angry-felix · 3 months
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new fifteen illustration by hoshikawa
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angry-felix · 3 months
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new bsd collab art
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angry-felix · 4 months
Okay, ever since I read the new chapter I can't get Fyodor out of my mind. The anemic little rat bastard has taken up a rent-free space in my head.
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angry-felix · 4 months
Is it just me, or are there far fewer visual fan stuff on tumblr? Like, screencap edits lineart colourings or even character art, things like that? Years ago I remember there being a lot more of those, but not it feels like Pinterest is a better place to find fan art and stuff.
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angry-felix · 4 months
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like wine.
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angry-felix · 4 months
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teruko ◈ chuuya ◈ akutagawa ◈ dazai <- 🆕️
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angry-felix · 4 months
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how to deal with a squeaky 14 year old kid guidebook:
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angry-felix · 4 months
Tumblr algorithm, believe me you don't know the stuff I want to see on my dash. Stop recommending me stuff I don't want to see
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angry-felix · 4 months
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angry-felix · 4 months
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"Won't forget when heaven touch upon,
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angry-felix · 4 months
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Between this picture and the way Dazai dodged Atsushi’s question in the graveyard no one will ever convince me that Dazai wasn’t in love with Oda. Everything else could be platonic love and devotion, which I am all for, but this? This is not platonic.
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angry-felix · 4 months
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Sitting at this bar that I know inside and out. I just needed to see you. And here you are. Sitting on the right. Just like I remember. Let me just hang out with you. Sit next to you. Call you "Odasaku" again. Talk about small things as carefree as the last time. I want to see you one last time… . Before I fall into the endless abyss. Please, just once. Just once.
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angry-felix · 4 months
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angry-felix · 4 months
i have once again become absolutely insane about the odazai scene in bar lupin bc like. dazai is never this sincere, this open. as a general rule he is more open and genuine with oda than he is with other characters, but even then the beast lupin scene was a whole different level. and what gets me is this is all coming from a place of such sheer desperation. dazai, at the end of all that he's wrought, finds himself so desperately wanting, so desperately hoping, that oda will understand why he did what he did, that oda will see where he's coming from. he prepared for this, he literally bet on the fact that oda would not know him, would not care about him, would not like him or consider him a friend bc that's what dazai had to do to keep him safe, to keep the world where he can live and write novels from disappearing. and yet, faced with the actuality of that exact situation he's created... dazai can't help but beg oda to understand the reason for his actions
he wanted this. he planned for this. and as hard as that was for him to do, i don't think he could have ever fathomed how much it would hurt to truly be confronted with the reality of it
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angry-felix · 4 months
Dazai is a black hole, a deity bound to devour anything and everything that comes within its reach. Feeding off of the world to stay alive, eating until it eventually becomes so big it destroys everything around it, including itself
Odasaku is a sun, a constellation that makes life and destruction possible in the worlds around it, a mass of energy that gives rather than takes, shrinking as it gives its life up for the means around it.
A black hole and a sun cannot live in harmony. People might compare them to yin and yang, as they are seen as opposites, but yin and yang are harmonic; one cannot exist without the other. This is not true for black holes and suns. A sun cannot exist in the same realm as a black hole, as it would be devoured if it came too close, which it will.
Therefore, a sun and a black hole can only exist simultaneously if they are apart, or else one will consume the other.
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angry-felix · 4 months
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Kensei playing captain/therapist on challenge mode
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angry-felix · 4 months
Okay why do browsers and websites keep changing their layouts?? And hiding their settings afterwards?? I just want things to stay the same why do things suddenly look different?
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