anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
My contribution to the Yuri!!!on Ice Fandom.
I’ve noticed that in the second episode, when Yurio comes to Hasetsu, he says that Victor had no inspiration back in Russia. Victor was working on a short program, and if you look at the steps carefully when Yuri and Yurio are watching him in the rink, they are the steps to the short program he made Yuri, to On Love: Eros.
So to put it all together, Victor needed inspiration and found it with Yuri. When he got to Hasetsu, where his inspiration for his program was, he makes a program to a song about sexual love. It all adds up.
Excuse my smol rant it’s 1:00 AM and I’ve slept a total of 5 hours in the past two day. Help.
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
Welp. My New Years plans are set in stone.
Start off your new years the right way
If you play “History Maker” At exactly 11:59:20, the first “We were born to make history” will play exactly at midnight.
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
Everyone please read this. It is super important!
‪The Most Relaxing Ice Bath EVER https://youtu.be/SwSmhf4uS54 Everyone go watch this and donate to the charity. So far, in around 10 hours, we have gotten to about $150,000! All donations are being doubled! Please donate whatever you can, and if you can’t, just share around #BABCOCK! This is a charity that helps unfortunate children get necessities to live, and it helps them through many situations. Every dollar counts. Please donate if you can. If not, share around everywhere to anyone you can with #BABCOCK even sharing to someone makes a difference. Don’t be afraid to spam people, because they can’t get mad at you for sharing a CHARITY LIVESTREAM! I will be sharing the link to the next stream soon. Buh bye!
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
ive been saying “JACK NO” and “MARK NO” for the past month. if i gotta start saying “ETHAN NO” i will do a cartwheel into oncoming traffic.
im onto you, boy
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
Mines a dresser.... I'm sorry Mark
The first thing to your left is what you’re gonna beat Mark with because of his latest video
mines a folded up bed frame  …mark u better run
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
This is very important!!!! We shouldn't have to pay extra to go on our social medias! We shouldn't have to pay more than we already pay to watch Netflix! WE MUST SAVE NET NEUTRALITY!
today is Nov. 15. the FCC, under chairman Ajit Pai, will not listen to the public despite millions of comments in support of net neutrality. They are going to try their hardest to kill net neutrality, which in turn will kill the internet, which in turn will help eradicate democracy. it won’t just affect Americans, it has the potential to affect the entire internet, something we ALL use daily. you can bet your ass other countries will see america doing this, and use it as an excuse to do it in their own countries.
this is what buying a plan without net neutrality looks like there:
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you have to pay MORE for features you’re already guaranteed to have under net neutrality. and in america, you already know how expensive everything is.
democrats AND republicans both want net neutrality. advocacy groups in touch with congress have said that if your members of congress receive calls from you, they are more encouraged and more likely to take action to stop Pai’s plan to gut net neutrality. after Nov. 22, it will be MUCH HARDER to convince your member of congress.
please, call them. call them daily.
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
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When someone knocks on the door
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
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It’s hard to explain this one…
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
Anyone wanna talk?
I'm super bored and have nothing to do. My friends are asleep, and/or don't like me. I just wanna talk cause I am bored and lack social interaction outside my house.
Anyways just message me first cause anxiety of what to say sucks.
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
Good content:
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
Just, imagine going three years in the past and showing @crankgameplays these images
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
Bread Zombies
Ethan: Why can’t zombies just eat bread or something
Tyler: They wouldn’t be deadly but they would just be super annoying just dragging themselves everywhere in the middle of the street and sh*t like stealing people’s bread from their houses
Mark: Graaaaaaaaaaaaaains
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
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Hope you guys had a fantastic hiatus!! We’re glad your back!! :D
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
ethan, to tyler: so the ingredients are just butter, flower, milk, and updog.
tyler:what’s updog?
ethan, shouting out the door: MARK I TOLD YOU I COULD DO IT
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
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Proud mother VS suspicious father when you walk in on your blue boi beating meat
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anxiousyoutube-blog · 7 years
That's a bold claim that I completely agree with
Doodles is better than Eggsy
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