anxiousgoddess · 6 years
“Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.”
— Frederick Buechner (via quotemadness)
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
“I was raised among books, making invisible friends in pages that seemed cast from dust and whose smell I carry on my hands to this day.”
— Carlos Ruiz Zafón (via quotemadness)
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
“A young man talked to me of Eros and the moon rose from darkness to claim that death has defeated with its sweetly deceitful kisses. Kisses made of terror. Kisses made of electricity. Kisses made of horror and brutal truth and holiness.”
— Maria Polydouri, tr. by Manolis Aligizakis, from “A Cold Breath Froze,”
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
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journal ft SG lewis
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
Types of people as grisha orders
Corporialki : red is one of the favourite colors, punctual, sweet tooth, fondness for indie music, confident smile, big heart, very nice perfume, interested in greek mythology
Etherealki : fancy clothes, good sarcastic jokes, doodles and sketches in the notebooks, creative, read a lot of books, adore nature, would fight for their friends, sparks in the eyes
Materialki : optimistic, chemistry and science subjects, cool ideas always in mind, black worn Dr.Martens, shy, iced coffee, vintage fan, love cozy gatherings
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
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Goddess said to inspire a warlike frenzy.
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
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i want to tell you so many lies🌙
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
OKAY so this might be weird but what about Astrology Yandere’s?? Like what kinda yandere would an Aries be? Gemini? And so one so forth. I feel like each one would be so different than the others in how they treat their S/O and I would really love it if you could do it!! (No pressure though!)
Hey anon! I love this idea- gotta admit though, my knowledge of astrology and zodiac signs is pretty bare minimum- pretty much limited to me knowing what my sign is and that’s it! So to write these I consulted a website that just listed traits of all the signs, and hopefully I was able to get it mostly right? 
Yandere Aries are some of the most passionate yanderes there are- when they get an obsession, they dedicate themselves to it wholeheartedly right away. If you’re their object of affection, you might find your social life suddenly invaded by their presence on all fronts. Their more impatient and impulsive tendencies are what you have to watch out for more than anything- if they feel like they’re not getting close enough to their obsession fast enough, or their obsession isn’t returning their interest quickly enough, they may resort pretty quickly to more drastic measures. You don’t want to be around them? You’re avoiding them? Well, they can always make you spend time with them. They know you’ll come to love them, one way or another- your opinions on the matter aren’t important, because they know better than you.
Yandere Tauruses are definitely the kind to spoil their obsessions, showering them with gifts whenever possible. They’re much more patient with their obsessions than Aries, willing to wait for them to come around on their own if necessary. They’ll never give up, though- once a Taurus has an obsession, they’ll pursue them for the rest of their lives, if necessary. You shouldn’t even think about trying to get away from them, because no matter what they’ll track you down. They’re too stubborn by far to let you go, and they don’t like taking no for an answer. It has its benefits, too- whenever you need help, with anything, you can count on them being there for you, even if no one else is. They are very possessive, though, more so than most of the other yanderes- so for everyone’s safety, don’t try anything with anyone other than them. In fact, best to avoid getting too close to anyone in general. Accidents are all too common.
Yandere Geminis are either the ones you’re safest with, or the ones you’re in the most danger with, and there’s no in between. Indecisive, yandere Gemini’s often struggle to decide exactly how to approach their obsession. On the less volatile end of the spectrum, yandere Gemini’s may waffle between whether or not they should stick with stalking their obsession from afar or trying to approach them- and on the most volatile end, whether they should kidnap them, or simply kill them, to make sure that no one else could ever have them. That being said, they’re very charismatic, and likely to try to woo their obsession using that. They’re constantly worried about losing you, and take great precautions to avoid that. They also tend to love dressing their obsession up if they can, buying them clothes, doing their make-up, their hair- you’re the most beautiful person in the world to them no matter what you’re wearing.
Yandere Cancers will be your most loyal supporter, always. They’re very loving, though they might sometimes struggle to show it. You’ll probably know anyway, though, based on the way they’re always around- a yandere Cancer will never want to be apart from their obsession. And they’re over-protective, by far- try not to hurt yourself in front of them, or you’ll spend the rest of the day being fussed over and spoiled. If they could, they’d keep you locked up somewhere where they’re sure that there’s no chance of you hurting yourself, practically child-proofing a place for you. And, if they think you’re enough of a danger to yourself, they just might. Even still, they may suffer a lot from self-doubt- what if you don’t want them? What if you do, but they’re not good enough for you? They’re suspicious of everyone around you- you’re so perfect, how could anyone not want you? You don’t need to worry about that, though- they’ll keep you safe from everyone else.
Yandere Leos are some of the sweetest yanderes- they’re very kind and encouraging of their obsession, and always want them to know how special they are to them. And they’re loyal in the absolute- no matter what, they’ll be on your side, and they’ll never leave you. You better be the same way to them, though, or they’ll be dangerously upset. They’re very dominant- you’re theirs, you belong to them, and you should obey them. They know what’s best for you, and that’s all that they’re trying to do. Don’t even try to change their mind about anything- they won’t be swayed by begging. And why shouldn’t you be happy to be with them? They can take care of you better than anyone else ever could, they know it. And chances are, they’re going to find a way to keep you all to themselves- it’s not that they don’t trust you! It’s everyone else they don’t trust, and really, isn’t it better to remove all temptation? They want you now, and they’re going to have you.
Yandere Virgos watch their obsessions from afar for a long time before they even think about making a move. They don’t want to mess anything up, after all- everything has to be perfect for their love. They’ll look out for them from afar, and they’re very critical of anyone who hangs out around their sweetheart. If someone just doesn’t measure up to their (very high) standards for you? They’re gone, one way or another. They know everything about you, as far back as they could find information on you- they know your schedule, your family, all your preferences, everything, and they fully intend to use that information to their advantage- once everything is finally perfect for them to approach you. Until then, they’re content to look out for you from a distance. Leaving little gifts here and there, little notes- it’s enough just to see the smile on your face.
Yandere Libras are the most likely to try to win their obsessions over with big, romantic gestures- at heart, they’re romantics. They’re so in love with their obsession, and they want you to feel the same. A fairy tale romance is what they want for you both- but, hey, don’t a lot of fairy tales involve some kind of kidnapping? Still, they’ll always try the more diplomatic approach first. Just don’t try to reject them or break up with them. Like Geminis, they’re enamored with your looks, and you’ll get lots of clothes as gifts. Your beauty is probably what first drew them to you. Even more than the other yanderes, you’re probably one of, if not the only person they care about. Everyone else in the world is just background noise, people they put on a face for- you’re the only important person in their life.
Yandere Scorpios are very focused on their obsession and their plans on how to make them theirs, almost single-mindedly. They’re very good caretakers, though, and they’ll always be able to anticipate what their love wants before even they do. They don’t trust easy, and in some ways, this extends to their obsession- until they’re positive that you’ll be loyal to them, they have to watch you or be with you all the time- or make sure you’re… contained. They trust the people around you even less, and will work harder than any other yandere to isolate you from everyone else. It’s for your own good, of course. They’re most likely to try to achieve their goal through manipulation- manipulating you, the people around you, anyone they have to in order to get to you and keep you safe. They tend to be fairly dominating, too, wanting you to behave the way that they want you to, though unlike Leos they’re less likely to use physical punishment to achieve this and more likely to stick with manipulation. After all, they love you, they take care of you, they keep you safe- shouldn’t you give a little back?
Yandere Sagittariuses are very straightforward about their affections- once they realize how they feel about you, you’ll know, because they’ll approach you and ask to take you out. They’d be shocked if their object of affection rejected them, and definitely would not let it go. They’ll push and push about it, refusing to take no for an answer. They may say or do hurtful things in their determination to win you, but they’ll always do their best to make up for it as soon as they realize they’ve hurt you. They’re very generous partners, and though they can sometimes be careless, they also tend to be very intelligent and calculating. They can figure out how to get what they want. That being said, they’re probably the least likely to do things like try to manipulate their partner, and they would have to be pushed extremely far to even consider something like kidnapping their partner- not only do they not want to hurt their love, it’s also just wrong. They’d much prefer to do things the right way. You deserve it.
Capricorn Yanderes will struggle a lot with approaching their obsession. Approaching new people is always difficult, and it’s even worse when it’s someone so important. They’re very patient, though, and they’ll take as much time as they need. Definitely a stalker yandere, the type to follow you around without ever giving you so much as a clue that they’re doing it. They’re very careful and meticulous about it, too, so unless they want you to know anything they’re doing, you won’t. Once they do finally work up the courage to approach you, things won’t change much- they’ll still be very cautious about everything, nervous about messing things up with you, worried you won’t like them. Definitely the most submissive yanderes, they’ll do most anything you ask them.
Aquarius Yanderes are used to being friendly, and this is probably what they’ll use to get close to their obsession at first. Loyal to a fault, they’re yours, forever, whether you want them or not. They tend to be very intelligent, which will serve them well, because they’re definitely the most- extreme- yanderes. You can’t usually predict what they’re going to do next, except on one front- they’re going to take you, and they will never let you go. They’ll listen to you vent your frustrations about the situation, they’ll comfort you, but you’re not changing their mind, no matter what. They want to give you the best life possible. They’ll try to avoid it, but do anything too far out of line, (like trying to escape, for example), and they will hurt you. Once the punishment’s over though, they’ll go right back to the way they were before, comforting you and taking care of you as needed. You’ve learned your lesson- there’s no need to dwell on the bad things. 
Pisces Yanderes, like Capricorns, tend to be on the more submissive end of the spectrum (though not always). They’re very sweet and caring to their obsession, always, no matter how their obsession treats them. They want to take care of you, however they can. Hungry? Take part of their lunch. Cold? Here, take their coat, they don’t need it. You only have to ask. They very much put their obsession on a pedestal, and spend a lot of time fantasizing about them and the life that they’ll have together. You’ll never not be coddled and taken care of with them. They always seem to know exactly what you need.
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
“They told me there were no miracles here, then I saw you.”
— thoughts #174 | r.m
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
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@modernmythsnet | Event Seventeen | Favorite Relationship | moral ↳ Hades & Persephone
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
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anxiousgoddess · 6 years
“What doesn’t kill you gives you a lot of unhealthy coping mechanisms and a really dark sense of humor.”
— Slytherin
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