ashrafarif · 1 day
We get to understand the needs and values of communities when connecting practices with society. Social issues are widespread and faced across the globe. They encompass a wide range of topics, that includes poverty, education dispair, healthcare access, and discrimination based on race, gender, or sexual orientation. 
A social issue that my group and I focused on was aging population that presents both challenges and opportunities to society. While life expectancy increases, birth rates decline, and healthcare medical systems and social services innovative solutions are getting more advanced to support the well-beings of elders, leading to longer lifespans. Most women have chose not to have children due to personal and career aspirations. social changes have led to greater acceptance of diverse life choices, allowing women to embrace independence and fulfilment outside of traditional family structures.
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We can conduct research and create installations or organise events that invite public interaction, raising awareness of societal issues while showcasing design. as we live in the modern era of media, we can take advantage of it like illustrating factors and promote positive change. For example, I won an open category of creating a digital art about raising awareness on dyslexia and incorporating colours and elements on what it feels like to be a part of that community. By integrating these practices, designers can create meaningful connections between their work and the communities they serve. I enjoyed filming the short video about aging population with my group, understanding their opinions on this especially as women.
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ashrafarif · 6 days
Self-identity is dynamic and can evolve over time as an individual grow in this complex world. In a designer’s world, visuals that they produce resonates with their values, preferences, and cultural background, often reflecting personal creative perspectives, contributing to their uniqueness, be it colour schemes, typography, imagery, and overall aesthetics. This promotes a positive representation for designers as they create authentic and compelling designs that stand out and connect deeply with their intended audience.
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When showcasing the images on the slides that I collated on the internet that best describes me as an individual, a few peers had faces of doubt which implies to me that others perceive me differently from how I see myself, which allowed an interesting self-reflection on my thoughts and behaviour because my mind is where all my original ideas develop and it reflects everything I plan. As for the group activity on sketching out our identity together as a whole, we drew characters and elements that represents us. It started off as a joke to have my face on it and then we made it look sweet and evil like having a mermaid’s tail but also underwater friends and bubbles. Even though we don’t identify ourselves to be evil people, the art we created were designs that were produced and combined by each of us that shows the personality of the kind of artistic play we can exhibit as a group.
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ashrafarif · 6 days
Creativity and criticality explores possibilities, evaluate and analyse ideas and foresee new solutions. With questioning and assessing sources, we get to ensure that a goal or an idea is practical when staying innovative. During group discussions, it was interesting to learn about others’ fair share of experiences on social issues including myself such as discrimination and inequality and more, that happens in and out of our homes. The experience that I had shared with my classmates was about my workplace culture at the airport where most foreigners would come to visit and the treatment that staffs would give can be disappointing because some may be unable to converse in our national language or however their way of life is. It got me thinking about how we can address these problems and connect communities with resources like utilising art, film or other media to raise awareness, provoke thought and inspire action.
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We are also able to refine our own work in school by identifying strengths and weaknesses for further development. We can lead our criticality to fresh perspectives and improve creative concepts by producing more drafts as a way to see potential impact of multiple ideas and propositions that can allow us to understand complex problems from different angles. To be creative in our criticality can involve deep examination and rethinking of conventional approaches to more effective strategies like maintaining consistency in visual elements to create a cohesive and recognisable design.
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[Reference: Week 1 of Studio module exercise]
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ashrafarif · 6 months
My experience with this module has been meaningful and eye-opening. I have learned the simple basic needs of a designer and how we should articulate our message to the world. Despite the exhaustion of doing outside work and school, it allowed me to learn that this is what it is like as a growing adult and what I have to face in the near future. Speaking of being a growing adult, the activities done for this module helped with connecting with fellow classmates and understanding the environmental objects around us. One memorable activity was the week we learned about Postmodernism and we had to get in pairs to create our own "postmodernism" advertisment with one object in our possession. Postmodernism go way back and emphasizes on a variety of forms. An object that me and my partner chose to do was a Nintendo game. We got to understand the use of it and that it has been around for long in our generation so we tried to follow some pop art style to give a twist to our advertisement design but still sticking to the basis of the gaming image. This module allowed us to be open with our creative visions.
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ashrafarif · 6 months
What do you think are the impacts of the design communication and experiences discipline?
The design communication and experiences interacts with the minds of others in ways we can't speak. Through art, we can produce and provide, relay and admit. It all comes with a price to make such and bring revenue to places. Simply getting a specific type of paper you need like the time I was at a paper factory just to find the perfect textured paper for my trading cards for Studio class and getting it printed at a print shop that has big machinery and equipments to print and emboss. During conversations with the people in shops to explain how we want our designs look also helps with connections and understanding the way it works to get it finished.
2. What is one specific area in which you wish to make an impact as a designer in your ecology?
A specific area I would like to make an impact as a desginer in my ecology would be community connection. Not just through verbal interactions with clients but also local landmarks. Understanding what's best and suitable for clients, businesses, and major industries and coming with big ideas to achieve great success for them and my own personal being. At the Open Studios of the Diploma and BA programmes, what amazed me were the designs of the merlion and creating different worlds to it. What interests me as a designer was the typography designs because it got me thinking how it can make many businesses unique and having a nice image just by the look of the type to their name.
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ashrafarif · 6 months
What are some notable ideas from today's session?
The structures of materialism can include basic needs and how it fits into the state of the local culture and place. During the class activity, one notable design infrastructure 'element' that caught my eye was a bookend on a shelf. Simple yet still creative, this mini dog-shaped statue with a long body cut in half allowed the books to not only stay in place but make the miniature dog look as if it is going through them. Doesn't matter the types of books or the quantity of books, it can still hold it in it's place in an organised position. The illusion that the books could have holes to let it pass through gives off mystery and useful to keep around as decoratives as it is still able to be placed back together if there are no books too.
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Mobile phones and computers can transmit information in ways we physically can't. Our thoughts and emotions chooses how we need to feel and understand over something we come across. Additionally, without these technologies, we also wouldn't have in-person designs such as prints. Physical forms of design allow us to not only see but to also touch and feel. In Studio class, I have a project on trading cards and we were taught a variety of papers such as grainy or gloss. Online designs can only tell and show things and allow us to perceive however we want to while physical designs can allow us to examine with it's material. 
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ashrafarif · 7 months
What are some notable ideas from today's session?
We can depict materials based off it's means, purpose and matter. Is there more to commenting on a design than just a few nice and positive adjectives? We have the right to express to go beyond the obvious when describing an arrangement and really present it as professionals. As a class, we gathered objects we can find and use on a daily basis. We scanned through what we had placed on the table and also separated the objects from things that we need and want, material, craftmanship, and usage-wise. Opinions were different around the table on how we see these objects as we see the potential in each element, so the possibilities of combining them become infinite. For example, if we are stranded on an island alone, how can a phone be useful in that situation with zero signal? It can be an endless innovation of creativity.
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What are some notable ideas from today's session?
During the field trip to the National Museum, I got to document the experience with all the exhibitions. I was able to walk through the history of the great war in Singapore of the past. The idea of putting trees, a big ship and tank is smart to make people feel like they are there and a good way to storytell and visualise than just reading words of information. I like that it is also interactive as there was a kid holding a phone on display to the ear to hear the sound of what the war was like.
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The Singapore Airlines First Class suite display had a nice close up look the kind of material they use for the kebaya and the leather seat. It gave a feel of charm and expensive.
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The lights on the signages gives an attractive call to the well-known club. The posters and look of the lights gave an old-fashioned and classy feel which makes sense to how far that place had been going on.
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ashrafarif · 7 months
2. What are some notable ideas from today's session?
The term ‘aesthetic’ has come to designate, among other things, a kind of object, a kind of judgment, a kind of attitude, and a kind of value. We can choose a topic or theme we want to create and make a world out of it that shows the beauty and setting the scene of the subject. Colours, contrast and placement plays a big part in the realm of this experience: the realm of the beautiful, the ugly, the charm, and the elegance of taste. The form of the aesthetic can differ from the function but can be expressed by it's design and state. The class got into groups and we went hunting for signages of interests around shops nearby and it allowed me to learn that storefronts and their signages designs has different ways communicating to attract people in and product designs can change how we might feel before purchase. For example, a food stall called Cereal Bowl had it's sign with the name shaped like literal ceral with flowy milk in basic black and white lines, and the arrow-hand  showing the direction of the place in grid form as it is in a mall called Grid.
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Many signages like the idea of minimalism like coffee cafes as the idea of someone coming to have coffee is to relax peacfully. In Studio, my trading card had to follow an artist reference that played around with blocks and squares and I had to maintain the design because that is what the artist is known to have and how he expresses art.
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ashrafarif · 7 months
What are some notable ideas from today's session?
The philosophy of lived experiences gives us an idea of phenomenology and how we perceive objectivity and reality. How we see and think can be thought of differently by others. Literally, phenomenology is the study of "phenomena", like appearances of things, or things as they appear in our experience, or the ways we experience things, thus the meanings that things have in our experience.  From a personal stance, phenomenology can be looking at different arts in museums or on the internet and having our own judgement and thinking, it can fill us with emotions of comfort and peace, but if we were to be there in real life after seeing an art piece like a gorgeous cafe or a scenic view of the mountains, it can be chaos and filth. In a strict rational, by contrast, what appears to the mind are phenomena defined as things-as-they-appear or things-as-they-are-represented. During the activity of capturing images of shadows, using my friend as the figure, instead of having a shadow of a full human body, it looked more distorted than what was expected and the light sources in different rooms has it's different ambience like a brightly lit room giving a warm and pleasant feel and the dimly lit side giving a scary feel. Emotions are a kind of physical phenomena once we've exrtacted mental phenomena from emotions. We see the view that emotions are composed entirely of feelings. 
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In Craft, we get to experiment playing with type, trying to have a falling sense to it by word positioning and added elements not just for visuals but also impression.
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ashrafarif · 10 months
3. Connect CTS A to your learning and professional journey.
In this Design course, I dive deep into the world of fundamentals and creative thinking, helping me find perspective in ideas to reach a goal and get exposure for my visuals. Most of the time, it involves collaborating with enthusiastic designers like me.
Collaborating with students of Fashion would be a dream, mix and match clothings, and understand the use of materials that make their craft to be worn. Fashion has evolved and is still evolving for generations, from dresses into leotards, how gender can now play around with different styles. Taking opportunities to study texture, experimenting possibilities to showcase extravagant details. Designing shirts with graphics and colours, merchandising products and components in media and communication. Inventing my creative vision and creating otherworldly images for fashion media. 
For a final project, festival events for concerts and shows are big hopes. Celebrity culture is mainstream in this population. Major music concerts like Coachella and Rolling Loud can be taken as reference. Designing banners, merchandise like t-shirts, pins and more. Big events are something shown off to the public, analysing the statistics on what people like should be carried out to understand what they want to see. It can be going out, surveying what the public wants to hear and enjoy.
The Dyslexic Association of Singapore is vocal about the awareness of children with dyslexia. Providing a spotlight by designing posters that communicates what being dyslexic is all about and making appreciation videos with people from the community would be a good cost. It’s a personal growth for me, connecting and learning different views of the dyslexic. 
As someone who enjoys his talents in the arts, an exposure on my craft can be pleasing. In the world of Marketing Designer, I can conceptualise, design, create and execute creative concepts for the company's main brand. CTS A taught me communication skills that can enhance relationships and as a designer, taking in criticism is important for self development and improvement in my craft. 329
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ashrafarif · 10 months
2. Connect CTS A to all your other modules (and components)!
Many connections can be made in CTS A to other modules as we deal with setbacks and breakthroughs. In Photography, an eye for detail is important. During outdoor shoots, we study the environment to achieve images that have Balance, Rhythm, and Movement. Instead of taking close to ten photos that are only needed to be presented, we made efforts through humid weather, using the opportunity to take advantage of the light from the sun to take more photos, persevering in perspiration with peers, advising which angles and spots are perfect. It’s helpful as we can scan through and survey images we took as reference, finding interesting structures that are satisfactory to what we want to display.
As Studio is a module that takes the class a whole day, sleep is essential to maintain a healthy cycle of getting up early and getting creatively driven. My personal self-management consists of making up schedules in my calendar, noting down timing to get schoolwork and chores done. During Visual Grammar lesson, I get to communicate and critique others to give development advice that can be made like how to make graphic compositions communicate verbs like “Sink” or “Roll”. This builds stronger relationships, inspire others, and be aware of tones to manage any conflicts. 
Craft Workshop does hands-on work that allows trial and error. The practice of embracing failure is common, but it’s part of the process of design to grow and challenge yourself. During face collage-making, we played around with cutting organic and geometric shapes, considering different placements and accepting constructive feedback from lecturers. 
Having basic knowledge for Digital Skills and Applications, it allowed me to experiment with various approaches to InDesign and Adobe Illustrator, making changes with more advanced techniques and styles with shortcuts. These applications are a necessity for graphic designers so storing these skills allows me to showcase my portfolio to future employers. 313
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ashrafarif · 10 months
Discuss the seven weekly topics as a whole!
Critical Thinking is an embodiment of our minds with its layers of the seven weekly topics. In my visual metaphor, I see it all as a ship on water, how we stay afloat on the surface with the strength of our skills and abilities. Collaborating is the most crucial as working as a team gathers more solutions, creating a smooth-paced journey in our learning, helping each other to see every aspect of a circumstance and figure out a way to move forward. This builds strong bonds and grow together with a mind that gets inspired and takes the opinions of others to account. Challenging ourselves in an open world filled with opportunities, trying to succeed no matter what hurl comes. We reflect and manage our emotions when we’re wronged or critiqued and communicate to understand better through obstacles, being mindful to others to maintain a healthy relationship. Process for a moment in times of conflict, realise the importance of empathy, taking responsibility on my end, and using words to come to a mutual understanding. Using the wheel of mindfulness to take a breather and think “I notice, feel, think, want, will”. In studies and research, we find appropriate references that answer our questions, creating personal craftworks instead of following exactly the depiction and colours. With everything we make, we document every detail because the ideas and styles are a part of us. Growth Mindset was my favourite week. We had to do logo drawing activity and critique other’s designs. We walked around together and gave our judgement of good and bad logo designs and shared ideas on how to reinvent the brands. If there is one thing I can do more, it would be explaining in depth of my design and technique on how I come up with graphic ideas. 300
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ashrafarif · 1 year
Describe an eventful moment you have experienced in this class, bearing in mind the key ideas of the day. Make meaningful connections to situations of assertion/conflict in other modules. E.g. Did you have to exercise any conflict resolution in your Studio group activities in previous weeks?
A class with peers of different backgrounds brings out an eventful sight during projects as understandings could be altered and needs could be wanted. Some may be loud and driven in the pursuit of educational enrichment like wanting to be the focal voice of the group with never-ending ideas that's thought to be the best while those with adequate contributions wanting to be heard. It’s the idea of superior thinking that comes in hand with conflict. This could come from past experiences like echoes of needing to be good in the back of our minds as we're always challenged by people we look up to. It could also come from fear of missing out if we don’t start making progress. Conflicts are in many disagreement forms such as personal, financial, political or emotional. A studio class I had needed to be in groups discussing a quote, searching for visual ideas that make up that statement. There were times of differences in opinions and lack of contribution. Hence, practising the wheel of mindfulness, observing the state of my group, feeling the energy of the people around me, and thinking of ways for everyone to get on board the same page. Reflecting on if I had done enough or if my contributions led to lack of resources and voices from others, then taking responsibility for not leading the team right. Took the time to address issues and compromised ways we can all make our group the best. 245
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ashrafarif · 1 year
We talked about "Self-management", "Self-awareness", "Empathy" and "Relationship management". Which aspect do you think you are strongest at, and which is something you should try to improve? Discuss with reference to today's activities, and even your Studio collaborations.
Although these key ideas are crucial in having emotional intelligence to manage our way of life, I'm strongest at having Self-management because I believe the things that we do will give impressions of who we are and/or what we stand for. I'm able to manage thoughts and feelings to have a healthy lifestyle with my family and friends. I can improve on my Empathy as it will allow me to be connected with people around me and not think of only myself. In today's class activity, we had to be in groups to act out a scenario and figure out what scenes each group were doing. I was able to manage myself by communicating effectively and being patient as we were all sharing ideas to understand each other on how to execute the mini act. I understood the needs of my group on how far they can go to act out a scene they are comfortable with. During Studio collaborations, we had to create compositions using shapes like circles, triangles and small rectangular lines. I was able to help out my classmates as they experienced challenges like creative-block to make the composition look neat and following the assignment brief. We gave each other constructive criticism, using it as an advice for development in our craft. With the communication we had, we built a stronger bond and trusted that we can work better together. We recognise our emotions and control intrusive opinions that we know can turn into nicer feedbacks. 249
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ashrafarif · 1 year
Describe your strengths and weaknesses as a collaborator. What did you do well, and what your areas to improve? Discuss with reference to today's activities.
Being collaborative is working together to achieve a common goal, a skill that shows our strengths and weaknesses as an individual. A strength I had proven to possess is brainstorming of ideas and not being afraid to speak my mind of what should be satisfactory in the process. My team and I had to discuss a social issue for a monument to the future and I contributed by bringing up main and crucial issues in our society and advice on improvements to make it stand out. A weakness I noticed I had was time management as I had to be patient as a few of my team members had difficulty conversing in English and soft-spoken and we didn't have enough resources as all we had were cut-out magazines and newspaper. This can be improved by assigning roles before beginning the craft at a random pace. 145
2. If you had more time and an unlimited budget, how would you design the monument differently? Include pictures of the group work, and your personal redesign.
I would purchase items that would hold the monument's shape like cardboards and any firm materials. I would also collate relevant pictures of the topic given and print out so we would have enough resources. I could also help to lead the team by assigning roles so we know how to execute it quickly. 54
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ashrafarif · 1 year
Describe your understanding of critical thinking that you had before the class, and reflect on what you may have learned.
Critical thinking is coming up with ideas and wise solutions that bring out great efforts to a situation, like working on matters that can help others instead of one or thinking of ways to give back to a community. Going beyond what you can do and achieve rather than just doing what you can. After the class, I have understood that it's how we assess and depict certain claims, argument and justifications, making it simpler to see different angles of any circumstance to analyse and produce rational goals. Taking a stand in your views and having sense of discovery. 99
2. What have you learned about Mindfulness? How might you integrate this in your learning environment?
Mindfulness is putting full awareness into the present moment without judgement. It comes in many forms of practice like patience and focusing on what's important. I can integrate this by practising mindful breathing, bringing back the mind to the importance of my breath in times of pressure and anxiousness. Being aware of my emotional needs and people around me to retain a positive attitude. Practicing mindful meditation as well to see improvements in my mental clarity, focus and attention, stress levels and ability to study for long hours. 88
3. Describe an eventful moment you have experienced in this class.
As this class was on my first day in this school, I had to adapt to the new environment and people around me. Like the mindful topic itself, it helped made our group work easy when discussing topics as we were patient in getting to know and understand everyone's views. Showing empathy as well to those from international countries struggling to communicate, taking the time to understand. 67
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