animatedtools01 · 2 years
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animatedtools01 · 2 years
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animatedtools01 · 2 years
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animatedtools01 · 3 years
Types of Explainer Videos That You Must Know
Several businesses make use of explainer videos to demonstrate their newly launched product or service. With the wide use of animation, graphics, tools and techniques these videos tend to show a powerful impact on the audiences. Now, there are several types of explainer videos that you use to attain your business goals. Some of them are listed below:
2d Character Animation: This video makes use of 2D characters and objects to make the video appealing.
2d Motion Graphics Animation: This video is a combined form of 2D and motion graphics helping businesses to explain complicated products.
Whiteboard Animation: This kind of video uses the concept of whiteboard animation eliminating graphics making it easy for businesses to explain the product.
3d Animation: This is the most used type of explainer video which provides real effects using 3D graphics, objects and tools.
Live-Action: It is a kind of video that does not require any tools, just you need to record using a camera and present it before the audience.  
Stop Motion: This kind of explainer videos create the illusion of movement by clicking a series of photographs in a row.
Contact us to get any of the above types of explained videos today!
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animatedtools01 · 3 years
How to Create Budget - Friendly 3D Animated Videos?
3D animated movies have become blockbusters for businesses in terms of marketing their business online. These videos with incredible capabilities and potential are perfect tools for advertising products and services. Most people do not opt for them as they think it expensive. But there is no need to worry; here are some simple ways that can help you to create affordable animated videos. Let's explore!
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Opt for Limited Characters
Reduce the number of characters you need and put the most important ones. Additional characters may cost you more.
Pay Attention to Time Limit
When it comes to animation time is money thus every second matters a lot so make sure to create the videos in a limited time so that you can focus on other projects too.
Use Stock Models as Starters
If you are a starter then it is perfect to go with stock models rather than any other visuals. This is because they are already rigged and modeled for animation which costs you less.
Opt For a Simple Design
Using simple yet affordable designs in videos is best rather than picking costly and complex designs. Also, make sure that designs add realism to the animated videos.
Looking for a cost-effective video production process? Hire us today!
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animatedtools01 · 3 years
Get Instant 3D Animated Videos Using Simple Tools
Now a day 3D animated videos are considered in greater demand due to they are more high-tech and attractive helping businesses to engage the potential audience. To make such videos instantly there are several softwares used by animators. Keep reading this post to know about the best-animated tools in detail.
Autodesk Maya
Thus ultimate software assists animators to create 3d projects, games, presentations, movies, and video effects as well. It is the perfect software to use in modeling, animating, texturing, lighting, and Rendering as well.
Daz Studio
This easy to use the software is perfect for the professional to create 3D animated videos. The software is featured with its models and scenes helping animators to create perfect 3D videos for themselves.  
This amazing software is a new tool to make 3D animated videos that help users to create models in 2.5D and it is been loaded with some brushes to fulfill that need. Animators can easily create sculptures or import them to other animation software as well.
Get in touch with us to get the best 3D animated videos for yourself.
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