anniejdkdk · 5 years
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Lee, one day, just said ‘God you know wouldn’t it be funny as we’re standing here, facing off with the Volturi, if we did a dance off…“and we all thought it was the best idea we’d ever heard. That it was genius
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anniejdkdk · 6 years
Favorite scene by far: sulfus slapping raf
I’ll introduce you to the cartoon known as “Angel’s friend”
Sory guys but I rewatched the whole show this week and I realized HOW UNKNOWN THIS SHOW IS. Maybe for good reasons.
I SHOULD be studying, but instead I’m gonna write this guide to AF which probably will go unnoticed by the world because who the  fuck knows Angel’s Friend, right? But I’ll try to remedy this situation. 
(This is me, pretending like my content has some type of influence)
I just hope my bff won’t see this post or she’ll whoop my ass. ‘cause she loathes the show. And I’m not studying.
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Angel’s Friend is an italian comic published in 2007. The series was interrrupted after 4 volumes and I thank God for that because it was ugly as hell.
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In 2009 RTI and Mondo TV created the cartoon, which is what I want to talk to you about!
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The cartoon has 2 seasons and a movie which stands between them (it’s canon and also very important for the 2nd season’s plot). There was a 3rd season scheduled to come out around 2015 but we never got that, probably because the cartoon wasn’t very well known. In fact, ironically, the show was more famous in other countries, like France and England; so much that here in Italy we DON’T HAVE the second season dubbed in italian, even if the cartoon was created by us! The second season was not broadcasted in Italy and if you want to watch it you have to find the english or french dub. 
The plot revolves around a group of angels and devils. They are trainees who have to spend three years on the Earth, training to become Guardian Angel and Guardian Devil. They are sorted into pairs (one angel and one devil) and they have to take care of a human (Earthling); guarding and tempting him/her. Both angels and devils are subject to the V.E.T.O.: Vietato Esporsi Toccare Ostacolare (= “It is forbidden to Touch, Expose and Obstruct” one’s adversary. Basically, angels and devils can’t touch). Raf and Sulfus, an angel and a devil, fall in love with each other but it’s  a sacrilege for angels and devils to do so; and even more to kiss.
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These two motherfuckers are so pining for each other all the damn time for fucks sake just let them be happy Jesus Christ
Obviously, this cartoon is intended to be for kids; but I rewatched it just the other day and I enjoyed it very much. I’ll now explain the pros and the cons of this cartoon!
- If you know this type of cartoon, you’ll know that nearly all episodes are auto-conclusive: they follow a cycle that repeats itself every episode and the plot goes on veeeery slowly. And it’s annoying. In AF they still follow a cycle (the terrestrial has a problem -> angel and devil challenge each other to have the first move on the terrestrial -> they try to guard/tempt him -> the terrestrial makes a decision, for better or worse) but at the same time the main plot begins and progresses since episode 1. They don’t “waste” time, and every episode the plot advances a little. I really appreciated that.
- Devils are not seen and depicted as “bad” evil. Yes, they are evil. They’re devils, after all. But the Earthling has free will to decide between Good or Bad! And as Dumbledore said “it’s our choices that show what we truly are”. Every choice they make will contribute to creating the adult they are going to be. The devils are only doing their job, they’re the angels’ counterparts and schoolmates. They’re not “bad” being that enjoy the suffering of their terrestrial (this will be shown multiple times troughout the cartoon; more than once devils will protect their earthlings from harm) and sometimes the “bad” choice will benefit their human.
- Gas/Miki. Fight me.
- The cartoon depicts all kind of problem every episode; both from the humans’ side and from the a/d side. They cover a really vast pool of topics and more than once I found myself relating to what was happening. And the solutions they find to the problems sometimes are really eye-opening… I wasn’t expecting that from a kid’s cartoon.
- Even if it’s a cartoon about angels and devils and even if it’s italian, there are no mentions of God or the Bible or things like that, so I think everyone can enjoy without feeling like they’re being “indoctrinated”. No one’s gonna show christianity down your throat :3
- So many ships are gonna sail. Believe me. Gas/Miki is one of those.
- You won’t have to wait FOREVER to see the main couple become canon. And for the other couple(s)? In my opinion there’s a good “building”. See Gas/Miki. (jesus christ i’m SO not over them.)
- Did I mention Gas/Miki?
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- The episodes are more or less 12 minutes long, so you can watch it very easily/quickly
- I really like Raf and Sulfus’ love story?? Especially in the second season they’re very mature about it?? Lord save me?? Sulfus is so well characterized in my opinion, he is a devil but he can feel love, the need to protect, he sacrifices himself again and again, he’s loyal… and he loves Raf so damn much. *wipes away tear*
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- The devils are REAL SLYTHERINS. Like, the fandom version of the Slytherins. They protect their own while dissing them. They insult and despise each other but if you try to badmouth one of them you’re in for a ride.They genuinely support each other and I love this. For angels it’s normal, but it wasn’t “expected” on the devils’ side. They are also intellingent and clever… They’re not the stereotyped devils, ugly stupid and despisable.
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- The angels are more or less Gryffindors, BUT they too are not perfect. They can feel envy, jealousy, they can fight each other, sometimes they take the wrong decision, they can be stupid… I like that. They could have made them very common and pristine but they chose not to. Another plus!
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- The dub. I hate when they groan and wheeze during attacks or moan during the transformations or every fucking time a character opens his mouth without talking. (And, as I mentioned before, the italian dub is not available anywhere)
- The animation isn’t TOO bad, but it’s very… repetitive. Not always, but especially in certain scenes, to gain time they make a monster/enemy repeat the same stupid action (like roaring or stomping or shit like that). Still, we have to remember that this is a kids cartoon… so… yeah. There’s that.
- Since it’s not well known, the fandom is small and the fanwork (fanart, fanfic) is very few. This is one of the reason I made this post. I NEED MY DOSE OF FF OKAY? In the future I’ll definetly write a Miki/Gas. I just need to find the time.
- The story NEEDS a sequel. The second season ends and it could be okay even as a ending, I guess? But there is a piece of the plot and a character that aren’t explained and the final scene is a clear “bridge” to a 3rd season.
- There is a little bit of fatshaming, I guess? There is a devil, Gas, who is fat and loves to eat and is often mocked for this but he actually takes pride in that…? It’s not that big of a deal but it still made me grimace a bit. Beside. Gas/Miki. Gas is best boy (after Sulfus). Fight me.
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SO, in my opinion Angel’s Friens is a underrated cartoon which is typically italian: half trash and half beautiful (Winx I’m looking at you). I got hooked and I personally love every part of it.
I want to add that thanks to the superb @positivemoon14, on Youtube there’s the second season with english dub and italian subs! I personally don’t need them but they’re very helpful. She also made HILARIOUS crack videos that made me literally piss myself.
On YT there’s also the first season and the movie, but if you want, idk, HQ, I’m pretty sure there are some streaming websites you can consult!
Please, give this show a chance if you can! Hopefully, you’ll like it as much as me! 
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anniejdkdk · 6 years
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Okay that’s it I’m done bye
5sos On (2013) / Cocktail Chats (2018)
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anniejdkdk · 6 years
i could listen to them laugh forever
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anniejdkdk · 6 years
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anniejdkdk · 6 years
I don’t know how to thank you omg
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real life specialists
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anniejdkdk · 6 years
am I the only one that… whenever they start watching a new series… and they’re enjoying it and then… BOOM!
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as soon as THAT character makes an entrance
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they also entered your life
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and you’re just like… yep, this is it
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that’s the one I want… this is the one I have chosen
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this smol bean
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is simply perfect
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the most beautiful soul in this entire world
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and you know they’re going to be the death of you?
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or is that just me?
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anniejdkdk · 7 years
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Sirius Black aesthetic
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anniejdkdk · 7 years
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Naked : Ft Kalki Koechlin and Ritabhari
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anniejdkdk · 8 years
What are your favourite multi chapter, completed klaine fics? Need some good longer ones to read
Well, you can find all of my favorite fics HERE. Since I have no idea what you’ve read already, I’ll give you some to start off with:
Headway Verse
Until Further Notice Series
The Symphony Verse
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anniejdkdk · 8 years
Against The Wall- Chapter 3
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When a new neighbor moves into the apartment next door, Katniss Everdeen’s walls get rocked and rattled on a nightly basis. But can a certain baker tear them down altogether?
A/N: Modern AU. Rated E for explicit language, graphic sex, and potentially offensive slang. Part Three of Six. Contains direct and revised quotes from The Hunger Games books and movies. With many thanks to @jennagill and @dandelion-sunset for betaing and @everlylark for pre-reading/whip-cracking.
Banner by the amazing @loving-mellark.
All mistakes and errors are mine. Sadly, The Hunger Games isn’t.
You can find Parts 1-3 on AO3.
If you’re enjoying the story, gimme a holler! I love hearing from folks. <3c
“You know I love you, right?”
She didn’t wait for an answer before pressing on. “Well, I mean obviously I don’t love love you, because I don’t bat for that team, and, okay, half the time I actually sort of want to murder you because you frustrate the shit out of me, but you do know I love you, right? As in ‘I’d cut a bitch for you’ love you?”
Katniss clutched the pint glass in front of her and took a long swill of the amber fluid, chugging as much as she could without wanting to throw up, and then chugging a little more for good measure. Whenever Johanna got started talking like this she knew she wasn’t going to like what her friend had to say. Sometimes, as she had long ago discovered, alcohol was the only thing to make Jo’s words palatable, and even then they were about as easy to stomach as the Bud Light in her glass—tasteless dreck she’d almost always rather go without, but that she had to put up with because it’s what was offered to her.
When she didn’t immediately answer, Johanna kicked her sharply under the bar table. “Right?”
“Ow—fuck it!” Katniss rubbed her shin where her friend’s Doc Marten had made contact, scraping off a chunk of the top layer of skin in the process and leaving behind a sickly piece of dangling, paper-thin flesh. “What did you do that for?” For someone who wasn’t even five feet tall and tipped the scale at all of ninety pounds, the broad could pack a punch. Or kick, as the case may be. “Dammit, Jo. I’m going to bleed from that. But right, sure. I know you love me— whatever good that’s for, clearly. Why do you ask?”
As she blotted her wound with a moistened cocktail napkin, she watched Johanna’s dark eyes dart over to the girl sitting next to her, their friend Cressida. Katniss was annoyed to see the look of understanding flash between the two women, as though this conversation had been pre-discussed. The whole thing suddenly smacked of ‘intervention.’
“Because,” Jo said, “it falls upon me to tell you that you look like total shit.”
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anniejdkdk · 8 years
Niall I can't
When you’re music is on shuffle and temporary fix comes on 🤘🏻
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anniejdkdk · 8 years
From the moment i heard this song i became emotionally attached to it. It’s one of the most calming songs and so i thought it might help you guys when you need to find a safe place; I’ve made it downloadable for you as well x I hope you’re okay, Keep fighting and stay alive 
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anniejdkdk · 9 years
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“Who Said It” introducing Vampire Academy’s cast.
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anniejdkdk · 9 years
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Hey guys! When I joined tumblr back in March I never though there would be more than five of you… I blinked, and somehow now there’s 1.5K of you. So thank you. It boggles my mind. I’m showing my appreciation by doing a giveaway of merchandise from The Hunger Games Exhibition. 
There will be four winners.
The prize packages are:
Cat and Mouse(pad): A plush Buttercup and Twelve Districts mousepad
Peeta’s Bakery Tea Time: a porcelain mug, tea towel, potholder, and magnet all from our favorite boy with the bread’s bakery. Sugar not included (it’s never included).
The Symbol of the Rebellion: a notepad, magnet, and three mockingjay pins all representing our (home)girl on fire.
Shoot Straight (to the Feels): an arrow bracelet and Everlark necklace that holds two bands saying…wait for it… “Stay with me” and “Always.” Perfect for your very own toasting ceremony. 
-To be eligible to win, you need to be following my blog.
-A reblog counts as an entry. You can enter multiple times, but no more than once per day for the duration of the contest. 
-You must have your ask box open and be willing to share a valid mailing address with me. The address must be able to accept packages. I will ship internationally. 
-No giveaway blogs.
-The contest ends November 1, 2015; winners will be chosen randomly by an online generator. 
Ends midnight PST, 11/1/2015
Gimme a holler if you have any questions. 
…And may the odds be ever in your favor! 
Hugs, Caryn 
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anniejdkdk · 9 years
THIS! THOMESA forever guys
@ people who ship thomesa
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anniejdkdk · 9 years
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Rami Kadi “Le Royaume Enchanté”  collection
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