anyakined Ā· 2 days
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anyataylorjoy: just a photo of papi and i looking really good at the san sebastian film festival. also, can i just say how proud i am for all the hard work that my love puts into his projects? emmanuelle is going to really blow people's minds! || @bowerhqs
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anyakined Ā· 10 days
if you'd told anya that jamie was going to talk to her about kids today -- she'd have likely not believed it, since she was pretty sure it was a subject that they'd already decided on what was going to happen and she had accepted it. even though she'd always wanted to be a mother, she'd accepted that jamie didn't think he'd be a good parent, and she just figured she wasn't really meant to be a mom because jamie was the love of her life and someone who she knew she was meant to spend forever with. and if he was who she was meant to spend forever with, then children just weren't on the table, and that was okay. anya knew that she was pretty obvious when she was around children, though, the way she would light up whenever she was around george's or bill's kids -- how much she loved to play with them, and how much they loved to play with her right back. she told herself that was good enough for her, that she would get her kid fix from her friends kids, and again, it was something she was okay with. but now jamie was here and telling her that kids weren't off the table, that even though he didn't think he would be a great parent, he wanted her to be a mom. of course, before he had said those words, anya had assumed the worst given the subject he was talking about, which had anya thinking the worst, and she hated that it scared her so much that jamie was breaking up with her. because she loved him so much, and she just knew that she didn't want a life without jamie in it. so, she was so grateful when jamie pulled her into his lap and allowed her to wrap herself around him, because she needed to be close to him, because anya didn't want to let him go, she didn't want to ever let him go. the moment they were so close together, anya couldn't help but give jamie a kiss, and she smiled at her boyfriend's words that instantly made her feel better. "yeah? i'm pretty happy i'll never have to find that out, my love, because you already know i want you around forever. i don't want us ever to be apart, because i'd never want a life without you either," and anya smiled when jamie gave her another gentle kiss, and she let out a soft sigh because jamie just made her feel so happy. anya felt better, she didn't feel like she was on the edge of losing everything anymore because jamie had made her feel better, and it was easy to snuggle closer to him, and she just smiled when jamie adjusted his arms around her. it was moments like this with jamie that just made her feel even more sure that he was the right man for her, and that he was who she wanted forever with.
deep downĀ  anya knew that jamie would be a better father than he allowed himself to think he'd be -- she knew he didn't have faith in himself, but anya had enough faith in him for the both of them. she felt like they would be a great time, whatever weakness she had, she felt jamie would be there to cover it, and whatever weakness jamie had, she'd be there to cover that. so even though he kept saying that he'd be a bad parent, ayna was never going to accept that and always tell him that she believed in him. if they were going to have a child together, she didn't want jamie to be so hard on himself, but she also accepted that he likely would be until the baby was born, then maybe he'd see things differently. at least that's what she told herself, but either way she knew that any child they had would be loved unconditionally and that in the end was all that mattered. "maybe one day you'll agree with me though on the topic?" anya couldn't help but tease softly, even though she had a feeling they never would, but stranger things had happened, of course. anya got a little lost in thought as her head rested against jamie's, but it was easy to get lost in her head when she was thinking about the subject at hand and just being close to jamie. but then she had questions she couldn't help but not hold back, and she wanted to know where jamie stood on them, wanted to know if he had a timeline because she wanted to know when she could look forward to possibly having a baby. though she knew that jamie wasn't ready for them to start trying yet -- that was very obvious, but she wanted to know if he was okay with them trying a few months from now, or if he was thinking about a few years from now. which anya would admit that she didn't want, she didn't want to wait years if he wasn't saying no to children anymore. anya let out a laugh at jamie's words and gave him a smile, shaking her head a little. "you're too cute for your own good sometimes, i hope you know that," she replied back in just as teasing of a tone. though it was a little funny thinking about her having the magic to get pregnant so quickly. it was pretty easy to explain to jamie that she wanted to wait until after they moved into their forever home, knowing that being pregnant while trying to move and get the house ready for them wouldn't be idea. "i'm glad we agree on that too, my love," she said softly, and she watched him watching her lap, and she chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, wondering what he was going to say next. "i'm glad you understand why i'm enthusiastic, because it really is something i want a lot. but i also understand where you're coming from when you say you don't want to rush into anything, which you know i respect," she replied with a fond smile when jamie's gaze met hers. "i think it's a good idea to wait until we're moved into the farm and get everything settled before we talk about what to do -- and see how you're feeling, because you're right, my excitement isn't going to change. i want a baby with you, and i'll be happy whenever that happens," she stated honestly. anya shifted a little so she could give him another kiss and smiled against his lips before speaking," it's more than fair." || @bowerhqs
Children had been the last thing Jamie has anticipated talking about that day, since he thought that he could maybe keep those concerns and worries to himself when they'd already discussed kids. But there was a part of Jamie's mind that just couldn't let go of thinking he was somehow holding Anya back from being a mother, knowing it was something she really wanted. He could tell just from the way she was around their friends' children, just how excited she was for being in their company, along with how happy they were to be around her, too. And the more he'd thought about it, the more it pulled at his mind until he felt like he had no choice to bring it up when even Anya could see that something was off, that Jamie was distracted. In a way, it had been a relief to let Anya know exactly what he'd been thinking, to say exactly what was on his mind when he'd been carrying it ever since they'd talked about children. Now, with everything out in the open, Jamie couldn't help thinking that it'd been wrong on his part not to talk things over sooner. With the way the subject of children had been weighing on his mind, Jamie hadn't thought about how heā€™d come across when he'd been speaking and trying to tell Anya exactly what he'd been thinking. But the moment he realized that he may have come across like heā€™d wanted to break up, which was the last thing on Jamieā€™s mind, he instantly wanted to comfort her above anything else he was feeling just then. It was why Jamie was quick to pull her into his lap, wanting her to be close to him and needing the comfort himself for talking about such a delicate topic. With Anyaā€™s arms around him and a kiss from her, he was already feeling a little more calm, both for having shared his thoughts with her and being able to ease any fears of hers. ā€œWell, I can tell you that youā€™ll never have to find that out, darling, as long as you want me around. Because Iā€™d never leave you, and I hope you know that, since I'd never want a life without you,ā€ he told her, following his words with another gentle kiss. With a more calm air between them, Jamie was happy to give Anya the time she needed to recover from the slight scare, all while holding her close, making sure he was easing any residual nervousness she may have felt. He couldn't felt smiling a little when he felt Anya snuggle in closer to him, and his arms adjusted around her to welcome the new proximity when Jamie always felt good for having her close.
In the quiet, Jamie couldn't help wondering to himself if his being a father would be a mistake, especially when he didn't have any faith in his ability to parent. it was what made him scared to have this conversation with Anya in the first place, his fears that he was ill suited for the role. But the thing he had unwavering faith in was Anya being a mother, knowing without a doubt that she'd be an incredible one, and Jamie knew he didn't want her to miss the opportunity because of him. Maybe having one good parent was enough, he'd reasoned to himself, even if he knew Anya would disagree and say he was being too hard on himself. "Yeah, that's what matters," Jamie echoed with a slight smile, having doubts that the two of them would ever agree on that particular topic. Seeing Anya smiling could easily get Jamie out of his own head, could easily make him happy even when he was a little stressed out like in that moment. He enjoyed the intimacy of them resting their heads together, something he felt they both needed in the midst of a somewhat stressful conversation. Although the peacefulness of the moment wasn't disturbed by Anya's question, Jamie couldn't help feeling a little surprised by it all the same, not having prepared for this conversation past letting Anya know he wasn't outright saying no to children. But it was fair, her asking for a timeline of sorts, and Jamie wanted to at least give her that, even if he wasn't certain he wanted to start trying for kids immediately. Jamie chuckled a little at Anya's words despite himself and the way that his thoughts were currently swirling around his head. "I don't know, you're pretty unbelievable and otherworldly, so I'm thinking you could pull that off if you really put your mind to it, love," Jamie couldn't help teasing and smiling over at her. "At least I think so, anyway." He nodded a little in response to her words, knowing it would make sense to him being in their forever home first and not having to jostle a baby or a pregnancy while dealing with the stress of moving. "I'm glad we agree on that," he said, his voice a little softer than before while he glanced towards Anya's lap and contemplated her words. "So, I get why you're enthusiastic, of course. But I don't really want to rush into anything either," he admitted, lifting his gaze to meet hers. "Maybe after we move into the farm and get everything settled, we can talk about what to do then, see how we're feeling? Or mostly see how I'm feeling, since I doubt your excitement would change," Jamie told her with a playful smile. "Is that fair?" | @anyakined
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anyakined Ā· 14 days
i'm glad that you'd like to visit both, my love, and i've been wanting to see them for years, so that's exciting! and oh goodness, they say the farafra desert is so scary that a lot of people don't make it through the night when they camp there -- which you know just makes me want to visit there even more! i like the idea of planning time to visit when we're both not working, especially if we can take some time to really explore them. you're just making me blush right now, saying a lot of my projects are incredible, and that you think i'm incredible in them. which i could say the same about all your projects, mi querido. i always impress you every single time? i love hearing that! don't worry, i plan on stroking your ego all the time, my love, because you deserve it. you always look gorgeous to me, though, it's safe to say, even when you're wearing the vecna getup. though don't worry, i'm not getting crazy thoughts about vecna like some people! well, i've been looking up some concert festivals that we could go to, like austin city limits and maryland deathfest because why not go to an all death metal music festival? it'll be a lot of fun surprising joseph in london and dragging him along on a haunted adventure -- and i know we'll pick one that will be a lot of fun and hopefully really scary! plus, i love the idea of him bringing owen along so we can get to know him better, since he seems to be joseph's boyfriend now. that's very true, that's really all that matters when we're ghost hunting is how much fun we end up having, and we always have the most fun. and you're not wrong, the one in utah was a lot of fun! and same here about nice spirits, and now you're just trying to make me blush, saying everyone alive or dead should be drawn to me, my love. i love the idea of looking up some more ghost towns, and you'd not have to ask me twice to go to an abandoned haunted island either! because that does sound wild, and i'm all for doing a little more research to see if there are any cool ones out there, and i have a feeling if anyone could fine one, it's you! and i love that we have so many cemeteries out there to visit, we'll never be bored. we'll just keep our usual show for the spirits, right? and we'll not scar joseph any and make him question his friendship with us. i thought it was cute how happy you were to see him, honestly, and i have a feeling you'll get the same reaction from him when you visit his set too! he'll likely pounce on you, and everyone will probably tease him after, like they did you when you pounced on him. joseph did seem to choose someone really nice, and it's pretty cute how into him he obviously is, it's really nice to see joseph so happy, and of course i know he'd be happy to hear that you're happy for him too! maybe we can visit the coast one last time before i have to go off and film, my love? and you're right, the waves truly were decent for two people who were missing the beach, and we'll have another great time for sure. i hope that you're lucky and that you'll get to come to set with me when i have to leave to film -- and not me crossing my fingers that you're not needed on set as long as everyone else, even though i know you want to be with them as long as possible since it's the last season. i'm pretty lucky you love me, by the way, just wanted to point that out. it makes me very happy to hear that you're all in for breaking in places that we didn't get to the last time at the london house! you like the idea of a library for the farmhouse? that makes me happy! and i've found a few places that sell haunted artifacts, so i'm excited about that. and there are a few cursed objects as well, but i wasn't sure how you'd feel about that, my love. but i'm all for getting some of them, if you are? because i very much believe in those!
it's just the truth, mi querido, home truly is wherever you are -- and it makes me happy to hear that you feel the same way. i love that i make every location a home, when you do the same for me. and right? i'm pretty lucky to get to film in greece and iceland, it's going to be gorgeous, but it would be better with you there with me. but if you can come and visit, that would be great, and i would love to find some haunted places to explore in both locations, that would be a lot of fun. i'm glad you think my opinion is the only one that matters when i call you the sexiest cowboy alive, and honestly, i think goth cowboys are the best kind of cowboys. i agree that that's what makes us special, and i'm glad that we can be honest with each other about what we like and never feel like we have to hide anything. it's refreshing to be open with someone. i'm always going to be your muse? mi querido, you're making me emotional right now! i'm glad you love seeing me all tied up, and i love your idea and love that you would find it so sexy. so i'm all for you taking photos with the rope imprints on my skin after you've taken the ropes off -- and can i just say i love that you had a dream about it! how about we do that tonight, my love? i do feel beautiful in the ropes, and it makes my heart race a little that you think i look so beautiful in them too, my love. part of me wishes we were able to go back to la before i have to start filming so we could get a few rides in on the arch bike, but i suppose i can wait until i'm done filming! that sounds good that we'll be able to focus on getting our farm around then and even better if we can have christmas there, because i love the idea of getting to decorate it! maybe do a whole gothic christmas theme! i feel the same way about camping, as long as we've got some gorgeous views and plenty of fun stuff for us to do, i'm happy. i'm glad you're all for skydiving again, my love, and we did get some really great photos! and you already know i'm excited about getting to go hot air balloon jumping, especially getting to jump from a skull that's going to be so much fun. i will always kiss you before each jump, that's a tradition that's never going to go away, papi. i'm all for us planning another cemetery date where i can wear that metal dress, and you're right, we're pretty lucky in the fact that atlanta has a lot of cemeteries to choose from. i'm smiling at how much i love the idea of wearing the metal dress on our first cemetery date at the one near the farmhouse, that would be perfect. and you already know i can't wait for you to take it off me then either, i know we'll put on a great show too. your cuddles are the best medicine for me too, my love, and you know i'm a little sad it's a toss up on whether you'll be able to come to greece and iceland with me as well. though from the way it keeps looking, the end of september might be closer to when i'm filming anyway, so it might work in our favor! i was thinking the same thing, that it's meant to be for us to go since it's close to your birthday! i was going to say, i've seen some questionable things about people and their sexual fantasies with vecna -- so i'm probably not the only one wanting to kiss him. but i'm happy i'm the only one you want to kiss you as vecna though, i had a feeling that was the case, however. you know i'll always wear that inflatable to make you laugh, and you know i'll be wearing it at your next convention! i'm glad you're never too busy for a date with me, and i loved the one we went on over the weekend -- you really wined and dined me! plus, i loved that we went to the coast again, and you found the perfect spot for us to go out to dinner before heading to the beach. you're always going to make me feel lucky every day as well, my love, and that's never going to change either. and i'm glad i'll always be your anyabee, and you'll always be my love, mi querido and my papi. || @bowerhqs
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Iā€™m thinking Iā€™d love to visit both the Lost City of Petra and the Farafra Desert just because youā€™re wanting to see them! I hadnā€™t even heard of the latter, so the fact that theyā€™re both haunted is appealing. Weā€™ll have to plan a time when weā€™re both not working so we can really explore them. To be fair, a lot of your projects are incredible, so thatā€™s not a missing element, much like you being incredible in them. You canā€™t help wanting to impress me a little? Iā€™ll tell you that you always impress me every single time, darling. Feel free to stroke my ego as much as youā€™d like to, since you know I canā€™t get enough of that. And Iā€™ve been looking gorgeous lately, even wearing the Vecna getup? Now Iā€™m wondering if you found any new artists that we can see, that we havenā€™t already seen together! Aside from Nick Cave, I should say. Iā€™m glad you like the idea of surprising Joseph in London sometime and dragging him along on a haunted adventure. Weā€™ll have to think of one he hasnā€™t seen before. Plus I know heā€™ll want to bring Owen along, and the more, the merrier! Thatā€™s what usually matters when weā€™re ghost hunting, how much fun we have even if we donā€™t end up running into some spirits, right? Because at the least, itā€™ll have been a good night, and the one in Utah was honestly a lot of fun. Plus Iā€™ll always take nice spirits, and it never surprises me when any are drawn to you given everyone should be, alive or dead. Weā€™ll have to look up some more ghost towns, plus Iā€™ve even heard something about abandoned haunted islands?! Which would be wild, and I feel like I need to research that one a little more to see if there are any cool ones out there! Plus itā€™s a good thing there are so many cemeteries around for us to visit. Iā€™m still laughing at the thought of us putting on our usual show when Josephā€™s around, because youā€™re right, heā€™d definitely question why weā€™re friends. And youā€™re right that heā€™s a little amused by your wearing the daddy hat so much. I couldnā€™t help myself when it felt like I hadnā€™t seen him in so long! Plus Iā€™m hoping for the same reaction whenever I get to surprise him on his set too. Itā€™s true, I thankfully donā€™t need to hex Owen since Joseph seems to have chosen someone nice. And all that matters is Joseph is happy, and if he is, Iā€™m always happy for him. Iā€™d love to visit the coast with you again and get some night surfing in, especially when I know the two of us missed it so much. The waves were decent for two people who were missing the beach though, right? Donā€™t remind me of you having to film, though if Iā€™m lucky, Iā€™m hoping Iā€™ll get to come to set with you! I donā€™t think Iā€™m needed on set as long as everyone else is, not to give any spoilers away. I canā€™t help myself when your vault is so much fun, you know! And you know I love it and you, darling. Iā€™m all for catching up on the places we didnā€™t break in at the London house too, so you can fully count me in, love. A library for the farmhouse would be really amazing, and you know Iā€™m all for anything to do with haunted artifacts! Would that potentially include cursed items, or do you believe in those?
Youā€™re going to make me blush saying home is wherever I am, though I feel the same way about you, darling. You make every location a home. Look at those filming locations though, Greece and Iceland! Maybe I can come and visit, and weā€™ll find some haunted places to explore in both those locations. Well, if you think Iā€™m the sexiest cowboy alive, your opinionā€™s the only one that matters, darling. And Iā€™m definitely reaping the benefits of your love of goth cowboys, thereā€™s no question about that! I think itā€™s what makes us special, that we can be honest with each other about whatever we like and not feel like we have to hide anything. I have a feeling youā€™re always going to be my muse, Anyabee. Plus you know how much I love seeing you all tied up, though you know what I was thinking would be sexy? If I could take pictures of you with rope imprints on your skin, after Iā€™ve taken the ropes off. I had a dream about it and canā€™t get it out of my head, honestly. And seeing as we have them here already, Iā€™d love to do that as soon as possible. You felt beautiful in the ropes? Good thing, because you did look beautiful, darling. Iā€™m already missing seeing you on the Arch bike, so youā€™re right that we have to go riding again when weā€™re back in LA! Thatā€™s true, I can at least count on being done mid-December if not sooner, so by then, we can focus on getting our farm! Having Christmas there would be incredible, and Iā€™m crossing my fingers for that. Iā€™d be all for camping in the backcountry again too, though letā€™s be honest, Iā€™m not really picky about where to camp as long as there are amazing views that I can take pictures of. Especially since you like them so much! Iā€™m definitely all for sky diving again when it was so much fun, plus we got some cool pictures from that too. Weā€™ll have to figure out when we can go hot air balloon jumping, especially when we have the perfect one reserved in that skull one you rented. Youā€™ll still have to kiss me before each jump though, just casually pointing that out. In that case, weā€™ll have to plan another cemetery date where you can wear the metal dress, donā€™t you think? And itā€™s a good thing Atlanta has plenty of them. I was thinking maybe whenever we have our first cemetery date at the one near the farmhouse, maybe you could wear a metal dress then too? What do you think? Because I know that Iā€™d be excited to take it off of you then, no question about that. Your cuddles are always the best medicine, love, and at least itā€™s not looking like Iā€™ll have to film through December, though Iā€™m sad itā€™s a toss up on whether Iā€™ll be able to come to Greece and Iceland with you. I hope youā€™re not filming until towards the end of September. The Nick Cave concert is close to my birthday?! Which feels a bit meant, donā€™t you think? Iā€™d say I think you might be the only one wanting to kiss Vecna, but thatā€™s weirdly not true with the TikToks Iā€™ve seen. Youā€™re the only one Iā€™d want to kiss me as Vecna though, that counts! I canā€™t help laughing that you have that inflatable though, and it always makes me smile whenever I see you wearing it. Iā€™m never too busy for a date with you, darling, and we should go on another one again this weekend. We could go back to the coast like we mentioned, and maybe find a fun spot for dinner before we head to the beach? What do you think? You always make me feel lucky every day, darling, and I canā€™t see that ever not being the case, along with you being my Anyabee. | @anyakined
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anyakined Ā· 21 days
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anyataylorjoy: got to shoot three covers with the marvellous #normanjeanroy for #voguehongkong šŸŽ‚
what a dreamy, steamy day. love to allšŸ’Ž
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anyakined Ā· 26 days
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anyataylorjoy: you ever wake up and thank your lucky stars for having someone so amazing in your life? because i know i do, and it's this man right here. eres la razĆ³n por la que sonrĆ­o todos los dĆ­as.
and side note, but this man looks like a model while doing anything, and just another reason why i'm the luckiest girl alive.
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anyakined Ā· 1 month
i've always wanted to visit the lost city of petra -- it's supposed to be really haunted, but also very beautiful. and the farafra desert in egypt, which is supposed to be very haunted as well. what do you think? i'm always going to be supportive of you, and it means the world to me when you're able to come to my premieres too, mi querido. and you're making me blush, saying the film was incredible and that you're proud of me, i'm glad you feel that way, though! and i'm always pleased that you enjoy how i look on the red carpet too, i can't help but want to impress you a little! what can i say? i love stroking your ego -- but you are handsome all the time, no doubt about that. and you've been looking really gorgeous lately, just throwing that out there. i love the idea of us putting together a list of artists we'd love to see in concert as well, and i'm all for going on a weekend trip to see someone we'd like to see as well, my love! i'll start looking to see what we can find and who we can go see! i'm glad that you love the idea of heading to london one day to surprise him and take him to dinner, and i know we'll find the perfect haunted adventure to take him on. we'll make sure we pick the place that'll be the most fun for him, right? plus, i love the idea of us finding a place not many people have been, it's always great to have that intel that not many others have! i agree about the ghost town in utah, though i'm admit i'm a little sad, it didn't feel really haunted, but it was still fun to explore that with all of us together! i did feel some nice spirits hanging around, though -- and it makes me smile that you think they're drawn to me, my love. i'm all for looking for more ghost towns to drag them both into, and it makes me pretty happy that they'll be double dates as well! it's safe to say i love visiting any cemetery with you, mi querido, and i'm always up for going! if we put that kind of show on for him, he might start to question why he's friends with us, yeah? hey now, i think he gets a kick out of whenever i wear my daddy hat around him! i thought it was sweet how you reacted when he showed up on set, love, and i'm glad he took the time to visit! plus, i heard how much he talked about owen to you, which was adorable. you're so cute being so protective over joseph too, my love, though i think it's safe to say you don't need to hex owen. he was really nice, and it's pretty obvious he makes joseph very happy. it was fun traveling to the coast with you, love, and i'm glad we got some good night surfing in. it was such a lovely weekend all together. maybe we should do it again sometime? even though i don't think the waves stack up to the ones in la, they were still pretty fun. you're sweet to say that no one in the world could hate me, love. i love being on set with you too, and i'm glad it makes things more fun. it also makes me sad that i'm going to have to leave before you finish filming. the laugh i just let out at you, saying that you enjoy being in my vault as often as possible, i love it and i love you. oh, there's a few places that i know we didn't get to break in at the london house, so we need to get to them asap when we go there again! i do think a lot about fixing up our farm, my love. and you're making me blush calling me cute as a button! i've told you a lot of what i've been thinking, but right now my mind is on a really cool library and maybe finding some haunted artifacts to fill it? but you're right that we'll make a home together that we both love and are proud of, but i'll just say that home for me is wherever you are. you make me feel lucky every day to be sharing a life with you too, my love. and believe me, i want to be with you all the time for the same reason, i'm just happier when i'm around you. it's why i know i'll miss you so much when i have to film in greece and iceland.
you are the sexiest cowboy alive -- and i love that you've got that whole goth country boy vibe going, it's so sexy. well, i think it's you being a cowboy that i like so much, my love, but i'm happy you feel like you're reaping all the benefits from my love of you being a cowboy and all. and i'm glad you love my costumes! i love that we embrace that love of the dark side in each other as well, and i'm glad you've never felt like you've had to filter that side of yourself or dilute it for my comfort, i love that we're always on the same page with that. you do put everything into your music, which is why it's so easy to love and appreciate what you do, since you're so passionate about it. it means the world to me that i'm your muse, mi querido. i love that you embrace my dominant side without fail, love. and i'm always up for trying new things with you too, and you know i love when ropes are involved! your schedule has been a little topsy turvy with the night shoots, but i loved bringing the ropes along on our weekend getaway, and they were the perfect thing to use during downtime from surfing! and it's safe to say the photos you took of me wrapped up in those ropes with natural lighting were gorgeous -- i felt really beautiful in them. though the way you look at me while i'm all tied up makes me feel all kinds of beautiful too. i love that you think i look so sexy on my bike, my love, and i agree with you about the arch bike and am still so grateful you got it for me! i can't wait until we're back in la so we can ride more, i really miss it. that's very true, and i love that it's going to be our home! i just can't wait, though i'm thankfully you'll likely be done by mid-decemeber. maybe if we're lucky, we can have christmas there! we should camp in the backcountry more often, right? and i love that you took so many photos, love. you do cater to my daredevil side very well, and i love that you think it's so much fun! plus, i love that you had such a good time skydiving with me, and i'm all for us doing it again sometime. and you're right, i can't wait until we're able to jump out of the hot air balloon. we still have reservations on the skull one! that's why i love cliff jumping with you too, my love, because it makes me think of our first kiss. i'm always up for us doing wild things together, you're my favorite daredevil partner! i like that, and i agree that we make everything look good together. i'm glad you like the idea of me putting on that metal dress again for a cemetery date -- and i really love the plan of you taking it off me too, i love when you take it off me. i'm glad my cuddles are the best medicine, my love, and i can tell you've been a little run down lately from working so much. i'm sad you'll be filming until mid-december, and sad you won't be coming with me to greece and iceland in september when i start filming. i'll not laugh at you for being a little whingy about it, because i'm already feeling whingy about it. i think the one nick cave concert i saw in the uk was close to your birthday -- that would be a good birthday treat, right? yeah? i love that i can be on you anytime i'd like to, my love, because i love being on you all the time. i can't help it, you look so cute when you're vecna and you're just begging to be kissed, honestly. but i do love that i'm the one for you! i just really love dressing for you when i'm around you, my love, because i always love your reaction. but you're making me blush, saying it doesn't take much effort for me to stun you. i love going on dates with you, maybe we can go on one this week if you're not too busy? and i'm glad you're happy to be one half of a power couple with me! i know it's never going to stop for me with you making me feel lucky every day. i love you, and of course i can't help but smile when you call me anyabee, i love that that's your nickname for me! || @bowerhqs
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Youā€™ll have to let me know whatā€™s on the top of your travel list, darling, because you know Iā€™d love to visit every place youā€™d like to see once weā€™re both done filming! You know thatā€™s the one Iā€™m most excited about with you so far, the Gold Coast and all that amazing surfing! It means the world to me that youā€™re always so supportive, and you know Iā€™ll always want to attend every premiere of yours. Itā€™s why I was so sad not to make your premieres for Furiosa, especially with how incredible that film was. Iā€™m still so proud of you for that! Not to mention seeing how incredible you always look on the red carpet, since thatā€™s such a huge bonus. Youā€™re going to stroke this ego of mine saying Iā€™m handsome all the time, darling! Weā€™ll have to put together a list of artists weā€™d love to see in concert too, though maybe we can even attend those while weā€™re still working since theyā€™re short, and they give an opportunity to find fun places to travel. Honestly, Iā€™m so proud of Joseph and definitely want to get him a cape, or at least a gift of some sort. I love the idea of heading to London one day to surprise him and take him out to dinner, plus a haunted adventure too since we know he loves those. Of course, darling, and who would pick better haunted places than we would?! No one, I say. Itā€™s a thrill to find a place not many people have been as well, and now heā€™d privy to that intel! He loves us for that, admittedly. The ghost town in Utah was such an incredible night, and even if we didnā€™t feel like it was too haunted, it was a lot of fun exploring that, all of us together. You felt some nice spirits hanging around? Doesnā€™t surprise me in the least because I think theyā€™re drawn to you, darling. Weā€™ll have to look up some more ghost towns and see if we can drag them both into it. It sounds like itā€™ll be exactly double dates from what heā€™s been posting on Instagram, so you know! But either way, we do need our ghost bait, and we always watch out for him. I love visiting Greenwood cemetery with you, love, and Iā€™m always willing to go whenever youā€™d like to! Iā€™m cracking up because yeah, thatā€™s certainly not the kind of show Joseph signed up for with us at all. Your wearing your daddy hat around him is probably enough of a show, anyway. I canā€™t help it when itā€™d been forever since Iā€™d seen him, so I was overjoyed he decided to come visit me! Plus I got to hear more gossip about Owen, just in case I need to hex him. Or not, because he seems nice now that Iā€™ve met him. I love the idea of traveling to the coast for evening surfing and spending the weekend there! Maybe we can do that this coming weekend? What do you think? We can definitely see how the waves are there and if they stack up with the ones in LA. Thereā€™s no one in the world that could hate you, darling, and if they could, Iā€™d have to question their sanity. So itā€™s no surprise to me that everyone in the cast and crew loves you! Having you on set just makes it so much more fun, so Iā€™d have my way with that all the time if it were possible. In that case, I definitely enjoy being in your vault as often as possible, love. Iā€™m looking forward to when we can be back at the London house too, since Iā€™m pretty sure there are some areas we didnā€™t get the chance to break in. You think a lot about fixing up our farm? Youā€™re as cute as a button, darling, and youā€™ll have to tell me some of your ideas for that if you havenā€™t told me already. I know weā€™ll make a home together that we both love and are proud of, I have no doubts about that in the slightest. And you make me feel lucky every day to be sharing a life with you, darling. Itā€™s why I try to keep you with me all the time or go wherever you are depending, because life is just so much happier with you around.
Am I the sexiest cowboy alive then?! Because you know thatā€™s goals for a goth country boy like myself. I still canā€™t believe you like cowboys so much, but itā€™s never anything Iā€™m complaining about when I get to reap all the benefits of it with those costumes of yours, darling. Of course, and I love that we embrace that love of the dark side in each other, especially when Iā€™ve never felt like Iā€™ve had to filter that side of myself or dilute it for your comfort. Youā€™re going to make me blush complimenting my music this way, though it means the world to me you enjoy it as much as you do when youā€™re right, I tend to put everything into making my music. Plus I canā€™t see a time youā€™re not my muse, Anyabee. Your dominant side can come out to play anytime youā€™d like, since you know Iā€™d always embrace it without fail. You know I love trying out new things with you, especially with the ropes! I feel like my scheduleā€™s all topsy turvy with these night shoots, though it might be fun to bring the ropes along on our weekend getaway and use them there between surfing, donā€™t you think? Plus I could always take some pictures of you wrapped up in those ropes by natural lighting. Youā€™re sexy in any state, but doesnā€™t make me appreciate less when youā€™re tied up, love. Of course, because if thereā€™s anyone who looks sexy on a bike, its certainly you. Though thereā€™s just something special about an Arch that just makes the image all the more sexy. Plus Iā€™m excited for getting to ride it with you more too, darling. I canā€™t blame you for being excited for the farm since I am too, and itā€™ll be our home! How can we not be excited about that, right? Camping in the backcountry was amazing, and I feel like Iā€™ve taken so many pictures I still have to look through. You know me, darling, Iā€™ll always cater to your daredevil side since you know I think itā€™s fun, and I had a great time sky diving with you! Weā€™ll have to do it again sometime, donā€™t you think? Though we still have to jump for a hot air balloon too, so you know thatā€™s on the list. riding the ATVs was fun too, and you know Iā€™ll always have a soft spot for cliff jumping given it was part of our first kiss. Well, as long as we can do wild things together, Iā€™m always all for it. We both make everything look good together, how about that? Youā€™re putting the metal dress back on for another cemetery date? Because that sounds like an incredible plan to me, love, and I think you absolutely should do that since I love looking at it and taking it off of you. Your cuddles are the best medicine, especially when I feel a bit like theyā€™ve been working me to death. Seeing as how weā€™re probably filming until mid-December, I know chances are low that Iā€™ll be on set with you if youā€™re working before then, which Iā€™m guessing you are when youā€™re so in demand! So just donā€™t laugh at me for being a little whingy about it. Iā€™ll always make time for Nick Cave, and like I said, at least we wouldnā€™t be gone long for the concerts! You can technically be on me anytime youā€™d like to, darling, just pointing that out. I think youā€™re the only person in the world whoā€™d say itā€™s fun to kiss me as Vecna, just confirming that youā€™re the one for me. You are effortless, though I feel special that you always want to make an effort with your clothes when youā€™re around me. Plus it never takes much effort for you to stun me, either. The date was incredible, love, though I still maintain that you turned more heads in your dress. Though Iā€™m happy to be one half of a power couple with you. I donā€™t think thatā€™s ever going to stop, you making me feel lucky every day, and Iā€™m just glad I can return the feeling! Plus donā€™t mind me randomly throwing out Anyabee for that reason, making you smile. | @anyakined
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anyakined Ā· 1 month
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anyataylorjoy: welcome to the family bartok the magnificent. i've completely fallen in love with this little guy.
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anyakined Ā· 1 month
i think sometimes that's the easiest way to do it -- and you're right, it's like what you've learned to do and honestly, i love the idea of pretending i'm just some random, weird girl interacting with my costars! i think that'll make it a little more fun. though i'm glad it helped you be able to watch your own episodes! and yeah, since i'm really not in my body, so to speak, i don't really critique myself as much as i would if i was fully paying attention. because when i fully pay attention to what i'm doing -- i'm very critical of myself, which is why i tend to do the whole out-of-body experience thing. it's pretty easy to focus on the acting when your costars are brilliant, right? that's how i feel too! and oh goodness, darling, that's awful that you made yourself sick in the car while you were drinking thinking about watching yourself. i'm glad that the experience didn't turn out badly either, but given how talented you are, i can't say i'm shocked by that. it really can be a lot of fun getting dressed up in the latest fashion, and i'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend that enjoys it as much as i do, so we really have fun with it! i love that you were really into it when it was a new experience for you, and i honestly agree that a nice suit does tend to make things better. plus, i've seen you in suits, darling, and you looked fantastic in them! i'm hoping the stars will align for this because i know it would be an absolute honor to work with you! oh goodness, it's safe to say i would probably laugh if i watched you escape during the premiere! and thank you, darling, i'm really hoping i get the chance as well -- and honestly, i just think learning more and more about the business and industry is just like an exciting adventure. well, i hope that you get the chance to produce something that you don't have to act on, so you get to experience not having to watch yourself. you're right that asking questions is a good way to get to know someone, i just always worry that i can be overwhelming. and thank you, darling, it was rough, but i'm glad that i can see myself in a whole different light than i did back then -- and while i still have bad days, i do have those supportive people that pull me right out of it. my dad is in his eighties and my mom is his second wife, so when i was a teenager, all my half-siblings were already grown and starting their own families, so i felt like i had to rebel more than normal to keep my parents on their toes! hopefully your two don't rebel too much! oh, i agree with you a lot that it's a frustrating part of business, and it's surreal to me that they think people want to see the same thing over and over again, you know? because it is boring -- and i feel like more people want new and exciting stuff, right? i love that! because while i love everything the walking dead has put out, i'd only really watch if the storyline was good, and it didn't feel forced or like it was just thrown together. it's always nice to meet someone who embraces weirdness and randomness! and yes, i love the idea of killing zombies! but also love badass girls and guys, that kill the zombies! hey now, i didn't need to humor an old man out on the waves because you were amazing out there, and you more than kept up with me! i did have fun the rest of the trip, and i had a lot of fun on the utah trip as well. did you have fun in utah? and it was good seeing you at the bonfire as well! || @lincolnhq
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Watch it like youā€™re having an out of body experience? Thatā€™s really smart and sort of close to what Iā€™ve learned to do, pretending that Iā€™m just some random, weird guy interacting with my costars. That got me through having to watch my own episodes. I was going to ask if focusing on the acting makes you more critical of yourself, though it doesnā€™t apply if youā€™re having the out of body experience, yeah? But I can always focus on the acting when it comes to my costars since theyā€™re so brilliant. I wish I could say I was being dramatic, which perhaps I still am, but I made myself sick in the car while I was driving, thinking about watching myself! Iā€™m just thankful the experience didnā€™t turn out as badly as I thought. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with loving fashion and wanting to dress up! It can be a lot of fun and Iā€™ll admit I felt that way doing promo for my earlier projects since it was all a new experience and I was taking everything in. And even now, thereā€™s few occasions a nice suit wonā€™t make better. Iā€™ll put out there that Iā€™d love to work with you on a project, so maybe the stars will align for this! And then you can see my escape during premieres firsthand. I hope you get the chance to direct a film the way you want, and some of the best directors I feel are constantly curious and wanting to know the business that way. Iā€™m sure youā€™d have an incredible eye for it. Iā€™ve not produced projects that Iā€™ve not acted in, but I have the feeling itā€™d be more enjoyable for not having to watch myself. Well, I donā€™t mind in the least if you want to ask questions, and itā€™s a good way to get to know someone! Iā€™m sorry to hear youā€™ve had a rough time when you were younger, since I know thatā€™s rough. Though Iā€™m glad you have more confidence in yourself now that youā€™re older, and youā€™re surrounding yourself with supportive people like your boyfriend! I have my parents a hard time as a teenager as well, so I shouldnā€™t be surprised at my own kids doing that. Exactly, I don't want t be typecast. It's such a frustrating part of the business, that when something's successful, studios want to repeat that formula again and again. It's boring, I couldn't do it. I'll happily do more for The Waking Dead given good material, but it can't just be for the sake of it, I feel like. I love embracing weirdness and randomness, and they make the world go round! So it's killing zombies you're a fan of? Along with the badass girls and guys, I'm sure! It's true, and it was nice surfing with you too! Thanks for humouring an old man out on the waves, and I appreciate it more than you know. Did you have a fun rest of the trip? | @anyakined
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anyakined Ā· 2 months
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anyataylorjoy: when your boyfriend takes photos of you like he's the paparazzi. he's so cute.
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anyakined Ā· 2 months
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ANYA TAYLOR-JOY Mark Seliger ph. for Jaeger-Lecoultre (2024)
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anyakined Ā· 2 months
i love the idea of us planning more fun holidays once filming is over -- i know there are a lot of places i'd like to visit with you, love. and you're right, we're going to have so much fun on the gold coast and i can't wait until we're able to go, the surfing will be amazing. i do love being there to support you, mi querido, and i'll always go to a premiere of yours if i can! and while i'm not upset you couldn't make it because i know how important filming is, there's part of me that's still sad you couldn't come to all my press tours for furiosa, because i'd have loved you to see those looks in person. plus, just having you on my arm for events like that makes me so happy. you do always look handsome enough for me -- but you know i think you're handsome all the time, love. i'm glad you enjoyed yourself at troye's concert, my love, and i miss going to concerts as well, especially going to concerts with you! i'll be all for us going to them again once we're both not working, and i bet we'll pick some amazing shows to go to! oh goodness, i love the idea of getting him a cape since he's going to be a superhero! and i bet he would love. Ā since we know we'll be filming in london, maybe one weekend we can go there and spoil him to dinner and maybe a haunted adventure. oh, he's 100% faking it every time he says that he doesn't like our choice of haunted places, because we always pick the most amazing ones, and how could he not love them? i feel like he should feel special that we showed him the secret entrance to the catacombs -- because not a lot of people know about it, and now he's one of the people that does! i'm glad we found that ghost town in utah to visit, it was a lot of fun going with joseph and owen, and even though i didn't get the spooky vibe from it, i could feel some nice spirits hanging around. and i agree that we'll have to get him to more ghost towns, and he can bring his friend too, it'll be like ghost town double dates! wait, a cursed town that's strictly closed off and no one is allowed to enter? that sounds like a dream come true to me -- and i agree, we know how to stay on the ghost's good side, so i'll think we'll be fine. though we should probably watch out for joseph since he's ghost bait. it makes me smile that you love visiting cemeteries for the first time with me as well, because it is just fun experiencing them together. i love the idea of us visiting greenwood now that we're back from utah, my love, and i can't help but laugh a little at you saying you don't think joseph would appreciate that sort of show with us. which i agree, and i probably wouldn't ever be able to look him in the eyes again if he did. i'm really glad he showed up in atlanta to surprise us as well, it was so cute seeing how happy you were to see him. i'm all for us looking for a place to nighttime surf on georgia's coast, i'm sure we could find the perfect place to stay for the weekend and hit the waves! plus, it would likely be a different experience from la, and i love the sound of that. i'm glad that the crew people love me and are happy to have me on set, i'd feel awful if they hated me! and i love that you're so happy for me to be on set as well, i'm glad for that since i love being on set with you, mi querido. oh it's very dirty and it's safe to say that i always enjoy when you're in my vault, a whole whole lot. then i'm looking forward to when we're back in london so we can break in the london house all over again. Ā i can't wait until filming is over so we can buy the farm and fix it up to how we want it, i think about it a lot. because i know i'll love making it a home with you, and it's safe to say that i'm extremely lucky that i get to share a space with you as well, my love. believe me, if you went everywhere with me, i'd be the happiest person. though i feel like i'm already the happiest person just because i have you in general.
well, you are the sexiest man alive, papi. plus, i love that you're chuckling at my reaction to you as a cowboy -- but also glad that you like it since it's a fantasy of mine, and i love that you enjoy my costumes. it's part of why i love you so much, mi querido, that you're never afraid of anything dark. i'm just always so impressed with the music that you come up with, you know? and you truly put your heart and soul into everything that you do when it comes to your music, so i'm always just in awe of what you do. and i feel like others feel the same way! i'm still blushing over being your muse, but i'm glad you think i'm the perfect one. i'm glad that you're all for it whenever my dominant side wants to come out to play, because that is a lot of fun. oh really? now that we're alone again i hope you're going to show me those things we can try out, my love, especially if they're involving ropes. plus, i love that you think i'm so sexy tied up. i love that you knew i'd look sexy on the arch bike when you saw it, that makes me feel pretty good, my love. and i agree that there's no doubt that we both looked sexy on it, and i'm looking forward to riding it more with you! i really love that we have a whole list of things we'd like to do when filming is over also, and i'm excited too, my love, though i'm most excited for the farm, i'll admit. i loved camping in the backcountry with you, it was nice having that privacy for us, and honestly, it was so gorgeous, wasn't it? and thank you so much for catering to my daredevil side so much, my love, because i had so much fun skydiving, riding those atvs and doing a little cliff jumping as well. plus, i just love that you're just as much of a daredevil as me, we have so much fun doing wild stuff. you make everything look good too, which is another reason why we're the perfect match! oh, it never hurts that we give those spirits some of the best shows, there's no doubt about that. maybe since we're back in atlanta, i can wear that metal dress to another cemetery, what do you think? and then you can practice taking it off me, since you're in need of more lessons. i'm glad that you're less stressed about filming and the busy schedule because i'm here with you, i love that i can keep you calm, mi querido. so i'm glad that i've been able to stay for a while too! plus, don't mind me smiling that my cuddles always help as well, since i love cuddling you. i'm crossing my fingers for that too, my love, because i don't want to be apart and just also love the idea of having you on set with me! the shows for nick cave are early november, so i'm pretty much hoping neither of us have a lot going on so we can go, my love. you might have mentioned it a few times, but it's safe to say i love being on you when you're not filming. though it's fun kissing you while you're dressed up like vecna, which might seem odd to some people! i do tend to make more of an effort in what i wear when i'm around you, because i love your reactions. but you're sweet, saying i'm pretty effortless, that makes me smile so much. and i'm always going to choose things that'll stun you, i love having your eyes on me when i'm wearing something you really enjoy! hopefully we can plan a date this weekend, what do you think? you'll wear that suit, and i'll find the perfect dress to match, and we'll stun everyone around us. i feel like everyone will see us and think now there goes a power couple. yeah? i'm so glad that i make you feel lucky every day that i'm in your life, because i know i sure feel that way as well, my love. plus, you calling me anyabee is always going to make me smile. || @bowerhqs
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It sounds like weā€™ll have to plan some more fun holidays once filming is over, donā€™t you think? Aside from the Gold Coast, I should say, which I know weā€™re going to have so much fun with. Well, you know Iā€™m always happy if youā€™re with me for every premiere, darling, and I definitely want to make sure Iā€™m at all of yours if I can be! Iā€™m still upset I couldnā€™t come with you on part of your press tour for Furiosa because I was filming, not to mention missing out on seeing those looks in person. I always look handsome enough for you? I know I always try. Horizon was a great film, though it bums me out on his behalf that not enough people went and saw it, and that the second isnā€™t coming out next month like he wanted. I hope itā€™ll get a release date eventually. You can always cling to me as much as youā€™d like to, darling, you know that. Going to Troyeā€™s concert with you guys and seeing Alex was a lot of fun too, and just reminded me of how much I miss going to concerts too, you know? Another thing weā€™ll have to do once weā€™re both not working, pick out some concerts to attend. Iā€™m not sure what to get Joseph as a thank you, other than a gag gift of a cape since heā€™ll be in the Fantastic Four! Maybe we can take him out to dinner sometime though, since you canā€™t deny the gift of food. I feel like he loves all our choices for haunted places though, no doubt in the least about that. Anytime heā€™s saying that he doesnā€™t, heā€™s probably faking it. Thatā€™s firmly what I believe. The trip to Paris was a perfect gift for him too, even though he probably wasnā€™t quite as enthusiastic about the Catacombs. Still, who can say theyā€™ve been to a secret entrance of it? Not a lot of people, and now Joseph can say exactly that. We can always figure out somewhere haunted in Utah, donā€™t you think? That has to have some places or maybe a ghost town nearby. But ghost towns on the whole would be a lot of fun with him, so I appreciate you looking them up, and of course I want to join you in that! So far, Iā€™ve only come up with a cursed town thatā€™s strictly closed off and no oneā€™s allowed to enter. Maybe curses wonā€™t matter since we know how to stay on every ghostā€™s good side, right? I love visiting cemeteries for the first time with you too, love, so we get to experience them together. Iā€™m all for going back to Greenwood too, and maybe we can do that after Utah, since Iā€™m not sure Joseph would appreciate that sort of show with us! I still canā€™t believe he surprised us and showed up in Atlanta, but Iā€™m so happy he did! Weā€™ll just have to do some nighttime surfing next time weā€™re in LA, or if you want, we could always travel to Georgiaā€™s coast for the cause and night surf there, since you donā€™t mind taking the trip there when we get the chance. We could scratch our itch for that really easily. Well, I love having you in my corner, darling, and always have. The crew loves you, no question about it, so I bet theyā€™re happy to have you here on set! Not as happy as me, of course, but happy all the same! Well, Iā€™m always trying to make you blush, but itā€™s just the truth that you brighten every space youā€™re in. Well, I hope itā€™s dirty since being in your vault is a lot of fun, and you can take that however youā€™d like. Iā€™m all for breaking in the London house all over again when weā€™re there, and you donā€™t ever have to ask me about that. Iā€™m really excited for when we can buy the farm too and fix it up to our liking, make it really like home. I really love sharing space with you, darling, and I feel eternally lucky that I get to do that. Sounds perfect to me, going everywhere with you, and I wouldnā€™t have it another way.
Good thing you enjoy making me blush, because youā€™re definitely doing that calling me the sexiest man alive! Iā€™m still chuckling a little at your reaction to me as a cowboy, though I like it for being a fantasy of yours, not to mention I get to see you in all those gorgeous barmaid costumes. Plus you know me, Iā€™m never afraid of anything dark, darling. It means the world to me that youā€™re as supportive of my music as you are, love, especially when I know it can be a weird process getting there sometimes. But of course I always want everyone to enjoy it when we release it! Well, you are my muse, darling, not to mention the perfect one too. Ideally, everyone should get to do what works for them, since that definitely allowed for more creativity than feeling forced into anything, right? Iā€™m just saying, anytime your dominating side wants to come out to play, Iā€™m all for that, Iā€™ll just say that in advance. I might have some things we can try out once weā€™re on our own again, maybe some things involving ropes since you look so sexy tied up in those. I knew youā€™d look sexy on the Arch bike when I saw it, to be fair, although you just proved me right! No doubt we both looked sexy on the Arch bike though, and I had a lot of fun riding around on it with you. I love that we have a whole list of things weā€™d like to do when filming is over, and you know Iā€™m excited for doing all of them with you, love, including getting our farm and fixing it up to our liking! Camping in the backcountry sounds good to me for the camping trip, since itā€™ll be private, plus itā€™s absolutely gorgeous there. Plus I saw some daredevil things like skydiving and riding the ATVs, and weā€™re doing that too, right?! Maybe finding a cliff to jump from? Thatā€™s one advantage of being in Atlanta for so long, exploring and finding the best haunted places to explore! Not to mention those are incredible for inspiration for my music. Just the truth, love, you really make everything look so good! The spirits absolutely loved your metal dress when we visited, as Iā€™d like to think they have some of the best tastes, after all. Plus it couldnā€™t hurt that we gave them a show too, right? In that case, you can wear the metal dress whenever you feel like I need to practise taking it off of you, because Iā€™m always about that lesson, darling. You deserve to be spoiled and taken out, darling, thatā€™s just a fact. I just know Iā€™d be a lot more stressed out about filming and the busy schedule if you werenā€™t here to help keep me calm, and Iā€™m so glad that youā€™ve been able to stay for a while. Not to mention your cuddles always help a lot too! Iā€™m crossing my fingers that filming will be over for me by the time youā€™re filming again yourself, because you know Iā€™d love to be on set with you and watching you work your magic from the sidelines. Nick Caveā€™s doing some shows in the UK? That sounds incredible, darling, and you know Iā€™d love to attend any of them with you! Well, Iā€™m sure youā€™d have made up for it in other ways just fine, although Iā€™m just happy weā€™ll get to see Nick Cave together! Have I mentioned I love having you on me when Iā€™m not filming? Because thatā€™s honestly the best, and I canā€™t get enough of it. You want to make the effort in what you wear all the more when youā€™re around? Youā€™re pretty effortless even when youā€™re not trying though, love, so thatā€™s pretty easy to accomplish! But Iā€™m not going to argue with you trying to choose things that stun me, since youā€™re incredible at doing that. well, in that case, we have to plan a date, and Iā€™m happy to wear that suit if youā€™re going to wear something to match, darling. Though youā€™d probably show me up, so Iā€™m completely prepared for that! Now youā€™re going to make me blush saying things like that, but you honestly make me feel lucky every day that youā€™re in my life, Anyabee. | @anyakined
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anyakined Ā· 2 months
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anyataylorjoy: if there's a cliff, i'm going to jump off it.
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anyakined Ā· 2 months
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anyataylorjoy: don't go chasin' waterfalls.
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anyakined Ā· 2 months
that makes me smile, my love, because i'm always up for a little holiday with you -- and getting to see our friends and their kids is very much a bonus! but i know i'm going to love visiting the gold coast with you, and we're going to have so much fun, no doubt about that! i'm happy i was able to come back to atlanta with you too, mi querido, because i don't want to be without you or miss you either. you know there was no place i'd rather have been then at the premiere with you, and you did look very handsome, and i love that i've got you blushing! though you always look handsome enough for me, so there's that. it makes me happy that he's getting such positive feedback as well, you guys put out a great film, and a lot of people see that. Ā yeah? well, since i love clinging to you so much, i hope you're prepared for a lot of me doing just that! he's our little starlet, honestly, and i love that for him. oh goodness, i had the best time at troye's show with the two of you as well -- plus it was great seeing alex again! i love the idea of getting joseph a little surprise for helping you move into our place, what do you think we should get him? well, i feel like some of the time he's happy with our choices for haunted places, and other times he might dislike us a little bit for our choices, right? but you're very right because we did spoil him with that day trip to paris, which was gorgeous! i think he might not have enjoyed the catacombs all that much with the sounds he was making, but i know we had fun! oh, next time we see him, we'll drag him somewhere haunted; there's no doubt about that! i'll start looking up more ghost towns we can visit then, my love, and see what i can come up with! i feel the same way about that kind of tattoo, and it would be my favorite to share with you as well! oh, if anyone out there knows how to stay on a ghost's good side, it's us, mi querido, there's no doubt about that! well, all the cemeteries i've visited so far with you have been pretty amazing, though i think my favorites are the ones that we're visiting for the first time together. i was thinking we should go back to greenwood at one point, my love, because i think we could put on an even better show after our chat with them this time. i'm glad we share that passion about ouija boards and the spiritual world, it makes me smile so much. and you're right, because sometimes ouija boards are needed at the most random times! i'm a little sad we couldn't do more nighttime surfing while we were in la as well, my love, but i know that getting back to atlanta was important. i love the idea of taking a weekend trip to the coast to see what surfing spots we can find, that would be wonderful! i'm glad that i'm the perfect support system for you, and i love being in your corner. oh goodness, since they have to see my mug so much, i really do hope the crew loves having me on set so much. and now who is trying to make who blush? i brighten every space i'm in? you're too sweet, my love. you'd be the only one that i'd welcome into my vault, which sounds slightly dirty now that i've said it out loud. it's safe to say that i love hearing you say our london house, though -- and we had an amazing time breaking it in together, mi querido, but i'm all for doing it over again when we're back at the house. hearing you talk about the farm just makes me all the more excited about buying it and fixing it up to our tastes. i love hearing that, our two homes together, because i love sharing space with you so much. yeah? well, i love hearing that i'll never have to worry about a life without you. and you should know that anywhere you're going, i'm going with you. again with making me blush, but thank you, my love, as that means the whole world to me.
i'm just speaking the truth, my love, you are the sexiest man alive -- but you're not wrong, i do enjoy making you blush a whole lot, papi. as much as i enjoy you being my bad cowboy too! yeah? i'm glad that you're always willing to try any and all of my fantasies, especially when i know that mine can be a little on the dark side. i've loved everything that you've put out so far, and every time i hear you trying out new music, i just look forward to you showing everyone how talented you are! and it makes me blush when you call me your muse, my love. i'm glad that you have that freedom to drop music when people least expect it, because i think your fans really like that! and you should always get to do what works for you, right? i'm glad that you think i look stunning in my dominatrix outfits, and it makes me very pleased to hear that it makes you want to do everything i command all the more. i'm glad that you find my dominating side sexy too, mi querido, since i feel the same way about your dominating side. i'm already excited about you expanding your collection of dom gear just for me -- and of course, can't wait for you to bring me to my knees as well. especially since you're going to find it so sexy! see, you make me blush when you say that i look sexy on the arch bike, and you're very right that we look sexy together while we're on the arch bike, no doubt about that. i'm pretty excited when work is over for you as well so we can travel together more and, of course, get our farm together, because, as you know, i can't wait to move in there with you! and i'm really looking forward to the upcoming camping trip as well, i was thinking we could camp in the backcountry away from everyone else, what do you think? you know i'm all for finding more places in atlanta to explore! i know we'll have fun exploring the coast, and we are always good at finding the best haunted places as well. you're sweet to say that i make most anything look good, my love, and you've got me blushing again! though i feel the same way, i'm easily the luckiest girl in the world for getting to be with you. oh, you think the spirits liked my metal dress at hollywood cemetery? i love that! almost as much as i loved fooling around there with you. plus, you're right, you've taken the metal dress off me enough times to be amazing at it -- but i'm all for you getting in some more practice. you know it means the world to me that you want to take me out and spoil me, right? i love being here with you, my love, and i feel good knowing that it makes the filming schedule feel less hectic for you! i'm also glad that cuddling with me ends the work day perfectly for you, and it's safe to say i always want to cuddle with you. i really hope filming is over for you by then, because i don't really want to be away from you, and having you on set would make me so happy. i'm glad that i looked for his tour then, and we could catch a few shows in the uk since he's doing a few of them! and i'm glad that will make up for me going to see him without you, mi querido, that makes me feel better. oh yeah? well, good, because i can't get enough of being on you, so that's exactly what i'm going to be doing all day today when you're not filming. i do love that you always want to jump me, but you're right, being apart really does make the feelings all the more intense. that's very true, and i love that we like looking good so much, my love. and i always want to make the effort all the more whenever you're around. i always want to wear things that stun you a little, you know? please, you're welcome to wear that suit you wore at the horizon premiere anytime you like for me. especially if you're going to take me out on a fancy date while wearing that, and i'll find a dress that matches how good you look, mi querido. i'm glad you feel so lucky to have me, since i spend every day feeling lucky to have you. || @bowerhqs
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Iā€™m always for a little holiday with you, darling, and our friends and their kids are a bonus! Plus that and the Gold Coast, I think itā€™d be one of the best vacations weā€™ve had. Iā€™m just happy you were able to come back to Atlanta with me this week, since I definitely didnā€™t want to be without you or missing you. It means the world to me that you were at the Horizon premiere with me, and look at you making me blush saying I looked handsome! As long as I looked handsome enough for you, it must be true. It makes me so happy for Kevin that the filmā€™s getting positive feedback too, since it was such a passion project of his. Please feel free to cling to me as much as youā€™d like to, darling. I know what you mean, and Joseph is always booked and busy, and as he should be! Youā€™re right that it makes the time with him all the more precious though, and I had the best at Troyeā€™s show with the two of you and Alex! And yeah, I was thinking maybe we should get Joseph a little surprise for helping me move into our new place because I know he didnā€™t have to, especially with how much he has going on these days. I donā€™t know if happyā€™s always the word when it comes to haunted places, but he canā€™t deny we spoiled him with a day trip to Paris, right? Even if that included the catacombs. Weā€™ll have to take him on more haunted adventures because Iā€™d guessed he missed those a lot more than heā€™d let on. Itā€™s a great idea to think of more ghost towns, and of course they have to be haunted! I think getting tattoos because a spirit touched us would easily be the tattoos to end them all, and hands down my favourite one to share with you! Iā€™d like to think we both know how to stay on a ghostā€™s good side, donā€™t you think? Weā€™ll have to visit more cemeteries in Atlanta now that weā€™ll be around here a while then, because Iā€™d love to visit some new ones together. Iā€™m so happy you loved Greenwood, darling, and I know we gave the spirits a good show after our chat with them. Iā€™m happy the two of us love Ouija board sessions and just the spiritual world as much as we do. Plus you never know when the Ouija board will come in handy, right? I always love nighttime surfing with you, and honestly, summer has always been an incredible time for that. Iā€™m only sad we couldnā€™t do it more before we had to leave LA. But maybe we can take a weekend trip to the coast sometime, see what surfing spots we can find there? Youā€™ve always been the perfect support system, darling, and Iā€™m lucky to have you in my corner. Iā€™m quite sure the crew loves having you on set too, knowing how you brighten every space youā€™re in. In your vault, you say? I wonder what else youā€™ve got in there. Iā€™m really happy we managed to get everything into our London house with a little help, and itā€™s still new to me calling it our house! We definitely had plenty of fun breaking it in together, darling, and Iā€™m all for doing that all over again when weā€™re back at the house. Well, I couldnā€™t help the farm being on my mind since we were in LA, and honestly, I canā€™t wait until we can buy it for ourselves and start fixing up our home. Or our second home, I should say. Itā€™s a good thing youā€™ll never have to worry about life without me since I donā€™t plan on going anywhere if youā€™re not coming with me. Well, thatā€™s easy to do when you are the most beautiful girl in the room ever single day, my love.
Iā€™m going to start blushing if you keep saying Iā€™m the sexiest man alive to you! Though Iā€™m betting you enjoy making me blush, my little minx. I love that youā€™ve purchased brothel costumes for the cause, and honestly, Iā€™ll always dress up as your bad cowboy if youā€™re in one of those. itā€™s safe to say Iā€™d be willing to try any and all fantasies of yours, and all you have to do is say which ones youā€™re interested in. I always know youā€™re going to be the most excited for my music, which is something that makes my heart the happiest when Iā€™m creating anything, darling. Not to mention you being my muse, of course. Thatā€™s the fun part, dropping music on people when they least expect, and being able to do that anytime I feel inclined. I feel like Iā€™d be every record labelā€™s worst nightmare, but it works for me! Of course Iā€™m into you being in a dominatrix outfit, love, especially since you look stunning in every single one of them. It just makes me want to do everything you command all the more. Plus your dominating side is sexy too, so you know Iā€™m completely into that, love. In that case, Iā€™ll have to expand my collection of dom gear just for you, since you find it so sexy and all. Bringing you to your knees is probably the sexiest thing I can do, letā€™s be honest. Iā€™m so happy you loved the Arch bike, darling. Not to mention you looked sexy on it, and Iā€™d like to think we do together! I always have fun traveling with you so thatā€™s no surprise at all, and Iā€™ll be excited for when work is over and we can do more of it together, in addition to getting our farm together. Like you said though, it was nice at least having the little bit of time to travel together because of promo, and I know the upcoming camping trip will be a whole lot of fun too. In that case, weā€™ll have to find more places in Atlanta to explore, donā€™t you think? Like the coast, maybe we can even find some haunted places there too in addition to the surfing! Red absolutely looks divine on you, though to be fair, you make most anything look good, darling. Iā€™m easily the luckiest man in the world for getting to be with you. The metal dress looked gorgeous on you too, and Iā€™m sure the spirits thought so when we strolled through Hollywood Cemetery. Fooling around there was definitely fun too, and well, do something enough and Iā€™m apt to get good at it, right? Though if you ask me, I think I could use some more practice. I appreciate that you like all the time weā€™re spending together, even if itā€™s not taking you out and spoiling you as much as Iā€™d like. But Iā€™m glad youā€™re here with me, darling, and it certainly makes the filming schedule feel so much less hectic. And sometimes just cuddling up with you just ends the work day perfectly, I canā€™t deny that in the least. Iā€™d love to be on set with you for your next project and see just how brilliant you always are, not to mention I wouldnā€™t have to be away from you. Iā€™d love to see Nick sometime in November with you, and makes me happy heā€™ll be in the UK! That would more than make up for you going to see him without me, Iā€™m just saying. In that case, the word, because I canā€™t ever get enough of you on me. I always want to jump you, I think you know that, though being apart just makes the feelings all the more intense. Well, we both canā€™t help that we like looking good, darling, and I know that I always want to make the effort all the more whenever youā€™re around. With the way youā€™re complimenting me, I may have to wear the suit I wore at the Horizon premiere again! Maybe take you somewhere fancy for the cause to show how lucky I feel to have you, love. | @anyakined
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anyakined Ā· 2 months
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anyataylorjoy: hanging out in my teddy bear onesie like it's not 95 degrees out.
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anyakined Ā· 2 months
anya always wanted to make sure that jamie knew he could talk to her about anything -- no matter what was on his mind, she wanted to hear about it because if it was something that was bothering him, she wanted to do her best to make him feel better. they were having such a nice vacation, there was no doubt about that, and when she could tell something was off with jamie and that he seemed to be a million miles away with his thoughts, she wanted to make sure that she helped with whatever he was dealing with. because the quicker they could fix what was going on, the quicker they could go back to their happy vacation, and that's what anya wanted. especially knowing that as soon as their time in mexico was over -- she'd be leaving jamie again for a little while, and she just wanted to have as great of time as possible while they were together. however, anya had really not been expecting him to bring up children today, or ever, truthfully. she thought it was a subject they'd already discussed and it was one they wouldn't be visiting again, which she was okay with because, like she had told jamie, she accepted his stance on it and no matter what, she wanted to be with him. did it make her sad? yes, it did, something she'd been very honest about with jamie because she'd always dreamed she'd be a mother. but it never crossed her mind to want to leave jamie over it, because she loved him so much and she knew he was who she was meant to spend forever with. her life was meant to be with jamie, there was no doubt about that, and she would be happy as long as she was with him. so the fact that jamie was not saying no to children really rocked her world a little, because it wasn't something that she had been expecting -- and it sure wasn't a conversation she thought they would be having today. and for a moment she hadn't known what to say, because she was feeling a lot of emotions all at once. happiness that she was possibly going to be a mother, and that she was going to have a child with jamie, something she truly did want. but also a little bit of fear that she couldn't seem to shake, because some of what jamie was saying had made her think he was breaking up with her, and just the thought of him ending things with her made her feel like her heart was breaking. so anya would admit that she was very thankful when jamie pulled her into his lap for comfort, because that's exactly what anya needed, she needed to be close to him and needed to wrap herself around him a little bit as well.
being close to jamie made anya feel so much better -- and she couldn't help but hope that jamie was drawing comfort from having her close too, which she had a feeling he was. anya smiled at jamie's words, and of course pressed her lips against his when he gave her an affectionate kiss. "good, because there's no way i'm giving you up either, papi, i really don't know what i would do without you," she stated honestly. the fear that she felt that he was ending things was slowly starting to go away, and her heart felt like it was beating normal again, as she cuddled up closer to jamie in his lap. breaking up was something that she never wanted to happen when it came to jamie and her, though there was something about what they had that made her feel like it would never happen, she just got scared for no reason and couldn't help but feel a little silly for it. but now she could really focus on the conversation at hand now that her heart wasn't pounding thinking that jamie was ending things. there was no doubt in anya's mind that jamie would be a good father -- she would bet on it a thousand times over, no matter what jamie said or felt. anya could understand not being confident in being a parent, could understand where he was coming from because she had the same fears, what if she wasn't as good as a mom as she hoped she'd be? but at the end of the day, she knew that any child of theirs would be loved unconditionally, and they would learn as they went when it came to parenthood. and she had a feeling that jamie would shock himself with how good he'd be at it, but for now she'd just agree to disagree with him and give him a smile in return to the wry grin he was giving her. "we do agree on everything else important, and that's truly what matters most, my love," and she'd admit her heart fluttered a little bit at the smile that jamie gave her after the kiss to his cheek. another sign of just how gone on him she was, and she just smiled herself as they rested their heads together again. anya couldn't help but ask the question that popped into her head, mostly because she was sure that she didn't wait to wait forever to have children, but she also wanted to make sure that it was a time they both felt comfortable as well, obviously. anya just smiled when jamie said it was a fair question -- then glad that he seemed to listen to everything that she was saying, given that she was slightly worried for a moment about admitting that she didn't wait to wait years to begin trying for a baby. anya couldn't help but laugh at jamie's next question, smiling fondly at the playful smile that he was giving her. "every time you say not being parents tomorrow, i have to chuckle a little because wouldn't that be a nifty trick to pull out of my hat," she teased. "but yeah, when i think about things being right for us to have a baby, i do see us already in our forever home first. i mean, i like the idea of us being moved in, and then maybe start trying if that's something you'd be agreeable to. but i also don't want you to feel like i'm rushing you," anya stated softly. "i never expected us to have this conversation, and i'll admit i'm excited, and part of me is thinking the sooner the better. but i'm also trying my best to be realistic here." || @bowerhqs
A part of Jamie had felt guilty that he couldn't keep his intrusive thoughts to himself, especially since this was the first vacation the two of them had been on ever since work had gotten a bit busy for both of them. And try as he might, Jamie wasn't good at keeping anything to himself or pretending that he wasn't running the subject of children through his mind, especially after seeing Anya playing with their friends' children. It only encouraged his thoughts all the more, until he had no choice but to bring them up out of being too obvious, especially to Anya. He felt terrible about that too, making her worry when this vacation was supposed to be able relaxation and having fun. Jamie's guilt about worrying her manifested all the more hearing that she'd felt like something was off, and he knew that he couldn't keep his thoughts to himself, and that it was an unnatural thing when the two of them were usually so open with one another. He smiled a little at Anya for always putting him at ease, grateful that she was honestly so easy to talk to and so supportive of anything he wanted to express. The thought about the way his own words may have come off as the beginnings of a break-up speech didnā€™t initially occur to Jamie, especially when he'd just been saying exactly what was on his mind, unable to hold back keeping it to himself for very long. And the words themselves were difficult enough to say, especially given Jamie hadnā€™t ever seen himself in this position, or even thought heā€™d be considering fatherhood in any way. But he loved Anya and knew he wanted to spend his life with her, and he also knew that he wanted to do everything to make her happy. Having children was something important to her and something that would make her happy, Jamie knew that, and given how amazing he thought that Anya was with kids, he didnā€™t want to be the one to deny her of a chance at being a mother. He hadnā€™t thought too far ahead to considering Anyaā€™s reaction given the talk had been a bit on a whim, but once Jamie was finished telling her everything on his mind, he couldnā€™t help noticing the brief quiet and had the moment of wondering exactly what Anya had been thinking. The thought that heā€™d come across like he wanted to break up with her immediately hit him hard, and Jamie had wanted to make sure Anya was okay, going with his first thought of immediately pulling her into his lap in order to offer some comfort.
He instantly felt a little better just having her close, both for being able to comfort her and drawing comfort from her for himself when the conversation had given him its fair share of nerves. ā€œThatā€™s right, and thereā€™s no way Iā€™m voluntarily giving you up, darling,ā€ he reaffirmed before pressing a quick yet affectionate kiss to her lips in order to drive the point home. Jamie didnā€™t blame her in the least for where her mind went, knowing fear had some pretty extreme effects on the mind, including entertaining things that might never happen. Though in this case, Jamie was certain a break-up talk was one heā€™d never have with Anya. Part of Jamie wished he could see himself as a good father as earnestly as Anya seemed to, and he knew Anya had a habit of seeing the best in most people - it was one of the things he loved about her, after all. But he didnā€™t know if parenthood would suit him, if heā€™d be good at being a father to any kid, and despite Anyaā€™s encouragement, it wasnā€™t something Jamie felt the least bit confident about. His reasoning was that perhaps if their child had one good parent, which he had every confidence Anya would be, itā€™d make up for him not being as good himself. He offered Anya a wry grin at her words, before giving a small shrug. ā€œThatā€™s true. Though counts that we agree on everything else important, right?ā€ he asked, giving her a more genuine smile at the kiss to his cheek before resting his head to hers again. This whole conversation was one Jamie hadnā€™t quite been expecting to have, so the thinking much farther past it, like exactly when heā€™d want to have children, had been a bit of an afterthought. Now he found himself a bit thrown by Anyaā€™s question and uncertain exactly how to answer it. ā€œNo, itā€™s okay,ā€ Jamie followed up to her statement, chewing his lip a little in thought. ā€œI mean, itā€™s a fair question.ā€ He thought it'd be better to listen to Anya's answer, especially since he was uncertain about his own at that point, mulling over the thought that Anya didn't want to wait as long as multiple years before trying for kids. Pressing his lips together in thought before he spoke, Jamie wasn't entirely sure what he'd say at that point, but he knew it was an important conversation to have, making sure they were on the same page past vague timelines. "So...what's the middle ground between not waiting years and not being parents tomorrow?" he asked with a playful half smile, even if it was a solid question. "You said when things feel right, and I guess they wouldn't unless we were in a forever home, like our farm that we want. I doubt either of us would want to be making that move in the midst of you being pregnant or with a kid, but I'm just thinking out loud, mostly." | @anyakined
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anyakined Ā· 3 months
well, you're more than welcome -- though i feel like i should be thankful that they wanted me to bring such an amazing character to life, honestly. though thank you for complimenting my acting, that means so much to me. it has gotten mixed reviews from the die-hard mad max fans -- but for the most part, they've been good! but i'm like you, it's a movie that has a bit of everything for everyone. oh goodness, i loved playing sandie so much because i loved the outfits i got to wear as her. not to mention, i loved getting to dance and sing too! plus, you've watched it many times? i love hearing that! and the cast was so amazing, wasn't it? i still can't get over how good matt and thomasin were! oh, i've been in so many wonderful films with so many amazing people, it truly is hard to pick which is my favorite. but yes, the vvitch was my first film, and to this day i think it's the best thing to ever happen to me! oh goodness, i was freshly eighteen in that film, and it's a little surreal to me now and feels like it was so long ago! it's pretty easy to be sweet to someone who seems like a total sweetheart -- Ā just throwing that out there! then nana is what i shall call you, especially since it's what you're used to. but i understand because my real name is anya-josephine and i can't imagine being called anything but anya.Ā || @imjinchs
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Youā€™re very welcome! Thank you for bringing Furiosa to life. Sheā€™s a wonderful character, and youā€™re a sensational actress. You really did do her justice. Itā€™s gotten mixed reviews? That surprises me. I loved it so much. I know everyone has different tastes, but it was such a good movie! I thought it had a bit of everything for everyone. Oh, Sandie holds a huge part of my heart. Last Night in Soho was so good, Iā€™ve watched it multiple times! I really did enjoy it. The story, the cast, the performancesā€¦ perfection. Thatā€™s a good choice, though! But, I fully understand you finding it difficult to pick. I think Iā€™ve only seen The VVitch once. It was your first movie? Why did I not know that? Thatā€™s so insane. It feels like youā€™ve been around for a lot longer than that. Aw, youā€™re the sweetest. Thank you so much, beautiful lady. Nana is more what Iā€™m used to, if Iā€™m being honest. @anyakined
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