animator19 · 6 years
I made some video game music for my film, I think it turned out well, really enjoyed making it. Now I have experience with FL Studio and as I was using the free trial you can save it but can’t reopen it unless you buy it, so I had to make it in one go, and it would not render out for some reason, so I used OBS to screen capture it.
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animator19 · 6 years
Updated animation idea
Theme: Don’t Pirate Games
Story: Someone gets sucked into a pirated video game and must retrieve an item to escape, then goes and buys the game legally.
Could make the game around the character get infected with a virus to represent the malware they downloaded.
Could make him/her collect Viruses/Malware, an ‘Online Ban’ letter, a text poster of ‘NSFW’ to show that you won’t get the game.
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animator19 · 6 years
I spoke to Pete about my idea and unlike Mark who understood the film and liked my idea, he did not understand it and was wondering if I could create an animation based off a Darwin Award, so I looked and we found a suitable story https://darwinawards.com/legends/legends1998-03.html, but I think I will stick to my Video games idea
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animator19 · 6 years
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Expanded idea/Moves in Video Games
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animator19 · 6 years
Question Health
I liked the sky one question health debate as it was very informative especially as my mum has been going through chemotherapy this past year. I made some notes such as 70% of people who have cancer will have a side effect and they have decreased the amount of treatments needed for chemotherapy.
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animator19 · 6 years
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animator19 · 6 years
I feel the first life drawing session went well, I have loads of room to improve though
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animator19 · 6 years
Presentation Feedback
I feel the presentation went well, I need to focus down the ideas as it’s much more than a 2 min film. I am leaning towards the depression idea but I will have to research that a lot to make sure it comes across right when representing something like mental health. My second idea about the father and son rescue getting sucked into a video game might work but as I was told is too complicated, and looking back on my third idea it’s an idea that’s been done to death at this point someone getting shrunk and traveling through the enlarged room to get back.
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animator19 · 6 years
Concept Idea Images to go with my 2 min film idea
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animator19 · 6 years
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I’ve just started watching Dragon Ball, I really like the over exaggerated facial expressions
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animator19 · 6 years
Idea for my 2 minute film about depression and what goes inside their head.
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animator19 · 6 years
Hello, I would of posted my animation today but it would not let me upload it, I had to rush the final bits of it as we received a lot of feedback to be done by today for the NHS work :/ I still think it looks ok, I just realised that the animatic file that I has sent was corrupted or something as it was not playing properly when I went through everything I had submitted. I lost the after effects file I was working on as it crashed and did not save so I had to throw together my files and I had so submit on 4pm.
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animator19 · 6 years
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For the model making process I had to get rid of the metal hand as I would not be able to make it hold the axe. I separated the lower half into two legs instead of one solid block, the disadvantage of me doing that was that the model is now unstable and can be easily knocked over. I made small dents with the tool in order to have a distinction between the armour and the fur. For the background I did not give myself enough time, so I just ended up giving it a dry grass effect, and only had enough time to make a small tree, the Prop I game him, the axe in his hand, Felix has called the axe Draconic Fury.
The original idea came partly from a dream I had about a smart bunny rabbit like Rick from Rick and Morty, and the other part was from the video game Fallout 4 where, after a nuclear war in 2012, everything looks like a wasteland, and I wondered if any animals could have evolved and I decided on a rabbit, who I named Felix, after the most subscribed Youtuber, Pewdiepie. At first I was not sure what animal to use but I went with a rabbit as I reminded myself of Judy Hopps from Zootopia, and the personality of Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty.
Felix is very smart and has taught himself how to survive, especially from a group of Cats who always seem to follow him around and attack, he lives alone in a self-made cave. He will always try to save himself before those in need, Felix has no family that he can remember.
If I would imagine the cats they would be short and there would be lots of them who travel in a pack, (called a clowder). The reference I have for what I want them to look like is from a mobile game called Crash-Arena-Turbo-Stars. As Felix is around 6″7″ I would want them to be around 4″, It would take at least 30 to subdue him down, if Felix was unarmed. 
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Image from The C.A.T.S. Mobile Game - Crash-Arena-Turbo-Stars
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animator19 · 6 years
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Updated the background
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animator19 · 6 years
Bio / Description
Felix is an evolved rabbit, who lives in a post-apocalyptic future where he now survives by scavenging for food and technological parts he could adapt it to his personal use like his metal arm, or his trusty axe which he has grown fond of. Felix is always wanting to find out about his past, as he cannot remember past a certain point.
Felix, is a male bunny aged 4 years old (in human years), Felix  is 6” 7”, weighs 16 stone and has an orange fur complexion with a metal arm. He often prefers standing up while moving as he can be more accurate when attacking his enemy’s, Cats and Hawks. He is very conscious and needs to be aware of his surroundings. He lives alone in a self made cave hideout, with lots of traps to catch those who wander in, Felix will always try to save himself before helping those that he needs information out of.
Felix uses a deep tone in his voice to try and sound intimidating but it never works, he is fast on his feet and has really good reflexives, always tries to out think others. He can be a bit overambitious or arrogant sometimes and get carried away. His ambition is to find out what happened to his family and how he got to where he was today.
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animator19 · 6 years
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animator19 · 6 years
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