antunalyn · 5 years
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antunalyn · 5 years
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antunalyn · 5 years
🌛🌕Full Moons of the Year🌕🌜
the full moons of the year have a variety of names and were originally used to track the seasons and year, often used by farmers for planting/harvesting reference. each full moon may have various different names, the names used are the most common ones currently. 
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🐺 WOLF MOON -  full moon of january. influences spells that strengthen and renew you, self care, prosperity and healing spells, as well as spirit work. 
❄️️ SNOW MOON - full moon of february. influences family related magic, domestic magic, spells that benefit others, and psychic abilities
🐛 WORM MOON -  full moon of march. influences preparation, planning, and time-intensive rituals, prosperity and healing magic, and tech witchcraft
🌸 PINK MOON -  full moon of april. influences spells that encourage growth, green witchcraft, potential, new beginnings, and working on relationships. 
💐 FLOWER MOON -  full moon of may. influences commitments, strengthend foundations, green/herbal witchcraft, spirituality and working with spirits.
🍓 STRAWBERRY MOON -  full moon of june. influences love spells, friendship spells, magic that instigates changes and introspection, and travel magic.
🌩️ THUNDER MOON -  full moon of july. influences grounding and cleansing, magic that works with higher powers, and storm/rain witchcraft. 
🐟 STURGEON MOON -  full moon of august. influences magic that gives back to others, magic that deals with emotionality, sea, river, and water witchcraft. 
🍎  HARVEST MOON -  full moon of september. influences kitchen witchcraft  completion, harvesting collecting debts, some interpret to be cursing. 
🏹  HUNTER’S MOON -  full moon of october. influences money, home, and protection spells, the search for guides and spirit work, astral traveling.
🐀  BEAVER MOON -  full moon of november. influences home and hearth, and preparation for the winter, cosmic/celestial witchcraft, astrology, revealings
❄️️ COLD MOON -  full moon of december. influences  protection spells, self care spells, renewal and prosperity spells, ending and casting curses. 
🌛 BLUE MOON - happens usually every 2.7 years. it is the second full moon in one month because the 12 full moons do not always divide evenly over the year, the month it happens in changes. best for magic that encourages wisdom, healing, logic, and studying, 
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antunalyn · 5 years
A Day in Our Lives With X-Ray Tech
On July 23, 1999, NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, the most powerful X-ray telescope ever built, was launched into space. Since then, Chandra has made numerous amazing discoveries, giving us a view of the universe that is largely hidden from view through telescopes that observe in other types of light.
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The technology behind X-ray astronomy has evolved at a rapid pace, producing and contributing to many spinoff applications you encounter in day-to-day life. It has helped make advancements in such wide-ranging fields as security monitoring, medicine and bio-medical research, materials processing, semi-conductor and microchip manufacturing and environmental monitoring.
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7:00 am: Your hand has been bothering you ever since you caught that ball at the family reunion last weekend. Your doctor decides it would be a good idea for an X-ray to rule out any broken bones. X-rays are sent through your hand and their shadow is captured on a detector behind it. You’re relieved to hear nothing is broken, though your doctor follows up with an MRI to make sure the tendons and ligaments are OK.
Two major developments influenced by X-ray astronomy include the use of sensitive detectors to provide low dose but high-resolution images, and the linkage with digitizing and image processing systems. Because many diagnostic procedures, such as mammographies and osteoporosis scans, require multiple exposures, it is important that each dosage be as low as possible. Accurate diagnoses also depend on the ability to view the patient from many different angles. Image processing systems linked to detectors capable of recording single X-ray photons, like those developed for X-ray astronomy purposes, provide doctors with the required data manipulation and enhancement capabilities. Smaller hand-held imaging systems can be used in clinics and under field conditions to diagnose sports injuries, to conduct outpatient surgery and in the care of premature and newborn babies.
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8:00 am: A technician places your hand in a large cylindrical machine that whirs and groans as the MRI is taken. Unlike X-rays that can look at bones and dense structures, MRIs use magnets and short bursts of radio waves to see everything from organs to muscles.
MRI systems are incredibly important for diagnosing a whole host of potential medical problems and conditions. X-ray technology has helped MRIs. For example, one of the instruments developed for use on Chandra was an X-ray spectrometer that would precisely measure the energy signatures over a key range of X-rays. In order to make these observations, this X-ray spectrometer had to be cooled to extremely low temperatures. Researchers at our Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland developed an innovative magnet that could achieve these very cold temperatures using a fraction of the helium that other similar magnets needed, thus extending the lifetime of the instrument’s use in space. These advancements have helped make MRIs safer and require less maintenance.
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11:00 am:  There’s a pharmacy nearby so you head over to pick up allergy medicine on the way home from your doctor’s appointment.
X-ray diffraction is the technique where X-ray light changes its direction by amounts that depend on the X-ray energy, much like a prism separates light into its component colors. Scientists using Chandra take advantage of diffraction to reveal important information about distant cosmic sources using the observatory’s two gratings instruments, the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) and the Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (LETGS).
X-ray diffraction is also used in biomedical and pharmaceutical fields to investigate complex molecular structures, including basic research with viruses, proteins, vaccines and drugs, as well as for cancer, AIDS and immunology studies. How does this work? In most applications, the subject molecule is crystallized and then irradiated. The resulting diffraction pattern establishes the composition of the material. X-rays are perfect for this work because of their ability to resolve small objects. Advances in detector sensitivity and focused beam optics have allowed for the development of systems where exposure times have been shortened from hours to seconds. Shorter exposures coupled with lower-intensity radiation have allowed researchers to prepare smaller crystals, avoid damage to samples and speed up their data runs.
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12:00 pm: Don’t forget lunch. There’s not much time after your errands so you grab a bag of pretzels. Food safety procedures for packaged goods include the use of X-ray scans to make sure there is quality control while on the production line.
Advanced X-ray detectors with image displays inspect the quality of goods being produced or packaged on a production line. With these systems, the goods do not have to be brought to a special screening area and the production line does not have to be disrupted. The systems range from portable, hand-held models to large automated systems. They are used on such products as aircraft and rocket parts and structures, canned and packaged foods, electronics, semiconductors and microchips, thermal insulations and automobile tires.
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2:00 pm: At work, you are busy multi-tasking across a number of projects, running webinar and presentation software, as well as applications for your calendar, spreadsheets, word processing, image editing and email (and perhaps some social media on the side). It’s helpful that your computer can so easily handle running many applications at once.
X-ray beam lithography can produce extremely fine lines and has applications for developing computer chips and other semiconductor related devices. Several companies are researching the use of focused X-ray synchrotron beams as the energy source for this process, since these powerful beams produce good pattern definition with relatively short exposure times. The grazing incidence optics — that is, the need to skip X-rays off a smooth mirror surface like a stone across a pond and then focus them elsewhere — developed for Chandra were the highest precision X-ray optics in the world and directly influenced this work.
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7:00 pm: Dream vacation with your family. Finally!  You are on your way to the Bahamas to swim with the dolphins. In the line for airport security, carry-on bags in hand, you are hoping you’ve remembered sunscreen. Shoes off! All items placed in the tray. Thanks to X-ray technology, your bags will be inspected quickly and you WILL catch your plane…
The first X-ray baggage inspection system for airports used detectors nearly identical to those flown in the Apollo program to measure fluorescent X-rays from the Moon. Its design took advantage of the sensitivity of the detectors that enabled the size, power requirements and radiation exposure of the system to be reduced to limits practical for public use, while still providing adequate resolution to effectively screen baggage.  The company that developed the technology later developed a system that can simultaneously image, on two separate screens, materials of high atomic weight (e.g. metal hand guns) and materials of low atomic weight (e.g. plastic explosives) that pass through other systems undetected. Variations of these machines are used to screen visitors to public buildings around the world.
Check out Chandra’s 20th anniversary page to see how they are celebrating.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com.
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antunalyn · 5 years
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Winters hold on fall
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antunalyn · 5 years
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casa las musas ~ mathias klotz + carolina pedroni | photos © roland halbe
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antunalyn · 5 years
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ᴅᴇsɪɢɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ ғᴇʟɪᴘᴇ ʟᴀɢᴏs ɪɴ ᴘᴀᴛᴀɢᴏɴɪᴀ
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antunalyn · 5 years
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| Bohemian / Boho Blog / Inspirations |  
@thebohoparade |
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antunalyn · 5 years
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antunalyn · 5 years
Pocket Altar
I made my pocket altar with all the essentials I use in spellcraft. I’m missing a small cloth that will complete the bundle but aside from that its ready to use.
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Don’t mind my sad attempt to decorate lol.
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Theres enough room for a small cloth to sit atop everything.
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So inside the tin I glued a match strip and I made a bundle of matches with a cord that I can use for knotwork, binding, or circle casting and I can use it for my pendulum too.
I have a small bag of salt, some tobacco to substitute for any poisonous herbs a spell may call for and some rosemary to sub in for any regular herbs a spell could call for.
I have two crystals, one that I can use for quick pendulum questions using the cord or as a crystal wand and a tumbled one that I can quickly enchant to replicate any properties I may need it to do passively.
I have a bell for cleansing a space when incense cannot be used as well as the brown incense for cleansing a space too.
I have a tiny pencil I got from Ikea that I can use to write sigils or intent down as well as it doubles as a mini wand too.
The red Incense cone is my homemade Spellcraft Incense recipe designed to bolster your spells power. I have an shell for burning the incense on as well.
I have a white candle for any candle magic I may need and I have little paper pads for sigils or taglocks that I can burn to activate or leave behind or bury etc.
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Lastly I have a 6 sided die for more complicated divination questions that a pendulum cant answer.
I also have a second pocket altar that is pretty much empty inside and I use it for when I have a spell planned that I want to do outside. I fill it with the necessary essentials and im off.
@will-o-the-witch @elatedbutterfly
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antunalyn · 5 years
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by Christine-E
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antunalyn · 5 years
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Victor’s Way Sculpture Park: A Contemplative Garden Gallery, Wicklow Ireland
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antunalyn · 5 years
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antunalyn · 5 years
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antunalyn · 5 years
Y'all ever think about how there are just a whole bunch of sets of stairs in the middle of forests that lead nowhere
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antunalyn · 5 years
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antunalyn · 5 years
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Me gustan los caminos, antes solían gustarme más... a veces uno se acostumbra y empezamos a olvidar la magia en las cosas simples de la vida.
Los caminos siempre son reveladores, siempre hay algo que ver, colores, olores, sensaciones en sus temperaturas y muchas texturas.
A veces se siente tranquilo el dejar atrás algo o simplemente dejar atrás, aveces duele, a veces alegra y a veces solo se disfruta ... nunca sabemos que nos espera adelante, aunque así lo creamos ...
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