new sanders sides video: *exists* my hyperfixation, ready to fuck my entire world: 
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This is an appreciation post for the fanfic authors who aren’t included on rec lists
For the fanfic authors who don’t get art of their fics
For the fanfic authors who can’t get to 1000/500/100 hits
For the fanfic authors who don’t get comments/reviews
For the fanfic authors who write for small fandoms
For the fanfic authors who write rarepairs or gen fics
For the fanfic authors who get hate for the ships/characters/fandoms they write
For the fanfic authors who write in English despite it not being their first language
For the fanfic authors who don’t write in English
For the fanfic authors who don’t think anyone reads or likes their work
For the fanfic authors who aren’t big name fans
For the fanfic authors who don’t get requests in their inboxes
For the fanfic authors who can’t write stories that are more than a thousand words
For the fanfic authors who only write one ship
For the fanfic authors who are just starting
For the fanfic authors who have been writing fic for years
For the fanfic authors who use fanfic to practice writing
For the fanfic authors who write self-insert fics
For the fanfic authors who write about their OCs
For the fanfic authors who write to vent or cope
For the fanfic authors who are just waiting for their big break
Keep creating, I love you ❤️
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me: oh hey look at this new thing I found it's pretty cool, right--
brain: H Y P E R F I X A T E
me: wait, wha--
brain: this thing is now your identity. FOCUS ONLY ON THIS THING. LOVE THIS THING.
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okay okay but “Could we lie down and cuddle for a bit?” with Logince actually might break me
(This ended up more hurt/comfort than I expected, oops. But fluffy ending! Also, I’m working on the Moxiety one! This one just came to me quicker.)
Word Count: 1,275
Warnings: None that I can think of, but let me know if I missed something!
Tag list: @pandagirl0730 @sanders-sides-thuri @milomeepit @logansandersprotectionsquad @pinkeasteregg @virgil-has-a-houseplant @justanotherpurplebutterfly @all-my-fandoms-are-killing-me
Loganisn’t exactly anyone’s first choice for comfort, and he knows it. That would bePatton, usually. Patton is so in tune with feelings, both his own and those ofothers. Logan doesn’t really understand how it works. His own feelings (and hehates admitting that he has feelings) are so… closed off. He spends far more timelearning about more important things, like the functions of the body, and howthe choices one makes affect the psyche. Feelings are… illogical. They don’tmake sense to him.
Theothers don’t come to him for comfort, and it’s probably better that way.
Helooks up from his book to his doorway. There stands Roman, not dressed in hisusual royal garb, but instead in a plain white t-shirt and black sweatpants.His hair looks more disheveled than Logan’s ever seen it—it just kind of flopsover in Roman’s face. And his face… Logan’s not sure how to describe the lookon Roman’s face. Apprehensive, perhaps? “Yes, Roman? What do youwant?”
Somethingflashes across Roman’s face, and he smiles suddenly. “It’s nothing, nevermind! Sorry to interrupt your reading, nerd, I’ll just be off—”
Logan pusheshis chair back from his desk and swings his legs around so he’s facing theother Side, studying the knight’s posture, the way he can’t stop fidgeting, theway he’s having trouble maintaining eye contact. “Forgive me for saying so,”Logan says, “but I don’t believe you.”
Romanshakes his head. “No, no, I’m fine, honestly, I’m just going to go.”
“Roman. You’re not yourself. Your appearancebetrays your words. You are free to tell me what’s wrong, if you like. Butwhat did we tell Patton?”
“That…that it’s not good to ignore your feelings.”
“Right.So, tell me. If you like. You’re welcome to come in.”
Romanhesitates before replying. “I… I don’t know how your room will affect me.What if I can't… talk?”
“Ofcourse you would be able to talk, why would my room remove your ability to—”
“No,I mean… what if I can’t talk about…” The royal sighs. “You know what?Never mind. Thank you. I’ll come in.” He crosses the threshold of the doorwayand shuts the door behind him, seemingly remembering that Logan likes to keephis door closed.
Loganwaits for him to say something. He watches as Roman slowly makes his wayfurther into the room. The other Side is still unsettled and he’s unsure whatto do to help. Can he help? He’s a little nervous to ask. He’s not usually ableto. He doesn’t understand these things. Instead, he continues to sit in silenceand watch Thomas’s Creativity wrestle with whatever is in his mind.
Finally,finally, Roman speaks—slowly, shakily,fearfully. “Listen, could… could we lie down and cuddle for a bit?”As soon as the words are out of his mouth, he blurts out, “We don’t haveto if you don’t want to, I know you don’t usually like that sort of thing, it’sfine if you want me to leave, I’ll just—”
Physicalcontact is also something Logan doesn’t quite understand. Not relating to love.He does understand the basics. Forinstance, he knows that sometimes, when one is feeling less than ideal, a hug willcalm their nerves. Cuddling is like a prolonged hug… maybe Roman just needs reassurance.
Hestands up while Roman is still babbling and takes Roman’s right hand in hisleft, and leads him to the bed. “We can cuddle, Roman.”
“Areyou sure? Because we don’t have to, I… I just…” Roman stops, heaves anothershaky sigh. “I’m sorry. I’m just going in circles right now. It’s nothelping. Thank you, Logan.”
The twoof them lay down on top of Logan’s meticulously-made bed, and Roman curls in onhimself, knees drawn up slightly. He seems calmer now… maybe Logan’s room, withall its logical and factual atmosphere, is dulling his feelings a bit.
This isn’t cuddling, Logan’s mind tellshim. Cuddling requires holding one close,not just being close to them.
Hecarefully slips his left arm underneath Roman’s, and shifts his body closer,his chest pressed against Roman’s back. He hears, feels Roman’s exhale ofbreath.
Hehasn’t done this with anyone before. What does he do? Is this it? Just layinghere in silence?
“Thisis called spooning, by the way.”
Roman’svoice shocks him out of his thoughts. “What?” he asks dumbly.
“This,”Roman answers, “what we’re doing. It’s called spooning. You’re the bigspoon. I’m the little spoon.”
“Oh.”That makes sense. Kind of. Why spoons, though? Surely bananas would be a bettershape to—
“Iknow you don’t really know about things like this,” the prince goes on.“It’s more of a… romantic thing to do? Not—not that I want… A-are you okaywith this?”
Loganponders the question for a few moments. “Is it helpful to you?”
“Ye…yes. It is.”
“ThenI am… okay with it.”
Tensionflees from Roman’s body, and for the first time, he seems to relax. “Thankyou, Logan… I know we don’t always get along… You may stifle my creativity attimes, but I know you’re just doing what’s best for Thomas. I suppose some ofmy ideas can be a little… out there.”
“Youare just doing your job, and I’m just doing mine. You are good, Roman. You dogood things. Having to be reined in every so often doesn’t change that. I placea lot of value on our… on our partnership.” Logan is unsure if that’s thecorrect word to use here… but he can’t think of another one to use, for somereason. What if Roman takes it the wrong way? Is there a wrong way to take it?
… Wouldthat be so bad, if Roman did take itto mean…?
Nope. Nope. He’s not doing that.
Ittakes Roman a little while to answer, and Logan fears he’s said something wrongagain. Before he can backtrack, though, he feels Roman’s hand slide into his,lacing their fingers together before giving a light squeeze. “Thankyou,” he says for the fourth time.
Silencehangs over them afterwards. Logan realizes, after maybe ten minutes, that Roman has fallen asleep. He contemplates removing himself from the bed,but he worries that may wake the other Side up, and he likely really needs torest. There was something… wrong about Roman not being his usual “extra”self.
Andhonestly… this is nice, Logan admits to himself. Maybe this is why Patton is sohellbent on hugging everyone. Physical contact… is… pleasant, and Roman smellsof roses and iron, and Logan can feel the strength in his arms and his chest,and… it’s nice.
Heconjures a spare blanket over them and removes his glasses, setting them downon the table beside the bed. He settles into his pillow a bit more, and hiseyes slip closed.
Pattonknocks lightly on Logan’s door and twists the knob, cracking the door openslightly as he does nearly every night—Logan is always so engrossed in hisbooks and schedules that he misses Patton’s call to dinner more often than not.“Logan! Dinner’s ready—”
He catcheshimself as his eyes fall upon the two shapes nestled together under a dark blueblanket adorned with galaxies, and gently closes the door.
Virgillooks up at him from the couch when he reenters the kitchen. “They comingdown, or what?”
“Notyet. Go ahead and eat, kiddo.” He smiles warmly. “They’re gonna be alittle late.”
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Okay but Roman was the one to give it to Logan and I will never be convinced otherwise.
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Virgil: “Dad”
Roman: “Padre”
Logan, an intellectual: “Daddy”
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So... I paused the video at the perfect moment and have been wheezing with laughter for the past ten minutes. 
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planning a fic with a slow burn ship like
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Let’s Talk About ADHD
Of all the mental disorders out there, none is taken less seriously than ADHD. Lots of people believe that it’s made up. Some people believe that ADHD is nothing more than bad parenting. And plenty of people believe that it’s an excuse to medicate otherwise normal children. But here’s the thing: ADHD is a very real disorder, and it profoundly affects the lives of those who have it.  Let’s look at some facts about people with ADHD: - 35% of teens with ADHD will not complete high school - that’s double the dropout rate of average teens.
- 30% of kids with ADHD will fail a year of school, or be required to repeat a grade.
- 45% of kids with ADHD get suspended from school at some point.
- Only 5% of teens with ADHD will earn a college degree, compared to 28% of the general population.
- Only 0.06% of people with ADHD will earn a graduate degree, compared to 5.4% of the general population.
- They have four times as many car accidents as the general population.
- They are 4 to 9 times more likely to go to prison.
- They are 11 times more likely to be unemployed.
- 61% will be fired at some point, compared to 43% of the average population.
- They earn, on average, $2 less per hour than their non-ADHD counterparts.
- They run a significantly higher lifetime risk of depression, anxiety, and antisocial disorders than people without ADHD. ADHD is not a made-up disorder; it is a very real thing that has a profound effect on the lives of people who have it. 
So what other myths about ADHD are floating around? - Contrary to popular belief, ADHD is under-diagnosed. While there is some evidence to suggest that little boys are being over-diagnosed with it, girls are being grossly under-diagnosed. Teachers and parents’ are quick to recognize the disorder in boys; girls with ADHD, on the other hand, are dismissed as ‘ditsy’ or ‘spacey’, preventing them from getting the help they need. Doctors estimate that ADHD occurs equally in boys and girls, but boys are six times more likely to be diagnosed and treated.
- ADHD is not a childhood disorder. Studies have found that anywhere from 30% to a whopping 80% of childhood cases of ADHD continue on into adulthood, affecting sufferers for the rest of their lives. Even when cases don’t continue, the education gaps created in early years can affect a person long into adulthood.
- ADHD is not caused by diet. The vast majority of cases of ADHD are genetic. Other major causes include prenatal exposure to alcohol, and traumatic brain injuries. No cases are caused by food dyes, or excessive consumption of sugar.
- ADHD is not a “short attention span”. People with ADHD do not lack attention spans, they lack the ability to regulate their attention. When people with ADHD discover an activity that highly interests them, they can focus on it single-mindedly for hours, ignoring all other activities, much like you’d see in autism. 
- ADHD medication turns kids into “zombies”. The medications prescribed for ADHD are not addictive or dangerous. In kids with ADHD, they ease symptoms and allow children to regulate their attention and control their impulses. Untreated children with ADHD are more likely to grow up to be drug or alcohol addicts; medication significantly reduces that risk.  ADHD is one of the most common mental illnesses that any of us will encounter, but despite that, it remains poorly-understood, and is not treated as a serious disorder. People have grown skeptical of the disorder entirely, and look down on cases of ADHD as poor parenting or simple ‘drug-pushing’. The reality is that ADHD can make it extremely difficult to lead a normal life or achieve goals, and no one should look down on the treatments that make it possible for so many people to function. 
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Why I love Logan
-gets distracted by word association games
-has a habit of taking words way too literally, especially when it’s from Virgil
-tries his best to keep up with the current slang 
-i mean he uses flashcards for them and everything
-actually had to think about if the word ‘dance’ was in “independence”
-he used “conversate” like it’s an actual word
-gets hilariously frustrated at puns
-accidentally makes dad jokes
-”I’m always serious. Clearly. I wear a necktie”  
-has a unicorn onesie
- rap battles Princey and crushes him
-pretends to do martial arts as Donatello
-cosplays as Sherlock
-wrote Virgil a prescription for a chill pill
-”uh oh. Feelings.”
-he’s super sensitive to being known as the smart side
-learned Spanish for the sole purpose of insulting Roman
-messes with his glasses so dang much when he’s talking
-”E equals MC Scared!”
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So like I’m not saying people should come into my inbox or IMs and yell at me about Sanders Sides stuff but that’s exactly what literally anyone who wants to should do.  Idk I just have a lot of emotions (particularly re: Logan, to no one’s surprise but I’m down to get emotional about literally anything else tbqh)
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Logan’s concern for Virgil in MOVING ON: EXPLORING NOSTALGIA
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are you on ao3?
Not at the moment, no. I'm on the waiting list thing but it won’t go through until March 8th. Once it does I’ll crosspost anything I’ve written by that point and add links here and everything. 
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So don’t judge me, but I got bored and made this :P
Yes, I made an entirely new youtube channel JUST because I’m hyperfixated on Sanders Sides. Judge me if you will. But I’ll probably do a bunch of ship compilations, edits, best of’s, etc. We shall see! Drop a like on youtube if you like it so I know if I should make more? <3
So I guess stick around if you wanna see that?  Anyway, see ya around guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! :D ((main channel: http://bit.ly/quinintheclouds))
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Yeeees analogical chaptered fic
I would like to thank one (1) person for supporting my brand. 
Really though, thanks for this! it really is nice to know people are interested. 
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Logan: Did you just refer to the knife as a “people-opener?”
Virgil: Should I not have?
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Update: wanted or not, it’s happening now. 
So would anyone be interested in a multichapter Analogical AU in which Virgil and Roman are brothers, Patton is their dad, and Logan is Roman’s chemistry partner turned somewhat reluctant friend who gets willingly dragged into Sanders Clan shenanigans while Virge is Suffering bc holy crush batman? bc I have Ideas.
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