anthonyjanthonycrowly · 9 months
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Crowley: *look how evilly I demoned!*
goats: *I can flyyy, wheee!*
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who came up with the idea of having a good omens episode in scotland and was it to give david is accent back and let him act as drunk as possible so no one can understand him?(as a scot i thank you BUT I MUST KNOW)
Once we knew that we were going to be filming in Scotland the idea of making a story set in Edinburgh seemed like an excellent idea: we were right there, after all. Cat Clarke had an idea for a story set in the time of Mary Queen of Scots, but it didn't really work for us, and we decided that the time of the Bodysnatchers might be a good way of exploring the moral questions involved in what was happening back then, which was really fun.
The many Scottish accents was my idea shortly before filming.
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Hi Neil,
I was having a debate with my friend last night, and I couldn’t find an answer in the pinned FAQ. So hopefully this isn’t a repeat question.
From previous asks, we know that Demons can walk around Heaven and Angels can walk around Hell because they’re more like office space and aren’t Holy ground.
So, if Demons can’t walk on consecrated ground, like the church in 1941, then how come Crowley, Ligur and Hastur were all able to meet in a graveyard for the antichrist exchange?
Are graveyards not considered consecrated? The book says they meet in a “ruined graveyard,” so are they only consecrated to a certain extent?
I’m pretty sure I’ve answered that here before but the answer is either
A) they were in an unconsecrated area of the graveyard
B) in consecrated ruined creepy scary graveyards, the ruined creepy scary outranks the consecrated as far as demons are concerned.
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neil if you answer this i will shave an eyebrow off
Then I had better not answer it.
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hi niel. i have a very important question:
if you were being attacked by an infinite number of chickens, how many do you think you could kill before the chickens overcame you?
Couldn't I just climb a tree? Or get in a car and drive away? I bet I could finish out my lifetime before the chickens caught up with me.
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hi niel. i have a very important question:
if you were being attacked by an infinite number of chickens, how many do you think you could kill before the chickens overcame you?
Couldn't I just climb a tree? Or get in a car and drive away? I bet I could finish out my lifetime before the chickens caught up with me.
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Hello Neil! Are you familiar with the joke about nobody ever remembering where they heard Bohemian Rhapsody for the first time, it just always being there?
That's how Good Omens is for me. I joined the fandom properly a couple months ago, but as far back as I can remember any good omens stuff I've seen I've always been like "oh haha that's the story about the angel and the demon who are in love, I love that one". Up until actually reading/watching it I had never looked up what the plot was about, or actually looked up anything about it.
That is lovely.
I remember exactly where I was the first time I heard Bohemian Rhapsody. I was in Crawley, aged 14, at one of the very first gigs I attended, a band called Fox, with a lead singer called Noosha Fox. And before the gig they played music over the speakers. Bohemian Rhapsody was played and it was weirdly life-changing, in a way that the gig itself would not be.
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How do you handle loneliness?
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Hello Neil.
I'm not sure if this context was planned for Crowley to hide his emotions behind his glasses, but many see it that way, in any case, whether it is true or not, is there a scene planned in season 3 where Aziraphale removes them from Crowley?
I think this would be a rather intimate moment for them, like the song for Beelzebub and Gabriel
No, the plan for season 3 is for Crowley to have left his glasses at home and to send his wife to get them for him. Meanwhile Aziraphale will realize that he loaned Crowley his best tie and that Crowley has gone home with it, and sends his wife to go and get it. Sadie is just going through Crowley's jacket pockets when Dottie arrives. Sadie hides in the closet -- not knowing that Gus the Gorgeous Gorilla has chosen that closet to go to sleep in. When Dottie hides in the closet as well things get complicated for the two women, with hilarious consequences.
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Why do you think the studios aren’t giving in to the demands?
Stubbornness, foolishness and greed.
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So basically my Catholic dad said he saw a demonic shadow walking beside me at night.
I can only hope it was Furfur.
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I'm sure Furfur would walk beside anyone at night for a small fee or just a kind word.
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hi neil, i hope your day was better than mine.
i got my hair cut today and i can't stop crying about it. it looks so bad. and it's right before school starts too. i'm not exaggerating when i say it looks like a 5 year old took scissors to my hair while i was sleeping. and it was done by a professional at a good salon! i don't know what happened but i'm devastated and maybe i'm just emotional/sentimental but i keep crying about it and i feel silly after because i know it's just HAIR.
anyways, you probably won't see this but i had to let someone know. and also, i think you would be proud of me because i have been in a reading slump for a year and last week i decided to do something about it. so i read coraline one day, ocean at the end of the lane the next, the graveyard book after, and lastly i took two days to read anansi boys. i'm planning on reading american gods next. the idea was to start off short and small and work my way up and i think it's working. thank you for your work and please never stop writing. and great job on season two by the way, it was beautiful.
please come to wisconsin soon so you're able to sign my good omens copy!
with love, ollie
Here. I will try to cheer you up with me in October 2016 as Hurricane Matthew is hitting Florida and I have just had a very strange haircut from the only barber who hadn't closed because of the incoming hurricane. The wind noise in the background is the start of the hurricane. The haircut was because I thought we'd lose power and I might have to fight zombies and shorter hair would help. To add insult to the haircut, it had a ducktail at the back.
The khaki jacket had lots of pockets and was hurricane gear too. (I slept in the bathtub that night. The howls of the wind got loud but I didn't lose power and I was fine.)
And it still wasn't as bad a haircut as the one I got when I was 16 when my dad took the hairdresser aside before the haircut and told him that whatever I asked for, what he was to do was cut it all off and give me a short back and sides. And he did. There are no photographs.
I hope this helps. I'm proud of you too.
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Hi, Mr Gaiman, sir. Hope you're having a great day.
Well, due to the "Neil Gaiman, what are you doing in my falafel?" thing on social media I had an idea. Before you even ask, it's a terrible idea, I can assure. But I decided to make an edit with your face all in falafel balls.
This may never be seen, and will be totally understandable, because is probably kind of a dumb thing, but would really like to have your permission, Mr Gaiman, to publish this on social media.
This is the photo in question:
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Is sort of a dumb thing, like I previously said, but I thought it was funny. It was actually really fun to made. I want to say sorry too. Some of the photos look kind of weird because I'm not an experiment editor, but, again, I thought it was funny.
Well, that's all, Mr Gaiman, sir, it's a pleasure to have a great author in a falafel.
I am amazed and know not what to say.
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Hello, sir. Just a personal question, you don't have to answer if you don't want to- it's not really related to your work, just asking because you seem like a wise goth uncle.
Is it wise to wear black in the summer? Science says no but what do you say?
Sometimes you have to be hot to look cool.
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neil! I always see pictures of you wearing a black shirt, black skinny jeans, and a black overcoat. is this your daily attire? why? (not judging, just curious)
My daily attire is a bright red coat, a green tee shirt and yellow trousers. They just show up black in photos.
Ha! I joke with you amusingly.
It is indeed my daily attire. It keeps the elements at bay and gives me a place to put my keys, stops me being arrested on charges of public nudity and so much more.
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So I’m having a debate with someone and they think that Crowley is going to date Furfur in the 3rd season. Please don’t make another crack ship come true T-T
After Crowley and Sadie divorce, early in the third season, Sadie and Dottie start a throuple with Furfur and go and live with him in Barnsley where they all work in a biscuit factory.
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Neil I think you owe us an apology dance
I'm not sorry.
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