frantz Fanon
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anglophobelit · 6 months
i wonder if the godmother of online social justice (riley) knows their impact is comparable to dr. martin luther king
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