anishbajaj · 2 years
Dr. Chanchal Das has completed his MBBS at Calcutta University & MD in Medicine from West Bengal University of Health Sciences. He received DM in Endocrinology from West Bengal University of Health Sciences in the year 2015. Being the most renowned Endocrinologist in Kolkata & serving patients for more than 20 years, he has developed amicable relations with all his patients giving them equal importance. The trust which he has developed in treating complicated patients is beyond words. And this makes him different from all other Endocrinologists in Kolkata.
Being a Specialist in Thyroid diseases, Diabetes and other hormonal disorders and diseases, Dr Chanchal Das is a member of the Endocrine Society of India & Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India.
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anishbajaj · 2 years
Best Doctor for diabeties in kolkata
Dr. Chanchal Das has completed his MBBS at Calcutta University & MD in Medicine from West Bengal University of Health Sciences. He received DM in Endocrinology from West Bengal University of Health Sciences in the year 2015. Being the most renowned Endocrinologist in Kolkata & serving patients for more than 20 years, he has developed amicable relations with all his patients giving them equal importance. The trust which he has developed in treating complicated patients is beyond words. And this makes him different from all other Endocrinologists in Kolkata.
Being a Specialist in Thyroid diseases, Diabetes and other hormonal disorders and diseases, Dr Chanchal Das is a member of the Endocrine Society of India & Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India.
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anishbajaj · 2 years
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anishbajaj · 2 years
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anishbajaj · 2 years
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anishbajaj · 2 years
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anishbajaj · 2 years
How Burial Insurance Is Different From Life Insurance? 10 Reasons
When it comes to life insurance, there are two main types: life insurance and burial insurance. Many people don’t know the difference between the two and end up buying the wrong policy. In this blog post, we will discuss the 10 key differences between life insurance and burial insurance. We will also explain which policy is right for you. So, let’s get started!
#1: Financial protection for Life Vs Funeral cost coverage
The first difference between life insurance and burial insurance is the purpose of the policy. Life insurance is meant to provide financial protection for your loved ones in the event of your death. On the other hand, burial insurance is specifically designed to cover funeral costs.
#2: Multiple coverage options in Life Insurance Vs Burial Insurance Policy
Life insurance also has different coverage options than burial insurance. For example, you can choose to have term life insurance or whole life insurance. With term life insurance, you are only covered for a set period (usually 20 or 30 years). With whole life insurance, you are covered for your entire life.
Burial insurance, on the other hand, is only offered as whole life insurance. This means that you are covered for your entire life and do not have to worry about the policy lapsing.
#3: Medical exam Vs. No medical exam
Another difference is that life insurance usually requires a medical exam, while burial insurance does not. This is because life insurance pays out a death benefit, which is based on your life expectancy. Burial insurance, on the other hand, only pays out a funeral benefit and does not take into account your life expectancy.
#4: Cancellation options
Life insurance policies can be canceled at any time, whereas funeral insurance policies cannot be canceled. This is because burial insurance is designed to cover funeral costs, which are typically incurred shortly after death.
#5: Coverage amount
The coverage amount is another key difference. Life insurance policies typically have much higher coverage amounts than burial insurance policies. This is because life insurance pays out a death benefit, which can be used for anything, whereas burial insurance only pays out a funeral benefit.
#6: Higher premiums Vs Lower premiums
Another key difference is that life insurance policies can be more expensive than burial insurance policies. This is because life insurance provides more coverage and protection than funeral insurance.
However, it is important to remember that the cost of life insurance varies depending on several factors, such as your age, health, and smoking status. So, while life insurance may be more expensive overall, there are ways to get cheaper life insurance rates.
Burial insurance, on the other hand, is a non-renewable policy. This means that once you purchase the policy, it cannot be renewed.
#7: Renewable Policy Vs Non-renewable policy
Life insurance policies are renewable, which means that you can renew your policy at the end of the term. This is not the case with burial insurance, which is a non-renewable policy.
#8: Cash value Vs No cash value
Another difference between life insurance and funeral insurance is that life insurance policies typically have a cash value, while burial insurance policies do not. Cash value life insurance policies have an investment component that grows over time. This money can be accessed through loans or withdrawals.
Burial insurance policies do not have a cash value because they are designed to cover funeral costs, which are typically incurred shortly after death.
#9: Exclusions in both policies
It’s also important to note that both life insurance and funeral insurance have exclusions. For example, life insurance will not cover you if you die of a pre-existing medical condition or if you commit suicide. Burial insurance will not cover you if you die of a pre-existing medical condition or if your death is caused by an act of war.
#10: Riders in Life Insurance Vs no riders in Burial Insurance
Riders are additional coverage that can be added to life insurance policies. Riders can provide coverage for things like accidents, critical illnesses, and long-term care.
Burial insurance policies do not have riders because they are designed to cover funeral costs, which are typically incurred shortly after death.
So, there you have it! These are the ten key differences between life insurance and burial insurance. Now that you know the difference, you can make an informed decision about which policy is right for you. Thanks for reading!
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anishbajaj · 2 years
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anishbajaj · 2 years
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anishbajaj · 2 years
You are all equipped for a new year’s party event. And reviewing your checklist and wondering if anything is missing? We hope it’s not Security services that are missing! Read on to know why you should not miss hiring Security guards for your event. The party calls for fun, excitement. Along with comes some unwelcomed and unwanted attention.
SafeGuard on Demand is a Security guard company in Los Angeles an expert in planning and deploying 360-degree safety for your event premises
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anishbajaj · 2 years
Kazuri, which means “small and beautiful” in Swahili, began in 1975 as a tiny workshop experimenting in hand crafted ceramic beads.
Its founder started with two single motherhood women and soon discovered that there were many others in the villages around Nairobi, most of who were disadvantaged and were in great need of regular employment.
Today Kazuri has grown tremendously and now has a large workforce of over 340 women skilled in the crafting of ceramic beads, strung into beautifully and artistically jewelry.
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anishbajaj · 2 years
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anishbajaj · 2 years
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