animeficwriter · 5 months
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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animeficwriter · 5 months
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very rough lee levi doodle but i’m gonna post is anyway for the lee levi enjoyers (me..)
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animeficwriter · 5 months
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my obey me roots are showing…are there any old fans who’ve been following me since the obey me days? my blog started as an obey me blog, but that was like 2 years ago x)
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animeficwriter · 5 months
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Lol yeah. I missed the 2k mark 🤣🙈
By quite a margin too... 🤣🤣🤣
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BUT ANYWAY!!!!! I promised you another animation when I hit the mark so I whipped up a little something 🤭💖✨
(I hate those Yiga gloves with a passion... please ignore them 💀😂)
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animeficwriter · 10 months
My favorite pokemon is YES.
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But if I'm being COMPLETELY SERIOUS. It would have to be Lucario or Togekiss. I've raised exactly two Lucarios and a single Togekiss throughout my playthroughs of Pokemon Shield, and let me tell you that they CARRIED me throughout the ending of the game!
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Plus, I just love their pre-evolutions so much!!!
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Honorable mentions are Arcanine, Sylveon, Galarian Linoone and Weavile!
...Yeah, I'm a pokemon nerd ignore me...
HWJZJANNSNSS AHHHHH! 😍😍😍😍😍😍 I ADORE Togikiss- talk about a TANK! Not to mention it’s a cutie! 🥰🥰🥰 And Lucario! I wish I used them more in my playthoughs- they’re so great! (And the honorable mentions!!! All three of them are just fabulous! 🥰🥰🥰)
No no, you’re fine! I welcome all sorts of nerds here on my blog- especially since I’m a Pokémon nerd too whsnannnwns 🥰 Thank you for sharing! (And for the adorable gifs wjznwnnwnsn)
~Send me an ask about your favorite Pokémon and why~
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animeficwriter · 10 months
For the ask game, how about Beelzebub from Obey Me! with E, R and T?
No pressure ofc!!
Have a lovely day/night!!🫶
[Tickly Alphabet! - Ask game]
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E: Expression | How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
He's a little cute and shy about it. When he wants to tickle or be tickled his mind isn't focusing 100% on food and he'll be a little distracted, not sure what this strange feeling is and what it means. Luckily those close to him do understand. Also when he wants to tickle someone he gets suuuper cuddly, it's very sweet.
R: Role | Lee or ler, what is generally their main role?
He's more often ler than lee but overall he's just a rly good switch :D
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
His classic specialty: using food puns and jokes and teases about how he's gonna 'eat them up' and 'have a taste of their tickle spots' and stuff and anything to do with nibbles and raspberries. It's so playful and funny and often adds to the lee's laughter because he's being so silly.
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animeficwriter · 10 months
hello! for the t alphabet could i request mammon with F, V, W and Z
[Tickly Alphabet! - Ask game]
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F: Fight | What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
Petty. He whines when it's not going his way, he is also too proud when it does go his way and he makes too many cringy remarks and jokes to handle. He will also try silly things like "look over there it's Lucifer in pink boxer shorts!!" to distract his opponent.
V: Victim | As a ler, who is their favorite lee and what makes this person their ultimate victim?
MC, he loves making his favorite human laugh their head off, he loves the power he can have over them despite the pact, he loves their sweet laugh and the validation it gives him that he, the great Mammon, can make his favorite human laugh like this. He loves to tease them, taunt them and say things like "well, order me to stop then? you can't? you're laughing too much? you're too ticklish? awww~" Actually if Mammon is in a bad mood or feeling insecure about himself, he would just need a little session where he can wreck MC so he feels good about himself again!
p.s. he also has his 'bad days' when MC does get the upperhand, which is a win win situation because after laughing his own head off he still ends up feeling better and all cheered up:).
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
He can say it but he blushes and stutters a little. "T-tickle...." That's all, unless someone teases him about his reaction like "Wait, are you blushing? Tickle? Can you say that again?" and his blush and flustered reaction will get way way worse!
Z: Zones | N$FW - Do they have an erogenous tickle zone: the spot that turns them on when tickled?
His ears, ankles, chest, abdomen, uhh his lower back, right above his ass ♥ the palms of his hands. make that boy moaaan. he's just one big erogenous spot when tickled right, the horny little shit. and he loves/hates it ;D
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animeficwriter · 11 months
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10 posts!
...I'm honestly not sure whether to be embarrassed that it's taken me THIS long to make JUST 10 POSTS, or happy that I'm starting to get the hang of this place.
But yeah anyways.
10 posts, woooo.
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animeficwriter · 11 months
Full render Halfbody commission with animation for @eliankrios ❤️🐝❤️
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animeficwriter · 1 year
I don't go here. But I see a tickling animation so I came. This is so FLUSTERING oh my goodness–
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Short animation for this fic. (Honestly, I ordered this even before writing, but that's what inspired me to write😂)
This amazing commission was made for me by Scheinze.
Author's Twitter: Scheinze
Posted with permission✨
(You can reblog, but not repost this)
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animeficwriter · 1 year
Even though I am bisexual, I'm a lil confused but I got the spirit!!!!
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Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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animeficwriter · 1 year
I uh. Goddamn this is quite flustering—
I... Have been intimidated by the prospect of creating such a piece for YEARS... But the time has come.
So, I made what I always wanted most come true X3.
This has been years coming so I'm honestly a bit anxious.
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animeficwriter · 1 year
KonoKomi Nonsense
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Ships: Konoha Akinori/Komi Haruki.
Summary: Basically just Komi getting his shit wrecked because Konoha wanted him to get a taste of his own medicine. First tickle fic!!!!!
Warnings: Uhhh. THIS IS A TICKLE FIC! I guess it might be a bit intense for some people, so be careful with that. There is also lots of stomach tickles if that is not your thing.
Words: 964. (Not bad for my first tickle fic I suppose)
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"You are so cute, oh my god."
Komi snarls, but the feral sound lost its fright as his scowl slowly morphs into a shaky grin. Konoha looks down at his boyfriend, his own lips quirked into a soft, fond smile. He leisurely lowers his fingers towards his torso, his fingers mere centimeters above the skin. Komi shifts slightly and turns his head away, his face now dusted a light pink as his grin wobbles even more.
"Don't you fucking dahahare..." he tries to threaten, but his pink face and trembling voice immediately make him lose any sense of fright he might've had.
Konoha wiggles his fingers slightly, cooing teasingly when Komi flinches away, biting his lip in anticipation. He feints his hands downward, and Komi flinches once more, a single nervous giggle escaping before he bites his lip again, his face flushing even more from embarrassment.
"Don't fuhucking tease mehe, bitch!" He manages to choke out defiantly. "Just wait until this is over, I'm going to wreck you so bad you won't even— ahahahAHAHAHAHA!"
He shrieks in surprise as Konoha's fingers suddenly dig into his stomach, arching his back once before ultimately crashing back down onto the bed and dissolving into laughter. Konoha's previously small smile widens into a grin as he watches his boyfriend squirm and struggle as much as he can with his hands tied behind his back. "What was that, babe?" He teases. "Go on and tell me. You're gonna wreck me so bad I won't even what?"
Komi sputters, trying to stop laughing enough to form a retort (or at least a half assed apology), but Konoha is relentless, his fingers scribbling and digging carefully into the lean muscle of his belly, making sure he had no choice but to just take it and laugh.
"I... I..."
Was all he managed to say before he threw his head back against the bed, bucking and squirming as Konoha's fingers kept up their persistent assault.
It seems like an eternity before Konoha finally stops, his fingers resting gently against his belly. Komi took the opportunity to catch his breath, his chest heaving as he took in much needed gulps of air. He looks up at Konoha, his face flushed with heat and his breathing erratic.
"Yohou... son-of-a-bitch," he rasped. "That wahasn't... fair..."
Konoha just grins at him in response, simply enjoying the way Komi looks as he pulls himself together. "I never said it would be fair, Haru. I just said I would go easy."
Komi squawks indignantly. "You call that going easy? I was fucking dying!"
Konoha pokes his belly with a single finger, chucking heartedly as he recoils with a surprised laugh. "That's cause you're sensitive here. Just so ticklish on your cute little belly, ain't ya?"
Komi whines around a laugh, fidgeting restlessly as Konoha's fingers poked him ruthlessly from both sides. "Stohohop," he whimpers pitifully. "Cut it ouhuhut! You're sohoho mehehean!"
Konoha finally relents after a few more pokes, his smile wicked. "Oh, am I being mean?" He asks as he shuffles his body downward, stopping when his face is level with Komi's belly. "Am I really being mean?"
Komi's eyes widen in recognition, and he grins nervously. "Wait, no, Aki, I didn't mean it, nonohoHOHOHO!"
He presses a messy kiss against Konoha's belly, Komi wriggling and giggling as his legs flail helplessly behind Konoha's back. He nuzzles his nose along his waistline, occasionally nibbling at the soft skin. Komi just squeaks and twists again, his nerves practically on fire from the gentle action.
Suddenly, Konoha stops and looks back up at his boyfriend, pondering his breathless giggles and pleading eyes for just a moment before shrugging slightly and leaning back down, placing a loud, ticklish raspberry right onto Komi's belly button.
To say Komi laughed was an understatement, he fucking cackled.
"You are so ticklish, oh my god. It's amazing." Konoha murmurs lovingly against his belly before he blows another raspberry. It gets even worse when Konoha brings his fingers back into the mix, vibrating intensely against the sides of his belly, and fuck, it tickles so bad, it's too much—
"ST-STOHOHOHOP—" he pleads, un-shed tears finally leaking from behind tightly closed eyelids. He cackles again as Konoha nips gently at the skin of his waistline, kissing a trail back up towards his belly button. "I-I'M GONNA DIHHIHIE!"
Konoha sighs deeply against his stomach, making him release a very unflattering snort, before he finally, finally, stops. "Alright, alright, I'll stop."
He sits back up, proudly surveying his hard work. Komi shudders as he gasps out a thanks, his bright red face streaked with tears and his mouth curled into a very infectious smile. He leans back down towards Komi, his heart swelling happily when he flinches away with a high-pitched giggle. He shushes him quickly, pressing a single kiss to his forehead before whispering in his ear. "Not so fun being on the receiving end is it, Haruki?"
Komi chortles as he shakes his head. "Noho, it isn't," he agrees. "Jesus fuhuhuck, you were merciless..."
Konoha's lips twitch back into that soft smile, and he gives Komi's belly one last tickle just to watch him squeal before turning him over and freeing him from his bonds. Komi groans quietly as he turns around, wrapping his arms around Konoha. Konoha just laughs as he allows himself to dragged on top of Komi.
"You were so adorable," he muses as Komi starts to aggressively spoon him. "So cute and giggly and ticklish."
"Yeah, yeah..." Komi growls softly, then he's tightening his hold on Konoha's torso and pressing mouth onto his bare collarbone. Konoha chokes on a giggle at the sudden touch.
"But not nearly as cute and giggly and ticklish as you're about to be..."
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animeficwriter · 1 year
Oh my goodness. Well this is definitely one of few very good things that have happened to me today... Thank you for the delicious food!!!!
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Ticklish Interrogation
Incredible comissioned animation from this great author! It was really a colossal work!💜✨
Inspired on a fic written by two geniuses: @wertzunge and @lovelynim.
Animator's Twitter: Scheinze Link: https://twitter.com/scheinze Fanfic: click
Posted with permission✨
(You can reblog, but not repost this)
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animeficwriter · 1 year
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some lee mammon for the soul <3 coloring is not my strong suit so this is pretty messy but i just wanna wreck him
live laugh mammon
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animeficwriter · 1 year
When I tell you that this shit is normal believe it or not—
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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animeficwriter · 1 year
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💙🩶🤍 Fic/Drabble/Writing Requests: OPEN 🤍🩶💙
Hello there y'all! You can call me Blueheart or Silver, and welcome into my humble abode! I enjoy reading and writing fanfics within various fandoms and about characters that I enjoy (although i am open to leaving my comfort zone and broadening my horizions).
Some things to keep in mind while visiting:
• I am a very nervous person, so I will likely run away if I get too overwhelmed. I promise it's not you guys. I just need a minute to calm myself and reboot. Please try and be patient with me.
• I do enjoy tickling in both a SFW sense and a NSFW sense. Although I will likely keep the NSFW part to myself and away from this blog. I apologize in advance if I make anyone uncomfortable.
• I do not enjoy talking about IRL tickling and teases. I am strictly a fictional enjoyer when it comes to tickles. In addition, I am not comfortable RPing with anyone about tickling, fictional or not.
• Please make sure that my writing requests are OPEN before sending anything in!
💙 Willing to write SFW and NSFW-ish things (ex: bondage/restraints, slight torture, etc.) We can discuss.
💙 I would like anyone wanting to make a request to do so in my ask box when it is open. I just feel like it will easier for the both of us and make me less nervous.
💙 I will write for the fandoms in my fandom list, although feel free to ask me if you are unsure. I might forget to add some.
💙 I am willing to write for a variety of ships excluding certain things such as incest or adults/minors. Be sure to check out my Will Not Write List for those that I will NOT do. I will also write both platonic and romantic pairings.
💙 I am not interested in writing Character x readers. Sorry y'all!
💙 I reserve the write to decline prompts or requests at any time. I shall try not to do so but I promise I will let y'all know if I decline one.
• Tickling, Fluff*, Angst, AUs*, Hurt/Comfort, Anxiety, Depression and topics similar to those.
• Ships: Just about anything unless specified. Please feel free to ask about anything else!
• Feet tickles*, rape, self-harm and possibly other heavy triggering topics.
• Ships: Kiyoko/Yachi, Ukai/Takeda, Shirofuku/Suzumeda, Akane/Alisa, Tsukishima/Yamaguchi, Hiyoko/Mahiru, Toko/Komaru. Possibly more to be added. Please feel free to ask about anything else!
*Fluff: I'm not THAT confident in my ability to write it but I shall try my best!
*AUs: I don't like writing for certain AUs, nor do I do well with a vague idea. Please feel free to ask me about it though!
*Feet tickles: Self explanatory. It just ain't my thing. Sorry to disappoint anyone.
• Haikyuu
• Danganronpa (THH and SDR2 preferably)
• Pokemon (Currently obsessed with Sword and Shield. Mostly into it for the pokemon)
• Ace Of Diamond
• Obey Me (Original and Nightbringer. Not that far into Nightbringer. I don't really mind spoilers for either)
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