anonymousgamerkin · 3 years
Archiving this blog alongside @aykrivwassup-archive. I'll be picking up on a new aykrivwassup blog.
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anonymousgamerkin · 5 years
i turned TWENTY yesterday… two DECADES
how did i do it lmao
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
i haven’t posted lately but this is a kin blog so xp ya. i also recommend @kanvris-sprites and @pendulum-pandemonium!
hello!! my name is seren and i’m looking for kin friends and kin blogs to follow. please reblog if you are:
void kin (!!!)
angel kin
fallen angel kin
star kin
or honestly just any kin!!
or if your blog is any of these:
posts frequently
kin positivity
kin stims/aesthetics
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
Hello! Are you kin? Well, I recently started up an Amino for all fictionkin, otherkin, and therian alike! If you’d like to join, our Amino ID is KinUniverse! Just search that and you’ll find us!
Feel free to spread this Amino with any friends! We need all the help we can get to have the Amino grow! Hope to see you there, and thanks for reading!
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
I have 2 announcements!
Wow it’s been a while. haven’t really been in touch with my kin side lately. anyway:
1. i will be at Tekko 2018 in Pittsburgh! There’s an otherkin meet up planned that i’m gonna try to make, but if you just wanna meet up with me in general during the con just dm me!
2. On that note, I plan to try to get an Undertale Storyshift cosplay group together for Tekko next year! DM me if you’re interested!
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
hEY,,, i GUESS I NEVER ACTUALLY,,, mADE ONE OF THESE,,, bUT,,, iF YOU COULD REBLOG THIS POST TO,, pROMO ME,,,, tHAT’D BE REALLY COOL,,, i DO KIN STUFF FOR HOMESTUCKKIN,,, iNCLUDING: playlists aesthetics positivity canon calls mood boards stim boards shufflemancy doodles
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
Okay! Inbox is set up i hope, im fully ready to take in requests!! Since im on mobile, i’ll post pendulum answers in groups of about 5 in one text post, because i cant tag asks on mobile. Please bear with me for that!
Feel free to ask anything, as long as it’s yes or no for pendulums. I also do positivity if you request it, and canon calls! Once I get my internet back reliably, I may open aesthetics/moodboards. But for now, it’s only pendulums, positivity, and canon calls!!!
And I know my icon is homestuck (because i’ll be honest, i’ve got so many homestuck kins) but anyone from any source is welcome! Yes, even hamilton kin. As long as you arent factkin, you’re welcome here!
That’s all for now folks, please reblog this to get it around!
-Mod Erisol
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
Happy Birthday, Hunk! I miss you. - Pidge
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
i am now also looking for Sayori and Natsuki from my DDLC Yuri timeline!
Canon Call
i’m posting my first of probably multiple canon calls!!
This first one will only focus on a few canon mates.
I’m primarily looking for:
Kanaya from my Rose timeline. We were matesprits, but unfortunately I don’t remember much else yet. I’ll probably reblog or edit this post if I do remember more. If you want to know what memories I do (potentially) have of you, however; DM me because it gets into some potentially triggering stuff. Found!
Terezi from my John timeline - we were kismeses! That’s about all I know 😅 but message me and I’ll let you know if I remember anything else!
Vriska from my Nepeta timeline - although I don’t remember it too well, we seemingly had red/black vascillation but i don’t know if we ever talked about it? This shufflemancy put it better than I can: https://kanvris-sprites.tumblr.com/post/168148454418/anon-asked-33-what-was-my-relationship-with
Feferi, also from my Nepeta tl.
Roxy from my John timeline. Like the first bullet point, we were matesprits, but unfortunately I don’t remember much else yet. I’ll probably reblog or edit this post if I do remember more.
I would also like to find:
Roxy from my Rose tl
John from my Rose tl
Rose from my John tl
DM me for more information on these 3.
Thanks for reading, and I’m hoping I meet you guys soon!! 💙💜💚
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
jane/rose crocker anon here! thank you!! do you think you could tell me who my fellow alpha swaps might’ve been in my rose crocker timeline?
Your fellow Alpha swaps were Dave English, Jade Strider and John Lalonde.
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
pendulum, will i find my vriska and/or feferi from my nepeta timeline soon?
B33 i got a yes!! dont loose hope, nepurrta!!
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
am i jade and/or jadesprite?
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
no need to apologize!!! thank you so, so much!!
(Resending this because apparently tumblr ate the answers from the queue) can i have shufflemancies for my nepeta, john, and feferi timelines? (sorry if that’s too many 😅 feel free to put them into 3 separate posts if you want)
I did it all here!
For John, I got got Barns Courtney’s Glitter and Gold.———I am flesh and I am bone,Rise up, ting ting, like glitter and gold.I’ve got fire in my soulRise up, ting ting, like glitter …
Do you walk in the valley of kings?Do you walk in the shadow of men who sold their lives to a dream?Do you ponder the matter of thingsIn the dark, the dark, the dark, the dark———
You knew you were only human, but this didn’t hinder you from being am8itious and hopeful. You didn’t want to 8e naive and you were on a constant search for answers and improvement upon yourself no matter what.
For Nepeta, I got Still Woozy’s Cooks
———Oh, my lovelyBaby, you’re all I seeLady, love youMaybe it’s all I do
It’s cold out, it’s past eightAnd I just lost my keys againI don’t know how I’ll make itThrough the year and
When you coming homeI’m stuck here but I don’t feel all alone‘Cause I burned the dinner and we two are waiting onOne more to come right through, back to
Well I want youBaby it’s all I doCome to meet youBaby it’s all I doOh my lovelyBaby, you’re all I seeLet’s get ready, maybe I might be———
As Nepeta, you were motiv8ed 8y your dedic8tion to someone. After being separ8ed from them, you yearned to see them again, perhaps in the dream 8u88les?
I got Pat Benatar’s Heartbreaker for Feferi!
———Your love is like a tidal wave, spinning over my headDrownin’ me in your promises, better left unsaidYou’re the right kind of dreamer, to release my inner fantasyThe invincible winner, and you know that you were born to be
You’re a heartbreakerDream maker, a love takerDon’t you mess around with meYou’re a heartbreakerDream maker, a love takerDon’t you mess around, no no no
Your love has set my soul on fire, burnin’ out of controlYou taught me the ways of desire, now it’s takin’ its tollYou’re the right kind of sinner, to release my inner fantasyThe invincible winner, and you know that you were born to be———HOLY HECK. Does it even need to 8e said? As Feferi, you had a rocky rel8tionship with someone whose love was like a “tidal wave”. This song seems conflicted 8etween desire and anger, and you may very well have been the same way.
I hope this helped and I’m sorry for the mixup!
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
so i guess tumblr did eat it then xp alright, thanks Mod Fefeta!!
anon who asked for 3 shufflemancies here. is the post still in the queue? cuz it never posted :/ i hope i’m not bothering you! just wanted to make sure tumblr didn’t eat it or anything :p
sorry! its not in the queue! if mew would like to resend it after requests open, im sure one of us will get to it!
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
Otherkin and Beyond: An FAQ and reading list for curious and confused parties
You’ve happened across the #otherkin tag and suddenly, you don’t understand anything. Congrats, you’ve discovered the world of alterhumanity!
This post exists to correct some of the misconceptions you might have formed from looking in a tag that’s mostly full of trolls and nonsense. Read on and learn yourself a thing, why don’t you?
What does ‘otherkin’ even mean?
‘Otherkin’ as it is used by the folks you’ve seen on tumblr can refer to a whole host of identities. In the rest (and more importantly, the majority) of the community it means a very specific, individual thing. phasmovore​ coined the phrase ‘Alterhuman Personal Identity’ (AHPI or alterhuman for short)  to solve this problem. Ae describes it as “A category of personal identity which encompasses identification that is alternative to the common societal idea of humanity.” [1] This means to include the following identities, described quickly below and more fully defined in the sources cited:
Otherkin, Therians, Phytanthropes and Fictionkin: These are people who identify as mythical nonhuman entities[2][3]; ‘earthen’ nonhuman animals[4]; plants[5]; and fictional characters[6][7], respectively.
Multiples, medians, and walk-ins: Systems of many distinct people who share the same body[8]; systems of semi-distinct people who are considered 'aspects’ of a core[9]; and people who are not the original 'owner’ of the body they inhabit[10].
Angels, starseeds, godshards and incarnate deities: People who consider themselves 'divine’ in some manner, and/or feel they have come to earth from somewhere else with a 'higher purpose’.[11]
Mediums, soulbonders, and the other-hearted: These people are grouped together because they all tend to identify with entities rather than as them. However, alterhumanity still affects them to an extent where they feel it meaningful to incorporate it into their self-identity.
“Identities of alternative humanity through disassociation, trauma response, or non-neurotypical mental status”[1]
Why do people identify like this?
For people whose AHPIs are a spiritual thing, the most common reason I’ve seen is related to reincarnation. They may feel that they were something in a past life, or they were meant to be in this life but something went wrong[12]. Some people believe that souls have their own shapes independent of their physical body. There is also the concept of 'higher selves’, where the person in question is an aspect of a greater, nonhuman entity.
Psychologically, it may be because they feel their personality and way of thinking matches up with an alterhuman archetype, or actual animal behaviours. Some attribute it to atypical neurobiology[13].
A good number of people don’t know why they feel alterhuman, they just know that they do. For them, it might be as simple as the feeling that looking at a picture of their 'kintype’ is like looking in a mirror: “Hey, that’s me!”
Do AHPIs fall under the LGBT+/MOGAI umbrella?
Put simply, no. Incidentally, a lot of alterhuman people are transgender, but the two are not related.
The word trans-species has been used  by therians in the past, especially by those who are also transgender, or who feel dysphoria because of their alterhumanity[14]. On tumblr, it has been used almost exclusively by troll blogs, and many transgender people find it insensitive regardless. Therefore, it’s a word that (in my opinion) is best avoided.
Now, neopronouns/'nounself pronouns’ are not an 'otherkin thing’. Neopronouns are for nonbinary people[20]. Again, it just so happens that a lot of alterhuman people are also trans.
People who claim they are oppressed, deserve a place in LGBT+ spaces, or should be allowed to use neopronouns, simply for being alterhuman, are almost always trolls . If they’re being serious, well, they’re wrong. Oh, and no. Being alterhuman does not mean you want to have sex with animals.
Are APHIs just a tumblr fad?
Absolutely not! Before the internet was even a thing there were the Elf Queen’s Daughters. This was a group of people identifying as elves who published newsletters about “Bringing together male and female elves in celebration of ritual, magic, and the understanding of Fae”[18]. This started in the 1970s and is considered the birth of the concept of 'otherkin’, even if it wasn’t called that just yet[19].
Most of the communities under the AHPI umbrella evolved separately from each other on usenet. The word 'otherkin’ originated from the mailing list Elfinkind Digest in 1990[17]. Alt.fan.dragons, which started out as a dragon appreciation group, became a hub for dragon-identifying people[15]. In 1993 alt.horror.werewolves was “slowly taken over by therianthropes”[16].
The term 'animal-hearted’ was being used as early as 1990, becoming popular later in the 2000s. When the daemonism community broached the subject of therianthropy[21], many members described a feeling similar to but not exactly like being therian, and decided to call themselves 'animal-hearted’ instead[22]. It seems that this happened completely independantly of its coining in the therian community[28].
Is having an AHPI cultural appropriation?
In and of itself, being alterhuman isn’t appropriative. These communities grew on their own, without misadopting elements from closed or oppressed cultures[19].
However, cultural appropriation has been an issue in various alterhuman circles. There’s been a history of people using religious/cultural ideologies from closed or oppressed cultures to justify their alterhumanity. You’ll see a lot about 'totem animals’, 'shamanism’ and 'tulpas’, especially in older writings[24].  This is a problem I hope gets better as people in the community (including myself, of course) become more aware, educated and responsible about social justice issues.
That being said, if you see someone claiming that doing something is appropritive of 'otherkin culture’, then that’s just plain wrong, and again, these people are probably trolls.
Does having an APHI mean you’re delusional?
Not necessarily. Like a lot of metaphysical beliefs, alterhuman identities may be unproveable, but there’s also nothing that disproves them[26]. There are people for whom their alterhumanity is intrinsically linked with their mental illness. Their alterhuman feelings may be caused by dissociation, or it may be a coping mechanism. This is just one of the many ways to experience alterhumanity.
Almost all otherkin hate is rooted in some serious ableism. When you say “you’re cr*zy and you need help!”, you make it clear that you have little compassion, or tolerance for different worldviews, and that you have no idea how therapy or mental illness works. Incidentally, most therapists and mental health professionals are a-ok with the concept of APHIs.[25]
Regardless, alterhuman people don’t want to prove anything. We’re not after your belief, just the basic respect needed to live and let live.
I think I might be alterhuman! What do I do?
Cool! Now you’ve just had your crash-course in APHI 101, you might want to check out my #kinformation tag[27] .
This is a living document, and it’s constantly being revised. If you’re going to reblog it, please do from the source!
Cited in this article/further reading:
1. Alter-human/Alternative Humanity Personal Identity “AHPI” 2. ORC - the Otherkin Resource Center 3. what does it mean to be otherkin? 4. Anotherwiki.org: Therians 5. Kin to the Plants: Of People Who Identify As Plants 6. Fictionkin.com: About Fictionkin 7. Anotherwiki.org: Fictionkin 8. Karitas.net: The Layman’s Guide to Multiplicity 9. Astraea - Multiple Personality: Guest Article: Median Talk 10. Wikipedia: Walk-in 11. PAO - All About Starseeds - What are Starseeds? 12. The Reincarnation Theory Of Otherkin 13. A Comprehensive Introduction to a Psychological View of Therianthropy. 14. On the appropriation of trans narratives by therianthropes 15. Alt.fan.dragons 16. Alt.Horror.Werewolves FAQ 17. The Elfinkind Digest 18. Elf Queen’s Daughters and the Silver Elves 19. Otherkin Timeline: The Recent History Of Elfin, Fae, And Animal People 20. Pronouns - Nonbinary.org 21. Daemonpage.com: Introduction 22. The Hisotry of the Term Animal-Hearted 24. Shifting, Shamanism And Therianthropy: Magical Techniques For Your Therioside (cw for cultural appropriation, as you’d expect) 25. Mental Health and Otherkin 26. Arguments that we have answered so many times, they’re not worth making 27. lord of the marshes: #kinformation 28. am i wolf hearted?
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
Thank you, Mod Fefeta! :)
can i have shufflemancies for my nepeta, john, and feferi timelines? (sorry if that’s too many 😅 fee free to put them into 3 separate posts)
this is finished and queued in one big post!! I did tag it under long post though so you’ll be able to find it when it’s posted this weekend!
-Mod Fefeta (who’s queuing a ton of stuff so we don’t have to worry about posting during Christmas!!) 
as for anyone sending pendulum reqs i’ll probably post another sheet of them on tuesday. If you would like your ask answered immediately please send off anon and i’ll do it as soon as I see it! 
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anonymousgamerkin · 6 years
was i any of the ancestors or dancestors? if so which ones?
The Summoner, The Sufferer, The Dolorosa, The Grand High8lood, Neophyte Redglare. May8es were received for Darkleer and Mindfang
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