ao3tageverything · 10 months
Carpe Jugulum - AO3 tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms Discworld
Categories General
Characters Nanny Ogg, Granny Weatherwax, Agnes Nitt/Perdita X Dream, Mightily-Praiseworthy-Are-Ye-Who-Exalteth-Om 'Mightily' Oats, Magrat Garlick, Hodgesaaargh, Igor
Additional Tags vampires, childbirth going wrong, death, dissociative identity disorder/multiple personality disorder, christening, accidental unfortunate naming, mind manipulation, mystical creatures, fat shaming, Witch triple, magpies, priest, kingdom takeover, magical landscape, hiding in a cave, seductive vampires, pictsies, bloodsucking, ancient being, anti-tradition, rebelling servant, the Nac Mac Feegle, excorcism, theological debates, lots and lots of references to vampire stories, uprising, berserk mode, siege, mob, possession, the dog dies (temporarily), phoenix, craving for tea, there's always a bigger fish
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ao3tageverything · 11 months
The Blood of Youth (drama) - AO3 tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings Major Character Death
Fandoms The Bloof of Youth
Categories General
Relationsships Xiao Se & everybody
Additional Tags innkeeper, quest, martial arts, gambling house, brawl, secret martial arts techniques. monk, travelling companions. prison break, secret identity, duty, tower challenge, drinking challenge, previous generation drama, bad disguise, love at first sight, martial arts challenges, bromance, surprise siblings, martial arts tournament, bickering, Imperial sibling rivalry, childhood friends, political power struggle, assassination attempt, legendary swords, battle couple, newly-wed widow, poisened wine, going berserk, seafaring, accidently making friends, obsessing over lost love, trying to bring back the dead, immortal, duel, healing, martial arts re-start, lonely death, tragic rain, grand banquet, surprise funeral, eunuchs, political tactics, eye surgery, mind control by poison, attempted fratricide, crossdressing as a disguise, warrior eunuchs, crush to friendship, loyalty, rebellion, bluff, power struggle, sword duel challenge, fighting inner demons, the power of friendship, power-up, Chekhov's Gun, suicide to escape punishment, dramatically timed snowfall, time-skip ending, post-mortem slyness, Imperial Court politics
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ao3tageverything · 1 year
Bill & Ted Face the Music - AO3 tagged
Rating General Audiences
Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms Bill & Ted
Categories General
Relationsships Bill & Ted
Additional Tags Wyld Stallions, marital crisis, time travel, song writing, end of the world, time-travelling box, assassin robot, meeting yourself from another time, second generation, getting the band back together, all-star band, crack, hell, family, Grim Reaper, preventing the collapse of reality
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ao3tageverything · 1 year
Equal Rites- AO3 tagged
Rating General Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms Discworld Categories Other Relationsships Granny Weatherwax & Eskarina Smith
Characters Granny Weatherwax, Eskarina Smith, Simon, Archchancellor Cutangle
Additional Tags wizards, magical rituals, dying, wizard's staff, Death, witches, Borrowing, sentient apple tree, trip to the big city, getting lost, travel by river boat, leaking magic, stuttering, sexism, mis-timed unability to use magic, disguising as a servant, dangerous library, unnatural storm, unlikely allies, Dungeon Dimensions, deformed creatures, ... [spoilers after the jump]
winning by refusing to fight
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ao3tageverything · 1 year
Greatest Showman - AO3tagged
Rating General Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Categories General Relationsships P. T. Barnum/Charity Hallett-Barnum, Phillip Carlyle/Anne Wheeler Additional Tags musical, biographical, poverty, mid-19th century America, fraud, freak show, circus, Queen Victoria, opera, period-typical racism, attempted homewrecking, arson, found family, optimistic ending
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ao3tageverything · 1 year
Night Watch - AO3 tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences Warnings Minor Character Death Fandoms Discworld Categories General
Characters Samuel Vimes, Fred Colon, Nobby Nobbs, Carrot Ironfoundersson, Carcer, Rosie Palm, Dr. John “Mossy” Lawn, Lu-Tze, Samuel Vimes (young version), Findthee Swing, Lady Roberta Meserole, Havelock Vetinari, Qu, Ned Coates
Additional Tags lilac, cop killer, commemoration day, visiting graves, mad murderer, storm, magical accident, time travel, Monks of History, mulitverse theory, wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, impersonation, curfew, meeting your former self, secret police, craniometry, fledgling revolution, riots, booby traps, bamf!Vimes, the art of deescalation, build-up to big events, Sam Vimes whump, barricades, item connecting you with reality, changing history, torture chambers, torture victims, coup de grâce/mercy kill, arson, improvised weapon, The People’s Republic of Treacle Mine Road, hero worship, soldiers’ song, civil war, malicious use of ginger in body orifices, assassination, terror-induced heart attack, coup d'état, death by grapnel, violating amnesty, surprise attack, police-confiscated vehicle, improvised plumes, delayed major injury reaction, mêlée, berserk moment, the Glorious 25th of May, back to the future, disregarding one’s nudeness, difficult childbirth, beyond exhaustion, ... (spoilers after the jump)
not changing history (much) after all, resisting the beast inside, by-the-book arrest
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ao3tageverything · 1 year
Ponyo - AO3 tagged
Rating General Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Categories F/M - I mean, kind of? They’re still kids, so... Relationsships Ponyo/Sosuke - though they’re only five, it is implied at the end Additional Tags underwater world, weird submarine, mermaids (kinda), underwater creatures, running away from home, marine pollution, sea-side town, that’s not a goldfish, superstitions that hold some truth, reckless driving, quirky magician dad, magic, name change, rebellious teenage daughters, except she’s only five, transformation, supernatural storm, irresponsible parenting, tsunami, supportive siblings, the whole town gets flooded but no-one seems to care much, it’s the end of the world, irresponsible adults letting little kids go off alone, WTF is even happening, sea goddess mum, more irresponsible parenting, everybody lives (somehow)
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ao3tageverything · 2 years
Nirvana in Fire, Season 1 - AO3tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences Warnings Major Character Death Rape/Non-Con (attempted) Categories General Relationsships Lin Shu & Xiao JingYan Additional Tags wuxia, hideaway in the mountains, bickering among friends, “only the one to defeat me in battle can be my husband”, bodyguard, secret identity, hidden past, martial arts tournament, court intrigues, date rape drugs, attempted rape, fall from grace, secrets, strong female characters, childhood friends, decayed mansion, skeletons, bickering brothers, brawls, reminiscing about the past, brothels, least favourite son, mild poisening, illness, not listening to what the doctor says, attempt at blowing things up, New Years celebrations, lots of plotting against each other, having your family be on the wrong side, switched at birth (not quite), worst birthday party ever, best friends, leaving home, fast forward/time skip, corruption, disaster relief, heated arguments, rescue mission, layers of deception, head games, prison, interrogation, hidden parentage, rebellion (failed), last stand, help arrives in the nick of time, feral human, suicide (real), suicide (faked), presumed dead people being alive, arranged marriage, romantic reunion, peculiar poison, deadly cure, not having much time left to live, hiding the truth in plain sight, assassination attempts, re-opening a cold case, war, child soldiers, non-happy ending, epilogue jump to the future
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ao3tageverything · 2 years
Wyrd Sisters - AO3 tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences Warnings Minor Character Death Fandoms Discworld, Macbeth Categories General Relationsships Magrat Garlick/Verence (minor)
Characters Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, Magrat Garlick, Fool/Verence, Tomjon, Hwel
Additional Tags witch coven, Shakespeare references, murder, regicide, becoming a ghost, virgin & mother & crone, orphan baby, conscious magical object, theatrical troupe, fairytale references, going mad, self-mutilation, innuendos, invocation, anthropomorphic personification of kingdoms, jester, rumour, imprisoning witches, threat of torture, attempted rape, magic, magic time travel, first kiss, play writing, The Globe theatre, destiny, crystal ball, propaganda, theater play, words have power, hidden heir, denying destiny, working hard at being something you’re not cut out to be, accidental suicide, mauled to death by wildlife (hinted at), unexpected family relations
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ao3tageverything · 2 years
Checkmate - AO3 tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms Agatha Christie Categories General Relationsships Si Tu Yan & Luo Shao Chuan Additional Tags Chinese Republican era, murder, corruption, train journey, upgrade to first class, Murder on the Orient Express, marooned train, murder investigation, red herring, vigilantism, Manchuria, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, framed for murder, everyone is suspicious, everybody lies, suicide, opening a detective agency, kidnapping, girls’ school, haunted school, Cat Among the Pigeons, convenient inablity to remember faces, one case - several murderers, fake suicide, arsenic poisoning, gossip as source of information, torture, analysing the case in a room full of people, impersonation, adultery, blackmail, coercing someone to drink, cold case, Five Little Pigs, morphine poisoning, womanizer, taking the blame for someone else, jealousy, tied up with a bomb, The Kidnapped Prime Minister, solving a case under pressure of time, foreign consul, foreign spy organisation, suicide in prison, conspiracy, murder at a dinner in a remote mansion, dinner guests as suspects, The Four Suspects, even more poisoning, surprise parenthood, snowed in, sowing distrust, evil mastermind, evil foreigners (Japanese int his case), throwing yourself in the line of a gunshot, seppuku/jigai, bros before hoes, in love with a spy
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ao3tageverything · 2 years
Endeavour Season 1 - AO3 tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms Inspector Morse Categories General Relationsships Endeavour Morse & Fred Thursday Additional Tags 60s Britain, murder, Oxford University, Criminal Investigation Department, town and gown, staturory rape, apparent suicide, false accusations, opera, several attempts at quitting your job, grievous bodily harm, secret parenthood, adultery, unbidden mentor, amphetamines, military past, blackmail, drug dealing, encryption, epilepsy, attempted child abduction, period-typical smoking, bullying at work, themed murders, serial killer, mind games, period-typical casual drinking, royal visit, cold case, rape (hinted at), enemies from the past, night club, threatening the family, getting shot, death in the family
additional comment unter the line (spoiler)
I didn’t know how to really tag this, but I do want to add that while every episode on its own is good, over the course of the first season I saw a certain pattern: in four out of five episodes either the victims or the murderers were women who either committed adultery or wanted/planned to. I think this is a little too much to be a coincidence, but I strangely also could not find any comment about this online.
Even in a broader sense I’d say: do not expect any sane likeable female character of any substance. A shame, really.
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ao3tageverything · 2 years
Snuff - AO3 tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms Discworld Categories General
Relationsships Samuel Vimes/Lady Sybil
Characters Havelock Vetinari, Rufus Drumknott, Samuel Vimes, Cheery Littlebottom, Carrot Ironfoundersson, Mister Willikins, Felicity Beedle, Feeney Upshot, Fred Colon, Nobby Nobbs, Young Sam Vimes, the Summoning Dark, Tears of the Mushroom, A. E. Pessimal, Wee Mad Arthur
Additional Tags involuntary holiday, countryside, stately home, domestic servants, British aristocracy country life, Sam/Sybil fluff, Jane Austen references, battle butler, pub brawl, class divide, crimedar tingling, rural community, naughty puns, murder, mentoring, goblins, protected by darkness, night vision, goblin cave, slavery, mercy kill, scatology, anti-goblin speciesism, children’s books, goblin superstition, harp music, drug smuggling, out of jurisdiction, goblin ghost possession, identity crisis, mob, mentoring, slave ship, storm, white water, mad boat trip, voice inside your head, bamf!Vimes, fight on a riverboat, wreckage, wondrous resurrection, Quirm, preceding reputation, kidnapping, maritime chase, mad murderer, inter-species romance, healthy marriage, murderer on the run, riverboat cruise, actions maybe slightly outside the law, music changing the world, prisoner transport breakout, voluntary holiday, ... (spoilers after the jump)
very morally grey killing of the villain
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ao3tageverything · 2 years
Ms. Cupid in Love - AO3tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Categories F/M
Characters Shangguan Ya, Chu Ye/Bo Yan, Li Fu, Ouyang Jing, Xu YunChuan
Additional Tags fallen god, matchmaking, memory loss, magic tree, slapstick comedy, Bachelor Club, fake betrothal, mobs, accidental kiss, bickering, childhood sweethearts (one-sided), kidnapping, involuntary boat ride, deity in disguise, shameless flirting, rivalry, sabotage, piggyback ride, romantic lantern festivals, dates as projectile weapons, matchmaking event, jealousy, fatphobia directed at kids, petty use of magic, more one-sided childhood sweethearts, drinking with your best friend, drunken shenanigans, physical punishment, damsel in distress, forbidden love, getting caught in a compromising situation, bad plans to expose a deity in disguise, important pendant, soul snatching, love confession to an unconscious person, quest to a supernatural land to find a cure, illusion, test of character, sacrifice, recuperation, third-wheeling, attempted murder, travelling by magic, more casual drinking, communication problems, cross-dressing, undercover investigation, surprise birthday party, memory loss (again), gardening, [more after the jump]
wedding, time jump, returning to earth
Relationsships Shangguan Ya/Chu Ye, Ouyang Jing/Li Fu
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ao3tageverything · 2 years
Before Sunrise - AO3 tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms Before Trilogy Categories F/M Relationsships Jesse/Céline Additional Tags 90s, train ride, Austria, conversation, swearing, Vienna, spending only one night together, sneaking glances at each other, fairground, kissing on a ferris wheel, not much plot, lots of talking, sightseeing, poem, philosophical late night talks, music club, "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus", spending the night in a park, making out on the lawn, otherwise just lots of dialogue really, postmodern romance, ambiguous ending
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ao3tageverything · 2 years
Thud! - AO3 tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms Discworld Categories General
Characters Samuel Vimes, Cheery Littlebottom, Angua von Überwald, Sally von Humpeding, A. E. Pessimal, Fred Colon, Nobby Nobbs, Carrot Ironfoundersson, Detritus, Otto Chriek, Chrysoprase, Lady Sybil, Havelock Vetinari, Brick, Bashful Bashfullsson
Additional Tags political unrest, murder, commemoration day, anti-vampire speciesism, inspection of the Watch, huge famous painting, art theft, Black Ribboner vampire, troll drug addict, murder cover-up (attempted), state-of-the-Craft technomancy, dwarf fundamentalists, mine, runes, infection through a cut, quasi-demonic entity, demonic possession, troll criminal organization, very important bedtime story reading, werewolf-vampire rivalry, riots, flooding tunnels, troll king, board game club, recurring ominous sign, attack on the family, ancient Devices, barely contained rage, girls’ night out, terror in the dark, scared to death (literally), mad master painter, travel by magic coach, inner world, legendary battle field, cyclorama, mind control, Sam Vimes whump, near Death experience, temporary madness, double wielding, going berserk, aggressive bedtime story recital, inner Watchman, very good anger management, Nobby being Nobby, meaningful scar, ... (spoilers after the jump)
ancient peace treaty negotiations gone wrong, historic moment frozen in time, spy exposed
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ao3tageverything · 2 years
Yesterday - AO3tagged
Rating General Audiences Warnings No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms The Beatles Categories F/M Additional Tags British port town, Singer-Songwriter, Suffolk, working in a warehouse, Latitude Festival, childhood friends, global blackout, car accident, alternative reality, Beatles erasure, impersonator, album recording, Ed Sheeran cameo, stoner friend, European Tour, friend-zoned love interest, Los Angeles, asshole manager, social media buzz, sudden superstardom, Liverpool, marketing, music business, rooftop concert, John Lennon never got shot, public love confession, happy ending, epilogue future
Relationsships Jack Malik/Ellie Appleton
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ao3tageverything · 2 years
The Fifth Elephant - AO3tagged
Rating Teen And Up Audiences Warnings Minor Character Death Animal Death Fandoms Discworld Categories General
Relationsships Samuel Vimes/Lady Sybil, Angua von Überwald/Carrot Ironfoundersson
Characters Fred Colon, Samuel Vimes, Carrot Ironfoundersson, Havelock Vetinari, Nobby Nobbs, Angua von Überwald, Cheery Littlebottom, Detritus, Igor, Lady Margolotta, Inigo Skimmer, Wolfgang von Überwald, Lady Sybil, Gaspode
Additional Tags dwarf politics, involuntary ambassador, semaphore towers, murder in a condom factory, promotion-induced panic mode, Überwald, incognito assassin, bandit ambush, bamf!Vimes, wolves, paranoia, Guild formation, diplomacy, caves, dwarfs, fundamentalists, vampires, werewolves, workers strike, diplomatic function, assassination attempt (of course there has to be one), dwarf opera, theft of a ceremonial item, prison break, winter, manhunt, near-Death experience, I’m too old for this sh- (Vimes, probably), berserk mode, rescue in the nick of time, geo-political and historical insinuations, family troubles, just obeying orders, creepy castles, fighting like a gentleman (and subsequently losing), resisting arrest, ... (spoilers after the jump)
fireworks as a weapon, there never was any theft, it’s real if you believe that it is
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