P. O. V.
Sometimes I feel like I can't let go of the things... When something embarrassing or upsetting happens, that scene doesn't leave my head for weeks and months... And then I try to console myself that it was not that bad and I am upset for no reason... But I just can't let go... I want to let it go, I want to feel free like every other goddam person... And feel confident to speak my mind. I hope someday I will be confident and carefree and happy.
So this was the introduction to my first story ever... I will update as soon as I can...
See you then
Anjalina ××
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Hi guys,
I am Anjalina and this is my first time writing... I always wanted to like do writing and wanted to select that as my career but of course nothing in life happens according to your plans... Well most of the things don't... So I thought to write here, after soo long of just thinking about writing I am finally here.... So I'll be writing some stuff that I have some ideas about... It could be anything a story a fanfic or of course maybe things about me... Well goodbye for now.
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