novenarius · 1 month
Jonah Magnus sent that twink to get vored by a taxi because he felt threatened in his position as everyone's sugarbaby.
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novenarius · 1 month
oft underrated moment in wooden overcoats is when chapman is proposing to georgie while she’s holding a live cat and he’s like i really need to talk to you, you can eat that cat later
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novenarius · 1 month
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I have prints of these hmu uk people if you want :000
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novenarius · 2 months
its crazy how when you go to the neil gaiman tag so many posts are still about how you should not punish yourself for still liking his works remember he is not his works and his works are not him when the most glaring part of the whole neil gaiman sexual assault accusations is that absolutely no one is talking about it and that neil gaiman is so heavily cushioned by his industry and his fans in every way.
all subreddits about his works seems to have a "dont talk about it" rule, the two sentence paragraph about the sexual assault allegations on wikipedia keeps getting edited out and you can see the editor who wants the MENTION OF HIS ALLEGATIONS in his wikipedia fighting for their life to get it in there on the edit history, theres a mindboggling silence about it on most media outlets who otherwise would be talking about it. there is a very obvious (to me) concerted effort to bury this story of multiple women's sexual assault allegations against neil gaiman spanning decades and the way that it is being done is by going as per usual like nothing happened so yeah sorry but you posting about good omens as per usual like nothing happened and keeping completely mum about all this shit IS egregious and it IS contributing to why and how this is getting buried. neil gaiman was able to do all that because of his power and influence, and he will be able to just keep on going and perhaps hurt more people in the future because you are contributing to all that by coming on to social media and posting like nothing is going on with neil.
im not saying you should stop liking his works or his characters or whatever the fuck, but liking something is different from posting about it. you can do whatever the fuck you want forever but washing your hands about it to make yourself feel like you are not contributing to how this story is getting buried is so fucking stupid.
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novenarius · 2 months
do you guys remember when we used to say oh worm all the time. remember that
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novenarius · 2 months
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my @palestaticexchange gift for @presentablemichael ! I hope you like it :D
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novenarius · 2 months
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(inspired very much by this lovely post)
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novenarius · 2 months
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Photos of my latest performance as Caithe. ♥ Video can be found here: [x]
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novenarius · 2 months
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novenarius · 2 months
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Marvel movies have completely eliminated the concept of practical effects from the movie-watching public’s consciousness
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novenarius · 2 months
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I've played this game three times now and wanted to create some fanart of one of my favourite characters, Martiniase.
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novenarius · 2 months
every season of You is like "ok so where is the Glass Cube of Imprisonment gonna be this time?"
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novenarius · 2 months
me at the gender store asking for the
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novenarius · 2 months
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novenarius · 2 months
when you watch a polish movie about very queer high schoolers
and this shot here
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happens only minutes after they ride around together on one bike
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then that film was made by people who think skam polska is a thing that should've happened
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novenarius · 3 months
the unfortunate thing abt life is sometimes you Do have to wait for the bus in the rain and if you were a specific brand of annoying in 2012/13 this is significant
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novenarius · 3 months
stop normalizing things we are running out of Weird Shit
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