anxiousbaddie · 5 months
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anxiousbaddie · 5 months
Hi, I’m Ollie. Just a 29 year old girl who has been dealt a pretty fucked up deck of cards… I think that’s what the saying is atleast. Basically I’m here to journal and share a bunch of the cool, bipolar shit that I love and maybe make some actual friends. Being a stay at home mom of a 2 year old is extremely lonely especially when you don’t see your man of 11 years for more then 3 hours a day, if that; bc work is life for him. I don’t blame him. He’s an amazing salesman. He has the coolest career. I can’t hold down a job for the life of me in this new state I’m in because of the trauma I haven’t began to deal with or heal from. I suffer from SEVERE anxiety which makes me…. I don’t wanna say depressed but I won’t be happy until I find a doctor that will actually care to help me and believe what I’m saying is the truth. Sigh. It’s 4:30 am. I’m visiting my family back home with my man & our beautiful daughter. Everyone’s asleep and I’m up overthinking, feeling like a loser. Everything has fallen apart in my life but the hardest part has been my relationship/other half and I falling apart slowly. I don’t know why I’m oversharing so much. Maybe because I keep this all in and I don’t talk to anyone bc I love to isolate myself and having such severe anxiety this past year has really messed me up. It’s easier to talk to strangers. So yea, hello. I’m trying to find a balance, I’m tryna build a balance.
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