antmanstacos · 20 days
“What do they call you? Wheels?”
I’m sorry but Charles is a better man than I am because I’d have smacked the shit outta him after that smart ass comment
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antmanstacos · 29 days
a pain slut if i've ever seen one
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antmanstacos · 29 days
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Wade introducing Logan, using his name and not as Wolverine
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antmanstacos · 29 days
It's hilarious that Wade was 100% ok with Logan being shirtless while they were alone but when they walked out and other people were staring too he was like "cover yourself up". Bro was jealous 😭😭😭😭
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antmanstacos · 1 month
X2: X-Men United (2003)
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Deadpool and Wolverine (2024)
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After 21 years, someone finally takes him home.
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antmanstacos · 1 month
Poor Logan went from having no one to haveing a adhd boyfriend a daughter a wired ass coke addicted elderly blind roommate and a wrinkly naked rat dog in the span of two days and I know he is just there trying to process what the fuck is happening
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antmanstacos · 1 month
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antmanstacos · 1 month
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this is their foreplay
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antmanstacos · 1 month
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antmanstacos · 1 month
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no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while I gasp for air, scream, and see the light…
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antmanstacos · 1 month
Logan is so angry here I love him
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antmanstacos · 1 month
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Ryan 😭
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antmanstacos · 1 month
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i saw the new selfie and couldn't resist making this
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antmanstacos · 1 month
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save me lumberjack logan howlett, save ME!!!!!!
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antmanstacos · 1 month
God, he's so cunty. that's a babygirl right there
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antmanstacos · 1 month
future friends 1/2
james 'logan' howlett
part two
shes not edited so sorry in advance lol
im mad i cant write whump for this man so have some angst instead. because if we cant help heal outside wounds maybe we can help heal inside wounds
song: i lie to me by as it is
i sat across from rogue as we ate our lunch, quietly munching to myself. neither of us had spoken yet but she knew i always needed a minute when getting together with someone. it was the nature of my powers. i could see everyone's past just from being near them and though hers wasnt as hard to watch as some others she understood it was exhausting. she made that mistake once, touching me to experience it for just a moment. she ended up crying hysterically and i felt so bad because i couldnt even hug her to console her.
"Hey have you gotten a chance to talk to Logan yet?"
I raised a brow as I looked over at her, her pulling me out of my thoughts.
"You know the professor told me not to."
She nodded a few times, popping a grape into her mouth.
"And why are we still listening?"
She questioned and I laughed, wiping my mouth on my napkin.
"He said that I need to keep my distance until he finds his place here. You know we aren't supposed to use our powers on each other."
She looked at me with a stupid look on her face.
"Is it really using your power on him if you can't help it?"
I shrugged my shoulders.
"I've already read him. Every time he gets close actually. Every class I have with him. His life flashes before my eyes and I have to pretend I don't know everything about him."
She frowned and ate another grape.
"Logan deserves to know about his past. And you're the only one that can give that to him now that jean and the professor are dead."
I sighed and looked down at my half eaten sandwich. all i would have to do is touch him, then i could show him too.
"I guess I'll talk to storm about it. See if she has anything to say. She's the dean now after all."
she sent me another disapproving look before bobby came in and sat with us. i frowned, reading him quickly, before going back to my sandwich.
I knocked slowly on her office door, the wood creaking slowly. I could hear storm talking quietly to someone and suddenly my mind was flooded with his life again. His childhood, scraping his knee falling off his bike and it healing slowly. He freaked out but got up and kept riding. He never told his parents. Then his wife came into view, their wedding, her death. Then came him volunteering for strikers project. I could feel the ache in my chest as I felt all his pain. The cold rushing through my veins as he streaked butt naked through the Canadian wilderness trying to escape.
"Come in."
Shook me of my thoughts and I pushed the door open, seeing ororo and Logan talking. He was sat against her desk, legs crossed and cigar in his mouth. I panned the room to her standing in front of the TV, remote in hand. I could hear the electricity like she had just turned it off.
"Y/n, what a pleasant surprise."
I swallowed hard and looked from her to him. He had his brows drawn and I could tell he was trying to place me. Even in the two classes I had with him I was easy to ignore. I kept quiet. Answered questions when prompted. But ultimately stayed out of sight.
"storm I was wondering if I could ask you something but it's a private matter so I might come back."
I tried to suppress her time line, blinking away the hot African sun of her childhood.
"No need. I was just going."
Logan said sternly, pushing himself off the desk.
"We'll talk about this later."
She directed at him and he gave a tight lip smile, closing the door behind him. She looked back at me, placing the TV remote on the end table to her left.
"I have a feeling I know what this is about."
I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.
"I don't want to disobey professor Xavier -"
She held her hand up.
"You can't tell him."
I watched her, defeated as she paced to the desk.
"He deserves to know. Something. Anything. That he was married, he volunteered for experiment x, anything from his childhood."
She shook her head as she sat down.
"You know why that's a bad idea. We've already been over this after the fight at alkali lake."
I sighed and slumped down into the chair across from her.
"His time line is so intense storm. I can ignore most people's but they aren't as long or traumatizing as his. He's two, three, times as old as everyone here. Except myself."
A sad expression fell over her face as she folded her hands on the desk.
"He knows what happened with striker. We need to leave it at that. Until he finds something else out naturally."
I clenched my jaw and stood up.
"I can't keep hiding the truth from him ororo. And eventually he'll realize that I don't age either which will raise questions about my mutation. Then what am I supposed to say?"
She inhaled deeply.
"Y/n you are older than even the professor. You are the one that denied the position to teach-"
"Because I look like any other student!"
I interjected and she looked at me sternly.
"But if you are going to act like a child then you are going to be treated like one."
I scoffed and headed for the door.
"If the position reopens let me know. Teachers seem to be dropping like flies around here."
I pushed the door open harshly, it slamming behind me as I walked out of the office. There was a part of me that understands but I can't believe she is against me on this. He has found his place here. And I can't keep up with this. It's so much harder to keep people's time lines out of my head when they don't know I know.
Like rogue. I told her shortly after I met her. Even though it was after she took the "cure" from the Worthington corporation. She introduced herself in the same span it took me to see her time line. Bobby was there to help explain my powers to her but I haven't had to watch her find her powers since then. Same with him. And everyone else I've talked to on this campus. just small pieces of their childhood or finding their significant other.
but logan wasn't like everyone else. he was complicated. and so was i. but now, also, i was mad. i walked quickly down the hall, passed the dining room and kitchen to the elevator. if i couldnt get his frustrations out of my brain by telling him then i might as well work them out. i hit the down button and tapped my foot as i waited. when the door opened i strode down the hall to the danger-room.
i walked in slowly, the lights turning on and the control panel popping open. i quickly selected a series of test and waited for the room to start changing. i watched as sky scrapers appeared in the distance, small shops coming into view as well. then cars and people. then i saw a plane ahead, watching in shock as it crashed down in front of me. then all these creatures started climbing off of it, pieces of the plan in their unsightly jaws as it burned under them.
i moved quickly, running forward and dodging the creatures as they came at me hissing through bloody teeth. i pulled on the torn metal, making and opening and helping some civilians out of the plane as it burned. i looked up, seeing one of the creatures charging back at me. i grabbed a piece off the top of the plane and swung myself towards it kicking it square in the face and knocking back down to the ground.
i checked to make sure that the people on the ground were helping the others out of the burning plane before turning to fight another creature as it came at me. i struck it, pushing it away from me before lunging at another one. when the rest finally realized i was there they came in waves, attacking me. i fought back as hard as i could and for once thats all i had to focus on. then one of them knocked me down. as i tried to get up another lunged on top of me, pinning me down to the roof of the plane. i grunted and and tried to keep it away from me, its teeth gnashing and slobbery in my face.
then from out of nowhere i heard a yell and the sound of metal. i looked over to see logan shoving his long claws into the side of the creature. i watched him, his past flooding through my brain as he attacked the others as they came at us. i breathed deeply, stumbling to my feet and putting my back to his. we fought together until they were all gone, going to get the few stragglers out of the plane that hadnt made it out yet.
then he moved to help me down, taking my hand in his and pausing as i hit the ground. my eyes went wide as a tear slid down his cheek. shit. i had transferred his memories without even meaning to. all i had to do was touch him. usually i had my gloves on when we went in the danger-room but i didnt put my suit on first.
"i had a wife."
he said quietly, side eying me. i held my breath, holding onto his hand still as the simulation dissipated around us.
"i had a brother."
he laughed, really looking at me now. i took my hand out of his and held them both together in front of me.
"im sorry logan, this isnt how i wanted you to find out."
he drew his brows.
"have you known this whole time?"
i could feel tears stinging as i nodded.
"thats my curse to hold."
he shook his head, looking angry before walking off.
"logan wait!"
i called after him and he held his hand up.
"kid. just dont."
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antmanstacos · 1 month
future friends 2/2
james 'logan' howlett
part one
song: gold medal ribbon my pierce the veil
i sat on my bed and thought about what had happened in the danger-room. it had been a little over a week already and i still couldnt stop thinking about it. his face, the way he sounded. so broken. it was an accident. and of course i couldnt think to face ororo either. im sure she already got an earful from him about it.
but the thing is, i hadnt seen him or his reading since that day. and that worried me. all of his classes had been cancelled but i couldnt exactly blame him. i think i wouldve done the same. i half thought to go find him but i wasnt sure i could face him again. nonetheless i picked myself up off the side of my bed and walked out of my room and out into the hall. kids were rushing past me to get to their next class but i ignored them as best i could.
some of them were harder than others, all of the images of their pasts behind my eyes as i paced by them. but then his made its way into my brain and i stopped. i had already made it to the end of the hall but it wasnt his room he was in. it was the library. some place i hadnt ever seen him go. he didnt find place in there like the students did. but it was quiet. i pushed the door open slowly and there he was, sat at the table with a book open in front of him. it was a book about the civil war. oh. i watched his face as he looked up.
"hey kid, or uh, y/n."
he corrected and i drew my brows, walking slowly to him like you would a wounded animal.
"hello logan."
he closed the book and placed it flat on the table, folding his hands on top of it.
"first of all i wanna apologize-"
"dont worry about it."
he cut me off and i tilted my head to the side in confusion.
"but i lied to you?"
i questioned and he nodded, a half smile making its way to his features.
"i know. i talked to storm. and though i wish someone would have helped me sooner i understand she was just trying to keep the professors wishes. damn bastard."
he laughed.
"so youre not mad? at me?"
i asked hesitantly and he scooted his chair back, standing up to meet me.
"storm explained a bit about you. how your powers work, how old you are, the god that cursed you."
i looked down and he took my hand in his. i gasped and tried to pull away but he held on tight. i looked up with wide eyes, trying to study his face.
"i made peace with not knowing anything about myself but you changed that. now i know who i am. or was, at least."
he squeezed my hand and then let it go.
"you arent scared?"
i asked and he laughed.
"terrified actually. but if youre willing to work with me. id like to get to know myself. and you."
i watched as he put his leg up and sat on the side of the table.
"logan i want to but with my powers only a handful of things can happen. the more i look into your past the more i will get attached to you and i dont want you to resent me for something i cant control."
he nodded, studying my face.
"y/n you are the only person ive ever met that is my own age and is willing to help me. i dont think i could resent you even if i tried."
i laughed, tapping a finger on the table next to his leg.
"you say that now."
he reached forward and grabbed my hand again but i didnt pull away this time. he closed his eyes.
"they dont come in waves like the first one did."
he said softly and i drew my brows.
"each time i touch you i get isolated stories. ones that i only got glimpses of the first time."
he said coolly. opening his eyes and looking up at me.
"is that how you see them?"
he asked and i nodded.
"if i focus hard enough yes, or if im around the person a lot. the glimpses get longer. especially if im not trying to suppress them."
"you are extraordinary."
he complimented and i could feel some heat forming in my cheeks. i knew to much about him to not blush. it didnt help i already had a crush on him.
"tell me, whats something that youve been wanting to know? more than anything else."
he sat and thought for a second
"striker said i volunteered for his program but i cant believe that. i want to know what actually happened."
i nodded, stepping towards him a little more. he drew his brows and watched me.
"bare with me please."
i whispered, looking over his face and stopping at his lips. i took a deep breath before closing the gap between us. as soon as our lips touched i was overrun with his memories. i searched through them like a file folder, stopping on his time at alkali lake. i could feel my body tense and i shared that memory with him, his recruitment, the experiment, taking gallons of his blood and storing it, the wires and machines he was hooked up to, keeping him in a cage like an animal, and his escape.
i held on as long as i could but it got too overwhelming. i pulled away from him and seized, my head falling back and my eyesight going white as i looked to the ceiling. i fell limp against him, feeling his arms wrap around my body as he caught me, slowly guiding me to the floor and into his lap. i shook against him and breathed heavily as my eyesight came back. i could hear him shushing me and stroking my hair, rocking back and forth.
i gasped out, gripping at his arm.
"its okay, im right here."
he said, and i could hear the fear in his voice.
"i held on as long as i could."
i whispered and i felt him kiss the top of my head.
"you gave me just what i needed, now relax. please. ill take care of you while you do."
i nodded against his chest, feeling my eyes heavy.
"im gonna sleep now okay?"
i asked and i could feel him chuckle to himself.
"ive got you. you go right ahead."
i hummed to myself.
"lets hold off on any more memories for a little bit okay?"
i asked and he laughed.
"youve got a deal. kid. now just take it easy."
the last thing i remember was my body going limp against him and everything going black. at least i could help a little. give him some part of himself back. and i could hear it in his voice. he was sincere.
"thank you y/n."
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