sailor-moon-rei · 2 days
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by rikaco
art republished with artist’s permission
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videoclubs · 17 hours
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THE BOY AND THE HERON ‘君たちはどう生きるか’ dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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manga-and-stuff · 2 days
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Source: The Art of Nausicaä of the valley of the wind
by Hayao Miyazaki
Link to the full Artbook
Text transcription under "keep reading"
The Valley of the Wind where Nausicaä lives is a small kingdom With a population of a mere five hundred people in a remote region; it just barely manages to avoid harm from the miasma of the Sea of- Decay, thanks to the wind blowing in off the ocean.
Anti-sand slats have also been built at the entrance to the valley to prevent clouds of miasma sand from blowing in.
As the name suggests, the wind always blows here, and the people pump water from underground and supply it to the fields using windmills all over the valley and large windmills on the castle, the valley's main feature.
The citizens mainly farmers, coexisting peacefully With the Sea of Decay, and are led by Nausicaä's father, Jihl, Who is the tribe Chief; the five old men of the castle; and the old woman, Obaba.
But they face an unfortunate crisis when the Giant Warrior excavated from beneath the city of Pejite is brought into the valley by the Tolmekian army.
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lnfancia · 2 days
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Ponyo by the Cliff by the Sea (2008)
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mcromwell · 2 days
Wow I finally saw The Wizard of Oz wait no sorry I mean The Boy and the Heron
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niidsch · 10 hours
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Ponyo (崖の上のポニョ), dir. Hayao Miyazaki, 2008
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alexstewart · 8 hours
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THE SECRET WORLD OF ARRIETTY 借りぐらしのアリエッティ 2010, Dir. Hiromasa Yonebayashi
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ophanim-vesper · 1 year
obsessed with how the entire movie is just this
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sop-soap · 8 months
love the new ghibli protagonist. what a little freak (affectionate). he has NO chill. a kid shoves him at the start of the movie and he instantly tackles them and proceeds to fight his entire class. he bashed his head in with a rock and tried to walk it off. the bird in his garden was doing funny things and he instantly starts making plans to murder it. was ready to beat the shit out of that pelican. i just know if he was allowed to curse he would have called that heron a bitch ass mother fucker. mahito was NOT fucking around.
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somanypolls · 3 months
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ghibli-collector · 7 months
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Hayao Miyazaki’s Happy New Year 2024 Year of the Dragon illustration
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yuumei-art · 8 months
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Trying out something different for the clouds~
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fucking relatable master yupa
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weenie-moon · 5 months
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astrawitch · 1 year
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Consumed by Hatred
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ankle-beez · 7 months
disney animation execs going on-record last year saying that they couldn't do 2d animated movies anymore because of the supposed "limitations" of the medium and then immediately losing to a 2d animated movie on awards season is too perfect
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