atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Have you ever received anon hate?, Have you ever had to block someone or cut off contact with them?
I actually haven’t. But if I received anon hate, I’d just brush it off. :v If they can’t come off anon and confront me like a man, then they’re just a big joke to me.
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
The List
1. What’s the worst role playing experience you’ve had?Anytime I’m on aniroleplay and I get adds from people who want really bad sexual role play. Not that I want that kind of role play anyway.
12. Your opinion on people giving canon characters mental illnesses?Anyone can have their headcanons, as long as they don’t try and push them on other people who aren’t comfortable including headcanons with canon characters. Or with people who don’t feel comfortable with the subject of mental illnesses.
17. Something that you find unforgivable?For me, since I’ve got that long distance relationship thing going on, when an s/o will role play with other people, romantically. 
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Lets get some NaCl-y on Munday!
Lets get salty on Munday!
What’s the worst role playing experience you’ve had?
What would cause you to leave a fandom?
Why did you leave your last fandom?
What are some things you are tired of seeing in the RPing community?
Have you ever had to block someone or cut off contact with them?
Your view on Mary/Gary sues?
Things that you will not tolerate?
Has anyone hurt/betrayed you?
Your view on minors interacting with muns that are older than 18?
Your opinion with ships between muses that include a minor and a legal adult?
Have you ever received anon hate?
Your opinion on people giving canon characters mental illnesses?
Your opinion on straight shipping?
Your opinion on muns making canon characters Trans/ gender fluid etc.?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
How much does it take for you to get angry/upset? How long does it usually last?
Something that you find unforgivable?
Have you ever felt like something off about someone?
What’s the worst thing that has happened to you in the rping community (Within an ooc situation)?
Wild card: The mun discusses any situation/problem they want.
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Tagged by:  trashkingizunia Tagging: After waking up from a drinking night, I don’t really feel like tagging people. So anyone who wants to do it, go right ahead <3
Name/Nickname: Relyks (just mirror it) Gender: Fluid Height: 5′3″ Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Favorite Animal: Axolotl. Hours of Sleep: I try to sleep as much as I can. The limit seems to be at least 8 hours. Dogs or Cats: Cats. Number of Blankets: All of them. Dream Trip: The cat island over by Japan. Or Fox island. Dream Job: Something to do with voice work. Either with anime, video games or cartoons. Time: 10:20 am Birthday: August 4th Favorite Bands: Don’t really have any. Favorite Solo Artist: Bo En. Song stuck In My Head: Whatever I’m listening to at the moment. Gravity Rush OST. Last Movie I Watched: Thor Ragnarok.
Last Show I watched: Orange is the New Black When did I create my Blog: November 2017 What do I post/Reblog: If I had them, threads. Asks, things that involve my muse, pictures of landscapes sometimes. Last thing I Googled: Emu animal. Why I chose My URL: Loqi is small and hides behind his magitek armor. Making him a tinyterror. I dunno. I came up with it on the spot. Original intent: To try my best to roleplay as Loqi. Other Blogs: I have my Iris blog and my personal blog. I think I also have a testing blog to quickly test layouts.
Following: 10 Followers: 13 Lucky number: Not sure. Favorite Instrument: The ever-annoying Otamatone. What am I wearing: Something that keeps me warm in this cold house. Nationality: American. Favorite Song: My Time, Bo En. Last Book I Read: I don’t read books. The last book I read was probably a children’s book. Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like to Join: Soul Eater, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy XV.
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Food Memes
Send one for your muse to catch my muse…
🍹 - Blowing bubbles in their drink through the straw
🍜 - Doing the choptsticks in the nose thing
🥞 - Rearranging their breakfast to make a smiley face
🥚 - Juggling eggs
🍣 - Stacking their rolls of sushi
🍰 - Drawing with their finger in cake frosting
🍿 -  Throwing popcorn at your muse
🍝 - Launch a meatball at your muse
🍤 - Make shrimp screaming voices as they eat it
🥖 - Using a breadstick like a sword
🍩 - Wear a donut as a ring
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Reblog to throw your muse in the trash
where they belong
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Send me § and my muse will tell an honest opinion about your muse
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
It’s come to my attention that I may be allergic to idiots.
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Swearing | Fingernail chewing | Slouching | Slurring | Drinking | Smoking | Drugs | Impulse decisions | Obsessive phone checking | Bad time management | Slang | Poor grammar | Overworking | Slacking off | Over sleeping | Under sleeping | Skin picking | Poor eye contact | Lying | Rambling | Skipping breakfast | Junk food | Self criticism | Procrastinating | Day dreaming | Forgetful | Envious | Jealous | Gossiper | Drama whore | Secret teller | Skipping class | Spitting | Lip licking | Lip chewing | Drinking from the carton | Yelling | Too much internet | Poor hygiene | Impatient | Hot headed | Biased | Complaining | Scab picking | Buzzfeed | Cheek biting | Teeth gnashing | Shoplifting | Scamming | Speeding | Hair pulling | Large ego | Eavesdropping | Exaggerating | Fidgeting | Free loading | Littering | One-Upping | Whining | Borrowing without returning | Unnecessary Aggression | Talking during movies | Plagiarism | Copying | Glaring | Spacing out | Ignoring | Over critical | Messy | Hateful | Overly Prideful |
Taken from: moretrashyrpmemes
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Food-related ask list
What food makes your muse’s mouth WATER?Any sweet that has chocolate in it. Cakes, cookies, parfaits. Just as long as there’s chocolate.
What is your muse’s favorite drink? (Can include alcohol.) Tea, usually green tea. But he’s open to trying and drinking different teas if green tea isn’t available.
What is your muse’s favorite snack?Chips, just plain chips. Although, he’d never tell anyone.
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Food-related asks!
🍎 - Does your muse care about texture when it comes to foods? (I.E. Prefering crunchier foods, disgusted by foods that are oddly mushy.) 🍌 - Are there any foods that your muse will refuse to eat, no matter how it is prepared or who offers it? 🍉 - What food makes your muse’s mouth WATER? 🍇 - What is your muse’s favorite food? 🍓 - Which food is most likely to hurt your muse’s teeth when eating it? (I.E. Cold foods, like ice cream, or hard candies.) 🍒 - What food does your muse most enjoy eating with a friend? 🍆 - Does your muse care about how a food looks or sounds (when explaining what it’s like) before tasting something? 🌽 - What food does your muse love but irks them to prepare/eat? 🥞 - What is your muse’s favorite breakfast food? 🍗 - What is your muse’s perfect meal? 🍪 - What is your muse’s favorite sweet food? ☕️ - What is your muse’s favorite drink? (Can include alcohol.) 🍿 - What is your muse’s favorite snack? 🧀 - What food is your muse allergic to? 💀 - What food would send your muse to the hospital?   🍴 - Dig in! Send this emoji + any food item and my muse has to try it!
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The only way to escort Loqi.
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Wishful Starters
“I wish you were here.”
“I wish you would shut up!”
“I wish I could help.”
“I wish I still loved you.”
“I wish I never met you!”
“I wish I knew what to do.”
“I wish I could fly.”
“I wish I could sleep.”
“I wish I was like you.”
“I wish I was a hero.”
“I wish I was famous.”
“I wish I could believe you.”
“I wish you would listen to me!”
“I wish we weren’t related.”
“I wish I was brave enough.”
“I wish you loved me.”
“I wish I had a pony!”
“I wish I didn’t have to go.”
“I wish I could be normal!”
“I wish I could be special!”
“I wish I was good at something.”
“I wish I didn’t know.”
“I wish you hadn’t told me that.”
“I wish for a sausage.”
“I wish for a baby.”
“I wish for a baby, even one the size of my thumb.”
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Acts of Affection
Send in a symbol from YOUR muse to see how MY muse will react to yours!  For the ones where YOUR muse gives or says something to mine: WILD CARD! Your muse can pick the item, sings a specific song, or says a specific thing!
✩  Grooming, brushing, or tending to their hair.
✪  Rubbing their back after a stressful day or disappointment.
★  Cooking them their favorite meal and feeding them.
✬  Making them their favorite hot beverage.
☼  Cuddling on the sofa next to each other.
☀  Singing them to sleep.
☆  Getting them something they need before they ask for it. 
☄ Leaning your head on their shoulder while they talk.
✥ Play fighting!
❃  Mussing their hair or tugging at their clothes (a hat, sleeve, etc.)
♥  Laying by their side and watching them while they sleep with a fond smile.
♡  Kissing the corner of their eyes.
❥  Running your hand over their arm and gently pulling them close.
❤  Whispering sweet nothings in their ear. 
❦  Holding hands and nuzzling somewhere ambient and low-lit.
❣  Staring deep into their eyes with adoration.
ღ  Rubbing your leg against theirs under the table.
ℒ  Pulling them into a hall/alley to kiss them passionately.
£ Brushing your hand over or gently squeezing their bum.
Ω Running a hand over their collar bone or décolleté.
✖  Soft nips at the neck and shoulder line.
✗  Bathing, washing, or soaking together quietly after sex.
♦  Body worshipping their naked form, slowly.
✚  Painting honey dust, edible paint, or other soft brush strokes on their body.
✦  Giving a sensual massage.
♢ Straddling their lap and holding their face to yours for a deep kiss.
▲ Dressing them up in lingerie (or gear) with gentle attention.
▽ Running your hand between their thighs, and splitting their legs apart.
► Unzipping their clothes free and kissing their neck.
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Send me a “ 💞 “ and I post a gif showing my muses feeling towards yours.
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
5 Languages of Love Test
[ take the test here & post your results ]
8 Acts of Service 7 Words of Affirmation 6 Quality Time 5 Physical Touch 4 Receiving Gifts
Stolen From: @cookignis Tagging: Anyone who likes taking tests.
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atinyterror-blog · 7 years
Following @cookignis seems to be the most dangerous thing I could have done.
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