anime-journaling · 4 years
saturday 21st november 2020.
banana fish. 10/10. top tier anime.
(i have no date for when i originally watched this).
i have so much to say. this hurt me even though i kind of anticipated something would happen to ash due to him being an angst boi and not getting on the plane in the first place. it was shorter that got me - man. the way that boi went out, wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
just like aftg (a book series i recommend) i went into this anime completely blind and only knew it was ‘sad’ thank the lord i wasn’t triggered by anything.
i’ve never met more dislikable bad guys, like i fucking hate them all - especially the fat dude who looked like an egg. he can die. he did but like still.
i’m not in love with any of the characters as i’m more into them (e&a) being soulmates : platonic or not. I read somewhere they ‘loved each other like lovers’ what the fuck does that even mean? like what? they either kissing or they ain’t, it’s not that deep.
I was going to buy the manga but can’t find anywhere to buy it at all so that’s that.
i have animes that i prefer now but at the time this was amazing and a new world for me so gains nostalgia points in my overall ranking of anime i’ve seen.
recs are appreciated. xxx
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anime-journaling · 4 years
saturday 21st november 2020.
as my bio states i’m just going to be ‘anime journaling’ on here as it’s easier to keep track of the anime’s i watch aswell as my thoughts.
(it also looks nicer than my notes folder).
if anyone has any recs that would be nice and i’m open to have a conversation. xxx
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