anvrchists · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Emily Hampshire 
August 29
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anvrchists · 4 years
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anvrchists · 4 years
it occurs to me that a pretty girl could convince me to do anything by kissing my neck
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anvrchists · 4 years
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anvrchists · 4 years
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anvrchists · 4 years
Ever been in love?
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anvrchists · 4 years
chano, how do you feel about Sofia? would you ever take her back?
“What are you, a narc? Legally, you have to tell me if you are.”
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anvrchists · 4 years
Name a person you hate?
“...can i say myself?”
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anvrchists · 4 years
so i heard your husband left you because you weren't good enough, thoughts? - for gideon
“where’d you hear that, the school for the socially inept? get the fuck out of my office.”
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anvrchists · 4 years
If you could share a meal with any individual, living or dead, who would they be? (For everyone)
“my father.” 
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“probably bill clinton.”
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“honestly? i’d love to be able to just sit down and have a meal with my family. you know, one that doesn’t leave most of us still hungry.”
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“you want to know this why?”
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“pablo escobar, or jhon jairo.”
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anvrchists · 4 years
Juliet, ramen date with me?
“I’m more of a barbecue and hotpot fan myself, but I think we can work something out.”
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anvrchists · 4 years
hoenesty hour
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anvrchists · 4 years
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                                                    JULIET MEREDITH YANG
“Scars fade with time. And the ones that never go away, well, they build character, maturity, caution.” ― Erin McCarthy
[  CONSTANCE WU, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER, 38 ] Whenever I hear HOWL by FLORENCE + THE MACHINE it always makes me think of JULIET YANG. They have been so CHARISMATIC & COMPOSED, but occasionally they have gotten a little bit WILLFUL & CUNNING through the years. They currently work as an ACTIVIST/BUSINESS OWNER, a strangely fitting job for someone with loyalty to CLARK as a BOSS. PERFECTLY MANICURED NAILS, HAIR PINS THAT DOUBLE AS WEAPONS, AND A SMILE SO SWEET YOU FORGET SHE BITES make them easy to spot on the strip.
Despite her outwardly kind demeanor, Juliet can be incredibly cynical and wary of letting people get too close. She does her best to protect the members of Clark before anything else and has often appointed soldiers to tail their less trustworthy associates, to make sure there’s no risk of exposure. On a personal level, she holds a handful of people close and keeps others at a surface-level distance while maintaining a personable appearance. In other words, people think they know her when they don’t know the first thing about her.
The youth outreach/rehabilitation program she runs has always been known to be off-limits, considering how vulnerable the people they help are. It has been made clear since the foundation of the program that it is to remain neutral ground. The past few decades have gone well for it so far.
What many don’t know is that Juliet wasn’t supposed to take on the role as leader so soon after returning from college. Things were going well with her mother in charge until Emily began showing signs of early onset dementia. Plans began falling apart, deadlines were missed, and it came to a point where they almost lost extremely important connections due to it. To save face, Juliet took over and allowed her mother to advise her in the background, but ultimately all decisions were up to the young Yang prodigy. 
Juliet was born into the upper rings of Clark’s hierarchy, as her father was boss at the time. She had a relatively normal early childhood, including martial arts lessons, good grades, violin lessons, and writing essays for money in high school. It was when she turned 13 that her parents revealed the true nature of their business to her, bringing her into the underground operations of Clark. They did so because they expected her to take over once she was old enough and their time to retire came. For the next four years, they began teaching her everything she would need to know before becoming a full fledged member at 18. She gained an extensive amount of knowledge from the previous weapons specialists, learned to perfect her martial arts stances from the assassins, and gained a new family. She loved being surrounded by the group and quickly became devoted to the mission her parents had been dedicated to for so long: protecting Paradise.
Things were perfect until she was 17. A fanatic who had once wanted to join Clark had formed too much of a grudge against her father after their rejection, resulting in his assassination. The initiation process to become a member of Clark was overhauled, becoming stricter, and the responsibilities of leadership fell to her mother, who had been working extremely closely with her father. The members of Clark also noticed a shift in the air. Juliet, once their resident princess, became colder. She became increasingly wary of others, including people she had once considered family, and withdrew into herself.
The murderer was captured and sent to a year-long trial, faced with 1st degree murder charges. He apparently had some friends on the inside, because word reached Juliet that the jury was going to give a verdict of not guilty. Fueled by the urge to avenge her father, to get him the justice he deserved, she found her way into the courthouse armed with only her will and a poison she snuck from the weapons vault. Just outside the courtroom, she slipped the poison into the pitcher of water that would go onto the defendant’s and prosecutor’s table. She risked killing more than one person, but to her, it was worth it.
Luck seemed to be on her side. Either the lawyers were extremely hydrated or they were too distracted by their arguments to drink water—  but the defendant had been the only one to take a sip that day. Juliet sat in the benches, watching as her father’s murderer choked on his own blood. To this day, nobody knows it was her. She’s often considered how she had been far too composed as she took her first life, but the thought that it meant her father was at peace was the only consolation she needed. She left for college a month later, burdened only by the thought of leaving her mother behind. It took everything in her to not return before getting her degree, fighting off the constant worry she felt, but two years passed and there was never any threat to her mother. At the end of four years, she returned to Paradise and took the leadership position from her aging mother, intent on strengthening what her father had worked so hard for.
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anvrchists · 4 years
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Peter Gadiot as James Valdez on Queen of the South, 3.04 “La Fuerza (The Force)”
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anvrchists · 4 years
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HE KNOWS THE EXCUSE LIKE THE BACK OF HIS OWN HAND, so does Chano. It’s what they do. Press, press, press until one steps too far over the line. Comfort goes out the window but both of them chase it with pretty lies and the most thorough band aids. Truthfully, he’s thankful for the distraction, the avoidance that allows the night and the dance to go on. Eyes move down to the brown paper in his lap. Fingers once again dust over the wrapping, a reminder of what secrets are barely contained within. A casual shrug meets the avoidance head on. “Delivery.” He knows that answer isn’t going to skate nor sit right. “A little bit of an eye for an eye, or an eye for information, in this case.” He stops messing with it finally before dark eyes raise once more. “You riding or not? I should be back in an hour.”
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there’s no reason for him to be accompanying the other man on the delivery--- but he’s tagged along various times before, almost habitually at this point, joining in on the most casual of meet-ups. like many other behaviors involving santiago, he excuses it as just watching out for him. a second gun, if anyone asks. eyes flick back to the package before he shifts his weight, nodding. “always.” it feels a bit odd that santiago even had to ask this time, but it’s probably a good indicator of how hard it has been to navigate their relationship lately. “i’ll be right behind you.”
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anvrchists · 4 years
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including an in-depth personality analysis
Full name: Juliet Yang Nicknames: Jules, Ice Queen, Soulless Bitch  Age: 38 years old Date of Birth: October 05, 1981 Hometown: Paradise, NV Current location: Paradise, NV Ethnicity: Chinese (Taiwanese) Nationality: Taiwanese-American Gender: cisgender female (she/her) Sexuality: Bisexual, Heteroromantic Religion: Non-practicing Buddhist Political Affiliation: Liberal Occupation: Business Owner, Crime Boss Languages spoken: English, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, French, Cantonese, Portuguese Accent: Standard West Coast
Face Claim: Constance Wu Hair Colour: black Eye Colour: brown Weight: 130lbs Height: 5′4 Build: Lean/Athletic Tattoos: TBD Piercings: Ears
Label: The Antiheroine Positive Traits: + composed, intelligent, charismatic, determined, sensible, loyal Negative Traits: - dishonest, willful, cunning, secretive, detached, vindictive Goals/Desires: to protect the city, to protect Clark members, to have a family Fears: facing her past, losing herself Hobbies: cooking, painting, wine, gardening
Father: stephen yang. 46. ✞  Mother: emily yang (lin). 65. Sibling(s): none Children: none Pet(s): none 
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - “A Scorpio can seem intimidating and somewhat closed off to those who don't know them well. But what people don't realize is that even though Scorpio may seem brusque, as a water sign, they also are very in tune with their emotions, and sometimes may find themselves caught up in their feelings.This leads to Scorpio's central conflict: Their feelings are what drives them and strengthens them, but their mutability can scare them and make them feel vulnerable and out of control. Because of this conflict, Scorpios, like their namesake, the scorpion, put up an outer shell and may seem prickly.” MBTI: ISTJ-A - The Logistician. “Logisticians are a very methodical personality type, and this loyalty isn’t given away lightly. Often slow to make friends, Logisticians usually end up with a smaller circle, but they consider that circle to represent a promise to be there for the people they care about, and Logisticians’ promises are not easily broken.” Alignment: Neutral Good - “A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order.” Enneagram: Type 8 - The Challenger. “Eights are motivated by the desire to be independent and to take charge of themselves and others. They are assertive personalities and passionate about life, which they approach with vigor and confidence. Eights know how to look after themselves. They pursue their own destiny.These are the qualities of natural leaders, and whatever role they find themselves in, Eights have an imposing presence. They are action people, preferring to ‘do’ rather than conceptualize, and they are ready to make the difficult decisions and accept the consequences if things go wrong. At the same time, Eights believe that people should be encouraged to help themselves rather than relying on others for assistance. ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime’ is a piece of proverbial wisdom that Eights wholeheartedly buy into.” Archetype: The Joker - “Light hearted, sociable and fun to be around.” Celtic Tree: Ivy, the Survivor - “The Ivy Celtic tree sign is blessed with the ability to overcome all odds and can survive in any situation. People born under the energy of the Ivy are loyal, compassionate and have a sharp intellect. Life may be unfair to them at times, but they endure the troubles with soulful grace.” Temperament: Phlegmatic - “The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics tend to be content with themselves and are kind. They are accepting and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant, qualities that make them good administrators. They can also be passive-aggressive.” Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw - “Students in Ravenclaw are noted for their individuality and acceptance of people and things that others would consider weird, as well as their outstanding intelligence. They can also be quirky and possess unusual intellectual interests. While others may be inclined to shun and ridicule such people, Ravenclaws generally accept and celebrate these eccentrics. Though they are often called stuck up, that is not the case.” Primary Vice: Wrath - “Wrath often reveals itself in the wish to seek vengeance. Wrath may persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. Feelings of wrath can manifest in different ways, including impatience, hateful misanthropy, revenge, and self-destructive behavior, such as drug abuse or suicide. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the neutral act of anger becomes the sin of wrath when it is directed against an innocent person, when it is unduly strong or long-lasting, or when it desires excessive punishment.” Primary Virtue: Prudence - “The ability to discern the appropriate course of action to be taken in a given situation at the appropriate time.” Element: Water - “They “go with the flow,” but don’t flit about like Air people. Their movements have a definite path, albeit an often unexpected one. The Water person’s open heart makes her generous, and her empathy can make her quite social, although not all Water people are “bubbly.” She is often very dreamy, and can be mystical.”
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anvrchists · 4 years
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