anjxn-blog · 7 years
Might remake this blog since it's tied to a yahoo login
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anjxn-blog · 8 years
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anjxn-blog · 8 years
aarbrcn liked your post “starter call”
Heaving a painful breath, William finds his feet, trying his best to bounce back from sustaining a near fatal blow. Clutching his side, he tries to ignore how much his ribs complained from the friction of movement, one or two no doubt broken upon his harsh marriage with the ground thanks to a clubbing blow from the Yoki standing opposite him. As if on cue, the horned fiend bellows aloud, sending shock waves through the air that almost manage to topple the wounded irishman, but he manages to keep his balance enough to retrieve his dropped axe from the dirt and lean upon it as if it were a crutch, spending what precious time he had remaining to come up with a plan to dispatch this creature before it manages to slay him first.
A fate he refuses to accept until he rescues his dear friend from the madman who kidnapped her first.
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anjxn-blog · 8 years
hellfirebound liked your post “starter call”
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Steel-blue hues appraise the stranger’s appearance, quick to conclude that he was not of this time and place. From this realisation, other theories gained traction, with William soon concluding that, despite what his eyes witnessed, the man was anything but mortal. As if seeking to parade aloud this realised fact, Adams’ right hand is attracted with an almost magnetic-like force to the hilt of his stowed away katana, a hefty, two handed axe strapped to his back should a stronger offensive might be required.
“You’re different, from the others. Aren’t you?”
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anjxn-blog · 8 years
greatforcesofnature liked your post “starter call”
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Firmly gripping the sickle half of the genin's kusarigama threaded between his hands, William carefully swings the length of chain that consists of the tool’s other half. He is not a man to make assumptions; he would not to able to dispatch the large beast towering before him. Not without careful planning , first.
“What have you come here? Did Kelley send you to dispatch me?”
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anjxn-blog · 8 years
stylish-alastor liked your post “starter call”
His initial reaction is entirely reflexive;  Raikiri , imbued with onmyo magic is pulled swiftly from its sheath, yellow hued electricity dancing along its keen edge as William acquires a defensive stance. Not quite sure who it is that stands opposite him, he is poised to fend off any attacks should the stranger prove hostile. He can’t become com placement, after all, what with these lands filled to the brim with malevolent spirits like yokai dwelling in the shadows.
“Please...Stand aside.”
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anjxn-blog · 8 years
demon-blood-youths liked your post “starter call”
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“Who goes there?” Sandal covered feet draw to a halt, all at once attentive of his surroundings. William is aware of someone lurking just out of sight. Though he hasn’t the faintest idea who or what he shares company with.       “Show yourself. I don’t have any time to waste.”
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anjxn-blog · 8 years
starter call
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like/reblog for a small starter?
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anjxn-blog · 8 years
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anjxn-blog · 8 years
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Might I suggest calling yourself  Anjin from now on? It means pilot in Japanese.            Fitting for a seafarer such as yourself.
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