ani-soup · 1 year
Genshin Impact VA Caught Amid Allegations
Yet another scandal has rocked the voice acting community. Elliot Gindi, best known as the English voice of Tighnari in Genshin Impact, is facing allegations of sexual misconduct with fans. Earlier yesterday (2/8/23), fans were taken aback to find a lengthy apology for inappropriate conduct with fans, and now, the whole story is emerging online thanks to victim statements.
For those not in the know, Twitter user FretCore posted an in-depth Google Document (linked below) including statements from Gindi's alleged victims. Another user, Phiotan, released personal DMs and now-deleted Discord messages of the conversations, depicting an unsettling image. The user, who was one of Gindi's Twitch and Discord moderators, shared the info with permission from those involved with the voice actor.
Phiotan on Twitter: "So apparently people want screen recordings to make sure we aren't faking it, which is completely fair! I can offer at least this much. https://t.co/9E3jDy3eUV" / Twitter
Elliot Gindi - Google Docs (Beware – contains strong language!)
In response, Gindi posted a long-form apology owning up to most of the messages. The note, which can be read here, acknowledges the behavior was inappropriate though with a caveat. Gindi stresses he did not "knowingly" do anything with anyone underage or disrespect anyone's chosen pronouns. Allegations of such were laid out in the Google Doc shared to social media.
Many of his fellow voice actors have expressed outrage and disgust with his actions. Zach Aguilar, the voice of Tanjiro Kamado from Demon Slayer and the Male Traveler (Aether) in Genshin, wrote: “Disappointed and angry. I have removed the stream with Elliot and will no longer be associating with him. I refuse to give someone like this a platform in any way. To use your power this way over fans is disgusting and shameful. My heart goes out for the victims of this situation.”
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Erika Harlacher, the voice of Venti, gave us her two cents: "Furious. Elliot Gindi has been removed from all group streams/activities I have any part in organizing moving forward. I'm... this is really triggering for me..."
Erika Harlacher-Stone on Twitter: "Furious. Elliot Gindi has been removed from all group streams/activities I have any part in organizing moving forward. I’m… this is really triggering for me…" / Twitter
Ashley Biski, the voice of Layla, also threw her ring in the hat, saying that she’s “not retweeting no damn “apology”. You’re sorry you got CAUGHT. So please seek help.”
Ashely Biski = Layla❄️✨ on Twitter: "And I’m not retweeting no damn “apology”. You’re sorry you got CAUGHT. So please seek help." / Twitter
At this time, no word has been given on how this development may impact Gindi's roles.
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ani-soup · 1 year
The New Velma Series Has Me Going Jinkies!
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When the new animated series Velma launched a few weeks ago, it did something that no other show in the history of entertainment has done: unite everyone on the internet in hatred of it. For the first time, people on both sides of the political aisle expressed their disappointment of the new Scooby-Doo spin-off, which premiered on HBO Max on January 12 in the year of Our Lord 2023. But why is it so?
Well, for starters, it could have something to do with the fact that the teaser trailer, which outright mocked fans for wanting the show to stay true to the source material. Because attacking the people who consume your product always ends well (am I right, G4TV?).
It could also have to do with the fact that for this “incarnation” of Scooby Doo, the gang’s characters  have all been skewered and butchered and tossed to the wayside. For example,  Daphne Blake, who was the team mom in previous incarnations, is now a vapid high school bully not unlike the type you would see in Mean Girls. This mishandling of such a popular character was such that her OG voice actress, Grey DeLisle, actually made fun of the show using her character’s catchphrase.
Grey DeLisle on Twitter: "JEEPERS!!! #velmadinkley https://t.co/SaPva18G2u" / Twitter
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The butchering doesn’t stop there. Fred, who was commonly depicted as the smart, charismatic leader who was obsessed with traps, is now a rude, spoiled, privileged manchild who is commonly the butt of other people’s jokes. At one point, Velma remarks that Fred is unable to feed himself during a court hearing, and cue a scene where Fred is trying (and failing miserably) to do so, much to the amusement of everyone in the court. He is also something of a misogynist, at point claiming that he can't remember Velma's name because he blatantly thinks that she's unattractive.  This version of Shaggy, now named Norville, meanwhile, is now a beta male who is trying (and failing) to win Velma’s affection and has none of the original counterpart’s charm or cowardice (though his love of snacks remains). I’m fully willing to bet that Norville is not gonna last a minute against Ultra Instinct Shaggy. One common criticism of the new series is that there is virtually no Scooby Doo in this show, despite being a spin-off of the Scooby Doo property.  Well, considering how his human companions have been dragged through the mud, this is probably the best thing to our beloved Great Dane.
Speaking of Velma, I’ve saved the worst for last. From the minute it was announced that she would be brownwashed and voiced by Mindy Kaling, I instantly knew not to expect the best from the franchise. Mindy Kaling is one of those unfunny comedians who relies too much on shock humor, not to mention she’s a raging liberal SJW. The last bit is important because she’s what is commonly referred to as an NPC. Her response to the news that people were not on board with the new South Asian Velma was that “tHeY’rE jUsT rAcIsT!” (Ms. Kaling, I feel the need to inform you that as a fellow South Asian, I also do not like your bastardization of one of my favorite childhood franchises.) Not to mention a clip has recently surfaced of her unashamedly admitting of her giving an improvised kiss to a fellow actor and threatening to have him fired if he told anyone about this. What’s even more disturbing is that the audience was laughing the entire time, as if sexual assault to a man is hilarious. (Imagine if the genders were reversed, would it still be funny then?) As for Velma herself, I can’t say that I really like her, considering how she treats everyone in her vicinity. While her previous incarnations were snarky as well, they were a lot less mean-spirited compared to this version, who is clearly unhinged and more judgmental and bitter towards just about anyone. Who wants to be about such a bundle of positivity and joy all the time?
It's no surprise that so many people have come to despise both the show and the creator. It currently sits at a record 1.3/10 on IMDB, and has been dubbed the worst animated show in modern history. (No, seriously!) There are plenty of ways to make an adult reboot of a children’s franchise. This is not one of them. Whether you’re familiar with Scooby or not, this show isn’t for you. You’re better off watching either Scoobynatural or Mystery Incorporated if you want to see a darker, edgier Scooby Doo done properly.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be watching some What’s New Scooby Doo? as a palate cleanser for whatever the hell this mess is.
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ani-soup · 1 year
My First Post
Hey everyone, I've decided to open up a blog on Tumblr to discuss my thoughts and opinions on topics I like (anime, animation, what have you). Hopefully this gets out there to some of you, and if it does, I hope you stick around for whatever I'd like to talk about. So stay tuned!
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